4 Things Small Businesses Can Do Now to Thrive in the Future


(BPT) – As the U.S. begins to reopen, many small business owners across the world are strategizing for the future and the new normal.

According to data recently published by the U.S. Census Bureau’s Small Business Pulse Survey, more than 85% of U.S. small businesses have been negatively impacted by COVID-19.

But still, we are starting to see glimpses of optimism. According to a recent survey, as businesses are slowly reopening, a majority of Americans are looking forward to supporting small businesses. The survey found that 75% of people plan to support local businesses as much as possible once physical restrictions are lifted in their communities.

“The last few months have had a dramatic impact on our business, but it also has shown how resilient we can be and given us the opportunity to help more people. When your business is purpose-driven and keeps customers top of mind, you can not only survive, you can thrive,” said Jasmine Crowe, founder and CEO of Goodr.

Here are four steps businesses should focus on as the nation moves into its next economic phase.

Manage and motivate your people

As the world continues to shift and adapt, your employees will be looking to you to set optimal safety standards while keeping everyone safe, productive, and customer-focused. Help your employees stay connected to the vision of your company and practice radical transparency with them. Acknowledge how their contributions are helping your company to thrive, while being sensitive to the responsibilities they are juggling outside of work. Continue to reinforce company goals such as speed, accuracy, productivity, teamwork and commitment to customers, but also support employees and be flexible to their needs in this environment. Whether you’re helping customers or helping your employees, the more you can encourage others to stay connected and get the support they need, the more your business will thrive.

Prioritize customer service

Your customers will be wondering whether you’ll be able to maintain the same quality of service in light of all the economic disruption. Now is the time to do everything possible to foster their trust by maintaining high standards and meeting every commitment you can. At the same time, it’s important to be fully transparent if your company simply can’t function as it normally would. Fill customers in on what you’re doing to mitigate risk, support your staff, help your community and plan for the future.

Establish financial strength

Consistently take a hard look at your finances, evaluate the resources available, and determine what actions you need to take to keep your business solvent now and into the future. Do not make short term financial decisions — think of the long tail consequences. For example, look for smart financial options that offer zero or low interest rates and deferred payments.

Continue planning for the future

Never stop being proactive about planning for the future. Think about how your company will continue to function as the world moves into recovery and growth stages. Keep adjusting budgets and strategies as the economy evolves, trying to identify new industry opportunities and ways your firm can continue to grow and prosper.

A critical piece of a successful path forward for small businesses is technology. The small business advisors at Dell Technologies are partners who can recommend technologies that will help you lay the essential foundation your company needs to thrive in the coming months and years. We work closely with our customers to help them determine if strategic investments could help them reduce costs, solve business issues and drive growth.

Security 101: How to Buy a Professionally Monitored System


(BPT) – As temperatures rise, so do crimes of opportunity. Keeping our family safe is something that every one of us innately does. We teach our kids about “stranger danger” and we teach our teens about staying a safe distance away from the car in front of them. Yes, keeping our family members aware of their surroundings helps protect them in public; but what can we do at home to keep our families safe?

If you want to lower the threat, harden the target.

Currently, one third of U.S. broadband households have a security system, an 18% increase from 28% in 2018, according to Parks Associates. And according to Resideo’s research, 60% of consumers believe a professionally installed system is the way to go.

For those looking to help keep their families safe this summer, below are several things to expect when shopping for a professionally monitored system:

Do your research. This isn’t just a smart speaker purchase; this is a life-safety system that needs to have a reputable company standing behind it. Seek input from family and friends on anyone they’ve worked with. And be sure you choose a professional who is a member of the Electronic Security Association and has gone through its National Training School. This program helps ensure the dealer has completed extensive training in electronic security and is more efficient and produces higher quality work than those who are not certified.

Make an appointment. Once you’ve narrowed your list of potential dealers to one or two, you’ll want to schedule a phone or video-based meeting so they can provide tailored solutions to meet your unique needs. A reputable dealer will have a no-contact solution during the coronavirus and will show credentials before coming in your home, and in some states a license is required.

Be prepared to answer questions. It may feel overwhelming at first, but rest assured that a good dealer will ask many lifestyle and family questions and is trying to get a sense of what your system should include. You may even walk around the home to identify any potential issues. A good security dealer also will be skilled in home-networking and will ask you about your Wi-Fi network to ensure any wireless devices, like a video doorbell, will stay online and give you what you need.

Don’t forget the video. While it may add a small amount to the monthly monitoring fees, video monitoring is a must-have for most home automation systems today. Does the home have a backyard with no line-of-sight from neighbors? While that’s great to have, it also means the home has a blind spot that is vulnerable to break-ins. Resideo’s Honeywell Home security platform allows the homeowner to sense motion and view video of their home, inside or out, from anywhere in the world. Increasingly, this is a capability that is a must-have for most homeowners.

Avoid the high-pressure selling tactics. Did you know that after signing a contract, a homeowner has time to back out for any reason (it’s often called a three-day, cooling-off period). This was created to allow the homeowner to recover from sharp, aggressive sales tactics. However, if you allow the dealer to install any part of the equipment in your home, even if to just hang the panel in the location so the installer knows where it goes, the homeowner has essentially waived their right to rescind their decision. The United States Federal Trade Commission has more details about this on their website. If you think you may get cold feet after you’ve slept on your purchase decision, don’t let anyone install anything.

Get ready to save! A final benefit of working with a local professional is that they will know about any potential reductions in home insurance rates for your area and will provide your insurer with a certificate of installation. Discounts can range from 10-20% for a whole-home, professionally monitored system. USAA offers a 20% discount, again only if the system is professionally monitored. A good dealer will know these discounts and will manage them on your behalf.

Burglars love it when seasons change: In the spring and summer, they like when windows are open during the day, or garage doors are open when you’re doing yardwork. So, it’s important to safeguard your home year-round. Visit Resideo.com/FindAPro to find a professional security dealer near you.

Shining a Light on Hidradenitis Suppurativa, a Chronic Inflammatory Skin Condition


(BPT) – A person’s early 20’s are supposed to be a time for exploring new opportunities, not a time to isolate while struggling with painful bumps in sensitive areas of the body.

But that was Athena’s story. The bumps first appeared during puberty. Assuming they were pimples, she didn’t do anything out of the ordinary to address them. But at 21, the bumps became so painful that she needed surgery to drain them.

She blamed herself, thinking it was poor hygiene or something she caused, and was even mis-diagnosed with a bacterial infection. With bumps in her most sensitive areas, she hid her condition and isolated herself from loved ones. All aspects of her life began to suffer because of this unnamed condition.

These lesions continued to appear for more than a decade, putting Athena through an exhausting cycle of doctors and diagnoses without a clear cause or solution for her condition. In 2011, Athena was diagnosed with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), a chronic inflammatory skin condition that isn’t well-known. Luckily, she was referred to a dermatology practice where she met Dr. Joslyn Kirby – who truly understood the impact of her HS and taught her how to take control of the disease. This newfound understanding was a tipping point for Athena, who finally saw a light at the end of what seemed like a never-ending tunnel of pain, self-doubt and frustration.

Following are five tips Dr. Kirby shared with Athena that she wishes she would have known far earlier in her HS journey.

  1. It’s not your fault – You did not cause your HS. The truth is, HS results from an imbalance in the body’s immune system, causing inflammation throughout the body. This inflammation causes swelling and added pressure on the skin’s hair follicles, leading to painful bumps or boils that can leave intense scars and deep “tunnels” under the skin over time.
  2. It affects more than your skin – While the physical pain of HS can be debilitating, there are other issues that may impact quality of life. Daily tasks can become hard to bear amidst a sudden, painful flare. Dating and intimacy can be difficult when these bumps affect confidence and self-image. Feeling helpless and isolated can lead to anxiety and depression. It’s important to acknowledge and address the psychological impact of HS beyond what is appearing on the skin.
  3. Seek the right help early on – Many patients and physicians are unfamiliar with HS. In fact, the average person lives with HS for 7-10 years before receiving an official diagnosis. Dermatologists are doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating inflammatory skin conditions like HS – ask them any questions you have about the disease. They can explain the condition and will recommend a treatment plan based on your individual experience.
  4. Don’t wait to speak up – HS can affect people in both visible and hidden ways. Talk to your doctor about all the ways that HS has impacted your life, such as making it difficult for you to work, enjoy hobbies, wear what you want or spend time with your loved ones.
  5. Find your village – No one should go through their HS journey alone. Let your close friends and family know what you’re going through. Engage with HS communities who understand your journey. Hope for HS is a great place to start, and your doctor may be able to connect you with other communities, too.

Athena’s story is very similar to the stories of thousands of others who are silently suffering with HS, even after diagnosis. Athena hopes to help others find the light in their journey by connecting with their own Dr. Kirby and feeling empowered to take back control. For more information and resources about HS, visit www.NoBSAboutHS.com.

Sponsored by AbbVie.

Four things to consider when rescheduling elective surgery


(BPT) – For the past few months, patients around the country have had to postpone elective surgery due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re one of them, you’re probably wondering when you may hear from your doctor about rescheduling that surgery. As states begin easing restrictions, hospitals and clinics have been preparing to welcome patients back for procedures that can help relieve pain and improve their quality of life.

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), in partnership with other medical associations, has developed a roadmap to help health care organizations safely resume elective surgeries.

“Physicians, hospitals and health systems are eager to resume elective surgeries, and patients are looking to have the procedures they planned before the pandemic put everything on hold,” said American Society of Anesthesiologists President Mary Dale Peterson, MD, MSHCA, FACHE, FASA. “Health systems can ensure these procedures resume safely by following ASA guidance.”

How will you know when it’s safe?

ASA’s checklist of safety measures can help ensure patients’ comfort in moving forward with surgery:

1. COVID-19 cases are decreasing

ASA and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) advise that it is safe to resume elective procedures when the number of new COVID-19 cases in the area has decreased every day for the last two weeks.

2. All patients are tested

Before you have surgery, you should be tested for COVID-19. Healthcare providers will also ask you if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days, or if you have experienced unexplained fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat or loss of taste or smell in the last two weeks.

While it may be tempting to shrug off any symptoms or potential exposure, it is extremely important to be honest, for your safety and the safety of your surgical team. Patients who have viral infections — of any kind — are at higher risk for complications from surgery.

3. Your procedure will be performed in a safe environment

Surgical procedures are being performed in locations separate from where COVID-19 patients are being treated, such as an ambulatory care center or a different part of the hospital. Keeping surgeries separate from COVID-19 treatment areas protects both you and your surgical team.

4. Every facility has created a COVID-19 surgical care plan

ASA recommends that all health care facilities adopt COVID-19-related policies to address every stage of surgical care, from before the procedure through post-discharge care planning.

Physicians are working to create the safest environment possible for you to have your needed surgery. Keep in mind that in many areas, elective surgeries have not been performed for over a month, meaning that there will be a backlog, so it may take time to schedule your procedure.

Be informed about your upcoming surgery

Beyond COVID-19 safety, you can learn more about outpatient surgery and review Preparing for Surgery: an Anesthesia Checklist to be sure you are fully prepared for your long-awaited elective procedure.

Making the most of workplace benefits


(BPT) – Quite often, it is not until we have experienced a difficult situation like an accident, illness or COVID-19-related events that we start to appreciate employer-provided benefits like disability insurance and leave policies that protect income and jobs. According to a recent MetLife disability survey fielded in April 2020, a significant number of employees say disability insurance (50 percent) or family caregiver leave (47 percent) would best support them if out of work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, approximately one-third of employees say they don’t feel like they have enough of either to feel protected through the crisis.

Below are three points to consider about disability insurance in addition to your holistic well-being that can help you be better prepared and protected for unexpected situations.

1. Know what you have now

While reading your benefits package is probably not super exciting, investing the time now can make a big difference later. Start by understanding what is currently offered by your employer, or your spouse’s or partner’s employer. This will help you make informed decisions and could even illuminate programs such as mental health support or income protection that may not have seemed relevant months ago.

Many employees do not realize that disability insurance, for example, can help cover expenses if they are out of work due to illness or injury. This is important because 61 percent of employees in the disability survey said monthly expenses, such as rent/mortgage payments, utility bills or car payments, are top stressors if they are suddenly unable to work full-time.

Also be aware of any benefits changes related to COVID-19, as many employers have expanded their leave programs and some increased certain benefits to further assist employees. In addition, federal, state and local leave policies have been implemented to support workers during these challenging times.

2. Prevention and rehabilitation matter

Along with the financial stress imposed by COVID-19, employees are facing physical, mental and social health consequences, too. From having fewer opportunities for physical activity and social interaction to feeling anguish over the suffering or isolation of loved ones, every element of holistic well-being is being tested.

Participating in home exercise programs, virtual social gatherings and seeking mental health support are all ways to stay healthy during these challenging times. You can also take advantage of creative programs employers are offering such as nutritional recipes, fitness challenges, telehealth opportunities, and Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) which offer counseling.

Moreover, when returning from a leave of absence, employees should understand the return-to-work programs offered by their employer, which are designed to keep you healthy after they are back on the job. These programs may offer flexible work hours, technology equipment accommodations, training opportunities, and mental and financial wellness support to address related stressors.

3. Prepare for future decision-making

Employers are continuously reviewing the benefits they offer their employees, and you’ll have the opportunity in 2020 to make new choices for the coming year. In advance, take the time to think about how you could build out your coverage for the future. Over the years, employers have introduced a number of benefit offerings that allow you to customize your coverage for your individual situation, such as if you have children or caregiving responsibilities. In addition, consider how your life has or could change in the coming year and the importance of programs that can supplement your income.

Such questions are important to raise. The MetLife disability survey fielded in April 2020, in fact, found nearly half (48 percent) of employees say the pandemic has increased their likelihood to enroll in disability benefits and programs in the coming year. It’s also important to examine your benefits package for wellness programs that can help support physical, mental and social health, in addition to your financial health.

Acting today for tomorrow

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a wake-up call on the vital importance of leave and disability insurance, which offer protection against the unknown.

These events can impact how employees make benefits decisions. By looking through the lens of holistic well-being, options that sustain not just their financial health, but their mental, physical and social health too will be a priority to feel protected in good times and bad.

Download these insights and learn about other employee benefit resources here: https://www.metlife.com/workforce-insights/benefits-strategies/disability-support-challenging-times/.

Fuel your fitness at home: 5 tips and tricks


(BPT) – Face it, finding time to achieve your fitness goals while balancing work and home life can be a struggle. However, while many people are spending more time at home, here’s a great opportunity to start fresh with a new fitness routine.

Here are some helpful tips for helping you live your best, healthiest life:

1. Create a realistic schedule

It’s a lot easier to blow off your at-home workout than a one-on-one training session or group class. What’s the secret to success? Put your fitness routine on your calendar! Instead of telling yourself, “I’ll exercise after I’m done with work,” switch your thinking to, “I’ll exercise at 6 p.m,” that way you’re more likely to hold yourself accountable. Pro-tip: Make sure it’s actually written in your calendar and set an alarm to remind you.

2. Prioritize sleep

To maximize the work you put in during exercise, be sure to get enough rest every night. A full night’s sleep aids your muscle growth, enhances muscle recovery, regulates weight management and can help boost your metabolism. Turning off electronics and other distractions at least 30 minutes before bed helps you fall asleep faster and achieve a higher quality sleep.

3. Designate a fitness space

You don’t need a full in-house gym to have a successful workout, but it is important to think about what you’ll be doing. Yoga, core exercises or Pilates only require enough space for a yoga mat, whereas a cardio workout may need a larger area or harder surface. Consider your preferred activities before you set up your space and try to set up camp somewhere quiet with few distractions.

4. Stay hydrated

Caffeinated energy drinks are a trendy pre-workout beverage, but they can lead to negative side effects like jitters and energy crashes. The best way to avoid cramps and fatigue is to drink water before, during and after a workout. Sports drinks with electrolytes are a good option for high-intensity exercise, but be mindful of their sugar content.

5. Add fueling ingredients to your diet

Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist Dawn Jackson Blatner recommends incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your diet that support your fitness goals.

“It’s important to fuel your body with high-quality ingredients all the time, but especially when you are being more active,” said Blatner. “For example, Eggland’s Best (EB) eggs make a perfect pre- or post-workout snack or meal because they offer superior nutrition compared to ordinary eggs at the grocery store. EB eggs contain six times more vitamin D and double the omega-3s compared to other eggs, which aid in muscle recovery and strengthening bones. Plus, they contain double the vitamin B12, which can help boost energy and keep you fueled throughout the day.”

If you’re looking for a tasty and nutritious meal that will help keep your fitness goals on track, try the Fish Taco Bowl from Eggland’s Best:

EB Fish Taco Bowl
Time: 25 minutes. Makes 6 servings.


2 tilapia fish fillets
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon cumin
1 teaspoon chili powder
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup kale
1/2 cup corn
1 cup black beans
1/2 avocado, sliced
2 cups cooked white rice
4 Eggland’s Best Eggs (large), scrambled


Cook 1 1/2 cups of white rice as directed.
Mix cumin, cayenne pepper and chili powder in small bowl. Rub generously over tilapia fillets on both sides.
Heat olive oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add fish and cook about 3 minutes each side until almost blackened and fish is cooked through. Remove from skillet and shred with fork.
In same skillet, add garlic, corn and kale. Stir and cook until kale is wilted. Add beans and cook until heated through.
Crack 4 eggs into bowl and whisk. Pour eggs into kale, corn and bean mixture and allow to sit for a minute until they begin to cook through. Then scramble everything together.
To serve: Layer rice, egg, corn, kale and bean mixture, fish and avocados.

Entrepreneurial opportunities in the restaurant industry


(BPT) – While it’s clear the current pandemic has hit the traditional restaurant industry especially hard, restaurants and franchises that can pivot to succeed by offering drive-through, take-out and delivery options will likely weather the storm, and even thrive in the near future.

For restaurant managers and other employees currently unemployed or furloughed, however, the future can seem very far away.

Franchise opportunity

One option for those with experience or even just an interest in the restaurant industry involves a small investment in an iconic brand that has been around since 1934: Steak ‘n Shake.

When so much remains uncertain, becoming a franchise owner in Steak ‘n Shake means taking control of your own future. Their franchise owner program is giving people the opportunity to invest in themselves by taking on ownership of a franchise that offers high-quality products through take-out, drive-through, delivery, car hop, and catering.

This opportunity has already helped a number of people who never anticipated they would become business owners one day.

From customer to owner

Franchise owner Michael Boutot of Burlington, Kentucky, said that he was a weekly regular, every Sunday after church. “When I read about the franchise owner program online and saw how affordable it was, I jumped at the opportunity,” Boutot says.

What he didn’t know was that he would suffer a major stroke just three months into his training, which led to extended hospitalization and affected his life to the extent that he struggled with walking and talking.

“I remember thinking, there’s no way they’ll keep me on,” Boutot recalls.

But they did. Boutot could not believe that the executive team would continue to support him, regardless of his physical setbacks. “Being a franchise owner has given me the freedom to take charge of my life,” Boutot says.

From employee to owner

The opportunity also appealed to Krystal Davis from Arnold, Missouri.

“I’ve worked for Steak ‘n Shake since I was 16 and always loved what I do. When the opportunity to franchise a restaurant became available, deciding to become an owner was a no-brainer for me,” says Davis. “We’re no longer living paycheck to paycheck, which I never thought would be possible. I’m more confident and have so much more knowledge in how to run a business now.”

Mattoon, Illinois native Sherry Hall has a similar story. She had worked at her hometown location for over 25 years, and always viewed her team and her customers as family. Although she loved her job, as she worked her way up to becoming a district manager, she assumed there were no further promotions available to her. Then she learned that she could become a franchise owner, and now owns the Mattoon location.

Unlike traditional franchise opportunities that require a significant upfront financial investment, their program offers ownership in an existing location in exchange for sweat equity and a nominal investment of only $10,000. After successful completion of the training period, franchise owners take one-half of all business profits.

How to become a franchise owner

Forty-five current franchise owners have the opportunity to make six-figure incomes while working for themselves and being an essential part of an iconic brand. In fact, there are franchise owners in the program who are on their way to earning over $200,000 in their first year.

There are available locations in Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio and Tennessee.

What to expect:

  • Established company restaurants
  • A ready-to-go system set up to assist franchise owners in operating their restaurants
  • Extensive on-the-job training
  • Support from field-based operations
  • Administrative services provided
  • Creative and powerful marketing support


  • Total investment of $10,000
  • Achieving the Gold Standard of Service in your assigned restaurant
  • No other business ventures
  • Commitment to running the day-to-day business
  • A passion for excellence and focus on pleasing customers
  • A commitment to high performance and delivering quality products

If you’re dedicated to ensuring patrons are served the highest quality burgers and shakes while providing great customer service, and you’re a hands-on leader and results-oriented self-starter, this could be the right opportunity for you.

To learn more and to apply, visit SteaknShakeFranchise.com.

5 Fresh Avocado Recipes to Get Out of the At-Home Snacking Slumps


(BPT) – Weight management goals getting derailed by binging on high calorie foods? Get creative with avocado recipes that add taste, nutrition and satisfaction to your midday munchies. “Planning a checklist before you start shopping is key,” said Malena Perdomo, registered dietitian and spokesperson for Aguacates Frescos – Saborea Uno Hoy. “My expert tip: commit to options that will satisfy your hunger as well as boost energy and provide nutrients.” Mix and match traditional flavors and better-for-you comfort foods. Favorites like fresh avocados, for example, are a good source of fiber. Staying fueled with ingredients with fiber helps slow digestion and helps keep you full and satisfied. Plus, refrigeration slows down ripening so you can confidently stock up. Who can resist a little more avocado in their day?

1. Lime Spiced Mini Tostada with Guacamole Topper

Liven up the afternoon with this festive snack, some music and you have the makings of a mid-day happy hour in your kitchen. Each bite starts with a crunchy base and is topped with creamy avocado and hot and tangy flavors.

2. Jicama Strips with Spicy Lime Guacamole

Long list of back-to-back to-dos? Satisfy that craving for chili lime spice with this easy-to-make treat at home. The fiber from the fresh avocado helps keep you satisfied so you can focus on today’s tasks. Perfect for sharing (or not!).

3. Open-faced Traditional Bolillo with Avocado and Cottage Cheese

Time to raid the refrigerator and experiment with new flavor combinations. This open-faced bolillo will put a smile on your face with its creative spin on classic avocado toast. Now you have added more flavor and nutrition to your snack routine!

4. Baked Potato with Salsa Fresca and Avocado

Cue the happy dance because these small, easy-to-make baked potatoes live up to your expectations for a delicious, hot snack that will please the whole family. Creamy avocados provide naturally good fats plus are cholesterol and sodium-free.

5. Chocolate Almond Avocado Oat Bites

Indulge and satisfy your craving for sweets in the middle of the day with these no-sugar-added bites. Made with healthy, fresh avocado, whole grain oats, crunchy almonds and sweet date, these tasty treats will give you some much-needed bliss.

Flourishing in 6 dimensions: How to choose a senior living facility


(BPT) – “Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can,” wrote Danny Kaye, beloved Hollywood performer. Kaye’s advice certainly reflected his colorful career. It’s true that the more one expands one’s palette of experiences, the more vibrant life becomes.

As you evaluate senior living communities for the next step in your or a loved one’s life journey, look for environments with an array of resources conducive to flourishing. The National Wellness Institute defines Six Dimensions of Wellness — physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual and environmental — which can serve as a guide to enrichment and growth.

1. Physical. Look for a community fostering physical wellness through excellent health care, nutrition and exercise. Confirm that each resident receives a care plan tailored to individual needs, and that services such as physical, occupational and speech therapy are available onsite. There should be ample access to state-of-the-art fitness equipment designed for older adults and daily group-led exercise programs.

The finest senior living communities offer healthful meals prepared from scratch by professional in-house chefs to meet residents’ dietary needs. Look for a variety of dining venues, from casual bistros to formal restaurants with gourmet cuisine.

For example, Anthology of Clayton View boasts chef Adam Shaw, former head chef for Ritz-Carlton. Anthology of The Plaza chef Sam Hudging prepares happy hour appetizers highly enjoyed by residents, and his theme-inspired meals have delighted residents and families alike.

2. Emotional. Emotional wellness means having a positive sense of self and feeling connected to others. Consider senior living communities whose staff and environment encourage connectedness. Do compassionate care providers ensure that each care plan promotes independence? Are staff aware of individual care plans, so they have a holistic understanding of each resident? Does the community provide opportunities for emotional development, such as intergenerational art therapy for individuals with memory loss, plus pet therapy and music therapy?

Another key to emotional wellness is a sense of fun. At Anthology of Louisville, management and staff lead by example. They turn Kentucky Derby day into a highlight of the year. And when many residents had birthdays the week the COVID-19 crisis hit, they organized a family parade of cars for a motorized birthday party.

3. Intellectual. Intellectual wellness is cultivated through stimulating mental activities and access to opportunities to expand and share knowledge and creativity. Look for a senior living option offering opportunities to expand residents’ minds. Learning experiences like language courses, sewing classes and lectures by guest speakers should be listed in their calendar.

4. Social. For social wellness, residents need to feel connected to family and community, with opportunities to enhance friendships. This has been severely challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic. Senior living communities nationwide have had to implement strict safety protocols such as in-room isolating, social distancing, use of personal protective equipment, screening and testing. Inquire if the community you are considering acted quickly to put programs in place to help residents maintain connectedness to loved ones.

Despite difficult circumstances, premium senior living communities still provide creative and engaging socially distanced activities to promote residents’ mental and emotional wellness and use technology to help residents connect with loved ones.

“Our Socially Distanced Engagement Program provides residents with daily activities that focus on the mind, body and spirit to keep them mentally stimulated and physically active,” says Anthology Senior Living president Benjamin Burke. “We continue to look at the best ways to keep lines of communication open, and we encourage residents and loved ones to stay connected through phone calls, video chats and email. The safety and well-being of our residents and team members is always our true north.”

5. Spiritual. Spiritual wellness encompasses the need for meaning, as expressed in spiritual beliefs and practices. Look for senior living communities providing opportunities for spiritual growth, with spiritual gatherings such as non-denominational services, rosary prayer, hymn singing, devotionals and Shabbat celebrations.

6. Environmental. Our feeling of wellness is profoundly affected by our environment. Look for a beautifully designed community with welcoming indoor and outdoor spaces. Seek sophisticated accommodations with spacious private suites and a variety of floor plans to meet individual preferences.

The best-designed communities offer well-appointed public spaces such as meeting rooms, landscaped courtyards and raised planters for resident gardening.

Keep these Six Dimensions of Wellness in mind as you research your or your loved ones’ next home. All six dimensions should be interconnected, strengthening residents as individuals and the community as a whole. With many senior living options available, thoughtful evaluation will help you find a community that provides the enrichment and care needed for a flourishing lifestyle.

To learn more about independent living, assisted living and memory care, visit AnthologySeniorLiving.com.

Concerned about asthma and allergies during COVID-19?


(BPT) – Allergy season is causing congestion, coughing, itchy eyes and other classic symptoms for people across the country. However, this year brings new concerns as COVID-19 has dramatically impacted everyone’s lives, and people with asthma and allergies have many questions.

“With the coronavirus pandemic coinciding with allergy season, many people with asthma and allergies have questions about symptoms, risks and medication,” says allergist Dr. J. Allen Meadows, president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). “It’s more important than ever to use medications to control symptoms while taking precautions to stay healthy. Remember that your allergy symptoms usually happen annually. So if symptoms seem familiar and you’ve had them in the past, there’s a pretty good chance it’s your allergies at work again.”

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers asthma to be one of the chronic illnesses that may increase the chance of a severe case of COVID-19. Here’s what you need to know if you or a family member suffers from asthma:

Respiratory viruses trigger asthma flares

Respiratory viruses are the most common trigger for asthma flares — the severe worsening of the condition that typically requires oral steroids to relieve symptoms. Not all viruses affect asthma patients equally and some viruses such as influenza and rhinovirus are more likely to trigger asthma flares than others.

“Right now, we don’t know if COVID-19 is one of those viruses that tends to trigger an asthma flare,” says Meadows.

There’s not a higher risk of contracting COVID-19

Currently, there is no clear evidence that patients with asthma are at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19. However, asthma is an underlying medical condition that may be associated with more severe disease if you are infected with this virus.

“ACAAI recommends that anyone with allergies or asthma should follow CDC guidelines such as using a face mask while in public, keeping an appropriate distance from others, washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth,” says Meadows.

Asthma and allergy medications don’t increase COVID-19 risks

You may be concerned about using your intranasal corticosteroids for nasal allergies and your inhaled corticosteroids or biologic therapy for your asthma. There is no data to show that continuing these allergy and asthma medications will have any effect on increasing your risk of getting COVID-19, or if you get the infection, lead to a worse outcome.

“It’s more important than ever to take medications and control allergy and asthma symptoms because they may lead to misdiagnosis of COVID-19 as there is some overlap of symptoms,” says Meadows.

Take precautions if you do get COVID-19

It is important if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (or suspect you may have COVID-19) and are using a nebulizer at home, that you know the virus may persist in droplets in the air for 1-2 hours. Therefore, you should use a nebulizer in a location that minimizes exposure of droplets to members of your household who aren’t infected.

“Choose a location for your treatment where air is not recirculated into the home,” Meadows says. “Places like a porch, patio or garage with surfaces that can be cleaned more easily are good options.”

Reach out to an allergist with questions

Allergists recommend people with asthma stay on medications to control symptoms. If you have questions about your symptoms or current medications, contact your allergist. Many now offer telemedicine where they meet with you remotely via video or phone. And many telemedicine visits are covered by insurance.

“Allergists are asthma specialists. They can help answer questions, provide guidance and ease concerns regarding both asthma and allergies. You can find a local allergist at acaai.org/locate-an-allergist,” says Meadows. “If you do become infected with COVID-19, use caution and avoid experimental treatments unless the treatment is specifically recommended by the physician caring for you.”