Top 7 things a cardiologist recommends to improve heart health


(BPT) – If the new year inspires you to reassess your health and wellness routine, this is the perfect time to focus on the core of your well-being: heart health. You can take positive steps today to benefit your overall wellness by using tips recommended by a cardiologist.

“Your heart is the center of your life,” said interventional cardiologist and nutritionist Dr. Heather Shenkman, “so it’s crucial to maintain your heart health to ensure that every part of your body gets the nutrients and oxygen needed for optimal function and energy.”

Here are the top ways to create an effective heart-healthy routine.

1. Go for a walk

Walking — or other physical activity — is recommended to help improve your blood pressure and maintain a healthy weight, among other benefits cited by Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

How much should you walk? The American Heart Association recommends adults get either 2 1/2 hours of moderate exercise spread over one week, or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity throughout each week. While walking may be easy to start with as it requires no equipment and you can control your pace and distance, you can also try cycling, swimming or dancing. Consult your doctor before starting any new exercise.

2. Quit tobacco

If you smoke (including e-cigarettes and vaping), now is a good time to quit. The American Heart Association reports inhaled nicotine delivery product use is the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S., including approximately one-third of the deaths from heart disease.

3. Get your zz’s

Not sleeping enough won’t just make you tired, but can also impact your heart health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), your blood pressure goes down during normal sleep, so sleeping less means your blood pressure is staying higher longer, which can raise your risk for heart disease. How much sleep is enough? While the amount needed varies by individual, the CDC recommends aiming for 7 hours per night.

4. Reduce sodium — and increase potassium

According to Harvard Health, one way to lower cardiovascular disease risk is by reducing salty foods in your diet while increasing potassium-rich foods. Too much salt can elevate blood pressure, potentially leading to heart disease, while more potassium can help decrease blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables containing potassium include bananas, oranges, spinach and broccoli.

5. Boost fiber intake

The Mayo Clinic reports that fiber from beans, oats and flaxseed may help lower your LDL cholesterol levels, while providing other benefits like reducing blood pressure and helping you maintain a healthier weight. How much fiber do you need? The Institute of Medicine recommends women aim for 25 grams of fiber per day, while men should get 38 grams. Currently, Americans only get on average 15 grams of fiber each day.

“Getting enough fiber means upping the amount of beans and lentils you eat, as well as oats and other whole grains, plus fresh vegetables and fruits,” said Dr. David Kahana, who is triple-board certified in gastroenterology, pediatrics and medical nutrition. “Daily fiber is crucial for your digestive health as well as your heart health.”

6. Discover the benefits of nitric oxide — and beetroot

While you’ve probably heard about fiber, you may not be familiar with nitric oxide — an important neurotransmitter that supports many processes in the body and plays a key role in heart health, including supporting arterial wall and platelet function.

“Nitric oxide helps support healthy blood pressure levels and aids in maintaining normal blood glucose levels and metabolic health,” said Dr. Shenkman. “Since nitric oxide synthesis slows as you age, it’s important to maintain healthy nitric oxide levels.”

To support nitric oxide production, Shenkman recommends eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, garlic, leafy greens, pomegranate, nuts and seeds — and beetroot makes the top of her list. Beetroot powder has been gaining attention as an effective way to boost nitric oxide production, which is why Shenkman worked with 1MD Nutrition to help create CardioFitMD®, the ultimate vegan, all-in-one daily nutrition drink packed with superfoods including highly concentrated, potent beetroot powder — plus essential fiber, probiotics and 20 key vitamins and minerals.

“I always tell patients about the importance of a balanced diet and physical fitness, but we all know that’s easier said than done,” adds Shenkman. “That’s why I helped formulate CardioFitMD, the ultimate daily superfood beverage for complete heart, circulatory, metabolism, digestive and multivitamin support. CardioFitMD is a great-tasting, nutrient-rich drink to help you maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.”

7. Maintain a healthy weight

If you’re following any of these tips, you’re already taking positive steps toward reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. Moving every day, while increasing the fresh fruits and veggies, beans and legumes you eat can help you better manage your weight, which in turn supports your heart health. The National Institutes of Health reports that losing 3-5% of your weight can improve your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Learn how CardioFitMD can help support your energy levels and stamina, and promote proper heart and digestive function while helping you maintain a healthy weight, at

4 ways to invest in healthier habits (and yourself) this new year


(BPT) – Making New Year’s resolutions is easy, but keeping them can be a struggle. Whether you want to spend more time meditating, increase your activity or change your eating habits, following through on your commitments can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. If you want to make better choices for your health without making it complicated, check out these four tips.

1. Set attainable goals

Setting goals for yourself is admirable, but make sure they’re attainable. Setting goals that are too big can make you feel discouraged and less likely to follow through. Meet your current self with compassion and look at small, sustainable changes.

For example, if you don’t work out consistently, resolving to work out every day in the new year is a tall order. Instead, start with a smaller goal, like working out twice a week. Once you can consistently exercise twice a week, bump it up to three times a week.

Another method is to break up your exercise into smaller chunks. If moving your body for 30 minutes a day sounds daunting, break up your workout into three 10-minute sessions you can do throughout the day.

2. Small substitutions instead of sacrifice

When it comes to your health, you may be tempted to restrict yourself from the things you like that aren’t the healthiest choices for you. Instead of sacrificing something that gives you pleasure, substitute it with something similar.

If you plan to do a “Dry January” in 2023, you don’t need to miss out on craft beverages or special indulgences. Instead, make a drink without alcohol and enjoy the taste of your favorite cocktail while staying “dry.” To make mixing mocktails at home easier, consider purchasing the Vitamix A3500 Entertainment Bundle, which combines the powerful, top-rated Ascent A3500 with the innovative Aer Disc Container.

The container blender acts like a muddler and a cocktail shaker, extracting essential oils and juice while chilling drinks without crushing the ice. You can use it to make delicious mocktails like a Blackberry Iced Tea Bramble or Mango Fresno Kombucha Mocktail. With so many delicious possibilities, Dry January can last as long as you like.

3. Find an accountability buddy

You don’t have to pursue your New Year’s goals alone. Finding a partner to keep you accountable throughout the year can help you keep and reach your resolutions.

According to a study by Culturelle, 68% of Americans need someone to hold them accountable when making healthy choices. Also, 63% credit their healthier habits and lifestyle to someone else who helped them along their wellness journey. Whether it’s your spouse, a friend or a co-worker, having someone to check in on your progress can help you feel more motivated to keep your commitment.

If you want to move more, have a buddy you can meet with a couple of times a week to walk together or do yoga. When you can’t meet up, text or call each other to check in or remind each other of your shared goal. Having an accountability buddy isn’t just helpful for you; you’re also helping them reach their goals.

4. Eat more whole foods

Whole foods — foods that haven’t been refined, processed or have added ingredients — are crucial to living a healthier life. By eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes in their natural state, you get the benefit of consuming the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are often missing in processed foods.

Eating whole foods can also help reduce your risk of certain health conditions. According to Nourish by WebMD, many studies have found that eating whole foods can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, many types of cancer and Type 2 diabetes.

“When you eat whole foods, you’re giving your body nature’s perfectly designed resources to not only fuel your body, but also to help protect yourself against many chronic diseases,” said Dr. Aimee Wrubel, physician and holistic medicine expert at Vitamix. “Foods that are unprocessed or minimally processed retain the innate fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that are essential for healthy living.”

But incorporating more whole foods doesn’t have to mean preparing multiple dishes from scratch at every meal. An easy way to incorporate more vegetables and fruits into your diet is to use a blender. Whether you use it to blend greens and fruits to make a smoothie, puree beans for soups and dips or prepare a healthy dressing for your salads, a blender is a tool that makes healthy eating simpler and easier to stick with.

When looking for a blender, make sure you buy one that will last and support your long-term wellness journey. For example, a Vitamix blender lasts up to 10 times longer than the average blender and can power through the toughest whole and frozen ingredients. That means your finished blend will have a better taste and texture, making healthy eating more enjoyable and sustainable.

It’s an investment that will keep your wellness journey on track year after year.

Using these four tips, you can invest in yourself and your wellness this coming year and beyond. For more tips on how to lead a healthier life, visit

Kick off the new year with 3 smart digital advertising strategies


(BPT) – The new year is a time of new beginnings. In our personal lives, we implement resolutions to optimize our life to be more productive, healthier and happier. The new year is also a time to reset priorities. In our work lives we revisit our priorities and revise strategy in business. And with economic uncertainty, 2023 will be very important for businesses to reassess their promotional strategy. Kick off 2023 with a fresh ad strategy for your small to medium-sized business (SMB).

Tasked with a new ad campaign, SMB advertisers face innumerable questions: When do you launch a digital campaign? What platform do you advertise on? How do you reach your target audience and track ROI? These questions, along with economic uncertainties, are forcing brands to implement new marketing strategies. Although the digital marketing space can feel overwhelming, the new year is the perfect moment for marketers to implement advertising strategies to help them forge deeper relationships with people and amplify their brand. Read on to learn three digital advertising strategies businesses can implement to work smarter, not harder, in 2023.

1. Automate your efforts

The constant demand for new and revised marketing campaigns tailored to your audience can feel overwhelming. It can take a lot of time to strategize, envision, write, design, update and optimize a successful digital marketing campaign. This constant demand for content tests an SMB’s ability to fully execute the planned marketing vision. Plus, the list of tasks for a campaign is extensive — from determining the budget to developing and distributing content, to analyzing and optimizing efforts … and everything in between. Marketers have much to do, but little time or resources to get the work done. The result? Mixing varying resources produces varying results.

Automation can help with many of these challenges including ad copy suggestions, finding images and audience targeting. Consider tools that can remove the complexity of day-to-day operations and that can simplify content creation and identify audiences that may be valuable to your business. These tools that are embedded in the platform you’re using often work within a certain set of parameters that you define (vs. tools that are outside the platform) to create faster and better outcomes. They use various signals and machine learning capabilities to not only optimize your creative but to make adjustments in real-time and give your ad the best chances of showing to the right person at the right time in the right place. Tools that use automation take the complexity out of daily advertising campaign management to allow you to focus on other business priorities like quality, customer satisfaction and retention.

2. Understand your customers’ evolving behaviors and their New Year’s resolutions

What does 2023 look like for your customers? What behaviors are they looking to change? What new habits are they hoping to implement? With user behavior changing since the pandemic, more people are working from home or hybrid, fusing their work and life. This means they are moving between personal tasks such as online shopping and work during the day and going from mobile to PC. As you review your ad strategy, think about your customer as the center of the plan instead of the product features or pricing. Learn more about your customers this year through surveys, emails, in-person conversations and review what your website traffic tells you about your customer.

Understanding what is meaningful to your customer will help you create a campaign that resonates with them and target them on the channels and sites they’re most likely to be on. Staying connected and engaged with your customers is also crucial. Ensure you’re reaching them across all devices as they use search to research throughout the day and leverage social media channels to not only learn about your customers, but to take their feedback into consideration and forge deeper relationships with them.

3. Use tools to better articulate ROI/ROAS

How many platforms do you currently use to create, post and analyze your ad campaigns? The stress of platform fragmentation is another shared SMB hurdle; the many campaign and reporting tools, each with unique algorithms and ad formats, can cause marketer overwhelm. Marketers are often tasked with understanding reporting on each platform and then having to optimize those campaigns within and across each platform. They also must piece together multiple reports from different platforms to paint a clear picture of a campaign’s tangible return on investment (ROI) and return on ad spend (ROAS). Plus, because these platforms and tools are continuously evolving, with updates to features within each tool, marketers experience pressure to help keep up with ever-changing updates.

Opt for using just one solution like Microsoft Advertising’s Smart Campaigns with Multi-platform to manage, revise and report the results from multiple platforms in one dashboard. SMBs can expand their reach and maximize their investment by using one ad tool to connect with customers across many platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram and Microsoft Advertising. Instead of creating ads on fragmented platforms to launch and monitor a campaign, SMBs can save time by running ads on multiple platforms in a matter of minutes. You can also use the Multi-platform feature to stay connected and engaged with your customers by managing your social media across channels in one place.

As you step into 2023 with new campaign plans and target ROIs, use these three digital advertising strategies to empower your team in the right direction this new year.

Winter Tips for Adults with Plaque Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis


(BPT) – Though winter can be a time of fun and festivities, it can be challenging for people living with plaque psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. The symptoms of these diseases can be exacerbated by the cold — and the anticipation of the season can quickly be replaced by stress. Check out three personal tips from Kayla and Cindy, who each live with moderate plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, and see how proper symptom management can help you enjoy wintery activities.

Question: When the weather outside is cold, what strategies help you feel more comfortable?

Cindy: “I have both moderate plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. With plaque psoriasis, fabric is important to me. You might think a woolly sweater is the way to go in winter, but especially when my plaque psoriasis was uncontrolled, cotton fabrics were much more comfortable. For psoriatic arthritis, my doctor recommends regular activity. But the changing weather where I live in New York can make that challenging. That’s why I started bowling! Because we play indoors, I can play all year ‘round. I would suggest talking to your doctor about activities that might work for you.”

Question: Beyond the weather, wintertime is also often filled with events, gatherings, year-end shopping and new-year planning. Stress can also be a trigger for psoriatic flares. How do you avoid getting stressed?

Kayla: “This time of year is busy for me at work. I always tell my husband when my plaque psoriasis is acting up or when I’m feeling down, and he lets me know I’m not alone. We like to plan fun outings together like driving around to look at all the festive lights.”

Question: Both plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are autoimmune conditions, meaning the immune system attacks and damages healthy tissue by mistake. In addition to thinking about external wintertime factors, what other steps are you taking to address your disease from within?

Kayla: “I had tried some treatments in the past, but my plaque psoriasis was still flaring. When it got bad, my husband inspired me to go back to the doctor. My doctor recommended Otezla (apremilast), a prescription medicine used to treat adult patients with plaque psoriasis and active psoriatic arthritis. I liked that it was an effective oral option, and I didn’t need to go in for routine blood tests. My doctor even told me it helps some people with plaque psoriasis achieve up to 75% clearer skin after four months of treatment.”

Cindy: “My biggest advice is don’t hesitate! Ask questions and don’t be afraid to do your own research. That’s how I learned about Otezla, the only oral prescription medicine for all severities of adult plaque psoriasis and active psoriatic arthritis. I asked my doctor about it, and we decided to give it a try. I liked that it was an oral option that fit with my regular routines. I’m so glad I asked about it! I encourage others to have open conversations to help find the right options for them.”

Patients should not use if they are allergic to Otezla, and the following risks have been associated with Otezla: severe diarrhea, nausea and vomiting; depression; weight loss. You should not take certain medicines when you are taking Otezla as they may decrease its effectiveness. The most common side effects of Otezla in clinical studies were diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, tension headache, and headache.

For more information, and to discover how Otezla can help, visit


Otezla® (apremilast) is a prescription medicine used to treat adult patients with:

  • Plaque psoriasis for whom phototherapy or systemic therapy is appropriate.
  • Active psoriatic arthritis.


You must not take Otezla if you are allergic to apremilast or to any of the ingredients in Otezla.

Otezla can cause allergic reactions, sometimes severe. Stop using Otezla and call your healthcare provider or seek emergency help right away if you develop any of the following symptoms of a serious allergic reaction: trouble breathing or swallowing, raised bumps (hives), rash or itching, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, throat or arms.

Otezla can cause severe diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, especially within the first few weeks of treatment. Use in elderly patients and the use of certain medications with Otezla appears to increase the risk of complications from having severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if any of these conditions occur.

Otezla is associated with an increase in depression. In clinical studies, some patients reported depression, or suicidal behavior while taking Otezla. Some patients stopped taking Otezla due to depression. Before starting Otezla, tell your doctor if you have had feelings of depression, or suicidal thoughts or behavior. Be sure to tell your doctor if any of these symptoms or other mood changes develop or worsen during treatment with Otezla.

Some patients taking Otezla lost body weight. Your doctor should monitor your weight regularly. If unexplained or significant weight loss occurs, your doctor will decide if you should continue taking Otezla.

Some medicines may make Otezla less effective and should not be taken with Otezla. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and nonprescription medicines.

The most common side effects of Otezla include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, tension headache, and headache. These are not all the possible side effects with Otezla. Ask your doctor about other potential side effects. Tell your doctor about any side effect that bothers you or does not go away.

Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or planning to breastfeed.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-332-1088.

Please click here for the Full Prescribing Information for Otezla.

4 ways to make your home come to life with colorful and patterned tile


(BPT) – Whether you are looking at making a dramatic statement or adding a pop of color to a more neutral space, tile is an excellent and expressive choice for any home renovation project. Because of the range of glazes, surface patterns and materials, there are virtually limitless options to elevate and personalize your home.

Tile’s expressive nature allows you to define your spaces with pattern, color and personality. You can use tile to update your flooring, create a focal point within a room — like a coffee nook, bar area or fireplace — or as decorative borders.

If you’re considering updating your home’s design, check out these four ways you can create welcoming and unique spaces using tile.

1. Ideal for kitchens

Because of tile’s versatility and vast range, it’s a natural choice for adding color and pattern to your kitchen. For example, if you have a white kitchen, choose a colorful tile with interesting patterns or textures to draw the eye. A benefit of using tile in the kitchen is that depending upon the tile selected, it can also provide the strength and durability to address any cooking misadventures with its easy maintenance.

For a stunning kitchen backsplash that presents an artful, visually compelling pattern within a room, opt for a textured tile like the bespoke Senso by Kelly Wearstler collection. Designed by award-winning American designer Kelly Wearstler in a collaborative partnership with ANN SACKS and handcrafted in its Portland, Oregon, factory, this stoneware tile collection imparts the beauty of plaster without the upkeep and expense.

“Plaster has such a beautiful hand quality,” said Wearstler. “It is a favorite application for subtle, yet standout features in an interior … translating this subtle surface into versatile stoneware opens the potential for truly striking design moments throughout the home.”

2. Bold patterns for bathrooms

Tile is also an excellent choice for bathrooms for many of the same reasons it’s become so popular for kitchen surfaces. Its water-resistant quality makes it the perfect material to add color and pattern to showers, walls and flooring.

The ANN SACKS Liaison by Kelly Wearstler Tuxedo Check tile pattern offers the natural colorations and veining of marble. The stone tile’s durability and bold design make it a practical and visually striking choice for a bathroom renovation.

“There is an earthiness to these tiles and a rich tactile quality natural to these designs that I love,” said Wearstler. The collections of geometric patterns and symmetry of these marble tiles provide contrast, soft shading and textural nuance to any bathroom project.

3. Outdoor spaces

Tile isn’t limited to indoor design. It’s tough enough to withstand the natural elements as well as daily use. It’s a versatile option for pool surrounds, fountains, pavers, and outdoor kitchens and patios.

The Liaison Linqs collection is a great choice for outdoor projects, depending on climate and method of installation. Like the Tuxedo Check pattern, the geometric designs are imaginative and playful, with visual textures and natural colors that add depth and composition to any space.

4. Adding decorative touches

While tile is a great material for big projects, it also excels as a decorative element. Ceramic tile is a superb choice to create decorative accents throughout your home.

It can range from traditional to contemporary in approach with various colors, shapes and patterns to help you express yourself. Whether in an imaginative fireplace surround, intriguing trim, elegant border or sophisticated backdrop, there is virtually no limit to the creativity and level of customization you can achieve.

Wearstler’s Scout tile collection by ANN SACKS pushes boundaries with ornamental linear, geometric and curvaceous shapes that draw focus to accentuate spaces — large and small — from dramatic feature walls to intricate borders, and can be mixed and matched to create one-of-a-kind installations. Also handcrafted in Portland, the collection’s range of custom glazes, colors and distinct designs was designed to make a space come to life.

Are you ready to add intrigue and variety to your home? Using these four tips, you can creatively incorporate tile into your interior and exterior spaces for a simple yet striking renovation. To view ANN SACKS Kelly Wearstler Collection designs and other ANN SACKS tile and stone options, visit

4 ways to improve the air you breathe indoors


(BPT) – Especially in the winter months, most people spend the bulk of each day — up to 90%* — indoors, according to the U.S. EPA. Unfortunately, whether at home, in the car or at work, indoor air has been shown to be three times more polluted than outdoor air, posing a significant threat to even healthy people.

During the winter months with cold and flu season rampant and other viruses like COVID-19, it is even more important to take precautions.

Allergens, mold and viruses thrive indoors and trigger illness ranging from asthma and allergic reactions to serious respiratory infections. Hospitals already employ sophisticated air filtration systems to address many of these issues.

Other pollutants pervasive in homes and most indoor locations include volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by new carpeting and upholstery. Exposure to VOCs has been known to cause various health conditions, ranging from minor irritation to more serious conditions. So how can you be sure the indoor air you breathe every day is safe?

Here are tips to follow that can help improve the quality of the air you’re breathing, day in and day out.

1. Change your HVAC filter frequently. To help ensure that your home has cleaner air, one simple step is to change your HVAC filter more frequently than the schedule recommended by the manufacturer of your system. The usual manufacturer’s recommendation may not be often enough, especially if you have family members with asthma or allergies, or if you have household pets or live in an area with a high pollen count. Increasing how often you change the filter will improve HVAC performance, helping to keep the air in your home cleaner all year long.

2. Use a CarryiOn portable air and surface purifier. Unlike HEPA filters that simply trap germs, the CarryiOn air purifier works by producing both positive hydrogen and negative oxygen ions simultaneously — and other ionizers only emit one type of ion. Together, the positive and negative ions actively neutralize and eliminate viruses like COVID-19, bacteria, mold, VOCs, pet dander and even odors in the air and on surfaces. CarryiOn takes the same technology already used in hospitals, NASA Space Programs and Navy submarines and makes it small, portable and quiet enough to take anywhere you go, providing a 20-foot sphere of clean, breathable air and sanitized surfaces — at home, on the airplane, in the car, at hotels and any public place.

Even better, it can run on either AC power or a rechargeable power bank and no filters are required. It is simple to use 24/7.

Use CarryiOn in spaces including:

  • Any room of your home, including the nursery
  • Senior living facilities
  • The office
  • Your car or truck
  • A train or airplane
  • At restaurants
  • A gym or exercise class
  • Hotel rooms
  • Schools
  • Dorm Rooms

You can use it anywhere indoors that would benefit from cleaner, fresher air and sanitized surfaces to help you do all the things you love to do, giving you peace of mind that the air you’re breathing is as clean as can be. Visit to learn more.

3. Vacuum your home often

Unsure how frequently you should vacuum to help keep dust, pet hair and other potential irritants under control? The rule of thumb is to vacuum as many days per week as you have living beings in your home. That means if you have two adults, one child and one dog, you should vacuum four days per week. Make sure to use a closed/sealed vacuum cleaner with HEPA filtration and change the unit’s filters and bags regularly.

4. Consider air duct cleaning

Air duct cleaning is another important step that can help improve the cleanliness of air in your home by reducing the abundance of dust and allergens being continually recirculated by your heating and cooling system. If you haven’t done this in a long time — or never — you may want to hire a company to do this for your home. Use a company certified by the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA), and make sure they look around your home’s air ducts with a camera to ensure maximum cleanliness.

Following these steps, you’ll be able to relax and take a deep breath, knowing the air you breathe is as clean as possible.

5 Unique Experiences for a Wonderful Winter Weekend in San Jose, California


(BPT) – When winter descends and days become darker, travel to a sun-filled destination can keep your spirits high and ward off winter’s chill. One of the sunniest states in the U.S., California, has long been a beacon to travelers seeking an escape, and perhaps one of its most hidden gems is San Jose.

Located in the Bay Area of California, San Jose may be more renowned as the tech Capital of Silicon Valley — but it’s so much more! Under a blanket of blue skies and incredible weather year-round, San Jose is a city filled with cultural diversity and endless opportunities for adventure and fun. Whether you enjoy hiking picturesque trails, sampling craft brews or learning about California’s rich history, you’ll find something for everyone in San Jose.

Ready to pack your bags for a winter getaway in one of California’s most inventive cities? Check out these five unique attractions, activities and experiences you can have when you book a trip to San Jose.

1. Explore the outdoors

Located in a valley surrounded by picturesque mountains, outdoor lovers will find an array of trails, expansive parks and awe-inspiring vistas just ripe for outdoor adventure. Hike 13 miles of trails at Alum Rock Park, one of California’s oldest municipal parks, and uncover a canyon in the foothills of the Diablo Range. If you’re looking for higher altitude adventures, head over to Castle Rock State Park, located along the Santa Cruz Mountains, just 20 minutes outside San Jose. Here, the famous California Coastal Redwoods, some of the oldest and tallest living trees in the world, will tower above you on a journey that will have you feeling far removed from city life.

2. Immerse in the Bay Area’s history and culture

Founded as the first civic settlement in California in 1777, San Jose originated as a pueblo town and has grown into a modern and technological hotbed as home to more than 6,600 technology companies. Delve into the area’s culture and history by visiting its vast museums, from the San Jose Museum of Art around the corner from Signia by Hilton San Jose, to the contemporary art center Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana (MACLA), and The Computer History Museum to The Tech Interactive. More than two dozen museums invite guests and locals alike to experience the city’s art, culture and influence firsthand.

3. Uncover San Jose’s quirky side

San Jose is also home to the bewildering Winchester Mystery House, where visitors can tour and unlock the secrets of the beautiful but bizarre estate. Under construction 24 hours a day for 36 years to ward off the spirits said to haunt the Winchester family, the home features staircases and doors that lead to nowhere. From the haunts of Winchester, visit the nearby ghost town of Drawbridge, which was incorporated in 1876 but abandoned once it began sinking into the bay’s marshland. And who would have thought San Jose is home to a massive collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts at the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum. (Yes; it even has mummies!)

4. Grab a pint or fancy a flight

After a day of hiking and shopping, you can take in San Jose’s craft beer scene and unwind with a pint or two. Visitors will find several local craft breweries, such as Umunhum Brewing, California’s first co-op brewery that offers several styles of beers, from pale ales to stouts.

San Jose also boasts several vineyards and wineries that have produced award-winning wines. While you enjoy sampling wines, you can also take in stunning views of the Santa Cruz Mountains, home to more than 150 unique wineries, including award-winning Ridge Vineyards, the delightful Testarossa Winery and the historic Mountain Winery.

5. Mix and mingle with locals

Enjoy a comfortable place to see and be seen between adventures at the centrally located Signia by Hilton San Jose, nestled in between the redwood-covered Santa Cruz Mountains and eastern Diablo Range. Here, locals and visitors alike converge at the neighborhood hotel’s AJI Bar and Robata, a destination bar at the heart of the hotel that combines Japanese techniques with Peruvian flavors. The innovative cuisine pairs perfectly with the beverage program featuring creative, unexpected pairings and an expansive Japanese whisky, sake and pisco selection.

A part of the local culture of San Jose, guests can also rest and relax after exciting days exploring with comfortable and quiet accommodations and premium wellness services, including a sauna, fitness classes and facilities. To learn more and plan your stay, visit Signia by Hilton San Jose.

Prepare for Retirement by Steadying Your Financial Ship


(BPT) – Approaching retirement is an exciting prospect: transitioning into this phase of life gives everyone the chance to spend more time with their family and enjoy favorite hobbies. However, wider economic conditions, particularly those we have seen over the last year, can sometimes prevent us from retiring when we want — or how we want.

According to research, 48% of people who were planning to retire in 2022 may now be putting their plans on hold. While pausing big life changes can be a sensible response in difficult times, you can still retire at the time of your choosing by steadying your financial ship ahead of time.

While we can’t control the economic headwinds we’re given as we approach retirement, individuals 50+ can take steps to ensure they retire in comfort and in good financial health by being savvy with their savings. With the benefits provided by AARP, members can save on everyday items, moving services and home repairs, and transition seamlessly into retired life no matter the economic backdrop. Here are just some of the ways AARP members can save day-to-day and head towards retirement in a strong financial position.

1. Save on Everyday Items to Give Yourself Breathing Room Elsewhere

It’s the everyday items that can sometimes add up when we review our expenses, so finding ways to save on these daily purchases is a fantastic way for future retirees to remain liquid. When you link your Exxon Mobil Rewards+™ account to your AARP membership, you earn extra points every day on the things you already buy, like fuel, car washes and convenience store items, and you’ll get 2x the points on fuel on AARP member days.

AARP members who are new to the Exxon Mobil Rewards+™ program will also receive a 500-point bonus (worth $5 in savings) after their first fill-up to redeem towards Exxon or Mobil fuel or convenience store items. Every 100 points you earn is the equivalent of $1 in savings on eligible purchases.

Thousands of people visit Walgreens daily not just for prescriptions, but for health and wellness, beauty and personal care needs. What many people don’t know is that you can earn rewards while buying these everyday essentials to save on future purchases. When you link your AARP and myWalgreens® memberships, you’ll earn 10% Walgreens Cash rewards on Walgreens branded health and wellness products, 7% Walgreens Cash rewards on Walgreens branded beauty and personal care products and 3% Walgreens Cash rewards on all other qualifying beauty and personal care products. Exclusions and restrictions apply. For full details, visit

2. Ensure Smooth Sailing to Your Next Home By Saving on Moving Services

Getting ready to retire often means considering starting afresh with a new home. If you’re moving to downsize or relocating for a job or to be closer to family, with AARP member benefits, members have access to discounts to make these moves easier and less expensive. With Budget Truck, members can save 20% on local or one-way truck rentals on Sunday through Thursday and 10% on Friday and Saturday, plus receive a $10-per-day Physical Damage Waiver.

Members save up to $250 when they book moving services through Shyft. Dedicated Shyft Move Managers are trained to compare multiple pricing options among verified moving companies, lock in a rate upon booking, and help oversee your move. Make sure to enter your AARP membership number online or mention it over the phone.

3. Ensure Your Home is Comfortable and Safe with Discounted Repairs

One thing that homeowners can’t overlook is repairs, necessities which never seem to occur at the easiest time. And, if you have a new home, there may be additional expenses to keep it safe and well maintained, especially if you’re planning to age in place. AARP members have the opportunity to save on these essential costs. Members receive $36 off any American Home Shield® home warranty plan that can help cover the cost to repair or replace parts of home appliances and systems that break down over time. Plus, for a limited time, American Home Shield® is giving AARP members an additional $100 off for a total discount of $136 off any plan. Limitations and exclusions apply. Valid only for new American Home Shield members.

With Porch Home Services, members save 5% on small jobs completed by a Porch handyman, and get enhanced property protection for both small jobs and major home improvements. Plus, you get complimentary access to a dedicated Porch Home Assistant team that can help you book and manage your projects, assist with moving services, and more.

Those approaching retirement are naturally looking for ways to keep their financial ship steady and resilient to any headwinds that could impact their savings. While we can’t control the economy at the moment we choose to take the plunge, AARP member savings are an excellent way to ensure you transition into retirement in a strong position. By using these saving tips and taking advantage of these member benefits, being able to retire comfortably is within reach. Check out to view more benefits and savings available to AARP members.

Neither AARP nor its affiliates is the insurer. AARP and its affiliates are not insurance producers, agents or brokers, and do not sell or service insurance products. AARP member benefits are provided by third parties, not by AARP or its affiliates. Providers pay a royalty fee to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. Some provider offers are subject to change and may have restrictions. Please contact the provider directly for details.

4 ways to prioritize nutrition on the go according to a registered dietitian


(BPT) – Life is busy and it can be challenging to make sure you — and your family — are getting the nutrition you need to stay energized and nourished all day long. Fortunately, registered dietitian Kristin Kirkpatrick, M.S. Quest partner, RDN, former lead dietitian at Cleveland Clinic and founder and president of KAK Consulting, LLC., shares her tried-and-true tips to help prioritize nutrition, no matter how busy life gets.

“I’m always on the go — whether flying to a conference, heading to the gym, picking my kids up at school or running errands around town,” says Kirkpatrick. “To keep my energy up, my food must be easy to take on the go, but most importantly, must also contribute to better health.”

Kirkpatrick shares her recommendations for keeping nutritious snacks on hand when out and about, based on her own experience as both a mother and busy professional.

1. Best on-the-road snacks

Kirkpatrick preps a “car grab bag” that’s always ready to grab and go. “My car grab bag has to satisfy both me and my kids as they’re often clamoring for a snack the second they get in the car.”

She recommends stocking your car grab bag with kid-friendly and appealing snacks like whole grain pretzels, cheese sticks and apple slices.

2. Travel snacks for any trip

Whether you’re flying or just running around town to meetings, it’s easy to feel drained of energy. Grabbing a snack that’s delicious, easy to carry around and energy-boosting — without jeopardizing your wellness goals — is a must.

“I turn to an old favorite with a new formulation that’s better, softer and yummieeeer than when they first blasted into the market: Quest Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bars. I’ve been traveling with these bars for over ten years, and they never disappoint,” says Kirkpatrick. “Quest Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bars are a good source of protein, with 4 net carbs and 1 gram of sugar, providing a steady source of energy throughout the day.”

Need a smaller version to tuck in your purse or travel bag? The mini versions provide the perfect quick pick-me-up in between outings.

3. Post-workout recharge

After a workout, it’s essential to refuel your body with the right foods.

“I love grabbing low-fat Greek yogurt with blueberries to help build muscle and replenish energy levels,” says Kirkpatrick. “Whey protein helps with muscle mass, and blueberries allow me to achieve one of the six colors I aim to consume in my diet daily.”

4. Quick snacks any time you need them

Kirkpatrick recommends keeping nutritious snacks in your everyday bag to help keep you energized and feeling good throughout your busy day.

“When leaving the house, I never know if I’ll be gone two hours or ten, so I need snacks that can keep me going for either,” Kirkpatrick explains. “A bag of homemade trail mix is my go-to, with mixed nuts and goji berries. Since trail mix can often be high in sugar, I love to throw in some Quest mini Peanut Butter Cups as an alternative sweet treat that supports my nutritional goals. I also keep a baggie of carrot sticks handy as both are great options to grab right out of my purse!”

Regardless of what your busy schedule looks like, stay energized and satisfied by planning ahead with these easy snack options.

Delicious beef recipes to start your new year out strong


(BPT) – The new year is a time to refocus on your health and the things that bring you joy. Fortunately, what you eat can help you achieve both and getting your year off to a strong start, both literally and figuratively, is easy, especially when you try new recipes featuring delicious, wholesome ingredients like beef.

“A balanced diet that includes high-quality protein and other nutrient-rich foods is an essential component for strength,” said Registered Dietitian Amy Goodson. “Beef is a complete protein that contains all the essential amino acids the body needs to support physical activity and a strong, healthy life.”

Not only does beef help you maintain your strength while satisfying hunger, this high-quality protein can also help you feel energized so you can be your best throughout the day. “The iron in beef, which is more easily absorbed than iron from plant sources, can help prevent fatigue,” Goodson said.

You can start the new year out strong with new recipes that fuel your body and delight the palate. Be inspired by these beef recipes from the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand, funded by the Beef Checkoff:

Pomegranate Steak with Quinoa

This colorful dish features beef strip steak that is marinated in pomegranate juice, balsamic vinegar and herbs, then served with quinoa and more pomegranates for garnish.


2 beef strip steak, boneless, cut 3/4 inch thick (about 8 ounces each)
2 ounces goat cheese, crumbled
Pomegranate seeds (optional)

Marinade and sauce:

1 cup pomegranate juice
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons minced fresh rosemary
2 tablespoons minced fresh thyme
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 teaspoons Dijon-style mustard
1/2 teaspoon pepper


1 cup uncooked quinoa
2 cups beef or vegetable broth
1 cup thinly sliced fresh baby spinach
1/2 cup pomegranate arils or sweetened dried cranberries
1/4 cup chopped toasted walnuts (optional)


Combine marinade and sauce ingredients in a medium bowl. Reserve 3/4 cup for basting sauce. Place boneless beef strip steaks and remaining marinade in food-safe plastic bag; turn steaks to coat. Close bag securely and marinate in refrigerator 15 minutes to 2 hours.

Meanwhile, prepare basting sauce. Pour reserved 3/4 cup marinade into small saucepan; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cook 15 to 20 minutes or until reduced by half and slightly thickened, stirring occasionally. Set aside.

Cook quinoa in broth in medium saucepan according to package directions. Stir in spinach, pomegranate arils and walnuts. Keep warm.

Remove steaks from marinade; discard marinade. Place steaks on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, covered, 7 to 10 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, times remain the same) for medium rare (145 F) to medium (160 F) doneness, turning occasionally and basting with sauce.

Cook’s tip: To cook on grill pan, heat nonstick grill pan over medium heat until hot. Place steaks on grill pan; cook 10 to 12 minutes for medium rare to medium doneness, turning occasionally and basting with sauce.

Carve steaks into slices; season with salt, as desired. Place quinoa on serving platter; top with cheese. Arrange beef around quinoa. Garnish with pomegranate arils, if desired.

Champagne Steak Salad with Blue Cheese

Grilled steak and peppers grace the top of this salad, which is spiked with a champagne vinaigrette for an incredible dish full of vitamins and nutrients.


2 beef ranch steaks, cut 1 inch thick (about 8 ounces each)
1 pound green beans, trimmed
2 teaspoons crushed mixed peppercorns (black, white, pink and green)
2 medium red and/or yellow bell peppers, cut into quarters
1 package (5 ounces) mixed salad greens
1/2 cup thinly sliced red onion
1/4 cup crumbled blue cheese


1/4 cup champagne or white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground mixed peppercorns


Bring 1-inch water to a boil in medium saucepan. Add green beans, cover and cook 4 to 5 minutes or until crisp-tender. Drain; set aside.

Meanwhile, combine vinaigrette ingredients in small bowl; set aside.

Press 2 teaspoons peppercorns evenly onto beef ranch steaks. Place steaks in center of grid over medium, ash-covered coals; arrange peppers around steak. Grill steaks, covered, 11 to 14 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, 12 to 16 minutes) for medium rare (145 F) to medium (160 F) doneness. Grill peppers 7 to 11 minutes (gas grill times remain the same) or until crisp-tender, turning steaks and vegetables occasionally.

Cook’s tip: One pound beef top sirloin steak, cut 1-inch, thick may be substituted for ranch steaks. For charcoal, grill, covered, 11 to 15 minutes (for gas, grill, covered, 13 to 16 minutes) for medium rare to medium doneness, turning occasionally.

Carve steaks into thin slices. Cut peppers into 1-1/2-inch pieces. Season beef and vegetables with salt, as desired. Divide salad greens among four serving bowls; top evenly with vegetables. Arrange beef on salad. Sprinkle with blue cheese. Drizzle with vinaigrette.