What does a health and fitness coach do? Is it the career for you?


(BPT) – Health solutions and preventative wellness have never been more crucial. Today, six in 10 Americans live with at least one chronic disease, many of which can be prevented by eating well, being physically active, avoiding tobacco and alcohol, and getting regular health screenings.

People are increasingly choosing to prioritize their well-being today to enjoy a longer, more fulfilling life. Google’s 2021 Year in Search results illustrate this momentum, as “women’s health” was searched more in 2021 than ever before in the United States, while interest in mental health broke records globally.

Now more than ever, individuals are seeking experts to support their desired changes, turning to health coaches and educators to help them live healthier lifestyles. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports overall employment of health education specialists and community health workers is projected to grow 17% from 2020 to 2030 — much faster than the average for all other occupations.

Career outlook aside, if you feel passionate about learning how to be healthier and achieving your own wellness goals, a career as a health coach could allow you to turn that passion into a meaningful career.

This was the case for ASU Online student Vicki Sheerin, who developed a life-altering passion for health and wellness after realizing weight loss would allow her to be more active in her children’s lives.

“I once struggled with weight gain, then had a moment in 2018 where I felt a spark telling me I had to do something about it,” she said. “My fire and determination [for this profession] came from seeing how much my weight loss was having a ripple effect in others’ lives.”

What does a health and fitness coach do?

In this newer profession, lifestyle and fitness practitioners are expert facilitators of mindset and behavior change. Health coaches serve an important need by empowering people to take control of their well-being. In doing so, they help people develop a sense of purpose and cultivate lasting behavioral changes necessary to optimize their well-being, foster thriving and help prevent disease.

Health coaches are not limited to working in any singular location. Those with a background or degree in fitness science can “work in the burgeoning field of wellness, supporting health and well-being in a variety of settings, working with individuals, groups or communities,” said Dr. Devi Davis-Strong, a lecturer at Arizona State University’s College of Health Solutions.

By becoming a health coach, you can help others improve their health through guidance and counseling, providing the resources necessary to advance the wellness of individuals and communities alike. If the idea of empowering people to live healthier lives sounds exciting, you may consider starting on the path to becoming a health coach.

How to become a health and fitness coach

To create such lasting change as a wellness coach, one needs to be sufficiently knowledgeable about evidence-based processes of lifestyle change and lifestyle, wellness and positive psychological knowledge and skills. Your first step to entering this fulfilling career path is finding an educational program that provides the necessary background and helps you obtain useful credentials.

Arizona State University, for example, launched the first online bachelor’s program in the nation focused on preparing students for the fields of both health and wellness coaching and fitness science. ASU Online’s Bachelor of Science in health sciences with a focus on healthy lifestyles and fitness science uses an interdisciplinary approach and online simulated hands-on experiential learning to provide students with the skills needed to work in preventative health care and the knowledge necessary to pursue advanced health degrees. Courses cover core subjects including:

  • Nutrition
  • Physical fitness
  • Stress management
  • Coaching and behavioral health psychology
  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Evidence-based practice

According to Karen Gregory-Mercado, Ph.D, MPH, MCHES, NBC-HWC, director and senior lecturer for the degree, the curriculum centers on two foundational components: healthy lifestyles and fitness sciences.

“Healthy lifestyles focuses on teaching skills and competencies supporting meaningful behavioral changes and improved wellbeing by expanding knowledge about health theories, coaching psychology, ethical principles and evidence-based applications in nutrition, stress and substance use/abuse. Fitness sciences prepares students to design, communicate and utilize evidence-based physical activity programs,” she said.

A degree in this area can lead to a fulfilling career, or prepare students for further certification. While completing this degree through ASU Online, students may sit for nationally-accredited, advanced certification in health and fitness areas such as those offered by the American College of Sports Medicine.

“These certifications, in addition to coursework, prepare graduates for opportunities in worksite wellness, community wellness and fitness centers, health coaching, health education and health promotion,” said Dr. Davis-Strong.

Career prospects in health sciences

With the background provided by this degree in healthy lifestyles and fitness science, you could pursue a wide variety of positions, including:

  • Health and wellness coach
  • Behavior management specialist
  • Occupational health and safety specialist
  • Medical and health services manager
  • Community health worker
  • Fitness and wellness coordinator
  • Medical and health services manager
  • Postsecondary health specialties teacher

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a much higher than average job outlook for Group Fitness Instructors and Health Education Specialists over the next decade. These careers are expected to grow 39% and 17% between 2020 and 2030, respectively.

To learn more about how you can earn a degree to begin your health and fitness sciences profession, visit ASUOnline.asu.edu.

Curious about radical self-care? It’s simpler than you think.


(BPT) – Self-care is a hot topic that often relates to activities like exploring a hobby or heading to the spa. But what happens when to-do’s hijack your day and life is so busy that you can’t even manage a basic self-care routine such as getting a full night’s rest or pausing to sit down for a nutritious meal?

If you feel so overwhelmed that self-care of any kind seems impossible, you’re not alone. Many people in the United States are suffering from what experts call a wellness deficit disorder.

“America is a land of riches, yet our wellness levels are on the decline. Life might look great from the outside, but many people are not living life from a place of wellness. They’re just going through the motions. This is what wellness deficit disorder is all about,” said Saundra Jain, adjunct clinical affiliate, School of Nursing, University of Texas at Austin.

Radical self-care is a concept receiving ample attention because it is different from the traditional self-care you often hear about. Jain explained that radical self-care centers on self-compassion.

“Radical self-care is about making progress, not about perfection. It doesn’t have to be something complicated, time consuming or expensive. For example, it could be learning to set healthy boundaries and saying no more often. Because when you can say no, it enriches when you say yes,” she said.

Jain recently spoke at the NEXUS trauma summit about radical self-care and how to begin a meaningful routine no matter where you are on your wellness journey. She suggests a daily check-in with yourself to see how your body feels and where your head is at. Taking one day at a time is essential, providing yourself compassion for what you are able to accomplish as well as not accomplish.

Radical self-care can seem challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. In addition to daily check-ins with yourself, Jain shares the following steps to help anyone succeed.

Radical self-care made easy

Breathe: Take a break and breathe in deeply through your nose and then exhale slowly through your mouth. A few deep breaths offer a space to relax and reconsider rather than reacting to a stressful and overwhelming situation. This is a simple yet powerful way to reset.

Stretch: Stand tall, lift your arms above your head and reach upward. Allow your arms to slowly drift down and rest next to your body. Shrug your shoulders up and down. Repeat until you feel tension evaporate.

Close your eyes: Close your eyes and imagine a place that fills you with a sense of calmness. Slowly breathe in and out as you visualize this place of peacefulness. Think about how it impacts your senses. Allow your body to relax into this special place.

If you’d like to learn more about mental health and radical self-care visit NexusMentalHealth.com.

“Wellness is a basic human right,” said Jain. “Radical self-care is a path to wellness. It is made up of practices we rely on no matter what’s happening in our life. Something as simple as mindful breathing is a wonderful reset. Radical self-care practices allow us to be at our very best.”

Is your garden thriving? Thank a breeder!


(BPT) – Today you don’t need to be a horticultural expert to grow tasty tomatoes, mouth-watering watermelon or fragrant lilacs. Advances in breeding over the past decade have resulted in plants that are easier for home gardeners to grow. They are more disease resistant, weather tolerant and prolific than ever before. “These researchers are dedicated to developing varieties that grow well in our various climates and perform better than the varieties from the past. They’re focusing on new plants that can bring more to the garden: more flowers, more fruits, more disease resistance, all in convenient sizes for today’s garden,” says Diane Blazek, executive director at National Garden Bureau (NGB). “Many of NGB’s Year Of plant selections have seen major breeding improvements in the last few years and that’s why we chose them. It’s an exciting time for all gardeners.”

Not your grandmother’s flowers

One such breeding example is verbena. Years ago, this colorful annual fell out of favor because it was an inconsistent bloomer or was susceptible to diseases like powdery mildew. Annual flower breeders went to work to fix these problems. The results are new, improved varieties that are disease resistant, more heat-tolerant and provide consistent color. “We chose verbena as our Year Of Annual because of all of these improvements,” says Blazek. “Breeding advancements have made verbena much easier to grow, and they’re a great way to add season-long color to the garden.”

Phlox has a similar story. This native perennial, chosen as the 2022 Year of Perennial crop, was susceptible to disease, and tall garden varieties would often flop over in the garden. Breeding work focused on creating stronger stems to keep the beautiful blooms upright. New varieties are also much more disease resistant, offer more vibrant colors and are easier to grow.

Small-space fruits and veggies

Have you stayed away from planting edibles because you have a small space, or even just a patio or balcony? Well, you can’t use that excuse any longer! Breeders have developed many edible varieties to use in small gardens or containers, including tomatoes, peppers, raspberries, squash and watermelons. There are container-friendly tomato plants that are high yielding and produce fruits multiple times during the season. Same goes for berries. Compact blueberries, raspberries and even blackberries can have you snacking right from your patio.

This year’s 2022 Year Of Edible is Salad Greens. Breeders are making breakthrough improvements here too. You’ll find tastier varieties that stay compact in the garden and are more heat tolerant and less likely to bolt.

Super shrubs

In flowering shrubs, there are many examples of improvements. Lilac breeding, for example, has developed problem-solving varieties that stay more compact in the landscape, are more resistant to disease and can even rebloom later in the season. Now, these nostalgic and classic shrubs are perfectly suited for today’s gardens, and one of the many reasons why they were chosen as the 2022 Year of crop in the flowering shrub category.

Breeders have listened to the trials and tribulations of gardeners and have responded with improved plants that will make for more successful gardening. Why not give it another go this year? You might be surprised at how much easier gardening has become.

Visit National Garden Bureau at NGB.org for more information on starting or growing your garden.

Are your IBS symptoms more challenging to manage than they were a year ago? You’re not alone


(BPT) – If you live with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), does it seem like your symptoms have not improved in the last 12 months? According to recent survey results, this has been the experience for many adults living with IBS. This data comes from a recent Salix-sponsored survey of more than 700 IBS patients, of which nearly half (49%) of respondents found their IBS symptoms more challenging to manage in the past year. Additionally, the majority of respondents reported that their multiple GI symptoms have not improved over the last 12 months (between 77% and 81% of respondents across all IBS symptoms included in the survey).

This April, for IBS Awareness Month, Salix Pharmaceuticals, in partnership with the Farleigh Dickinson University Poll, released the second annual “Patient Perspectives Report: Living with IBS Now.” The report, which is available at www.salix.com/newsreleases, reveals insights into the symptoms and behaviors of people living with the condition.

What is IBS?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects 13.7 million adults in the United States. People with IBS often experience reoccurring issues with abdominal discomfort or pain that are associated with a range of symptoms, which can include diarrhea, constipation, or alternating episodes of both (mixed). Symptoms of IBS can range from mild to severe and can be difficult to manage, however, treatment options are available and should be discussed with your health care provider.

Why has IBS been tougher to manage this past year?

When asked what made the management of their symptoms most challenging in the last 12 months, respondents said:

  • Changes in their normal routine such as eating habits, exercise, and daily activities (79%)
  • Less communication with their health care provider (30%)
  • Changes in their IBS treatment (22%)

In-person versus telehealth appointments

Almost all HCP diagnosed patients surveyed (92%) were initially diagnosed with IBS during an in-person appointment. Additionally, more than half (61%) of those surveyed prefer in-person communications with their health care provider. The survey also found that 45% of respondents said telehealth has made receiving care easier.

Seeking treatment for IBS

Another takeaway from the survey regarding doctor-patient communications is that when meeting with their health care provider, 40% of patients only discuss their main IBS symptom, rather than discussing all of their IBS-related symptoms. It is important that patients discuss all of their IBS symptoms in order for their health care provider to have a complete picture of that patient’s experience with the condition.

If you are experiencing frequent symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, changes in bowel movements, abdominal pain, gas and/or bloating, it’s important to consult your health care provider to discuss symptom management and treatment goals.

It’s not too late: Clinical trial seeking participants with chronic Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)


(BPT) – Imagine living for years, sometimes decades, with debilitating eye symptoms that not only affect your day-to-day activities, but often get written off or misdiagnosed by doctors. This is the unfortunate reality for many people living with a rare autoimmune condition called Thyroid Eye Disease (TED).

With TED, the immune system mistakenly attacks the muscle and fat tissue behind the eyes, causing inflammation and scar tissue to form. This can lead to bothersome and incapacitating eye symptoms like pain and bulging, double vision, redness and irritation and more.

TED is commonly experienced in two phases: the acute or active phase, when symptoms come on suddenly and may get worse quickly, followed by the chronic or inactive phase 1-3 years later, when symptoms feel more stable and less changing. But despite periods of stability, TED and its symptoms may never fully go away. As is common with autoimmune conditions, TED symptoms can flare, or come back, at any point, even in the chronic phase.

Treatment for TED

Until recently, steroids and invasive surgery were the standard of care for treating TED. Fortunately, additional options have become available to help treat TED, leading to a reduction in many symptoms, including eye bulging and double vision — but more research is needed for people who have had TED for longer than two years.

Chronic TED Study

Researchers are looking for more patients to participate in a trial to assess the safety and benefits of teprotumumab-trbw, an already FDA-approved treatment, in people with chronic (inactive) TED. Clinical trials, also known as research studies, help researchers determine how safe and effective treatments are for certain diseases.

If you live with TED, ask your doctor about enrolling in a clinical trial. To learn more about the study, and to see if you may qualify to participate, please visit www.ChronicTEDStudy.com.

3 books to educate and inspire you on Earth Day


(BPT) – Each year, on April 22, more than a billion people band together physically and virtually to celebrate Earth Day with a goal of making the planet a happier, healthier place to live.

There are endless ways to join the celebration, from planting a tree in your backyard and limiting your water usage — to simply reading a great book that will educate and inspire you to protect the world around you.

If you’re unsure of where to start, these captivating books from National Geographic will help you learn about nature, animals, and conservation in unique and creative ways:

Ocean: A Global Odyssey

Written by oceanographer Dr. Sylvia A. Earle, this book offers a thorough overview of ocean life and its wonders with beautiful full-color photos of underwater vistas from the poles to the tropics. The book also includes more than 100 maps and diagrams illustrating the seafloor, political maps of seas and oceans and much more, underscoring the impact the ocean has on your everyday life. Learn about the forces, habitats, and creatures of the deep and how you can do your part in stewarding local and global waterways and the life they support, including humanity.

Into the Forest

Published to coincide with the 150th anniversary of Arbor Day, “Into the Forest: The Secret Language of Trees” by Susan Tyler Hitchcock explores the long-standing, intimate relationship humans have with the forest. This illustrated book reveals the multiple functions of trees in our world and includes photos ranging from the cellular structure of a tree trunk to aerial views of the rainforest, including images of dozens of tree species worldwide. Hitchcock invites readers to “step into the forest,” embrace the sense of well-being provided by the woods, and learn about efforts around the world to protect these precious areas. Tree huggers of all ages are sure to enjoy this book as they discover the value to their personal lives and communities that comes from parks, trees, and the forest.

Photo Ark Wonders

In Joel Sartore’s “Photo Ark Wonders: Celebrating Diversity in the Animal Kingdom,” he invites readers along on his lifelong mission to photograph all the animal species in human care. This latest installment of the Photo Ark series highlights the shapes, patterns, and expressions of more than 200 species of animals, both familiar and exotic, each identified with scientifically accurate and often amusing captions. Sartore shares entertaining episodes from his life photographing animals in zoos and wildlife centers around the world. By buying this book, you help fund conservation projects supporting the species most critically in need of protection and inspire action through education programs.

No matter which volume you choose (or all three), National Geographic Books make beautiful coffee table conversation pieces that can educate and inspire readers of all ages to think about the needs of our planet and take action to preserve it for generations to come. All are available wherever books are sold.

How innovative playground design encourages play and communication for children of all abilities


(BPT) – Playground design has been evolving to become more inclusive and inviting for all children — as well as caregivers — of differing abilities. But the development of innovative playgrounds created to genuinely benefit everyone requires not only an understanding of the necessary equipment and environmental considerations to allow for the appropriate space and accessibility, but also a deeper knowledge and experience of what children need on all levels: physically, emotionally and cognitively.

The importance of play

Play is so crucial for the development of children that the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) considers it to be an important component of developmentally appropriate teaching practice. In addition, the American Academy of Pediatrics issues guidelines to help pediatricians encourage play, and the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights has even declared play to be a fundamental right of all children.

And parents agree. A nationwide parent survey on inclusive play conducted by Landscape Structures Inc. revealed how much perceptions have changed. Nearly three-fourths (74%) of parents today believe it is important that children have the opportunity to play with a variety of children, including those with disabilities.

With this goal in mind, Landscape Structures has drawn on the expertise of child development professionals to continually explore new avenues that allow for all children to fully participate in play together. The work of the company has included not just play structures and activities that are accessible to children with physical disabilities, but also those who may have sight or hearing impairment, intellectual disabilities such as Down syndrome and developmental disabilities like autism.

“We draw from the experience of inclusive play experts as well as partners like the STAR Institute for Sensory Processing, passionate parents, therapists and kids,” said Jill Moore, inclusive play specialist at Landscape Structures. “As a wheelchair user myself, I understand how vital it is for playgrounds to be truly inclusive for all children, as well as for family members and caregivers who also use these crucial spaces for developing children.”

Inclusive playgrounds require features such as:

  • Physical play structures where children of differing abilities can challenge themselves, creating a sense of mastery and achievement
  • Unitary surfacing amenable to wheelchairs and other mobility devices
  • Extra-wide pathways and ramps
  • Stimulating activities to engage children on many levels
  • Imaginary play areas
  • Tactile, visual and auditory stimulation plus calming sensory activities using sand or water, artwork and/or music
  • Social activities for several children, plus smaller spaces for just a few
  • Quiet spaces for children needing quiet time and limited social interaction

A new frontier in playground innovation: Communication

For children who are unable to communicate verbally, such as early language learners, children with developmental delays, and those who are speech-challenged — or who may speak other languages — their inability to share ideas, feelings and needs can be frustrating and may keep them from socializing with other children.

With this need in mind, Landscape Structures has created a new Symbol Communication Sign to be placed at the entrance to play areas, so every child, family member and caregiver can use them to help further their expression, interaction and communication.

The Symbol Communication Sign is a large board with pictures to represent nouns and pronouns, verbs, feelings, activities, playground events, letters and numbers. The graphics are clear, universally understandable and easy to use, with industry-standard colors representing different types of words. These pictures and symbols help non-verbal, speech-challenged and early-learning individuals communicate with others. Creation of the board’s design was a team effort involving Landscape Structures staff as well as outside experts like speech-language pathologist Karen B. Haines and occupational therapist Ingrid M. Kanics.

“With guidance from experts in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Inclusive Design, we use pictures and symbols as an effective way for non-verbal, speech-challenged and early-learning individuals to communicate with friends and caregivers alike,” said Moore. “This new element helps create a more fully inclusive playground that allows everyone to be able to better communicate with one another, interact with each other and play together.”

In honor of Autism Awareness Month, learn more about the Symbol Communication Sign and other inclusive play possibilities for your community, school or neighborhood at PlayLSI.com.

Home upgrades for greener living in 2022 for every budget


(BPT) – Interest in eco-friendly home improvements is skyrocketing because it allows homeowners to improve their spaces while making a positive impact on the environment. The challenge is it can be difficult for homeowners to know which are the best upgrades for their budget.

Fortunately, there are improvements for every budget that can make a big impact in living a greener lifestyle. Consider these smart green home upgrades for small, medium and larger budgets:

Small investment: Green showerheads

Every time you step into the shower you want to enjoy warm water and a satisfying spray. You may have considered an eco-friendly showerhead before, but paused because you heard it would sacrifice this experience.

Fortunately, new options make it possible to save water and enjoy every shower. For example, the KOHLER Statement VES showering collection is engineered to deliver a luxurious showering experience with eco-friendly features that earn the EPA WaterSense certification.

How is this possible? This showerhead has a precise balance of size, number and distribution of nozzles to provide a superior spray, while its low-flow spray is optimized for strong rinsing coverage while maintaining warmth. The Katalyst Air-Induction Technology delivers larger drops that retain heat longer (up to 0.5 degrees warmer) while cloaking the body in water for a satisfying soak.

In addition, the collection has a showerhead and hand shower that features a 0.5 gpm pause. This might be ideal when shampooing or shaving. The pause option can conserve at least 40% of water compared to a typical 2.5 gpm showerhead without compromising the shower experience people desire.

Medium investment: Water-consumption technologies

Fixing leaks is essential to a functional home that limits water waste. However, many leaks are hidden, and those unknown leaks can be the most destructive. Household leaks account for nearly 10,000 gallons of water wasted and millions of dollars in property damage every year for U.S. homeowners.

Smart technology is helping homeowners detect leaks and be more mindful about water consumption. Just imagine being alerted by your phone about a leak in the basement so you can immediately take action.

This is possible with the KOHLER H2Wise systems powered by Phyn that provide immediate alerts for minor or major leaks, including pre-freeze warnings to help prevent frozen pipe bursts. The system runs a diagnosis of the entire home’s plumbing to detect hidden issues and track daily water usage by each fixture.

There are two systems to choose from: H2Wise can be installed by the homeowner. H2Wise+ needs to be installed by a professional onto the main water line, therefore providing the ability to shut off the main water supply automatically and remotely when a leak is detected. That means being able to turn it off while away from home, such as when on vacation.

Larger investment: Alternative energy

If you’re really dedicated to going green and living an eco-friendly lifestyle, consider solar power systems for your home. These systems collected energy through solar panels and then store that energy for your use.

Solar panel technology has advanced tremendously and you can now find low-profile panels that blend with your home’s exterior. In addition to panels, you’ll want an energy storage system so you can store and access the power you’ve collected regardless of the weather or time of day. The KOHLER Power Reserve is a fully integrated system that allows you to use the solar energy gathered throughout the day and reserves that energy for use whenever you want it.

KOHLER Power Reserve gives you full control of your storage system through a mobile app that helps you monitor and adjust the system including a variety of modes:

  • Backup: Battery is charged and ready to power your home during an outage
  • Self-supply: Battery uses your stored energy to power the home, limits the usage on utility power
  • Time-of-use: Battery prioritizes the use of your stored energy during peak utility periods, which means increased savings

You can also access timelines of power information for the day as well as historical statistics for the system. It’s compatible with any home solar panel system and can be installed indoors or outdoors on both new and existing solar panel setups.

Making green home improvements is a smart choice no matter your budget. You can feel good about helping the environment and adding value to your home.

What can your breath reveal about your gut health?


(BPT) – Your body’s alarm system triggers uncomfortable symptoms to alert you when something isn’t right. When it comes to persistent bloating and other gastrointestinal symptoms, answers about the underlying cause may actually be found in your breath. Data from your breath can help your doctor develop a specific treatment plan for you so that you can start to feel better as quickly as possible.

Symptoms like bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation over an extended period of time can indicate that you have a serious GI condition. You may have heard about a condition called SIBO, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, that occurs in the gut microbiome, the ecosystem of bacteria that live in your gut.

SIBO is defined as the presence of excessive numbers, or overgrowth, of bacteria in the small intestine, leading to chronic gastrointestinal symptoms. SIBO is a complex result of slowed transit in the gut. It can be caused by various medications, surgeries and conditions such as diabetes, IBS, celiac, Crohn’s disease and other gastrointestinal complications.

Bacteria in your gut are fed by the food you consume, and when bacteria eat, they release specific kinds of gases. When there is bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, there are more bacteria consuming your food and subsequently releasing more gas, which causes the symptoms of SIBO. Bloating is the most prominent symptom reported. This overgrowth of bacteria will result in abnormally elevated levels of gases, only detectable with a breath test.

Breath testing is an easy way to measure the gases found in your gut microbiome. To conduct a breath test, you drink a sugar solution, which is then consumed by the bacteria in your gut. The bacteria release gases that are measurable in your breath. You then collect multiple samples by breathing into a device designed to securely capture your breath, and the levels of each gas found in your samples are recorded and analyzed at a lab.

Properly identifying your GI condition with a breath test helps your doctor develop a personalized treatment plan. There are specialized antibiotics and medications available to treat the overgrowth of bacteria, as well as diets specially designed to prevent the recurrence of overgrowth.

It’s important to know that there are three variations of SIBO, each indicated by one of three different gases: hydrogen, methane and hydrogen sulfide. If any of these gases are abnormally high, certain GI conditions can be determined; abnormal hydrogen is indicative of SIBO, abnormal methane is indicative of IMO (intestinal methanogenic overgrowth), and abnormal hydrogen sulfide is indicative of excess hydrogen sulfide.

IMO is the result of the overgrowth of archaea — organisms similar to bacteria — in the large intestine. The levels of methane associated with IMO correlate with the severity of constipation you may be experiencing.

Excess hydrogen sulfide is a condition associated with diarrhea and is defined as the overgrowth of hydrogen sulfide-producing organisms. The levels of hydrogen sulfide correlate with the severity of diarrhea. Hydrogen sulfide was previously undetectable by breath testing until recent technological breakthroughs.

Because there are three types of detectable gases in the microbiome that correlate with three separate GI conditions, it’s important to get the whole picture by using a three-gas breath test. Older breath tests only measure two out of the three key gases, hydrogen and methane, and because of the missing data, can’t ensure the correct path of treatment for your symptoms.

“Hydrogen is produced by bacteria but is also consumed by other organisms, resulting in the production of other gases, including methane and hydrogen sulfide,” said Dr. Mark Pimentel, a global leader in SIBO research. “There is a balance-counterbalance effect between methane and hydrogen sulfide. These findings are important, because they suggest limitations when measuring only one or two gases. Only by measuring all three gases, including hydrogen sulfide, can you get a more complete picture of your gut health.”

The only three-gas breath test available is called trio-smart. trio-smart is a mail-in breath test, with a simple at-home collection system, that you can order online by working with a telehealth provider.

You can understand your gut microbiome better by testing your breath with a three-gas breath test. It is the first step to finding a treatment plan tailored to you so that you can start feeling better.