Deck tech: Top online tools for designing your dream deck


(BPT) – Virtually everything in life can now be achieved with just a couple of clicks or swipes, including planning for a new deck. If you are looking to update your outdoor space, expert assistance is available right at your fingertips via your computer or mobile device. Thanks to advancements in rendering technology and user-friendly interfaces, there are lots of great tools and resources online to help guide you through the deck design and planning process — from inspiration to installation.

“Planning a deck may seem intimidating at first but it doesn’t have to be, especially with all of the help that is readily available online,” said Leslie Adkins, vice president of marketing for Trex, the world’s leading brand of high-performance composite decking and railing. “No matter where you are in the planning process, as they say, there’s an app for that!”

Visualize the possibilities

Every great outdoor space starts with a vision! Using the latest augmented reality (AR) technology, apps like the Trex AR Deck Visualizer tool allow users to explore design possibilities for their outdoor spaces by experimenting with different decking shapes, board colors and railing combinations against the backdrop of their own personal home environments. The interactive program also has features to help determine approximate deck size/square footage and users can order decking samples right from the app, which is available for free via the Apple Store and Google Play.

Design from your desktop

Once you’ve envisioned your new deck, bring it to life using an online deck design tool — no engineering or architecture degree required. is a helpful resource that offers a library of downloadable deck plans, along with an easy-to-use deck design program that enables users to experiment with different features and explore options in 3D and 2D top, side and front views. Trex also offers a desktop deck design program. Recent enhancements include the ability to create multi-level decks and non-traditional layouts customized to your home’s dimensions and populated with specific decking and railing products to bring your vision and project one step closer to reality. Both the and Trex programs automatically generate material lists and cost estimates, along with printable renderings for sharing with family, friends and potential contractors.

Calculate costs

To ensure your deck dreams remain within reach, make use of online material and cost calculators. These tools provide valuable guidance in the early planning stages to help you manage expectations and make informed decisions. Rough cost estimates for materials can be determined based on deck size, substructure needs, and the decking and railing products being considered to give planners a good starting point for budgeting.

More deck ideas, information, and digital tools are available online at

5 top items your small business needs on its cybersecurity to-do list


(BPT) – If you run a small to medium-sized business, you may think your risk of cyberattacks is slim to none. But just because your business is smaller and you have your data stored on-premises does not exempt you from risk. According to the Ninth Annual Cost of Cybercrime Study by Accenture, 43% of cyberattacks are now aimed at small businesses — but only 14% of those businesses are prepared to defend themselves. Since the pandemic, cybercrime has increased by 600%, according to And the cost of cyberattacks — from business disruption and lost data to system downtime, damage to your company’s reputation and even legal liability — is higher than ever. Cyber defense needs to be a major component of your business strategy.

What can your business do to help prevent these attacks in the first place?

Types of cyberattacks

It helps to understand where cybercriminals are most likely to strike, which is at most companies’ biggest point of vulnerability — the human factor. The Ponemon Institute’s State of Cybersecurity Report has identified the most common types of cyberattacks on small businesses:

  • Social Engineering/Phishing (57%): This can take the form of an email that appears to be from a trusted source, like a co-worker or supervisor, asking for help and requesting you click a link or download something.
  • Compromised/Stolen Devices (33%): Devices without sufficient security safeguards in place can be vulnerable.
  • Credential Theft (30%): Hackers obtain usernames and passwords to access accounts. Having strong, unique passwords and multi-factor authentication to access accounts can help prevent unauthorized access.

Strategies to safeguard your business

No matter the size of your business, you can take practical steps to help defend against cyberattacks, which will save your company time, effort and money in the long term.

Here are 5 tactics that should be on your cyber defense checklist:

1. Educate your employees about security best practices

Make sure everyone in your business understands common cyberthreats, and is well trained on how to identify typical phishing and social engineering scams. In addition, help remote employees secure their home networks by offering training on setting up secure Wi-Fi.

2. Keep business and personal devices separate

Especially as many employees continue working remotely all or part of the time, reduce security risks by emphasizing the importance of everyone in your organization using only company devices for work purposes.

3. Beef up security measures for employee accounts and network access

Require only strong, unique passwords for employee access, as well as implementing multi-factor authentication practices for an extra layer of protection.

4. Get a unified software platform for security and patch management

Make sure your entire system is more secure by using a single, effective software platform that can manage identity, access and devices in the cloud — as well as managing security upgrades and patching. For example, JumpCloud offers IT admins at any business the ability to control and manage a wide variety of configurations with Zero Trust security to secure your organization.

JumpCloud provides an easy, frictionless solution for small to medium-sized business requirements to hedge against increasing cyberthreats, with several security features to help your business improve its security posture, including:

  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Single Sign-On
  • Device Management
  • Zero-Trust
  • Patch Management

Even better, JumpCloud lets customers use all premium features for free, for up to 10 users and 10 devices.

“Any business owner today needs to be aware of and take active measures to protect against cyberattacks,” said Benjamin Garrison, technical evangelist at JumpCloud. “For any size business, JumpCloud provides an effective solution, all in one place.”

5. Monitor for security breaches

In case of a cyberattack, your business will recover and overcome the loss much more quickly the earlier you can detect the problem. Set up a system for frequent monitoring of your network for any potential breaches, and keep working to defend against them with regular updates and trainings for all staff.

Don’t wait until a security breach happens to get serious about cyber defense. Being proactive about the security of your business will be well worth it to defend everything you’ve created.

JumpCloud gives IT admins a single cloud directory platform to secure all their users in any device environment, wherever work happens. Visit to learn more.

The Hidden Cost of Debt on Your Mental Health and Tips to Overcome


(BPT) – May is Mental Health Awareness Month and one of the biggest factors impacting mental health is the burden of debt. The Hidden Cost of Debt survey by National Debt Relief revealed that 70% of people believe that debt makes them feel like a black cloud hangs over them, in addition to one-in-three people reporting debt has led to an increase in anxiety and stress. What’s more, 69% of people said being in debt has made them withdraw from the things they love.

“It’s time to break the stigma and normalize having conversations about debt and its toll on mental health,” said Dr. Regine Muradian Psy.D. and National Debt Relief Financial Wellness Board Member. “Feeling isolated and alone is common for people facing financial problems, despite it being an experience shared by many Americans. People lose sleep, detach from friendships and feel hopeless.”

As inflation causes the cost of living to rise, more people are experiencing stress related to money. Dr. Muradian shares tips on the best ways to cope with and ultimately overcome the mental impact of debt.

1. Create a master plan and celebrate the steps along the way

Being in debt can make you feel helpless, overwhelmed and isolated. These feelings can significantly impact your mental health and feeling of self-worth. The first step to regaining control over your finances is establishing a plan that allows you to take ownership of your path to becoming debt-free.

Evaluate your total debt owed and break down the micro-steps you need to take to get to your goal of paying it all off. The good news is that there are organizations such as National Debt Relief that are able to help establish an affordable plan and be your supportive coach to regain your financial independence.

2. Prioritize yourself by practicing self-care

It’s important to remember that your debt does not define who you are. Carve out time for self-care that helps you feel happy and healthy. Some of the best self-care options don’t cost anything, so you simply need to dedicate time in your week to prioritize these activities.

Need some no-cost self-care ideas? Consider walking in a local park, reading a book, taking a long bath, meditating, drawing or calling a friend for a casual conversation.

3. Have transparent conversations with partners and family

The Hidden Cost of Debt survey found three in five Americans have considered putting off marriage to avoid inheriting their partner’s debt and 54% of people believe having a partner who is in debt is a major reason to get a divorce. Many people avoid conversations with partners because of the shame attached with debt.

While conversations around having babies or the prospect of marriage are commonplace at the start of serious relationships, debt and finances are often taboo. Being transparent and open to conversations about finding solutions can help build your relationship up rather than tear it down.

4. Don’t do it alone, find tools to help

Asking for help and finding a supportive community can build confidence and provide direction that makes a positive impact on your finances and mental health.

Take Michelle Ventura from Virginia Beach who found herself in more than $19,000 of debt following her divorce. Overwhelmed by outstanding credit-card bills and legal fees, she felt an immense amount of pressure to get out of debt for her personal well-being and her family’s livelihood.

On the brink of bankruptcy, Ventura sought support from National Debt Relief. Their team developed a plan and negotiated with creditors on her behalf, reducing her debt by $9,000, which allowed her to pay off her debt faster than she anticipated.

“Navigating debt as a single mom was incredibly challenging. I felt alone in this journey but working with National Debt Relief gave me the expertise and emotional support I needed to tackle my debt and conquer any obstacle I faced along the way,” said Ventura. “Being debt-free gave me back control of my life. Now I can focus on my family and the people who matter most.”

For support in navigating debt, please visit or call 800-919-0828 to learn more.

How you can support your body before, during and after exercise


(BPT) – Any form of exercise benefits your body, and you don’t have to be an elite athlete to experience those benefits. Just moving your body impacts your muscles, lungs, heart and brain — in other words, your entire body.

“The moment you decide to get up and move, your body is working. Any movement positively impacts your health,” says Dana Ryan, director of Sports Performance, Nutrition and Education at Herbalife Nutrition. “Exercising can increase muscle, improve your mood, your brain function and overall health, and leads to better sleep.”

Exercise demands more from your body, so you should fuel your body before, during and after every workout. Here are tips for supporting your wellness and recovery every time you’re active.

1. Prepare for your workout

Your workout starts before you even get moving. Whether you’re hopping on an exercise bike, joining a fitness class or going for a walk, preparing your body from the inside is extremely important. In addition, transitioning from sitting to exercising demands a lot from your body, so you need to support this transition with good nutrition.

Prep before you break a sweat with a pre-workout drink — but not just any drink. Consuming caffeine and nitric oxide precursors before exercise can help you get ready. A great way to get these is by drinking Herbalife24 Prepare, one of the three sports nutrition products included in the Herbalife24 Trial Pack.

2. Warm up

It’s not uncommon to want to forgo your warm-up, but starting your workout “cold” can lead to injury. About 15-30 minutes after your pre-workout drink, begin warming up your body. This allows your body to start increasing your oxygen circulation and core temperature. Take 5-10 minutes to do light stretching and then begin moving.

As your oxygen and blood begin flowing more, it helps your muscles safely transition from rest to exercise more efficiently to maximize your workout.

3. Fuel your workout

As you increase your intensity during your workout, your body needs more fuel. While carbohydrates have gotten a bad rap, the body needs them for fuel. During high-intensity interval training, you spend time in an anaerobic state when your body doesn’t get as much oxygen as it needs, so your body can only use carbs to produce all that energy.

Staying hydrated by drinking water during your workout is a good idea, but if your workout is high intensity or exceeds 30 minutes, sports drinks that deliver carbs and electrolytes (that you lose when you sweat) can support your top performance.

A good option is Herbalife24 CR7 Drive, formulated with 320mg of vital electrolytes to enhance hydration, brain-fueling glucose, and an easy-to-digest carbohydrate blend to help fuel your active lifestyle.

4. Cool down

Toward the end of your workout, you need to give your body time to slow down. Reduce your intensity gradually, restoring normal breathing and heart rate slowly so you won’t feel dizzy or lightheaded. Then stretch your muscles to lower the risk of injury, promote blood flow and reduce stress on the heart and other muscles.

As part of your post-workout routine, provide nutrition for your body for recovery*, specifically with protein. For example, Herbalife24 Rebuild Strength comes with 24 grams of protein per serving, along with branched-chain amino acids to support muscle growth* and L-glutamine to promote immune function and muscle repair*, which makes it a great post-workout shake supplement. Also, while you are producing energy, your body also produces free radicals, but you can consume antioxidants to combat damage from these free radicals by adding a handful of berries to your protein shake.

Combine nutrition with exercise

“Nutrition is never separate from workouts,” adds Ryan. “Consuming protein and other nutrients, combined with strength training and other forms of exercise, helps you build muscle and stay active at any age.”

Incorporating exercise and healthy nutrition into your daily routine is essential as you begin your new journey to a healthier lifestyle.

For more helpful tips on how to get started visit, where you can find helpful articles related to exercise, proper nutrition and recipes.

* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

5 easy tips for giving Mom the gift of self-care for Mother’s Day


(BPT) – Your mother has done so much for you and your family, often putting everyone else’s needs before her own. This Mother’s Day, help remind your mom that self-care isn’t selfish — by finding her gifts that encourage her to put her own health and wellness first. And if you’re a mom, take time out for a little self-care, because whole begins with Mom — and when Mom’s taken care of, the whole family benefits.

Here are gift ideas to show your mom how much you care about her well-being.

1. Give the gift of nutrition

It’s easier to stay healthy and energized when you have tools to create nutritious recipes, including meals full of whole, natural ingredients that support your well-being. For example, Vitamix high performance blenders combine best-in-class design with unmatched power and precision to elevate the blending experience, making nutritious, whole-food eating easy. It’s an essential tool for busy moms to nourish themselves and their families, with the versatility to keep meals interesting.

Just in time for Mother’s Day, Vitamix is offering some of the biggest savings of the year to honor moms and make access to whole-food eating more attainable. Through May 15, you can save up to $100 on many Legacy and Ascent Series blenders; and Food Processor Attachment and Immersion Blender accessories are buy 1, save 20%/buy 2 or more, save 25%. You can also enjoy free shipping sitewide on orders of $100 or more.

Find ways to help support your mom’s health and wellness at

2. Help her find her Zen

Whatever way your mother seeks rest and relaxation, help her get there with gifts or experiences that are all about feeling more calm and centered. That could mean a new yoga mat, a soothing fragrance diffuser or a subscription to an online yoga class or meditation app.

3. Make her a spa-inspired smoothie

Here’s a great example of a tasty recipe that can be made in minutes and help your mom relax while simultaneously enhancing her health and wellness. Make sure to include these ingredients with your Vitamix gift so she can enjoy something delicious right away.

Vitamix Green Tea Smoothie

This invigorating blend of green tea, honey, mango and ginger will help jumpstart her day.

Yield: 3 Servings; Total Time: 10 minutes; Container Size: 64-ounce

3 cups green tea
1 piece fresh ginger root, 3/4″ slice, peeled
2 mango, peeled, seeded
2 dates, or 2 teaspoons honey, optional
2 cups ice cubes, divided

Place all ingredients into the Vitamix container in the order listed and secure the lid.
Start blender on lowest speed, then quickly increase to highest speed.
Blend 40-45 seconds, using the tamper to push ingredients toward the blades.

You can find this and other wholesome, nutritious recipes on

4. Treat your mom to a home spa day

You can give your mother the royal spa treatment in the comfort of her own home — and even join her. Set the scene with calming music and scents, then arrange for a home facial treatment you can share together. Using your Vitamix blender, like the Ascent® Series A3500, you can create nourishing face masks and scrubs to soothe your skin, as well as hair treatments using natural, whole ingredients.

5. Buy Mom a variety of whole foods

Help your mom “eat the rainbow,” making it easy for her to infuse colorful, healthy foods into her life by going grocery shopping for her. Look for a wide variety of fruits and veggies that resemble the rainbow so she can consume an array of tasty and healthful nutrients.

This Mother’s Day, remind your mom that R and R doesn’t have to take an entire day, but can be fit into easy moments that suit her busy schedule. Moms work hard to be there for the ones they love, so when it comes to the whole family feeling good, whole begins with mom.

New survey finds 4 key areas that are driving small business resilience


(BPT) – In the past two years, small business owners have been forced to reimagine their entire business model and pivot their operations to survive pandemic social distancing and shutdowns. Recovery and growth are now top of mind, according to a new Chase Small Business survey, as nearly half of U.S. small business owners (48%) feel more upbeat about their business since the beginning of this year, and 73% feel optimistic about their long-term future.

Ahead of Small Business Week, Chase surveyed 1,000 small business owners to understand their financial and business priorities after two years of uncertainty, and how they planned to manage current economic volatility, like inflation and a tightening labor market.

The new survey focused on four key areas that small business owners identified as critical to driving their business forward through the pandemic.

1. Financial

Access to capital — particularly during times of global and macroeconomic uncertainty — is essential for new and legacy small business owners to keep their business afloat. Rising wages, for example, continue to be a growing challenge for businesses who say their business is struggling to pay employees.

According to the survey, the majority of small business owners today (55%) strongly believe they have adequate access to new funding or credit should they need it. Aside from a traditional loan, business owners often use business credit cards to support their business. 53% of small business owners with a business credit card say it allows them to more closely monitor business expenses, and 45% look for good cash-back rewards. Nearly two-thirds of small business owners (64%) who have business credit cards rank cash-back rewards in their top three most important credit card benefits, more than 20 points higher than the next reward category.

Chase recently extended its popular Pay Yourself Back redemption categories to allow eligible Chase Ink cardmembers to redeem points worth as much as 25% more on business expenses related to internet, cable and phone services — categories small business owners are spending the most in right now.

2. Purpose and vision

Small business owners, new and experienced, find expert advice and mentorship increasingly important as they navigate ongoing inflation, workforce and supply chain challenges. Nearly three-quarters of small business owners (71%) are interested in mentorship to help run their business, and 65% say they are likely to work with a financial or business advisor in the next year.

Chase for Business recently reintroduced its Business Insights Series with expert speakers in 30 U.S. markets to help entrepreneurs outthink the competition, embrace uncertainty, improve customer loyalty and win sales. The bank also offers accessible education, coaching and technical assistance for minority entrepreneurs through one-on-one coaching in nearly 20 U.S. cities.

3. Workforce

Voluntary and involuntary turnover created by a tightening labor market and changing workforce dynamics are challenging the stability of small business owners’ workforces. Nearly seven in 10 small business owners cite a shortage of employees overall (67%) and shortage of employees with necessary skills (69%) as challenges.

To combat these challenges, approximately two-thirds of small business owners say they are likely to hire additional staff in the next year (65%), 64% are likely to expand benefits to their workforce, and 66% are likely to increase employee pay. About two-thirds say they are likely to hire additional staff (65%) and invest in training and development for their workforce (66%).

4. Operations

The key to the resilience of small business owners over the last 24 months has been their ability to be agile and nimble in an ever-changing marketplace. Many small business owners credit technology to help them adapt, with 60% strongly believing they have the right technology in place today to help their business run efficiently.

The pandemic fueled consumer demand for contactless, digital and speedier payments that continue to drive innovation in the payments industry. Whether it’s payment processing, a new digital feature or customer insights, three in four small business owners (73%) plan to continue their investments in technology by implementing new tech in the year ahead.

To reduce the complexity of digital and contactless payments at point of sale. Chase Payments Solutions recently launched its Smart Terminal, which offers small business owners the flexibility to accept debit and credit card payments at the counter or when moving around their business.

“Small businesses are at the heart of every community. They create jobs and support their neighborhoods in good times and bad,” said Ben Walter, CEO of Chase Business Banking. “We are inspired by their resilience, ingenuity and service to others, and are here to offer the support, solutions and service they need to thrive.”

During the month of May, to celebrate Small Business Week and beyond, Chase for Business plans to introduce new tools, offers and events for small business owners across its suite of products including Chase Business Checking, Chase Ink credit cards and Chase Payments Solutions.

To learn more about how Chase for Business is supporting the resiliency of small business owners, visit

Technology inspires radical change thanks to visionary social entrepreneurs


(BPT) – Wireless is at the heart of modern life, and 5G — the fifth generation of wireless — has the potential to transform how people connect and inspire change in their communities. Social entrepreneurs are recognizing the opportunity to influence the greater good through these new 5G networks, tapping into mobile technologies to help address some of the country’s biggest challenges.

Consider mRelief, which uses text messages, voice and web to create access to nutritious food for American families through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

SNAP provides around 40 million people with access to nutritious food each year. During the pandemic, that number increased dramatically — some states received between 100-400% more SNAP applications than usual. mRelief is helping streamline applications, saving people time and, most importantly, supporting access to wholesome food for those who need it most.

Additional examples include Bloomlife and OkaySo. Bloomlife is a wearable patch and companion app for prenatal health, tracking mental and fetal health parameters. It provides telehealth services to increase access to care and provide remote, personalized feedback to improve maternal and prenatal health outcomes. OkaySo is an app connecting young people, especially those in the LGBTQ community, to trained mental health experts for personalized support related to stress, relationships, identity and more. Through the mobile app, OkaySo provides personalized responses from experts directly to teens’ phones.

mRelief, Bloomlife and OkaySo are 2021 winners of the CTIA Wireless Foundation Catalyst grant awards, which provides funding to support technology initiatives that are influencing positive change.

These are just three examples of people using the vast potential of wireless for the power of good. Now with the availability of 5G, even more social entrepreneurs are putting their dreams for a better world into motion.

The launch of 5G wireless offers an opportunity to make meaningful advances and tap into a powerful infrastructure for social good.

“In order to fully recognize how the 5G decade will change the world, we need agile, innovative and daring visionaries who can put 5G to work to improve our society,” said Dori Kreiger, CTIA Wireless Foundation Executive Director.

In its third year, Catalyst is focused on solutions that take advantage of 5G and leading edge wireless technologies to deepen human connection and solve pressing challenges. From virtual reality to machine learning and IoT applications, 5G has the potential to fuel new innovations that could change lives.

“The emergence of 5G will transform the next decade of social innovation, making our communities stronger and our nation more prosperous. 5G can help tackle issues from education and health care to climate change and social justice to revolutionize the way we communicate and power groundbreaking advancements,” said Kreiger.

Catalyst will award over $200,000 in unrestricted grant awards to finalists. To learn more visit

4 simple tips to ensure cleaner, safer drinking water at home


(BPT) – Clean drinking water is easy to take for granted — especially at home, where many assume it can be obtained with the simple turn of the faucet. But as you enjoy that cold glass of water, you may be missing subtle signals that it’s time to get your home’s water supply tested.

Over the last decade, North America’s aging infrastructure along with new and emerging contaminants have heightened the risk of harmful impurities potentially contaminating our water supply and placed water quality in the forefront of North Americans’ minds. A recent study from Culligan International, a leading international water treatment organization, indicated that while 75% of North Americans think water safety is a growing issue, only 33% have had their home supply tested for contaminants.

Poor drinking water quality can affect everything from your health to the longevity of the pipes throughout your home. Ensuring your drinking water is safe can’t be left to chance. To protect yourself, your family and your home, follow these four simple tips:

  1. Know where water contamination can occur. Water impurities are not just limited to the water source. They can also happen in the distribution system after treatment from the local municipality or private well. While many naturally occurring chemicals and impurities from local water treatments can be filtered at the source, additional contamination can occur in service pipes. These issues are commonly found in homes built prior to 1986 when lead pipes, fixtures and solder were regularly used.
  1. Notice any issues that may be caused by water impurities. Some signs of problem water include corroded plumbing fixtures, unpleasant odors, disagreeable taste, discolored water and even shortened appliance lifespan. It is important to note that some water contaminants cannot be detected by taste, odor or color. In these cases, only a water test can identify an issue.
  1. Schedule a test to identify impurities in your water. Because water contamination can happen at any time and/or through a local municipality, an underground well or a homeowner’s own pipes, it is important to have your water tested by an expert who can determine the necessary steps to eliminate any harmful impurities that may be present. While testing can be done at any time, Culligan recommends scheduling a water test specifically after moving into a new house, if appliances that use water are collecting residue or burning out, and as soon as you notice a change in your water’s taste, odor or appearance. Well water should also be tested whenever you notice any changes in your water, such as color, taste, odor or cloudiness.
  1. Find a filtration system that meets the needs of your home. Water treatment solutions, such as water softeners, reverse osmosis systems and specialty filters, reduce specific impurities that may be found in your water. Look for options that offer multiple stages of filtration, like Culligan’s groundbreaking Aquasential Smart Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System, which offers 12 different filter options and is certified to reduce 60 contaminants including lead, arsenic, pharmaceuticals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and PFOA/PFOS, plus 15 emerging contaminants. The system’s modern design features a drinking water faucet with instant performance feedback in brushed nickel, chrome, matte black and bronze finishes. It also offers a smart device app that gives users intuitive control over the RO system with water alerts, maintenance needs and tools that put tracking water consumption at the tips of homeowners’ fingers.

Investing in updated water treatment technology is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure the water in your home is cleaner, safer and free of most harmful contaminants. For more information about in-home water treatment solutions or to schedule a free in-home water test, visit

5 ways parents can stay connected to their kids when on the road for work


(BPT) – A significant majority of parents want to be home every night to tuck their children into bed (based on a OnePoll and Amazon Glow survey of 2,000 American parents*). That’s not always possible if you work long hours or are among the more than six million Americans who have a job that keeps them away from home, like flight attendants, firefighters, long-haul drivers, traveling nurses, consultants, and many others, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Technology makes it easier to stay connected — but kids often get bored with video chats and want a more meaningful way to connect when parents are gone. The new Amazon Glow helps parents erase the miles when they’re away for work and connect with their children in a more engaging way that’s the next best thing to being together in-person.

Glow is a new video-calling device that magically creates a virtual shared space for kids to learn, play games, read books, create art and more simultaneously with remote loved ones through the included 1-year subscription to Amazon Kids+. Unlike a video call on a mobile phone or tablet, Glow combines activity-based video calls with a hands-on projected experience that makes it feel like you’re side-by-side. Kids have fun interacting with Glow’s large 19” projected touchscreen, while their loved ones engage with the same content on devices they already own, compatible smartphones and tablets, using the free Glow app. For the millions of parents whose jobs keep them away from home, Glow can help build strong bonds through the device’s blended physical and virtual experience.

Here are five ways Glow erases the miles and keeps parents connected while they’re on the road:

1. Read bedtime stories. Never miss another bedtime and feel like you’re reading side-by-side by turning pages together and highlighting words as young readers enjoy a library of thousands of Amazon Kids+ books, including Animated Storybooks — created by Disney for Glow — that make story time more magical than ever. These stories from films like Disney’s Frozen and Disney Pixar’s Toy Story come to life with joyful animations and sounds only available on Glow.

2. Create new works of art. Design original masterpieces together in real-time using a palette of digital pencils and paint brushes in Glow’s visual arts activities available through Amazon Kids+. Need extra inspiration? Try themed art packs with prompts to spark creativity featuring the characters from Disney, Mattel, Nickelodeon and Sesame Street.

3. Participate in virtual family game night. Discover the magic of shared play through Glow’s catalog of games accessible through Amazon Kids+. Pass on family traditions and a love for the classics by playing pastime favorites like Chess, Checkers and Crazy Eights. Plus, kids and loved ones can find hidden talents while acting out different characters in ABC Charades, or discover new game favorites like Paddle Battle, Whac-A-Mole and Rocket Racers.

4. Fuel imagination by blending physical and digital worlds. Kids can use innovative features like scanning to combine real-world objects with the virtual world. Children are amazed as their favorite toy is transformed into a digital sticker or a custom jigsaw puzzle! Parents can also encourage hands-on learning with physical kits like Tangram Bits (sold separately) where kids and grown-ups have fun solving challenges together.

5. Build bonds through experiences, safely. Parental controls ensure kids can only call contacts pre-approved by parents, and Glow’s cameras and microphones can be instantly disabled by simply closing the device’s visible privacy shutter.

To add Glow to your family visit, and for more information and content updates, follow @AmazonGlow on Instagram and Facebook.

*Survey method: This random double-opt-in survey of 1,500 American parents of children aged 3–9 and 500 American parents who are away from home at least one week per month was commissioned by Amazon Glow on February 22, 2022. It was conducted by market research company OnePoll, whose team members are members of the Market Research Society and have corporate membership to the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) and the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR). For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables and subgroup sample sizes, please contact

Do the math: Buying a home now is possible


(BPT) – With record low housing supply and high inflation contributing to skyrocketing home prices, the barriers to owning a home may seem insurmountable. But buying a home in a sustainable, affordable way is possible with low down payment mortgage options. First-time and low- to medium-income homebuyers can qualify for mortgage financing without emptying their bank accounts and can keep some cash on hand for home improvements or a rainy-day fund.

Conventional home loans backed by private mortgage insurance (MI) have been available for borrowers for decades and helped nearly 2 million homebuyers in the past year purchase or refinance a mortgage. Private MI is a temporary cost that allows for a down payment as small as 3% of the purchase price. While some borrowers wait until they save 20% for a down payment, the added years of saving can translate to higher interest rates, more expensive home prices and lost home equity.

“Renters who are on the hunt to buy should do the math and consider what is best for them, because often they will find that purchasing with a low down payment mortgage provides buyers with an ability to access the market sooner, and ends up being a significant advantage for them,” said Lindsey Johnson, president of U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI).

In today’s market, it could take a family earning the national median income up to 21 years to save 20%, according to calculations by USMI.

If you are one of these renters looking to buy your first home but don’t have 20% down, don’t worry: you are not alone. According to the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), the typical down payment in 2021 was 7% for first-time homebuyers and 17% for repeat homebuyers.

How can buying now save you money later?

Consider you want to purchase a $375,000 home, the median sales price for a single-family home in 2021, according to NAR. A 5% down payment is $18,750 versus $75,000 for 20% down. With a 740 credit score at today’s MI rates, your monthly MI payment would be about $157, which is included in your monthly mortgage payment until the MI can be canceled, usually after five years once you reach 20% equity in the home.

Due to robust home price appreciation (HPA) that came in at 17.5% for 2021, today’s $375,000 home will likely cost more in the years ahead. This will also have an impact on the necessary down payment and length of time required to save for it. There are other variables in the equation too, such as interest rates. As interest rates rise, so too can the cost of mortgage financing.

Not all low down payment mortgages are the same. Importantly, government-backed loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) require at least a 3.5% down payment, an upfront charge that must be paid at closing or added to your loan balance, and the monthly insurance is permanent for the life of the loan.

There are many online mortgage calculators that can help. Check out to learn more.