5 tips for holiday road travel


(BPT) – If you’re planning to travel for the holidays this year, you’re not alone. Over 107 million people traveled last year for the holidays, according to estimates from the American Automobile Association (AAA), and more than 97 million of them did so along the nation’s highways. If you plan to join them this year, traffic and potholes aren’t the only potential problems you’ll need to navigate. Weather can also be a challenge during the holidays. According to the Federal Highway Administration, over 70 percent of the roads in the United States are located in snowy regions, which receive five inches of snow or more, on average each year.

The holidays are stressful enough, so with that in mind, Cooper Tires offers you these winter driving maintenance tips to be sure your car is ready for whatever the holiday roads have in store. Like every other aspect of your holiday celebrations, your car — and its tires — will benefit from a little preplanning.

1. Give your car a quick checkup. This is a great time to ensure all of your vehicle’s fluid levels are up to par — oil, windshield washer fluid, etc. You don’t want to be stuck without windshield washer fluid if snowy slush gets sprayed onto your windshield. This is also a good time to test your battery to see that it is still in working order. You can find how-to guides online for any of these tasks, and if you’re uncomfortable doing this yourself, you can also take your car to your mechanic for a quick inspection.

2. Be sure your tire tread is in good shape. When it comes to winter weather driving, a general rule is that the more tread depth, the better. A tire’s minimum tread depth should be more than 2/32 of an inch deep all around the tire. You can check your tread depth by inserting the edge of a penny into the tread with Lincoln’s head down, and facing you. If the top of Lincoln’s head is covered by tread, there is at least a minimum amount of tread left. If the top of his head is visible at any point around the tire, it’s time for a replacement. While you’re examining the tread, you can also look for signs of uneven wear or damage such as cuts, cracks, splits, punctures and bulges. These conditions shorten the life of tires or even cause tire failure.

3. Have the right tires for your needs. While all-season tires are a great choice for many people, if you live in an area that routinely experiences extremely cold temperatures and/or heavy snowfall — or plan to travel to one during the holidays — you should add winter tires to your vehicle. Winter tires are specifically designed to improve braking and handling on snow and ice. The Discoverer True North™ winter tire from Cooper Tires is designed to provide the perfect combination of control and handling for confident winter driving, while maintaining a tight grip to the road in cold weather conditions. This helps allow you to keep excellent control while driving in any winter conditions, and also maintain a smooth, quiet and comfortable ride.

4. Pack an emergency kit in your car. Depending on where you are traveling, the road may take you through areas that aren’t so populated. And if your car breaks down in one of these areas, finding help can be difficult. Your kit should include water, a blanket, a battery-powered phone, some non-perishable food, a first-aid kit and the tools you would need to change a tire.

5. Prepare for the weather. Winter weather can be unpredictable, and the last thing you want to do is feel like you are racing somewhere so as not to be late. Driving in ice or snow is an everyday part of life for the owners of more than 250 million vehicles across the country, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. If you will be among them, allow extra time in your holiday plans so that you can drive slower in bad weather or even pull over and spend the night in a hotel if necessary. Remember: It’s more important that everyone show up for the holiday festivities rather than when they show up.

To learn more about Cooper’s Discoverer True North™ tires, visit www.coopertire.com.

5 tips for avoiding the cold & flu this year


(BPT) – Last year we experienced an unprecedented cold and flu season. The CDC reported an early flu season and much higher than expected rates of hospitalizations for the flu. It is never too early to start preparing your home and workplace to prevent the spread of this viral and infectious, but also life-threatening, illness. These tips can help prevent you and your family from catching the virus.


Flu-related viruses can live outside the body for a long period of time, which is why it’s important to disinfect surfaces in your home and workplace. Germs are everywhere and disinfecting works by using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces or objects. This will decrease the spread of germs and subsequently reduce the risk of infection. The CDC suggests daily sanitizing surfaces and objects that are touched often, such as desks, countertops, doorknobs, computer keyboards, hands-on learning items, faucet handles, phones and toys.

Wash your hands

The flu is a very contagious disease so it’s important to stop the spread of the related viruses. Washing your hands can help limit the spread by killing some of the viruses and thus decreasing your risk for infection. Wash them with warm water and soap for 60 seconds or longer as your best way to avoid germs. Make it a habit to wash your hands regularly at work and at home.

Eat healthy foods

Keeping nutritious food at your home and workplace and eating balanced meals can strengthen your immune system. With a healthier immune system, you will be better equipped to fight off infections and actually decrease the risk of getting sick. Eating balanced meals and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can strengthen your immune system and help you avoid the risk of catching the flu.

Get vaccinated

Getting vaccinated will overwhelmingly decrease the risk of getting the flu this cold and flu season, thus keeping your home and workplace safer environments in general. It’s the best defense against the flu, and getting it early can help decrease the chance of you getting sick. According to the CDC, it’s best to get vaccinated before flu begins spreading in your community. The flu vaccine takes at least two weeks to become fully effective, so getting the shot early is highly recommended.

Avoid the waiting room

Crowded waiting rooms can expose you to other people’s germs along with spreading yours. To avoid these spaces and get the treatment you or your dependents need, consider using a telemedicine service to avoid the waiting room altogether this flu season.

One virtual care provider is Doctor On Demand, which has board-certified physicians available around the clock. The average wait time to see a Doctor On Demand physician is typically less than five minutes, compared to the three-week national average wait time to see a primary care physician.

Through video technology, physicians can diagnose and, if needed, prescribe medicine through the convenience of your mobile device, tablet or desktop computer. To access, download the free app (iTunes or Google Play) or create an account on the website. The service is covered by many insurance plans and employers. Enter your insurance information to find out your co-pay.

To learn more about using Doctor On Demand, visit www.doctorondemand.com.

Persistent respiratory symptoms could mean more than COPD


(BPT) – Patients experiencing the symptoms of a chronic condition often feel a sense of relief when their doctor provides a diagnosis. They are no longer left to wonder what’s wrong — there’s a name for what they’re feeling and a path forward to address it.

But not everyone gets this lucky. For patients like Merry, the initial diagnosis can be just the tip of the iceberg.

As a full-time professional, mom and wife in her mid-40s, Merry used to enjoy an active lifestyle until everyday activities, like climbing up a flight of stairs, became increasingly difficult as she experienced shortness of breath.

“It was while walking up a steep hill in a parking lot to pick up my daughter from an after-school activity that I noticed I kept having to stop and catch my breath,” Merry recalls.

Merry knew that something was wrong but didn’t know what it could be. After numerous appointments and tests, her doctor confirmed that she had a progressive lung disease called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). They discussed treatment options, and Merry felt frustrated about needing to manage her symptoms, but ultimately, she adjusted to a new normal.

But even with treatment, her respiratory symptoms persisted.

The link between COPD and NTM lung disease

For Merry, stairs started getting a little harder to climb. Her colds became a little more severe, and her coughing was so bad that she actually cracked a rib. It was confusing and upsetting at times, but she didn’t give up. After speaking with her doctor, she underwent tests that identified the other cause of her symptoms: common bacteria called nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM).

Similar to Merry’s story, COPD can lead to damage to the lungs that makes people more susceptible to infection from NTM. While most people do not develop NTM lung disease because their lungs are healthy enough to clear the bacteria, those with a history of lung conditions like COPD, bronchiectasis and asthma are at a higher risk for developing NTM lung disease. In fact, patients with COPD are reportedly 16 times more likely to get NTM lung disease than patients without the chronic condition.

NTM lung disease cases are rising in the U.S., growing 8 percent each year. An estimated 75,000–105,000 patients will be diagnosed with NTM lung disease in the U.S. in 2018. The most common species of NTM lung disease is called Mycobacterium avium complex or MAC, which accounts for more than 80 percent of all cases in the U.S.

The people most at risk for NTM lung disease are those aged 65 and older, a population that is expected to nearly double by 2030. Certain areas in the U.S. also have a higher prevalence of the condition, including Florida, New York, Texas, California, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Georgia, Illinois and Arizona.

Recognizing the symptoms

Patients who have NTM lung disease may not know it for months, or sometimes years, because the symptoms are similar to other lung conditions like COPD, asthma and bronchiectasis. But patients with both COPD and NTM lung disease may experience more flare-ups and difficulty breathing. Symptoms that won’t go away or worsen despite treatment is also a sign that it may be NTM lung disease.

“I had never heard of NTM lung disease before I was diagnosed and had no idea that I was at risk because of my COPD. I am very lucky to have a knowledgeable doctor who knew to look for it because I didn’t have some of the usual symptoms like a productive cough,” said Merry.

Resources and support for patients

Having access to education and support can help patients like Merry. Merry takes a proactive role in managing her treatment by learning more about NTM lung disease from looking for information online. There are also nonprofit organizations that focus on supporting and connecting people with COPD and NTM lung disease, including the COPD Foundation and NTM Info & Research.

If you think you or a loved one may have NTM lung disease, you can talk to a pulmonologist or infectious disease specialist about getting tested and available treatments for NTM lung disease. You can also access a library of tools and information and connect with other patients at BronchiectasisAndNTMInitiative.org. Additional resources, such as a discussion guide to help prepare for the next doctor appointment, real patient stories and information about NTM lung disease, can also be found at AboutNTM.com.

Sponsored by Insmed Incorporated and COPD Foundation.

A non-DIYer’s guide to the holidays


(BPT) – There are those who meticulously decorate dozens of sugar cookies for the office cookie exchange, give bottles of homemade Irish cream to coworkers for the holidays or send perfectly curated gift baskets to family and friends. And there are those who may want to do all of that, but don’t have the time or the creative flair. But that doesn’t mean their holidays can’t have that “homemade” charm. All it takes is a little help and savvy know-how, and your holiday celebrations can have the same love and care as if you DIYed them.

Here are some ways for you to make it look like a pro-DIYer was behind your holiday entertaining.

Semi-homemade hors d’oeuvres. Combine pre-made phyllo cups with already-prepared deli items like tuna or chicken salad, chicken curry, barbecued beef or pork or anything else that appeals to your palate. Or fill them with cheese like cubed brie or gruyere and pop them in the oven until the cheese is bubbly, or use ready-made pie filling to make a sweet treat. You can even raid your pantry and fill them with what you already have on hand. They’re elegant and easy, a perfect combination!

Know when to outsource. Cooking dinner or heavy hors d’oeuvres for a crowd can be time-consuming, but not everyone can use that time to prep for a party. The busy host or hostess knows the secret sauce of holiday entertaining is knowing when and what duties to outsource. Dessert is one easy option and a big time-saver. Even catering in your whole party becomes affordable when you factor in the cost of ingredients and the time you’ll spend prepping, cooking and cleaning up. Many grocery stores will even deliver a party to your door, hot, assembled and ready to go.

Hire a cleaning service. Kids and pets — and let’s face it, ourselves from time-to-time — tend to leave a swath of dirt, debris and clutter in their wake on the best of days, but around the holidays the mess seems to get magnified into epic proportions. Lucky for us, there are services like Merry Maids, which offers a variety of customizable cleaning services — from light housekeeping to disposing of those takeout boxes that have been in your fridge since the Clinton administration, to a deep clean of your entire house top-to-bottom. Even though 53 percent of women and 44 percent of men claim to enjoy cleaning — according to research Merry Maids recently conducted — a majority (72 percent) would “happily outsource their house cleaning to a service if they could.” This is likely because two-thirds of them (68 percent) also agree that having a cleaning service alleviates stress, and there is already enough of that going around during the holidays.

Give homemade gifts. (Just not made in your home.) You can find anything online, from handmade ornaments to art and collectibles. Etsy is one great site for finding creative gifts you may not have even known existed. It specializes in handcrafted, vintage and unique items, many that have been homemade. No one said they had to be made in your home. If you’re feeling creative, you can use Etsy and other online sites to find easy ways to personalize or DIY gifts you already have. One option is to make custom labels, which you can find on Etsy, for craft beer or wine to give as gifts. Or take something as simple as a candle or quilt and customize it to make it that much more meaningful.

Don’t even think about making dough. Ready-made pie crusts make baking a pie child’s play. One super easy recipe that will take you literally five minutes to assemble: Line a pie plate with one of the crusts. Mix 5 cups thawed or fresh blueberries with 1/2 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca and 1 tablespoon lemon juice, pop the mixture into the crust, top it all with the second crust and cut four slits in it. Fancy it up by brushing the top crust with milk and sprinkling a little sugar on it. Bake according to the directions on the pie crust box and boom, you’ve got pie. (Secret tip: You can buy pie filling ready made in a can, too.)

With everyone’s lives being so hectic these days between work, getting the kids to school and their various activities, and finding a few minutes to connect with your loved ones on any given day, the holidays can kick stress up a notch. But celebrating with family and friends should be fun and relaxing, right? Give yourself a break and use these easy tricks to add a personalized, DIY air to your holidays, just without the added stress.

5 Christmas party trends that will change your holiday celebrations this season


(BPT) – The days between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve are the busiest six weeks of the entire year for families thanks to a multitude of social gatherings. Chief among these celebrations is the Christmas party. With roots that date back to the Victorian era, the Christmas party has been a mainstay in American homes for decades, but in the last few years, the traditional holiday party has evolved.

From invitations to the party theme and how we organize the menu, new technology from companies like Punchbowl, and social platforms like Pinterest and Instagram have had a significant impact on Christmas party trends. How does your Christmas party planning measure up?

Here are five Christmas party trends that will change the way you host and celebrate this holiday season:

1. Text message invitations

Perhaps the most significant change in party planning is the introduction of invitations delivered instantly by text. Punchbowl, a top-rated app for online invitations, recently introduced text message invitations that allow you to easily send invites to contacts on your phone. The company says it is the fastest-growing method for inviting guests to a Christmas party. Text invitations help eliminate the back and forth of group email threads, cut down on frustrating “maybe” responses from potential guests, and make Christmas party planning more seamless than ever.

2. Themed holiday parties

This season, you’ll see Christmas parties dominated by offbeat themes that offer a unique spin on the classic Christmas cocktail party. Inspired by lifestyle content on social platforms like Pinterest and Instagram, holiday hosts are increasingly drawn to themed celebrations such as Ugly Sweater parties, Cookie Exchanges, White Elephant gift swaps, Christmas Pajama parties, Gingerbread Decorating events, Christmas movie watch-parties, and other quirky motifs such as llama- or flamingo-themed gatherings. Themed Christmas parties offer a twist on tradition that excites guests and also helps the host narrow the options for food, drinks and décor.

3. Popularity of the potluck

The increasing number of Friendsgiving celebrations hosted by millennials has drawn attention to the potluck trend this year, but it is a trend that goes well beyond November. Christmas potluck parties offer a cost-effective alternative to catered dinners as well as an easy means to a bountiful and varied holiday spread. Digital platforms make it easy to organize a Potluck List for a Christmas party and ensure there are no duplicate dishes, which makes it a win-win for both hosts and guests.

4. Tech the halls

During last year’s holiday shopping season, Amazon’s Echo Dot was the best-selling product available from any manufacturer across all categories on Amazon.com. So it’s no surprise that voice assistants and other smart home technology will make their mark at this year’s holiday celebrations. You’ll see party hosts use tech to save time and create the perfect ambience for every gathering. With help from Nest, Philips Hue or Alexa, they’ll regulate the temperature in the living room, adjust the lighting in the kitchen, check the cooking time for the spiral ham and queue up a jolly holiday playlist for guests.

5. The party hashtag

The party hashtag trend started in the wedding industry with couples who wanted to see all the photos from their guests. This year, you’ll see it for all types of parties, including Christmas celebrations. Guests are more likely than ever to snap photos and share them immediately on Facebook or Instagram. Holiday hosts that set up a photobooth area and share a party hashtag will see all the memories from their celebration. Bonus: A party hashtag allows guests to find and connect with new acquaintances on social media after the event.

Hosting a Christmas party this year? Start with free text invitations, choose a fun party theme, make it a potluck, use smart home tech to save time and share your party hashtag. That’s all you need for a fantastic, trend-forward Christmas celebration your guests will love.

Bullying prevention: 5 tips to encourage parent-child conversation


(BPT) – If you’re a parent, you bring your kids to their annual checkups, get their teeth cleaned twice a year and help them eat well and get enough sleep. You do this to keep them physically healthy, but what about their mental health?  

For parents, it can sometimes seem difficult to monitor and gauge a child’s emotional well-being, which is affected by a number of things that parents and children may not discuss. Having conversations around these issues is the best way to keep them in check. One issue that is of particular concern is bullying. Bullying is a big problem today — fueled even more in the age of the internet. Often, troubles with classmates are hidden from parents’ view, whether they take place in the classroom, on the bus or online. 

Nearly half (47 percent) of parents confess that one of their greatest fears is that their child will be bullied, according to a survey by Planet Fitness. And while nearly one-quarter (24 percent) of parents admit their child has been the victim of bullying, only 8 percent have children that talk to them regularly about it. 

This is why it’s important for parents to stay in tune to their children’s behaviors and talk to them openly. If you notice your child acting differently, it may be because something is happening to them at school or a different setting. You can use your observations as an opportunity to start an important conversation about what’s going on. 

“Be careful with how you perceive your child’s behavior, as the way they are feeling on the inside might not be the emotion they show on the outside,” says Marc Brackett, PhD, director of Yale’s Center for Emotional Intelligence and lead developer of RULER, a school-based approach to teaching social emotional learning in classrooms that has been adopted by hundreds of schools and districts across the country, as well as adapted for after-school settings such as Boys & Girls Clubs. “If your child is acting out of the ordinary, for example, it’s best to speak with them about their day to help you identify the root cause of their actions.” 

Tips for meaningful conversation with your child 

Fostering regular, meaningful conversation with your child helps build trust so that you can hear all about their experiences, both the good and the bad, and can weigh in with your loving support. 

Share common experiences: To show empathy and help your child to understand they aren’t alone, Brackett suggests that if you have ever experienced something similar to what your child is going through, such as if you were ever bullied, share that experience with your child. When you relate your experiences to your child’s situation, it will encourage them to share what happened and how he or she feels about it. 

Brainstorm solutions: Ask your child what they want to do and how you can help, suggests Brackett. Come up with more than one option to deal with the situation. It’s important not to dictate, but suggest solutions and encourage them to come up with their own ways of dealing with the situation. Your child needs to feel like a part of the action plan for it to work. 

Utilizing proper tools will help you, your child and even your child’s school develop these action plans. PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center in partnership with Planet Fitness’ Judgement Free Generation, a philanthropic initiative that aims to prevent bullying and spark a pro-kindness movement, has created Bullying Prevention 101, a free-to-download resource designed to help elementary, middle and high schools build environments defined by kindness, acceptance and inclusion (by way of teachers, counselors and other educators). Experts from PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center also suggest parents: 

Listen to kids without judgement: Let kids do the talking and follow their lead. Discuss their experiences with an open mind and open heart. Then discuss their ideas on how they want to handle the situation and let them know that you’re there for them and will help no matter what. 

Be aware of being bullied and being the bully: Sometimes if a child is being bullied, they are more likely to replicate that behavior elsewhere. First, recognize that children bully for many reasons. Next, help them understand how that behavior affects others and encourage positive solutions. 

Encourage kindness: Help your child understand the importance of showing support and being kind to everyone, especially others who might be victims of bullying. Even if the crowd goes one way, it’s always important to stand up for what’s right. 

For more ideas about fostering positive and productive conversations with young people about bullying, as well as to access Bullying Prevention 101 resources, visit https://www.pacer.org/planetfitness.

Why your business credit score matters


(BPT) – Every employee these days knows that, when being offered a job, it’s common to have your prospective employer run a background and credit check. Even if the employee isn’t in the cash room counting the day’s take, negative items on a credit report can raise a red flag about the employee’s decision-making skills and degree of responsibility.

But, if you own the business, your credit is a nonissue, right? That’s a common misconception among many new entrepreneurs. Here are some of the ways your credit score, and that of your business (wait, my business has a credit score?) can impact your operations and bottom line, from the credit experts at VantageScore.

How personal credit scores are different than business credit scores

The two scores are not measuring the same thing. Personal credit scores, like VantageScore 4.0, measure the likelihood you’ll fall behind on your bills or have some other negative financial behaviors over a time horizon. Business scoring models are often different and are trying to predict different behaviors. For example, business credit scores commonly predict how many days the business will take to pay. Businesses are also scored using a different scale. Personal scores typically run on a scale from 300 to 850. Generally, if you’re 650 or above, you’re OK. Anything below, and you’ve got work to do. Business scores often don’t have the same scale. They range from zero to 100 in some reporting agencies and from zero to 300 in others.

Why personal credit scores are important to starting up a business

For a new entrepreneur, especially if you’re a sole proprietor, having a strong personal credit score could mean the difference between receiving optimal financing for the business and not getting the best rates. If you get a business loan, your personal score will really be important. It can also help in smaller ways, like getting a cell phone plan for the business without a hefty deposit. Even if you’re a more established business owner, maintaining strong personal credit, along with strong business credit, is important as well. You may need additional funding down the line, or want to buy your own storefront. Strong credit makes the world go round.

Scores like VantageScore 4.0 also use trended credit data, which can indirectly help your business. For example, if you charge significant amounts on your personal credit card for business expenses, but do not pay off those charges in full, you aren’t penalized the same way as with more conventional models.

How to get a business credit score

It doesn’t just happen. You must incorporate, get an Employer Identification Number, and obtain a DUNS number from Dun & Bradstreet. Your Employer Identification Number is one of the keys to business credit and is your credit profile number. You’ll have to begin to have financial, vendor or trade accounts that are reported to one of the many commercial credit reporting agencies.

How to build a strong business credit score

Pay your bills on time, establish vendor credit, keep your debt at a workable level, and have good cash flow and reserves. The longevity of your business also comes into play when calculating its score. For new businesses, the lack of longevity can bedevil their scores, but keep at it. The longer you’re in the black, the better your score will be.

How to monitor it and why it matters

As an individual, you’re allowed one free credit report from the three national credit reporting agencies every 12 months. With business, it’s different. Business owners can monitor their scores by contacting commercial credit reporting agencies and often pay a fee to get their full reports. Do this regularly and look for errors in your business credit reports that could impact business scores.

Hiring employees and credit

When hiring employees, it’s common to do a background and, in some cases, credit check. It’s especially important if the employee will be handling money, because impropriety in your cash room or in the till can affect your business adversely, wreak havoc with your bottom line and ultimately affect your business credit score if the theft is so bad it impacts your cash flow or your ability to pay vendors. Credit scores are not included in the employer-requested credit report (and the credit reports can only be obtained with permission from the employee or prospective employee).

Company credit cards

Using a company credit card is a great way to build positive credit for your business. Using your business card for business is a win-win for you because you protect your personal credit and grow your business credit at the same time. But as with personal credit cards, keep your business card’s utilization low.

For additional reading about business credit, here are some resources from the pros at VantageScore.

4 easy health hacks to stay tough this winter season


(BPT) – With never-ending holiday gatherings, travel, Sunday football tailgates and early morning snow-shoveling, everyone’s looking to stay strong and healthy this winter season. Along with colder temperatures, winter also brings a host of preventable sicknesses. In fact, the CDC estimates that there were over 49.7 million cases of the flu in the United States between 2017 and 2018, with a major spike occurring from November through February.

With cold and flu season in full effect, you should get a flu shot if you can safely do so. Beyond that, you can help keep your immune system strong by making simple tweaks to your daily routine, like adding Welch’s 100% Grape Juice to meet your daily vitamin C needs.

Check out these four simple things to keep you feeling strong and healthy this flu season:

1. Get your zzz’s

Did you know that most healthy adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep? More than ever, be sure to get enough sleep and establish a morning routine so your body can acclimate and regenerate this winter. With colder temps and less daylight, it becomes more difficult to get up and going, so begin your morning with an upbeat playlist or mindful meditation to start the day off energized.

2. Add tough antioxidants

Kicking your day off on the right foot should also mean starting with a glass of Welch’s 100% Grape Juice. Packed with antioxidants, it’s a great source of vitamin C, which helps support a healthy immune system. One 8-ounce glass contains more than 40 Concord grapes and two servings of fruit, without any added sugars, colors or flavors. Welch’s Concord grape juice also contains more antioxidants than acai or blueberry and can serve as that super fuel to help you stay tough this winter.

3. Eat seasonally

Keep your diet healthy and seasonal. Need something to warm you up and keep you feeling good? Seek out foods like soups, stews and stir-fry that incorporate lean meats, dark leafy greens and legumes, all of which are high in iron, which helps increase vitamin C absorption and may help maintain energy.

4. Protect your gut

Did you know nearly 80 percent of your immune system is based in your gut? Ensure your gut stays healthy to help boost your immunity and maximize your vitamin absorption. Opt for probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kombucha and pickled vegetables.

Whether you’re looking to keep your immune system strong or get a head-start on establishing habits for a healthy 2019, look to incorporate these simple hacks — and Welch’s 100% Grape Juice — into your daily routine.

Your 2018 guide to earth-friendly holiday gifting


(BPT) – Each year, many people count down the days to the holiday season and save their money for festive decorations and gift giving. In fact, the average American will spend over $1,000 on holiday gifts, according to the National Retail Federation.

But before you start checking gifts off your list, consider going green this year. The best gifts not only have the latest features and styles, they also save energy and protect the environment. It’s a gift that gives back to your loved ones and the planet.

Cutting-edge electronics

Many of the latest models of your favorite gadgets have earned the ENERGY STAR label, meaning they are independently certified to save energy and money and protect the environment. You can find TVs, laptops, tablets, speakers, soundbars and more with this certification — something for everyone on your list. Look for ENERGY STAR on electronics while you’re out holiday shopping.

Advanced appliances

Appliances might not be the most flashy or exciting gifts around, but if they are ENERGY STAR certified, they’re gifts that keep on giving. Certified appliances use less energy and water, saving money on utility bills with every use. Treat your loved ones with the convenience of a new refrigerator, washer, dryer or dishwasher.

Smart thermostat

As temperatures drop, your heating bill is on the rise. For the average American household, almost half of the annual energy bill goes to heating and cooling — more than $900 a year.

If you’re concerned about your energy usage this winter, an ENERGY STAR certified smart thermostat can help you stay warm without breaking the bank. And those energy savings add up to a greener planet. If everyone used an energy-efficient certified smart thermostat, savings would grow to 56 trillion BTUs of energy and $740 million per year, offsetting 13 billion pounds of annual greenhouse gas emissions.

Modern lighting

Candy and socks are common stocking stuffers, but how about something unique this year? Give your friends and family something they really need. ENERGY STAR certified LED light bulbs last over 13 years with typical use and save nearly $55 in electricity costs in that time. LED light bulbs are available in warm to cool white light, so your gift can help set the mood in any room. You can also find energy-efficient light fixtures that come with LED light sources integrated right into their design that use up to 90 percent less energy.

Creative wrapping paper

Materials used to make gift wrapping paper are often not accepted for recycling, especially if it’s dyed, laminated or contains non-paper additives like glitter or plastics. Get creative when wrapping presents this year with old fabric, maps, sheet music, magazines or newspapers. You can even use baking pans or festive reusable tins.

Do-good donation

What do you get that friend or family member who has everything? That’s easy.

Donate to a charity or service organization that they support in their name. For example, donate to a local organization that promotes environmental research or conservation. Your gift could also include a promise to volunteer with an organization.

Follow this guide to green-up your holiday gifting. For more earth-friendly holiday gift ideas, visit energystar.gov/holiday.

New exchange program introduces young adults to corporate agriculture


(BPT) – For years, the International Farm Youth Exchange Association (IFYE) has offered young adults an opportunity to travel and learn about agriculture in a different country. Now, global agribusiness Syngenta is taking the program a step further by introducing a corporate component to the experience. This one-of-a-kind approach to agricultural education gives young adults the opportunity to job shadow in corporate settings as well as on farms — a practice that gives participants valuable industry insight as they prepare to enter into the workforce themselves.

Jenny Heaton, Syngenta head of people and organization development, decided to test this approach after first learning about IFYE at an agricultural diversity conference. She quickly saw the value in bringing the program into a corporate space and helped launch the pilot program in summer 2018.

The experience of a lifetime

The pilot was a success for Lisa Schmid, a German exchange student studying for her master’s degree in agricultural studies. The Syngenta IFYE program provided a chance for her to learn more about American culture and see the diversity of careers in agriculture.

Growing up on a farm in Stendal, Germany, Schmid developed an early interest in agriculture. Her family also participated in IFYE when Schmid was young, hosting two students from the U.S. and one from Finland. Later, her brother joined the IFYE program and was an exchange student in Kansas. It was only a matter of time before Schmid took her turn to participate in the IFYE program, too.

Schmid had the traditional IFYE experience in South Dakota, where she stayed with three farm families. But her three-week stay in Minnesota was unique.

During her time in the North Star State, Schmid was introduced to human resource initiatives, such as leadership development programming and organizational design. She also met with a company representative who investigates prospective investment opportunities, and learned the science behind the seed industry. “I was able to learn about other aspects of agriculture while spending time with my Syngenta hosts. It was an amazing adventure that I’ll always remember,” says Schmid.

Expanding the pilot program into new territory

IFYE is not just about exploring how different places grow food and raise livestock. It’s also about giving people the opportunity to learn more about global culture. IFYE is a unique experience because young adults have the chance to see agriculture from new perspectives — fresh outlooks that they can take back home with them and into their careers. That’s why Syngenta and IFYE are excited to continue the success of this pilot and expand the program to send young Americans abroad.

“We look forward to growing this relationship and working with Syngenta to offer our participants new experiences that continue to add value to the exchange program,” said Ken Gordon, executive director of IFYE.