Considering cutting the cord? It’s easier than you think


(BPT) – If you’ve been thinking about cutting the cord on your cable service, you’re not alone. A new survey finds that 1 in 4 baby boomers have cut the cord in the past year, just behind millennials and Gen Xers (both at 1 in 3), and 50% added more streaming subscriptions. According to the survey, “The Streaming Decade: When Will All TV Be Streamed?” by Roku, 98% of the boomers who cut the cord are happy they did it.

“Amid a year of uncertainty, this survey puts data behind what we have believed since our founding in 2002: All TV will be streamed,” said Anthony Wood, Roku founder and CEO. “These results show that TV streaming has passed a tipping point. Even more exciting, it’s bringing more people together, starting new conversations, and giving viewers of every generation more of the content they love, while also making it more accessible. TV streaming is here to stay.”

Simply put, with streaming, you can watch what you want to watch, when you want to watch it. You don’t have to wait for a download, a DVR recording or your favorite show to come on the air.

Why are people cutting the cord?

The past year and a half spent largely at home has seen a dramatic increase in people trying out new ways to access entertainment. As an alternative to going out to movie theaters, streaming services have boomed. In the survey, 73% say that having access to new movie releases is a key reason why they would try a new streaming service. And, while 2 in 3 consumers plan to go to a movie theater within the next year, 3 in 5 U.S. consumers have streamed a new movie release at home in the past year, and 7 in 10 say they plan to do so in future — mostly because of the convenience and money-saving benefits.

Finances are a strong motivator behind many who are choosing to cut the cord. In fact, a whopping 4 out of 5 U.S. consumers say they cut the cord to save money. Streamers in the U.S. pay about half of what people using cable pay: It costs approximately $49 per month for subscriptions, while traditional cable TV costs approximately $121 per month. For those who have switched to a streaming service, 42% of U.S. consumers say they’re watching more or the same amount as before. They also say they’re happy with their decision — and wish they had cut the cord earlier.

Is switching to streaming too techy?

Consumers of every generation are finding that switching to a Roku device, for example, is remarkably easy and accessible. While millennials and Gen Zers may share the dismay of being the “tech support” for their parents and older relatives, over the past year, Gen X has actually increased their digital literacy and is now almost as engaged in streaming as younger generations. And according to the survey, boomers are now just as likely as younger generations to be cord cutters, and they are becoming increasingly comfortable with the streaming experience — with 9 in 10 reporting that streaming devices are really easy to use.

How to enjoy the benefits of streaming

You can access The Roku Channel via your Roku TV player or streambar. Access over 200 live linear television channels spanning a broad range of genres including news, sports, kids and family, lifestyle, Spanish language entertainment and more, without added costs.

With streaming fast becoming the most convenient and cost-effective way to access all kinds of entertainment, now is a great time to look into adding a Roku device in your home. Roku devices make streaming on your TV fun and simple, leaving the choice of what to watch and pay for up to you — and they make great, affordable holiday gifts!

Learn more about streaming at

Why streaming is becoming popular with all generations

Cutting the cord is saving people money, and everyone from boomers to Gen Z is finding it easy to do.

How to make sure children are getting the right foods: 6 tips


(BPT) – At some point during parenthood, everyone struggles with feeding their children the right foods. Is it green enough? Does it have the right vitamins? Will it help support their immune system?

Picking the right foods alone is a hard job, but what do you do when your kids won’t even touch the healthy stuff on their plates? Here are six tips from Nutrilite senior research scientist, Holiday Zanetti, who is a mom with a Ph.D. in nutrition.

1) Try new things

Don’t be afraid to try new things and expose your kids to the vast world of nutritious foods. Who knows what your kids might like? Maybe you grew up hating Brussels sprouts and green beans, but there is a chance your little ones might love them.

Holiday said expanding their exposure to diverse foods will only help them find more stuff they like. A good way to introduce new foods is by putting food they have not tried next to foods that are tried and true. Placing the new offering alongside their favorite meal may make them feel more comfortable trying something for the first time.

2) Lead by example

Monkey see, monkey do. Kids learn so much from their parents, including talking, walking, reading, writing and more. Along with all the other traits and habits kids pick up from family members, Holiday said children also mimic loved ones’ eating habits.

You don’t have to drop your fun and easy family meals like pizza Fridays or donuts for breakfast on Sundays. Just make sure you balance those out on other days with more vegetables and fruits so that your children can get used to nutritious food.

3) Play with your food

Holiday urges parents to bring imagination into eating to avoid making it boring. She said society has outgrown the “Don’t play with your food” mindset and evolved into an era where using your other senses while you eat is more fun and accepted.

Pretend your heads of broccoli are small trees. Arrange your food into faces. Use your hands to mix and have a food eating contest with your children. These are all fun ways you can get your kids excited about eating healthier foods.

4) Disguise foods they don’t like

By far the easiest thing you can do as a parent, Holiday said, is sneaking something your child hasn’t tried into something they love. There is a good chance that in the heat of the moment, your kids won’t even know what they are eating.

For example, cauliflower is rich in nutrients and has a taste that can easily be incorporated into your meals. Examples of fun meals with cauliflower are garlic cauliflower mash (tastes like mashed potatoes) or cauliflower “fried rice.”

5) Cook with your kids

Lastly, introduce your kids to the fun of cooking. They might turn out to be a huge help in the kitchen. Letting them mix the salad, pour the oil or peel the corn are all fun ways to let your kids get hands on with their food.

Incorporating your kids into the process of making their meal will help them connect with their food and make them more inclined to eat it. Plus, cooking skills will benefit them throughout life.

6) Nutritional supplements

If you are worried about your kids not getting the right vitamins and minerals, consider incorporating supplements specifically formulated for children into their daily routine.

Nutrilite supplements offer a range of products for kids that make it fun for them to get their daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals, including gummies, fast-melt powders and jelly splats. Kids aren’t always going to be easy to feed, so these supplements make it easy for parents to fill any gaps in their child’s daily nutrition.

Learn more

Between supplements and a few sneaky veggie tricks, rest assured your picky eater will be getting all the good nutrition they need. For more tips on healthy living, visit

Your key to a healthier new year? Potatoes.


(BPT) – It’s New Year’s resolution season, and many people’s goals involve improving their health — exercising more, eating better and losing weight. While it can be hard to stick to resolutions, a staple item in your kitchen can give you a leg up — potatoes.

Potatoes are a nutrient-dense vegetable. Per 5.3-ounce serving, they have more potassium than a banana and more vitamin C than a tomato. Potatoes are also packed with energy and are affordable, delivering more nutrients per penny than most other vegetables.

But how can potatoes help achieve your resolutions? Let’s start with eating better. Potatoes can play a key role in many of the most popular approaches to eating well:

  • Plant-Based Diets: Plant-based diets are a growing trend, but getting enough high-quality protein is important. Potatoes provide 3 grams of plant-based protein, which is more than other commonly consumed vegetables except dried beans. Try Vegan Mashed Potatoes with Kale.
  • Whole30: According to Whole30, “Potatoes of all varieties are real, nutrient-dense foods,” and the guidelines encourage mashed, baked or roasted potatoes. Try Frittata with Potato Crust.
  • WW (formerly Weight Watchers): For people on this popular plan, potatoes are a ZeroPoint food. Potatoes are given this distinction because they’re “filling and nutritious.” Try 12 Surprising Ways to Cook with Potatoes from WW.
  • Mediterranean Diet, DASH Diet and Flexitarian Diet: U.S. News & World Report has ranked these as best overall diets as chosen by a panel of health experts, and potatoes are a staple in all three. Try Manhattan Paella.
  • Gluten-Free Diets: Potatoes are naturally gluten-free, and they can help provide several of the nutrients often inadequately consumed by people following gluten-free diets, such as fiber, thiamin, folate, magnesium, calcium and iron. Try Gluten-Free Spiralized Hash Brown Casserole.

Along with being nutrient-dense, some research suggests that potatoes are one of the most filling foods you can eat. Studies indicate that potatoes may stave off hunger better than common sides like pasta, rice and bread.

Beyond eating well, working out more is a resolution for many people, and carbohydrates provide important fuel for muscles during exercise. However, not all carbs are created equal. A medium potato has 26 grams of quality carbs, which is important for optimal physical and mental performance. Potatoes also deliver the energy, potassium and vitamin C needed to fuel your workout. In particular, the potassium in potatoes is perfect for aiding muscle, cardiovascular and nervous system function during long endurance events.

On a final note, you may believe that sweet potatoes are healthier than regular potatoes, but they’re more alike than you think. They provide similar amounts of key nutrients like protein, potassium and vitamin B6, all of which contribute to a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet. They’re also both included on the FDA’s Top 20 Raw Vegetable list, and they’re similar in calories and carbohydrates.

So, as 2022 gets underway, pass the potatoes, and know you’re helping achieve your health and fitness goals for the New Year. And be sure to check out for more information and inspiration!

Wyoming travel tips: 4 outdoor experiences to try this winter


(BPT) – If you’re all about the great outdoors, you probably plan your travel adventures around places that have plenty of things to do, along with incredible scenery. For your next trip that’s all about the outdoors, you can’t do better than Casper, Wyoming for whatever you love doing — or whatever adventure you’d like to tackle next.

1. Hit the trails

On Casper Mountain, you can find 50 miles of multi-use trails of varying difficulties to enjoy hiking or biking in the beautiful winter scenery. The short walk to Garden Creek Falls is gorgeous, while the waterfall is also accessible during winter. In town, the Platte River Trails weave in and along the North Platte River, with snowy landscapes serving as the trail’s backdrop.

2. Hit the slopes

Love everything winter has to offer? You can plan your trip for after the snow falls to hit the trails via snowshoe, snowmobile or on cross-country skis or fat bikes. Embrace winter and tackle every outdoor activity you can find in and around Casper, including outstanding downhill skiing and snowboarding at the incredible Hogadon Basin Ski Area.

3. Perfect your cast

You can’t go wrong with ice fishing at Pathfinder Reservoir or Alcova Reservoir. Whether you’re an expert or novice, you can fish on your own or book a trip with an experienced guide. American Angler Magazine named the Grey Reef Section of the North Platte River the number one Big Fish Destination, and it’s no wonder — the river has anywhere from 3,000-5,000 fish per mile, and it’s one of the few locations that’s fishable year-round. The river sits below five reservoirs, helping to keep water flow and temperature consistent so it’s a stable fishing habitat any season of the year.

4. Immerse yourself in the natural world

Apart from the stunning views of mountain slopes, rivers and forest, Edness Kimball Wilkins State Park is designated as an important bird area by the Wyoming Audubon Society, and is home to over 100 species of birds for amazing birdwatching. The park is a natural habitat for a variety of wildlife including deer, antelope and other small animals. Plus, it has 2.8 miles of paved trails.

But that doesn’t mean nature is all the city of Casper has to offer.

“Casper is an outdoor playground, but with the perfect amount of culture,” said Brook Kaufman, CEO of Visit Casper. “You can spend the morning hiking on Casper Mountain, cast a fishing line all afternoon and then enjoy incredible dining and culture after the sun goes down.”

While traveling, stay safe by following all local health and safety protocols. Follow recommended guidelines such as washing hands, social distancing and/or staying home if you are sick. Some local businesses may request that you wear a mask, so it’s recommended to pack two per person in case they’re needed.

Enjoy the beauty of nature and all the outdoor adventures you can imagine in Casper, Wyoming. Learn more at

3 ways clean insulation helps improve indoor air quality at home


(BPT) – The events of the last several years have sparked the adoption of home upgrades that prioritize our health and well-being — from the installation of touchless faucets to freshly painted walls in neutral, calming colors. While these cosmetic changes are certainly beneficial, many homeowners are craving permanent upgrades that address more pressing concerns, such as indoor air quality (IAQ) levels. After all, poor IAQ can have both immediate and long-term effects on our physical health, from eyes, nose and throat irritation to respiratory diseases.

One way to improve and maintain a healthier indoor living environment is to install clean insulation throughout critical areas of a home, including the walls, roof and floors. While there are various types of insulation materials on the market, expanded polystyrene (EPS) offers incredible performance capabilities in a safe package, making it an ideal option for health-conscious homeowners.

Here are three tried-and-true ways that EPS insulation helps improve IAQ levels at home.

1. Does not release toxic contaminants into our homes

First and foremost, EPS has a clean composition and is one of the few types of building insulations that doesn’t experience off-gassing, meaning it will not leak dangerous contaminants into the air. On the other hand, some competitive insulation products employ blowing agents during the manufacturing process to achieve an abnormally high R-value. This can be appealing to many homeowners because typically, the higher an insulation’s R-value, the stronger its thermal performance and ability to provide a more comfortable living environment. However, these blowing agents will diffuse from the cellular structure of the material over its service life, steadily releasing a host of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. To our benefit, EPS offers reliable thermal performance and does not utilize blowing agents. Because the insulation doesn’t experience any off-gassing, homeowners can enjoy cleaner air at home.

2. Creates a nearly airtight home that keeps allergens out

Installed across the walls, roof and floors of our homes, EPS can help support continuous insulation (ci) — a building concept that results in a nearly airtight structure. Generally, airtightness can be compared to the zipper on a down jacket. On a mountain top, the down jacket is essentially worthless if the zipper is not zipped.

Like a down jacket and its zipper, panels of EPS can effectively create an air-impermeable building envelope. Without the blanket of EPS insulation, harmful outdoor air pollutants such as vehicle exhaust and smoke may unknowingly infiltrate our homes. Recognizing the importance of a nearly airtight home is one of our strongest weapons in the pursuit of healthier IAQ.

3. Maximizes the performance of HVAC systems to filter and dehumidify the air we breathe

Utilizing EPS across the building envelope will support a tight home and, in turn, maximize the performance of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems put in place. In application, an effective ventilation system will usher fresh air into a home in controlled amounts and exhaust indoor contaminants to the outside. By limiting air exchange to controlled ventilation systems, we can breathe cleaner, healthier air at home.

An efficient ventilation system will also dehumidify incoming air to mitigate the risk of mold growth in wall cavities, floorboards and other damp, dark places. With properly functioning mechanical ventilation, there’s no need to worry about toxic mold curtailing IAQ levels.

What’s next?

With a growing focus on health and wellness in the home, now is the perfect time to prioritize making lasting changes that will improve your quality of life. Get started on the road to better IAQ by heading to your local home improvement store and looking for the aisle with EPS insulation materials (such as pre-cut R-TECH Insulation Panels) or turn to a contractor who works with EPS products (including the many options from Insulfoam).

4 vehicle maintenance tips you can do at home


(BPT) – Supply shortages and production delays have made it tough to find a new car in 2021, which means many people might consider holding on to their vehicles for longer. In order to extend the life of their vehicles, many drivers may choose to conduct more maintenance at home, such as tire pressure checks, topping up fluids and performing other systems checks to ensure the vehicle is mechanically sound. Here are four tips to make the most of at-home maintenance.

Consult your manual

While it might be tempting to simply pop the hood and make repairs on the fly, it’s always a good idea to first double-check the manual. According to Hankook Tire’s latest Gauge Index survey, only 1 in 4 Americans (23%) reported turning to this important guide when doing maintenance on their vehicles, an oversight that could prove costly: Vehicle manuals offer tips and warnings specific to that vehicle, as well as instructions on the right fluids to keep it running reliably.

Keep a log of your checks and repairs

When conducting maintenance on a vehicle, or diagnosing a fault, it can be helpful to have a detailed log of any previous work done. A simple notebook with dates and details of fluid top-ups, tire pressure checks and garage visits can give the owner, as well as any service professional, a clear picture of what needs to be maintained or fixed next. And it can help with spotting any red flags, such as highlighting that certain fluids are being used far quicker than expected, indicating a fault.

Conduct maintenance checks before long-distance travel

With the majority of Americans (61%) still feeling most comfortable traveling long-distance by car, checking your vehicle before a road trip is more important than ever. It’s bad enough to suffer a mechanical problem in any situation, but dealing with a breakdown halfway to the family cabin or while taking your eldest to college is something no one wants to experience. That’s a fear shared by 40% of Americans, who worry about an under-the-hood issue or a flat tire affecting their road trip.

That’s why 70% of Americans make sure to check their vehicle fluids and 69% check their tire pressure before a long-distance journey. It can help to take time the day before traveling to make any maintenance checks. Remember that tire pressure is best checked right before setting off as it can fluctuate when a vehicle is left idle.

Turn to a professional when the time is right – but don’t wait too long!

There are plenty of day-to-day tasks that can help keep a vehicle running smoothly. But many of us still find it important to turn to our car dealers or garages for a regular, thorough inspection: 1 in 3 Americans (32%) say they feel safer getting maintenance done by a professional.

So how often should that appointment be scheduled? Over 40% of Americans reported using their mileage as a marker when scheduling a professional maintenance visit. But it’s important to remember that professional maintenance visits need to be scheduled every 3,000 miles or six months — whichever comes sooner. And with many Americans are driving less than two years ago, the calendar may be a more important tool than the odometer to keep vehicles running fault-free.

Did you know? Most Americans (79%) can recite the year, make and model of their vehicle from memory. But only 1 in 3 (34%) can remember their license plate number!

The Family Time You Truly Deserve


(BPT) – With the holidays just around the corner, it’s time to prepare your home so that everyone you care for can unwind and spend some quality time together by helping them leave all their worries and stress at the door.

If a festive gathering sits at the top of your list, here are some tips that’ll get everyone in the festive spirit and make this December your most unforgettable holiday season yet.

Pour Up Some Holiday Cheer.

Whether it be a cozy get-together or classic soiree, for so many a party is incomplete without perfectly preserved wine or a festive bubbly on ice. But keep in mind that not everyone has the same taste, so try and prepare an array of drinks for your diverse guests to sip on. If wine is on the menu, try to keep tabs on the optimal temperature for storage and serving, which is where LG SIGNATURE’s Wine Cellar comes in as it stores different types of wine with ease, tailoring temperatures to each type. Red, white or sparkling, just slip your bottles into the cellar’s sleek compartments and voilà! It minimizes temperature fluctuations, reduces vibrations, limits light exposure and locks in humidity so that your most cherished wines can reach their full aromatic potential just as they would in a traditional wine cave. A glass of instant delight is served.

Pair your drinks with the perfect food for a marvelous combination of savory sensations. Depending on the unique aroma and flavor of your wine, the list of complementing foods is close to endless — from scrumptious meat and seafood dishes to bite-sized fruit and cheese appetizers. Of course, all these delicacies must be kept fresh so that when they reach the table they’re as flavorful as they were when you bought them. Simply put your ingredients and goodies inside the LG SIGNATURE InstaView refrigerator and the expansive Custom Chill™ Pantry will take care of them for you. What’s more, its sleek mirrored glass panel that illuminates with two quick knocks allows you to see inside the easy-access compartment without ever opening the door, reducing cold air loss to help keep food fresher for longer.

Transform Your Home Into a Christmas Haven.

While delicious food and drinks may provide that wow factor on the night, what makes them stay through the evening are cheerful conversations over a comfy yet beautifully decked-out venue. Lighting is a crucial yet often overlooked element of a tasteful party décor, so consider dimmer switches, candles or even a fireplace to create a warm, cozy atmosphere people will never want to leave. LG SIGNATURE Rollable OLED R is ready to take you places all while you enjoy your cozy time at home with friends, offering realistic imaging and sounds, evoking the crackling of the fireplace or the cheerful caroling. And with the Line View, you can just listen to the music play or simply enjoy the mood, adding an extra touch of elegance to the luxurious design that blends in smoothly with the on-screen bonfire and elevates your living room interior.

Home fabrics can really make a statement in any space, adding a layer of warmth your friends and family will welcome with open arms. There’s a multitude of ways to dress up your home, like sprucing up the furniture with plush silk bedding or hanging up romantic velvet curtains for date night. Worried about the hefty pile of laundry that awaits? Have peace of mind with the LG TWINWash™ Washer which handles the largest laundry loads in no time courtesy of its long list of cutting-edge features. Stain Care 24 eliminates 24 different kinds of common stains and TWINWash™ & Dual Control saves time by bringing multitasking to laundry — clean two different fabric types, two separate colors, or an urgent and non-urgent load at once. Luxury sheets? Check. Your grandkid’s mud-covered clothes? Also check.

Share the Joy.

All festivities and merriments aside, the things we tend to remember most about these gatherings are the moments we spend together with our nearest and dearest, sharing and cherishing our feelings of love and devotion. Always make the most of these rare occasions and be sure to tell your family and friends just how much you appreciate them. If you don’t know how to go about it, perhaps a song will do. Joining hands with LG SIGNATURE this holiday season, John Legend released a song and music video for the ultra-premium brand titled “You Deserve It All.” The bop, perfectly offset by Legend’s smooth and jazzy vocals, will both serve as a light and easy background music for your party and an apt expression of your love — because your loved ones surely deserve it all at the most wonderful time of the year.

And for those that unfortunately can’t make it this year, let them know you’re thinking of them with a heartfelt letter, phone or video call. For an even more personal touch — something that speaks from the heart — LG SIGNATURE has you covered. As part of its 2021 holiday campaign, the brand released a special Christmas e-card depicting a snow globe with LG SIGNATURE products and holiday-themed items nestled inside. The online card can even be customized by you with four unique themes to choose from.

If you’re looking to spread the joy beyond your close-knit circle of family and friends, look to foundations making a difference in so many lives during the holidays this year and every year. LG SIGNATURE is supporting DIFFA’s (Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS) Specify with Care® program this holiday season to boost its advocacy for individuals impacted by HIV and AIDS. Life’s good when we care for the well-being of others.

In essence, the holiday season wouldn’t be the same without the people we spend it with. Whether with a splendid gathering, a good deed, or whichever way you choose to profess your love for your family, friends, and the community around you, you’ll be making special moments that will be remembered for years to come.

Welcome nature into the bath for an organic, harmonious design


(BPT) – Architecture and interior design often take inspiration from the environment. Whether it’s the form of a structure inspired by the outdoors or the incorporation of native plants and natural textiles, organic elements make elegant designs. Renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s famed vision is rooted in the natural world. Pay tribute to Wright’s enduring legacy by incorporating his values in design decisions — from colors derived from the field and woods to prioritizing simplicity and sustainability in the bath.

Organic materials

Adopt a sophisticated, natural space using principles of organic architecture. Be intentional with every material and design choice to conceive an environment that is functional and balanced. Incorporate organic materials such as wood, concrete or metals into a space for a harmonious expression of nature. In the bath, elements such as lighting, wood accents, water features, and fixtures with sleek, minimal lines produce a relaxing bathing experience. Start with a neutral color palette using colors such as sage or tumbled stone for a subtle backdrop. Then, layer more color — such as pops of teal and red — to integrate unique touches that elevate a space, while staying in tune with the overall design.

Simplicity in form

The true value of a design is judged by its effortlessness and repose. A blank canvas allows for the chosen features to shine and can create tranquility within the bath. To achieve simplicity, remove excess and opt for minimalism. Choose fixtures in the bath that are purposeful and add to the overall form of the space. Finally, add touches of warmth through soft lighting and materials to brighten and balance the design, keeping harmony in mind.

Create nature indoors

Bring in elements of the environment throughout the home to fashion a continuous, cohesive design. Establish a landscape-inspired interior by styling live greenery and plants throughout.

Select fixtures that bring together beautiful features found in nature in a modernized way, such as those from the Frank Lloyd Wright® Bath Collection by Brizo®. The collection draws from his philosophy of organic architecture through elements such as avant-garde water flow and natural wood incorporated into the design. The Raincan Showerhead provides a luxurious experience through the distinctive rush of the Canopy Spray, which activates a built-in light by hydrogenator for a dramatic effect — evoking a sense of rainfall.

Sustainability in design

Elect for green living wherever possible. Intentionally select renewable materials — such as bamboo and cork — and consider the environment at every step, to build a long-lasting, timeless abode. Choose fixtures that are at the intersection of sleek, clean design and conscious sustainability. Pick out WaterSense® Labeled lavatory faucets, showerheads and handshowers to ensure a space that is both luxurious and green. Take the time to curate a sustainable home for a transformative space that exists in harmony with the environment.

Watersense® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Best gifts to capture your 2022 adventures


(BPT) – Do adventures await you and your favorite people in 2022? If things like travel, sports and the outdoors make your heart pound with joy, then you want gifts that are equally exciting.

Check out this GoPro gift guide to find the right gift for the right person to help capture every magical moment with family and friends in 2022 and beyond:

HERO10: Ideal for creators looking for the best video quality

HERO10 shoots 5.3K video at 60 frames per second and 4K at an incredible 120 frames per second for cinematic 4X slo-mo. HyperSmooth 4.0 stabilization is available in more high-performance settings than ever before. The front-facing screen is perfect for creators, and a more responsive rear touch screen allows you to customize the settings for any situation, day or night. And the camera is cloud connected, so it works seamlessly with the GoPro Quik app (heads-up, auto-uploading to the cloud is a perk of the GoPro Subscription).

Insider tip: Keep an eye on for the best HERO10 Black deals. Right now, you can snag the HERO10 Black at an incredible $200 savings.

Deal alert: Free shipping for last-minute shopping

GoPro is offering free express shipping on all orders placed on So get those last-minute orders in!

GoPro Subscription: For gifting unlimited cloud storage of photos and videos, exclusive deals and premium tools

The GoPro Subscription is the gift that keeps on giving the ultimate GoPro experience all year long. Subscribers receive:

  • Quick app access to premium tools and unlimited mural events
  • $100 off up to three new GoPro cameras a year
  • Up to 50% off accessories at
  • High-quality live streaming to family and friends via
  • Guaranteed damaged camera replacement
  • Auto upload to the cloud

Enduro: Ideal for anyone looking for a battery booster

Do you know a year-round adventurer? When weather doesn’t slow you down, the Enduro is a must-have. Enduro dramatically improves your GoPro’s performance in cold temperatures and extends recording times in moderate temperatures. Bring on the winter and all the snow sports, plus enjoy more battery time for summer, spring and fall as well.

Max Lens Mod: Ideal for going big without sacrificing stabilization

Max Lens Mod is an ultra-wide angle lens accessory for HERO10 and HERO9 Black cameras. It enables incredibly wide, distortion-free video, referred to as Max SuperView, as well as the ultimate in-video stabilization, aptly named Max HyperSmooth, with optional full 360° horizon lock. And with HERO10 Black, Max Lens Mod enables 2.7K60 video in both 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratios for hands down the widest, most stable POV shots possible.

3-Way 2.0: The perfect one-and-done mount for anyone

The all-new 3-Way 2.0 is three essential mounts in one. It is the ultimate tool for shooting on a tripod, a handheld camera grip and an extension arm for selfies with the crew, overhead shots, follow-cam footage and getting closer to the action. Waterproof construction means you can use it in and out of the water, so bring on the H2O!

Weekender: For people who want a great pack for multi-day adventures

Get away with the Weekender Backpack that packs big function into a stylish design. The Weekender is an exceptional pack for a three-day weekend with customizable storage for cameras, devices, glasses and a side-loading slot sleeve to hold a 15-inch laptop. It comes with a hidden pocket for valuables, a dirty clothes pouch and weather-resistant construction.

“GoPro has something for anyone who loves to be outside and active. Whether it’s the HERO10 Black for capturing and sharing your experiences or one of our durable and versatile backpacks like the Weekender,” said GoPro VP of Global Marketing and Communications Rick Loughery. “You can’t go wrong with a GoPro gift!”

FPolveV: For those who want to easily capture a bird’s-eye view

You don’t need a drone to get that killer shot. The FPolveV is an awesome extension pole mount that allows you to capture drone-like footage without the expense or training of using an actual drone. By moving a GoPro camera attached to the fully extended pole, it creates unreal videos which seem to be taken by a drone.

Aura: For people who want to stay connected near and far

Aura digital frames are always a favorite around the holidays. Set it up so your family and friends can share photos directly to your Aura frame from their smartphones year round. Plus, Aura is an easy and beautiful solution to instantly frame photos from your GoPro.