America the risk-averse: Exploring people’s comfort level with financial risk


(BPT) – When it comes to finances, Americans have a tendency to play it safe and are generally risk averse. According to the latest findings from Northwestern Mutual’s 2019 Planning & Progress Study, nearly three-quarters of Americans (72%) report they are more comfortable reducing risk to ensure the safety and stability of their savings and investments, even if it means the potential for lower returns.

This tendency to protect financial investments is positive, but it’s also important to understand what’s driving some of these instincts — is it based on people’s comfort level with understood risks, or does it come out of an uncertainty or lack of awareness about the level of risk they’re taking?

It’s a nuanced question, but it’s an important distinction. For example, if you’re told that a snowstorm is coming without details of its path or location, it’s hard to know how best to prepare. With limited information, you may take extreme or unnecessary measures.

This can happen with personal finances as well. People may not be fully aware of the scope of risk or potential options, so may opt for caution, even at the risk of lower returns. More knowledge and information can lead to a better understating of actual risks, which can lead to greater confidence about your choices. Put another way, with more certainty you’re in a better position to prepare appropriately for pending storms.

As you start thinking about your New Year’s resolutions, consider these tips to improve your understanding of financial risk:

  • Have a plan: A plan helps you stay on track with your financial goals and can also work as a paradigm for your decision-making process. Northwestern Mutual’s recent research found that those who considered themselves to be “highly disciplined” planners have a higher risk tolerance on average compared to those who are “informal” planners.
  • Work with a professional: Financial experts can provide helpful information and guidance. Research confirms that those who work with an advisor report a higher risk tolerance than those who do not seek professional advice.
  • Address risk in your portfolio: The start of a new year is a good time to re-evaluate your portfolio to make sure it aligns with your individual risk tolerance and keeps you on track for your long-term goals. There are a number of products on both the investment and protection side that are designed to help manage risk.

Coping with the Challenges of Mental Illness During the Holidays


(BPT) – During the holiday season, many look forward to festivities and spending time with family, but for some, this time of year can be overwhelming and stressful. People living with mental health challenges may have an especially difficult time during this season as it can cause feelings of isolation and sadness. According to a survey conducted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 64% of people with mental illness say the holidays make their conditions worse.

Philadelphia native Jeff S. was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 17, and while he has found ways to live with his condition, Jeff says this time of year is tough for him as he has lost loved ones during the holidays, which he is reminded of each year.

“When I think of the holidays, I think of family members who I’ve lost. I recall fondly waking up when I was younger to the pleasing aroma of stuffing as my mother began preparing dinner for all her relatives. When my mother was living in an assisted living facility, she gave me a ticket to have a holiday meal with her a couple weeks before the holiday, but we never were able to have it since she passed away unexpectedly,” said Jeff. “Eight years before losing my mother, my brother, Paul, passed away unexpectedly two days before New Year’s. This makes the days seem much longer than any other day, and I usually can’t wait for them to be over.”

Jeff says, “people with mental health issues may have the additional suffering of not having families of their own or close by. These realities can cause them to feel separated from their relatives and society.”

In addition to managing his mental health, Jeff started experiencing abnormal movements he couldn’t control and was later diagnosed with a condition called tardive dyskinesia (TD). TD, one of the many challenges associated with mental illness, causes uncontrollable movements in the face, arms, hands and other body parts, and can have a devastating effect on patients.

“My TD symptoms include grimacing, movements of my face and mouth and trouble walking,” Jeff explains. “They become more pronounced and frequent during the holidays due to the extra stress I feel, and they are a reminder that I don’t live a normal a life.”

TD affects at least 500,00 people in the U.S. and is associated with long-term use of antipsychotic treatments commonly prescribed to treat mental illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression. Living with the unpredictable movements of TD can make one’s day-to-day activities, like holding a cup of coffee or driving, more difficult. TD may be disruptive and negatively impact people causing embarrassment and social isolation.

Jeff has found ways to help him cope with the challenges he faces while managing his mental health and movement disorder around the holidays and shares these tips to help others:

1. Find your passion that empowers you

“I’m passionate about my faith. It gives me strength and hope to carry on with my life, especially during the holidays.”

Pursue a passion that improves your well-being and helps you feel less isolated.

2. Get involved in your local community

Helping others can make people feel better, especially during the holidays.

Jeff says, “I’ve been very fortunate to be so involved in the community. I have been active at my church, teaching Sunday school to the adults, and minister to the homeless at the shelter.”

3. Be honest with your family and friends

The holidays can get the best of us, with a lot of commitments both professionally and personally. “People may get an invitation to a holiday event, yet they don’t show up because they’re feeling down and don’t want to pretend to be happy around others who are celebrating,” says Jeff. It’s important to be honest with your loved ones if you aren’t feeling up to attending or need some time to yourself.

4. Have a conversation with your doctor

For those struggling with mental illness and TD, talking to your doctor or mental health professional about your symptoms can be helpful.

Individuals, families and friends should also keep an eye out for signs of mental illness or other challenges their loved ones may be facing. For more information on the movement disorder TD, the website has resources including tips for talking to your doctor, support for caregivers and more about Jeff’s story.

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Driven to last: Car care tips for 2020 and beyond


(BPT) – Did you know that one in four Americans keep their cars for an average of seven years or more? Nearly another third (29%) say they typically own their car for three to four years. With Americans keeping their vehicles on the road for the better part of a decade, it’s important to implement consistent maintenance habits to ensure a smooth ride.

Hankook Tire, whose latest Gauge Index survey examined how long drivers keep their cars, rounds up tips for drivers looking to keep their cars cruising well into the 2020s:

1. Keep it on the calendar

Whether consistency comes based on a mileage amount or a specific date on the calendar, setting and keeping regular tune-up appointments is a simple way to keep your car healthy. Regular maintenance inspections can be a great time to evaluate other parts of your car, not just what’s beneath the hood. For example, most drivers (78%) also use their maintenance routine as a chance to check their tires. And, be sure to examine your windshield wipers and headlights to see if they need to be replaced.

2. Adjust for the seasons

Hankook also found that over two-thirds of Americans (69%) say all-season tires are interchangeable with winter tires. In some cases, that might be true, but if you live in a climate with drastic weather swings as the seasons change, that can be like saying your favorite T-shirt is suitable for a frigid winter storm. Winterizing your vehicle when the temperatures drop can help it last not only through the colder months, but also avoid potentially bigger problems down the road. Consider swapping the all-seasons for a set of winter wheels.

3. Repair and replace (when needed)

Sometimes, a routine oil change will shed light on a maintenance issue that requires more attention. In that event, consider your repair vs. replace decisions carefully — is the option you’re choosing a temporary bandage, or will it help lengthen the life of your vehicle in the long run? For many, this depends on what needs replacing, and whether that part is considered “essential.” For example, only 30% of drivers will replace their tire pressure monitoring system sensors if they were to break. However, these sensors can offer vital information about the pressure in your tires, which has a lasting impact on your entire driving experience.

4. Clean it up

Keeping your car clean is about more than just appearances — it can also help keep it running smoothly for much longer because dirt and grime can cause corrosion to the paint and even more, especially if it gets into the mechanics of the car. For those driving over salted winter roads, regular car washes become an even more significant step to extending your vehicle’s lifespan, as winter road salt can be particularly corrosive.

No matter if your vehicle is brand new, or you’re looking to hold on to an old-timer a little longer, these tips from Hankook tire can keep you steering straight into the next year, decade and perhaps even beyond.

6 ways to focus on yourself in the new year


(BPT) – When setting New Year’s intentions, it’s easy to get caught up in career or physical health achievements. You strategize to work extra hours or get to the gym a certain number of days per week, but that’s not always the right mindset for success.

The key to external success starts within. Learning how to focus on yourself means putting self-care first to properly prepare yourself to take on your goals. Start with these tips as a guide to self-improvement in 2020.

1. Try new things

Each year, make a commitment to trying something new to avoid getting stuck in a rut. Take up a new hobby — something creative to keep you energized and enrich your life. Try a new language, a new craft or a new sport, focusing on the fun and joy it brings you.

2. Save time, do more

Before you set goals for the new year, make sure you have time for them. No matter how busy you are, there’s always room to clear something off your schedule. Simplify your life by asking your family for more help around the house or investing in tools that will help save you time on household tasks, like the new LG TurboWash 360 washing machine. This will help you take on large laundry loads in less than 30 minutes without sacrificing quality, so you’ll have more time for yourself. LG Styler, an at-home steam closet that reduces light wrinkles, odors and sanitizes fabric items in 20 minutes, is another effective way to save yourself time when freshening up around the house.

3. Take time to self-reflect

Self-reflection is an important part of putting yourself first. Reflect on the past year. Where were you a year ago and where are you today? How does this compare to where you want to be? Answering these questions truthfully is a crucial part of growth. Writing in a journal will help you organize your thoughts and emotions to feel more in control of your life path.

4. Just say no

If it doesn’t bring you joy or add to your life, let it go. Cut out activities that drain your energy and don’t give anything back. Saying “no” might be uncomfortable for you, but it isn’t mean. It’s a way to save you from spending too much physical and mental energy and burning out.

5. Limit screen time

It’s so easy to become addicted to your devices, spending way too much time on your phone or computer. Make a point to power down electronics by a certain time each night and wind down before you go to bed. You’ll sleep better and have more energy to take on the next day.

6. Live in the present

Avoid getting caught up in the past or future and live life in the present. Whether you’re spending time with loved ones, enjoying your favorite activity or simply cleaning the kitchen, your current activity should be the most important thing in your life at that moment.

As you enter the new year, follow these tips to focus on making yourself happy. When you prioritize and make time for you, success will follow.

Resolving for a healthy 2020? Talking to your family is a great way to start


(BPT) – An estimated 130 million Americans make resolutions for 2020 — with more than half of them focused on health. However, most resolutions are broken by February.

Marjan Champine, a board-certified and licensed genetic counselor at Ancestry, the global leader in family history and consumer genomics, shares tips for thinking about your health in 2020:

1. Small choices matter for a healthier you in the New Year.

Day in and day out, the small choices we make can end up making a big difference in how we feel and our overall health. The journey to better health can be as simple as to:

  • Find new, fun ways to exercise regularly
  • Eat more vegetables and fewer fried foods
  • Practice meditation and take time for self-care
  • Talk to your relatives about your family history and risk factors
  • Find a primary care provider, if you don’t already have one, and go in for routine checkups as recommended

2. Talking to your family can unlock valuable insights into your health.

Understanding your family’s health history and screening for common genetic conditions can provide information about some potential health risks. Armed with this information, there are powerful choices and actions you can take to improve your health, and your family’s health, now and in the future.

You don’t need to be alone in trying to make sense out of all of this. Genetic counselors can help you connect the dots of your family health history and the results of genetic health screening tests. Services like those offered by Ancestry, which recently launched AncestryHealth, can also empower you with genetic insights to put you on the path to a better, healthier you. When you and your health care provider know more about your risks for certain conditions, that’s the start on the path toward better health.

3. Your genes don’t need to be your destiny.

While genetics plays an important role in our health, the daily choices we make about our activity, sleep, nutrition and how we handle stress can also play a role in our quest for better health.

Because families share genetics — as well as other health-related risk factors such as diet, lifestyle and environment — family history is again important in this regard. Most people understand the health benefits of a good diet and exercise. But what’s often overlooked is the importance of knowing your family’s health history. By sharing your family health history in addition to any genetic health test results with your health care provider, you can work together to create a personalized plan of action to treat, manage and, in some cases, even prevent certain diseases.

4. Specific, achievable, actionable and enjoyable.

I am always looking for fun ways to improve my health. As part of that goal, my resolution this year is to spend more quality time with my family, share stories about our history and keep a record of our health history all in one place using AncestryHealth’s family health history tool.

If you haven’t made a New Year’s health resolution yet, think of a goal that’s specific, actionable and achievable. Also think of goals that can be achieved in ways you enjoy.

5. The time is now.

Now is the perfect time to jump in and begin tackling your 2020 New Year’s health resolutions. Your family health history and genetic screening results could unlock important information that will allow you to manage your health.

The more you know about your genetic risk factors, including your family health history, the more you can take proactive steps, in collaboration with your health care provider. Taking this information and sharing it with your health care provider is important so that, together, you can create a personalized plan of action for a healthier 2020.

Marjan Champine is a board-certified and licensed genetic counselor at Ancestry with a passion for family, health and helping others.

8 gift ideas for energetic entrepreneurs


(BPT) – Entrepreneurship is becoming an increasingly common career as passionate and creative people start successful businesses on their own. But entrepreneurial endeavors aren’t easy. The lifestyle requires long hours, hard work and dedication.

The best gift you can get for the entrepreneur in your life shows support for their business. Here are eight ideas to treat your business-minded loved one:

Home office supplies

Add to the comfort and function of their home office. Entrepreneurs are often working on their laptops from various places, so a lap desk is a very practical gift that will get a lot of use. A portable standing desk can also be a game changer for at-home work. Help transform their workspace into a standing desk area.

Closet steamer

Whether they’re traveling the country or going meeting to meeting, entrepreneurs are always on the go. A closet steamer, like the LG Styler, is an at-home steam closet that reduces light wrinkles, odors, and sanitizes fabric items in 20 minutes with the gentle power of steam — no chemicals. Perfect for refreshing suits, dress shirts and more.

Bluetooth speaker

No more dealing with tangled headphone cords. For those that work from home or in an independent space, a Bluetooth speaker lets you listen to podcasts, music or audiobooks with crystal-clear sound.

Essential oil diffuser

Whether you need a boost of energy or want to relax after a long day at work, an essential oil diffuser is a great addition for home or office. Choose from so many essential oil blends with therapeutic effects to help you stay calm, focused and crushing goals.

Education courses

Entrepreneurial types are constantly learning and developing to grow their business. Show your support with a specific education course or gift card to purchase the course of their choice. From marketing and design to basic accounting and other business-related areas, the learning possibilities are endless.

Coffee-making set up

Entrepreneurs are working hard both day and night. To make life easier, give the gift of high-quality coffee. First, find out how your loved one likes their coffee. Then, choose from options like espresso makers, a French press, single-serving coffee machines and more. And don’t forget to add in some actual coffee beans.

Back-up phone charger

Running or starting your own business involves a lot of time talking on the phone or answering and checking email. Avoid the hassles of a dying phone with a portable battery charger that will easily fit in any work bag or briefcase.

Workout class pass

Help your favorite entrepreneur blow off some steam and relax with a tough workout, peaceful yoga class or both. Head to your local yoga studio or fitness center to see if they offer gift cards or class passes.

Show your support and appreciation for the diligent worker in your life. Choose from any of these sensible gift ideas.

5 ways to be more productive in the new year


(BPT) – When the calendar flips to a new year, many people are inspired to make resolutions, promising productivity, healthy lifestyles, self-care and more. But all New Year’s goals require making time for what you set out to do — and a little planning goes a long way.

No matter your resolutions, here are easy tips to make the most of each day, accomplish your goals and still have time to spare:

Get ready the night before

Make your morning routine easier by getting organized the night before. Prepare your breakfast and coffee. Choose your outfit and set it by your bed. Pack your bag and place it by the door so you’re ready to go. Let your nighttime energy fuel you in the morning.

Spend less time on chores

Household chores are time consuming and, let’s face it, not many people look forward to cleaning and laundry. Invest in ways to lighten your load, like the LG TurboWash 360, which has features that help you get more chores done in less time. It can tackle family-sized loads in less than 30 minutes without sacrificing performance, so your clothes don’t pile up. Shorter wash times and energy-saving capabilities save you both time and money.

Stick to a sleep schedule

The first step in reaching your goals is making sure you’re in good health. One of the most important, and difficult, aspects of good health is sleep. You’ll feel more refreshed and ready to take on the day if you establish a solid sleep schedule and stick to it. To set your schedule, pick the time you want to wake up every day and count back seven to eight hours — that’s your new bedtime.

Get a good calendar

Maximize your time by having a plan for each week. Whether you use a notebook checklist, the calendar on your smartphone or invest in a year-long planner, you’ll always have your plan on-hand and never miss a deadline or to-do list item.

Become a meal prepper

Set aside time each week to plan your meals and prep them too. Chop fruits and vegetables, pre-cook meats, and cook pasta or rice in advance so you can pull together easy meals in no time. This saves you time and money, and helps you eat healthier when you’re tempted to grab fast food on your busiest days.

When each day feels full to the brim, follow these tips to maximize each hour and be more productive in the new year.

Shoppers: Beware of fraudsters this holiday season


(BPT) – The season for scouring stores and websites for the best deals is upon us. While shoppers are busy trying to get the biggest bargain, fraudsters and scammers are also busy targeting consumers who have their guard down.

Holiday spending is expected to grow by more than 4.1 percent[1] in the U.S. according to experts from Visa, and criminals are looking for their share of the billions of dollars that will be spent between now and the end of the holiday shopping season.

“Fraudsters look to play the Grinch during holiday seasons and prey on distracted consumers,” said Michael Jabbara, senior director, Global Risk, Visa. “Making smart choices and being vigilant while preparing to celebrate the holidays can make a world of difference.”

While fraudsters change their approach and scams each year, there are several simple steps consumers can take to protect themselves from fraud when making purchases during the holidays and throughout the year.

Keep your data safe

Shoppers can greatly reduce their chances of becoming a victim of a major data breach by making smart choices in how they are paying for purchases. Shoppers should use a payment card with a chip or contactless symbol on it to protect their payment card data from being stolen in case of a data breach, and chip-enabled checkout is proven to help reduce fraud by as much as 81%.

Check out securely online

Online shopping remains an excellent option for convenient purchases, with many consumers planning to do the majority of their holiday spending online.

To stay safe when checking out online, it is critical to always check the URL and make sure it begins with “https://”. The “s” at the end confirms a secure connection.

Also, companies are adding ways to make it faster, easier and more importantly, safer to pay with a card. For example, Visa recently introduced a click to pay button for sites such as Cinemark, Movember, Rakuten, Saks Fifth Avenue,, BassPro, JoAnn Fabrics, Papa John’s, Staples and This button not only speeds up the check-out process, but also adds an extra layer of protection.

Stay up-to-date

Fraudsters are always trying new tactics and approaches to access information, and shoppers need to stay vigilant.

To stay safe, shoppers should make sure the device they are using, whether it’s a phone, tablet or laptop, has the latest software installed and the latest version of apps loaded to reduce the likelihood of a known vulnerability being present.

Shoppers also need to regularly update passwords with strong combinations that are unique to each account. Better yet, switch to biometrics if it’s an option. Using fingerprint or facial recognition for account login and/or payments when available makes it harder for fraudsters to gain unauthorized access to devices, apps and information, but easier and safer for shoppers.

Watch out for phishing scams

With online shopping continuing to be popular, phishing scams are out in full force to take advantage. Shoppers need to be careful of unsolicited and suspicious emails or phone calls. Also, they should be wary of “one day only” deals or fake delivery tracking emails that direct them to unknown URLs used to steal information like username and password.

Prevent holiday fraud

It’s been said many times over that the best defense is a good offense, and that certainly holds true this holiday season. Shoppers need to proactively protect themselves from fraudsters by being vigilant and aware to make sure their data and information stays safe.

5 tips for winterizing your health routine


(BPT) – The arrival of the winter months brings an abundance of food, festive drinks and busy days celebrating with loved ones. While indulging in winter festivities, it’s important to stay on top of your healthy habits.

“The foods and beverages we put into our bodies has a big impact on our health. What most people might lose sight of is that what we eat and drink directly impacts our oral health, which is connected to our overall health! It’s important to be aware of ingredients in foods and beverages that can cause problems including tooth decay. Consider healthier options during the holidays that can actually help prevent these serious issues,” says Carolyn Brown, an integrative nutritionist.

Brown offers healthy tips and tricks for keeping your health in check during the colder months:

1) Reconsider your food choices

Eating lots of refined sugar and white carbs, from pastas and crackers to sodas, can increase the acidity in your mouth. Cutting back on these foods while loading up on good-for-you foods, such as olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, and vegetables, helps contribute to a healthier mouth and prevent illness.

2) Equip yourself with the right oral care essentials

Make sure you’re equipped with the right oral care essentials no matter what you eat, especially when you’re treating yourself to carbohydrates, desserts or sugary drinks. Apart from a good brush and proper technique, your toothpaste is a vital part of maintaining a healthy mouth. I recommend using ARM & HAMMER Toothpastes as they are powered by natural ingredient baking soda, which helps neutralize plaque acids in your mouth that form continuously after eating and drinking.

3) Opt for a hostess gift that’s not red wine

When considering getting your hostess a gift for a holiday party, you might automatically think of red wine. However, this common gift, especially during the holidays, is actually bad for teeth as the strong pigments in red wine are instant stain-makers. Instead of red wine, grab a fruit platter with fresh strawberries, oranges and apple slices as these foods are known to help naturally whiten teeth. A cheese plate is also a great option since the calcium in the dairy helps strengthen teeth and gums, and the casein, a milk protein found in cheese, has been shown to reduce the loss of minerals from tooth enamel.

4) Be careful of health trends

While you may be following the latest health trends and rituals out there — such as drinking lemon water with apple cider vinegar to aid digestion — some of these trends promote the consumption of acidic foods and drinks that can impact your oral health, including the formation of plaque acids. Digestion starts in your mouth when you release a chemical called amylase to start breaking down carbs and sugar as soon as you start chewing. Do your research, consult a health professional and make smart decisions to try out trends based on what is right for you.

5) Remember — it’s all connected

It’s amazing how our bodies are connected — and people often forget that oral health is a huge sign of overall health and well-being. If you don’t take care of your mouth, it can lead to other serious issues, such as impacting your cardiovascular health and other illnesses and diseases.

Follow these tips to prioritize your health this winter. Visit for more information.