4 expert tips to maximize your processing facility’s performance


(BPT) – Manufacturers face numerous challenges, from meeting regulations to handling equipment breakdowns and more. There’s no shortage of variables that cause logistical nightmares — losing companies money for every minute of downtime. According to a recent industry report by Deloitte, unplanned downtime alone can cost manufacturers an estimated $50 billion each year.

“Uptime is the name of the game in all types of production, including food and beverage manufacturing,” said Vic Stockman, vice president of Services, Tetra Pak U.S. and Canada, a world leading food processing and packaging company. “So it’s vital to prevent unwanted breakdowns, before unplanned downtime affects your bottom line.”

In today’s strained labor market, Stockman stressed two elements for operations to run as efficiently and sustainably as possible: providing the right training and knowing when you need outside support.

Here are his tips for boosting any operation’s performance, uptime and profits.

1. Manage maintenance

Although preventive maintenance is key to avoiding equipment failure, it’s challenging to stick to recommended maintenance intervals while following demanding production schedules. For that reason, he advises using experienced technicians so maintenance is done right the first time — reducing unwanted downtime.

“Plants can also consider World Class Manufacturing (WCM) approaches to optimize maintenance intervals, and explore other areas of improvement,” added Stockman. “At Tetra Pak, we used what we’ve learned from decades of experience in our WCM packaging material factories and share those insights with our food and beverage customers.”

Predictive maintenance is another great tool to maximize your processing equipment: Condition monitors report how the equipment is running to predict failures before they occur, so plants aren’t performing maintenance until it’s needed.

2. Optimize internal staff

Another vital aspect to efficient production is operator training, which ensures equipment is used properly. This is especially important during high staff turnover. If someone doesn’t have the right skills or training, it’s easier for them to replace many working components instead of properly diagnosing the root cause to a specific broken part or component — leading to additional downtime and increased need for parts that did not have to be replaced.

Having an on-site engineer can alleviate this issue. “Our on-site engineers tell us customers experience about a 25% reduction in unnecessary consumption of spare parts,” said Stockman. “Plant operators also have the opportunity to learn from on-site engineers, which ensures consistency during staffing changes.”

3. Improve procedures

Plants can also re-assess operating procedures to minimize downtime. Using the correct steps for maintenance, spare parts, cleaning intervals and more is crucial for consistent operations.

An outside consultant can evaluate how existing procedures are being executed and identify areas for improvement. For example, if a plant is experiencing a high rate of shrinkage, they may suggest more training in a certain area, pinpoint where a new sensor may improve outcomes — or another custom solution based on their observations.

Even the performance of a brand-new line can be enhanced with superior expertise and training. “One Tetra Pak customer with several brand-new lines increased uptime by 20% with better operator training,” Stockman said. “We made sure our customer’s operational team was well trained and understood how to react to different scenarios — and how to properly plan and sequence operations. For example, they staggered activities so peak utilities usage didn’t negatively impact multiple pieces of equipment.”

4. Tap outside expertise

To improve processes, consider remote support for your on-site team from an outside expert (who could be virtually anywhere) to discover the best solutions, with minimal downtime.

On-site employees can consult with experts who may better understand the problem and suggest next steps, which alleviates downtime in two ways: First, since the remote support engineer needs no travel time, they can “be there” quickly. Second, the remote expert can use their expertise, assess the problem with fresh eyes and suggest efficient solutions.

“With Tetra Pak’s remote support customers, about 90% of the issues we’re diagnosing are related to run settings and not the components, while less experienced staff may replace the many components instead of adjusting an incorrect setting,” explained Stockman. “It really pays to have this expertise at your fingertips.”

While these tips help your facility get the most value by producing as much as possible, they also make your plant run more sustainably. Minimizing lost product means less waste, running more efficiently means using fewer utilities to achieve the same goal, and cleaning less means saving chemicals and reducing water use.

“You can increase uptime and output with the right resources and mindset,” Stockman said. “By ensuring your employees are well trained, have the right tools — and can consult outside resources when needed — you’ll have the best expertise available to solve current issues and prevent unplanned downtime.”

To learn more about optimizing manufacturing operations, visit tetrapak.com/solutions/services.

Tragic loss of 3-year-old daughter drives family to advocate for flu vaccination


(BPT) – “Influenza took our child Emily from us.”

Joe Lastinger and his wife had no idea how serious flu could be. When their 3-year-old daughter Emily got sick, they took her to the doctor right away where a test confirmed she had influenza (flu). They brought her home and kept her hydrated and ensured she was rested, but it got progressively worse over the weekend. Within three days of her diagnosis, Emily passed away.

“Her absence is a constant in our lives,” Joe said. “Every milestone — whether hers or those of our other children — is missing something. While we experience the joy of such occasions, there is almost always a time when I catch my wife’s eye and know that we both are thinking of Emily.”

Flu can impact anyone of any age, race and gender.1 While some people may be at higher risk for serious complications — such as young children, pregnant women, people 65 and older and people of any age with certain chronic medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes or heart disease — anyone can become seriously ill due to flu.2,3

For this reason, pharmacist and GSK vaccines educator Dr. Leah Smith encourages vaccination of those six months of age and older as soon as possible, especially with the holidays in full swing and people gathering with loved ones.

“While most flu activity in the U.S. occurs from October through May, the peak is usually between December and February,4 so it is not too late to get your flu vaccination.”

“And, reminder — it takes about two weeks after flu vaccination for antibodies that protect against flu to develop in the body. Holiday travelers visiting family and friends should take this timing into consideration when making a plan to get vaccinated. However, even if you’re less than two weeks out from your trip, it’s still worth getting vaccinated, as some protection is better than none,” said Dr. Smith.5

Joe wants to spread his message so that other parents may avoid experiencing this painful loss.

“While we could never undo our failure to help protect our daughter through vaccination, we can at least help other parents. My hope is that every time I share Emily’s story, it will motivate people to take action to speak to their doctor or pharmacist about flu vaccination to help protect themselves and their loved ones from flu.”

How families can help protect themselves

“Seasonal flu is a very contagious respiratory virus that infects the nose, throat and lungs, and it should be taken seriously5,” explained Dr. Smith. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), flu can cause mild to severe illness. People may experience some or all of these symptoms, which usually come on suddenly, and can include5:

  • fever
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • runny/stuffy nose
  • muscle/body aches
  • headaches
  • fatigue (tiredness)
  • vomiting and diarrhea (more common in children)

In addition to vaccination, Dr. Smith also recommends healthy habits such as frequent handwashing, plus staying away from anyone who is sick — and staying home from work or school when you are ill to help prevent spreading flu to others.6

Where you can receive flu vaccination

If you’re the “Chief Health Officer” of your family, you probably want to help protect your family from the flu, especially during peak flu season. Fortunately, flu vaccinations are usually quick and accessible. You and your family can get vaccinated at most doctor’s offices and clinics, and you can also receive flu vaccination in pharmacies, urgent care clinics, college health centers and even some schools or workplaces. Some pharmacies even have walk-in vaccinations.7

Flu vaccinations are usually free for people with medical insurance, including those with Medicaid, Medicare, ACA plans and private plans.8 For those without insurance or a primary care physician, speak with your local pharmacist or health department about your options for flu vaccination.

“The singular bright spot to our story with Emily, is that we have had the opportunity to connect with other families who are on the same journey and can work together to reach other parents with our message,” explained Joe, who is a founding member of Families Fighting Flu — a nonprofit group dedicated to sharing education and awareness of the seriousness of influenza.

You can make a plan to help protect yourself and your family from flu today. Learn more about the importance of yearly flu vaccination at FluIsAFamilyAffair.com.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with Vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices — United States, 2023–24 Influenza Season. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/rr/pdfs/rr7202a1-H.pdf. Accessed August 29, 2023.
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Key Facts About Influenza (Flu). Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/keyfacts.htm. Accessed July 25, 2023.
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. People at Higher Risk of Flu Complications. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/highrisk/index.htm. Accessed July 25, 2023.
  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Flu Season. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/season/index.html. Accessed July 25, 2023.
  5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Flu Symptoms & Complications. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/symptoms/symptoms.htm. Accessed July 25, 2023.
  6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Preventive Steps. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/prevent/prevention.htm. Accessed September 27, 2023.
  7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Summary: ‘Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with Vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)—United States, 2023-24’. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/professionals/acip/summary/summary-recommendations.htm#timing. Accessed November 16, 2023.
  8. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. How to Pay. Available at: https://www.hhs.gov/immunization/get-vaccinated/pay/index.html. Accessed August 1, 2023.

Simple eye care: 5 ways to reduce blue light


(BPT) – As we head into winter, the days are growing shorter and nightfall comes earlier. Given the weather and lack of sunlight, you’ll likely spend more time indoors during the colder months. While this can bode well for spending quality time indoors with friends and family, especially during the holidays, it also means that you’ll spend a lot of time staring at screens.

While mobile devices can simplify life, too much screen time can harm your health. Screen time and blue light exposure have been raised as a growing health concern, and doctors, educators, employers and parents agree that there are potential risks from overexposure.

Blue light is part of our natural world, but high energy visible (HEV) blue light from digital devices can also affect your sleep, resulting in trouble sleeping, waking up during the night, or reduced alertness the next day.

According to Harvard Health, blue light — especially at night — can suppress your body’s release of melatonin, an important hormone that promotes feelings of sleepiness. Additionally, a survey by The Vision Council found that many American adults experience eyestrain, dry eyes, headaches, blurred vision, and neck and shoulder pain after extended screen time and blue light exposure.

While you can’t and shouldn’t completely get rid of blue light, you can take steps to reduce your exposure. ZAGG, known for its device cases and screen protectors, cares about protecting users from high energy light exposure and has offered five tips to help you protect your eyes from blue light this winter and beyond.

1. Reduce screen time

The easiest way to protect your eyes from blue light is to reduce screen time. According to estimates by Eyesafe, the average screen time for U.S. adults has increased to over 13 hours a day. Children ages 8-12 and teens spend an average of 4-6 hours and up to nine hours, respectively, watching or using screens.

You don’t have to stop using your devices altogether. Find other hobbies and activities you can do on your own or with company to give your eyes a break.

2. Put away your devices before bedtime

For the sake of your sleep, it’s critical that you put away devices before going to bed. According to an article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), too much blue light exposure from viewing screens at night may impact our circadian rhythms and cause trouble sleeping, waking during the night and reduced alertness the next day.

Aim to put away your electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime so you can increase your chances of getting a good night’s sleep.

3. Install blue light filtering screen protectors

Thanks to modern technology, there are now products on the market that can help reduce your exposure to blue light.

For example, ZAGG’s InvisibleShield Glass XTR3 is the world’s first screen protector with Eyesafe RPF60 technology that filters blue light which can disrupt sleep. This new-to-world Eyesafe technology filters intense blue light between 435-440 nanometers, which is the portion of the spectrum most concerning to eye doctors. Best of all, ZAGG screen protectors won’t change the color on your screen, meaning no yellow tint.

4. Wear blue light-blocking glasses

When using computers and tablets or watching TV, make it a habit to wear blue light–blocking glasses. There are many options for prescription and non-prescription eyeglasses with blue light filtration. They also come in several styles and colors so you can protect your eyes in style.

5. Use device software

Many devices now have software installed that can help reduce a user’s exposure to blue light. For example, you can set your device to night mode and adjust the screen display to a warmer temperature to reduce blue light output. The downside is your screen will have a yellow or amber tint. Alternatively, if you use a ZAGG screen protector or wear blue light-blocking glasses, you’ll receive the same filtering benefits without changing the colors on your screen.

This winter, make your eyes a priority. Using these five tips, you’ll be well on your way to reducing your exposure to blue light so you can decrease digital eyestrain and hopefully get a better night’s sleep. To learn more about blue light, visit ZAGG.com/Blue-Light-Filtering.

Many devices now have software installed that can help reduce a user’s exposure to blue light. For example, you can set your device to night mode and adjust the screen display to a warmer temperature to reduce blue light output. The downside is your screen will have a yellow or amber tint. Alternatively, if you use a ZAGG screen protector or wear blue light-blocking glasses, you’ll receive the same filtering benefits without changing the colors on your screen.

Getting to the ‘top’ of energy and comfort issues


(BPT) – While rising energy prices can lead to higher heating and cooling costs, any spike in energy bills should invite further investigation. If your home’s heating and cooling bills are higher than normal, checking with your neighbors to see if they’ve noticed similar cost increases is a good first step. If owners of similar sized homes in your area are not noticing higher utility bills, it may be time to take a closer look at specific aspects of your home’s heating and cooling system.

The individual components in a home’s HVAC system work together to help keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The furnace, air conditioner and thermostat are typically the most obvious parts of a system. However, other less visible elements, such as attic ductwork and insulation, also contribute to the HVAC system’s overall performance and energy efficiency.

The ductwork in a home’s attic distributes conditioned air to rooms throughout the home. Leaks in ductwork, loose joints or poor connections between ductwork components can allow conditioned air to escape into the attic before it reaches the intended part of the home. The amount of insulation in an attic also plays a role in comfort and energy efficiency. According to EnergyStar.gov, 9 out of 10 American homes are under-insulated.1 Sufficient levels of insulation help reduce heat transfer between the attic and living spaces in the home.

Warning signs of issues in the attic

What are some warning signs that a problem may be lurking in the attic? One tell-tale indicator that your home may have “attic issues” can be observed by simply looking at your home’s roof on a cold morning. If frost or a dusting of snow appears on the roofs of neighboring homes while your home’s roof is frost/snow free, this may be an indicator that your attic is under-insulated or that heated air is escaping attic ductwork and “heating” the roof deck so that frost/snow melts away.

Other signs of a problem with ductwork may be noticeable inside the home. Rooms that are consistently too warm or too cold, or that have a musty odor, may indicate compromised attic ductwork. An increased level of dust inside the home is another sign that ductwork may need attention. Leaks in attic ductwork can allow dust and various particulates inside the attic to enter ducts. Distributed throughout the home, these particulates can negatively affect air quality.

Detecting issues can inform solutions

While a frost-free roof on a frigid morning or torn ductwork is an obvious sign of a problem, attic ductwork issues are often hard to see by simply looking around the space. A contractor trained to inspect ductwork and assess insulation levels in the attic can identify issues that may reduce your comfort and lead to higher energy bills.

Training and tools play a crucial role in identifying problems in the attic. For example, Owens Corning equips Certified AirCare® Professionals with training and tools to assess attic insulation and ductwork. The information gathered through a thorough inspection can inform recommendations to support comfort and energy efficiency. An HVAC technician should include an attic inspection as part of routine maintenance visits as well as service calls. During the inspection, a technician should check ductwork for leaks and may use special thermal technology that visually shows where air is escaping from the ductwork.

A Certified AirCare® Professional also will measure attic insulation and advise you on the energy savings that could potentially be achieved by adding insulation to bring your home up to the levels recommended by energy codes for your home’s climate zone.* Today’s energy codes specify higher levels of insulation compared to homes built even a few decades ago.

It is important to remember that a higher energy bill does not necessarily indicate a problem with equipment. An inspection by a heating and cooling contractor who brings a system perspective to caring for a home’s air and the attic infrastructure that supports it can help improve a home’s comfort and energy efficiency season after season. To find a Certified AirCare Professional in your area, visit https://www.owenscorning.com/en-us/insulation/find-hvac-contractor.

*Energy savings may vary.

2023. Owens Corning. All rights reserved.

1 EnergyStar.gov – Why Seal and Insulate? https://www.energystar.gov/saveathome/seal_insulate/why_seal_and_insulate

Shopping for video games this holiday season? What you need to know


(BPT) – Are video games at the top of your kids’ wish lists this year? Chances are good that they are. In a recent survey of U.S. adults and children aged 10 through 17 by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), kids were most likely to ask parents for video game–related presents (72%). It’s not surprising, as there’s a video game out there for every player, and video games are a fun activity that can also engage friends and family in interactive play.

In the survey, a majority of both girls (59%) and boys (86%) say they plan to ask for video game gifts, with the top five requests being for game subscriptions (39%), game consoles (38%), game gear/accessories (32%), in-game currency (29%) and physical video games (22%). And they’re not just for kids — about 1 in 3 (32%) adults say they plan to buy video game gifts for themselves or others for the holidays, with that number jumping to 57% for parents.

“More than 212 million Americans play video games regularly, so it comes as no surprise that games are at the top of this year’s wish lists,” said Stan Pierre-Louis, president and CEO, ESA. “Whether a family is getting a new console, updating their controllers and headsets or adding to their library with new games and expansion packs, we know video games are a great tool for families to play together and connect during the holiday season and beyond.”

Before you head online or to a store to do your shopping, it’s important to take steps to ensure the games you choose for your kids are appropriate for their ages, and that you’re comfortable with their content.

If you’re a parent or caregiver — or other relative looking for games for the kids in your life — the ESA encourages taking these three steps before purchasing and gifting video game items for kids, so you can relax and let them have fun playing games they love.

1. Check the age and content rating information

The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) assigns age and content ratings to video games and mobile apps to help parents and caregivers decide which are appropriate for kids. Parents should look out for the ESRB’s three-part rating system:

Rating Categories suggest age appropriateness. Ratings include E for Everyone, E10+ for ages 10 and older, T for Teen, M for Mature for ages 17 and older or AO for Adults Only.

Content Descriptors highlight content leading to the assigned age rating. ESRB has over 30 Content Descriptors to let parents know when a video game contains language, humor, violence and more.

Interactive Elements provide upfront notice about interactive features that may be important to parents. For example, the “In-Game Purchases” label lets parents know when a game offers the ability to spend money for additional in-game content, and the “Users Interact” label lets parents know when a game allows user-to-user communication.

You can find ESRB rating information on the front and back of all video game boxes, and on product detail pages on digital storefronts.

2. Make use of parental controls

Tools exist on virtually all game devices to help parents and caregivers manage gameplay experiences for their family. Parental controls can include:

  • Filtering games by ESRB age rating
  • Managing time spent playing games
  • Controlling — or preventing — spending
  • Limiting — or blocking — communication with other players
  • PIN and password settings to prevent unwanted changes
  • Regular playtime reports

3. Have family conversations about responsible online behavior

Video games are a positive and meaningful outlet for billions of players worldwide. To help your family enjoy their games, it’s important to communicate clear household rules around limits (such as time of day and duration of play), the types of games allowed and when it’s appropriate to spend money — then set up parental controls around these rules.

In addition, games increasingly allow interaction with others online. You’ll want to consider whether family members should be able to interact with other players and if so, with whom. You can decide to activate parental controls to block online communications. In some cases, parents can curate their kids’ friends list to only allow communications with people they know in real life.

If children are allowed to interact with others online, remember to discuss appropriate behavior, including treating other players kindly and respectfully. It’s also key to have conversations with children about interacting with strangers online. If they’re allowed to talk to strangers, make sure children understand what to do if they encounter another player behaving inappropriately. Remember: Kids can always mute, block and report players, and if they’re unsure what to do, let them know they can always ask you or another trusted adult for advice.

Learn more about nurturing ongoing conversations around video games in your home by checking out ESRB’s Family Gaming Guide and tools for parents, and following the ESRB blog. Steps the video game industry is taking to help protect everyone in the player community can be found on TheESA.com.

Ready for holiday baking? How to choose the right bakeware


(BPT) – If you love holiday baking, but one look at your tired old pans does not inspire you to make holiday magic in your kitchen, you may be ready to upgrade to better-quality bakeware. You may have noticed that some of your old bakeware doesn’t perform as well as it used to — or may sometimes lead to problems like uneven baking or even burning your favorite baked goods. But what do you need to look for when choosing new bakeware?

Here’s a guide to help you find bakeware that’s worthy of your holiday baking menu.

Consider your main baking goals

Do you prioritize your family cookie swap, or making mouthwatering muffins, perfect pies, fresh-baked bread or festive yuletide cakes? Make a short list of your favorite seasonal recipes, and you’ll get a pretty quick idea of what kinds of pans you need most.

Rather than investing in a huge set of bakeware that includes specialty pans you know you’ll never need, choose smaller sets that offer exactly the kinds of bakeware you see yourself using most often. This will help you save money as well as space in your kitchen cupboards.

Look for quality materials — and no-burn insulation

For cookies and other baked goods — plus roasted vegetables or other savory items — that cook perfectly evenly, you’ll want to find a baking sheet that’s not only made of the most durable, high-quality materials but also created with two layers, allowing a pocket of air to circulate between them to ensure even browning in the oven. The strongest materials for any bakeware include carbon steel, aluminum, and aluminized steel.

Choose non-stick surfaces

The last thing you want is to struggle with scraping your beautiful holiday cookies off the sheet or a cake that won’t come out cleanly. Instead, opt for nonstick surfaces that will make moving your baked goods from pan to cooling rack easy — and clean-up even easier.

Get a grip

If you’ve found it challenging to maneuver sheets full of baked goods in and out of the oven with your bulky oven mitts on, you may want your next pans to be specially designed to be easier for anyone to use.

Select the right sizes

Size matters when it comes to cookie sheets. You’ll want to consider not only how big your oven is but whether you usually like to cook in large batches or small and if your favorite holiday recipes require baking one sheet at a time (for those that need to be baked on the center rack of the oven for optimal results).

No matter what types of sweet or savory items you like to bake, it can be helpful to have a couple of different sizes on hand for more than one purpose.

Baking sheets to please any cookie fanatic

For avid cookie bakers, GoodCook® AirPerfect™ Nonstick Baking Sheets have over-baking under control with their two insulated layers, and a textured bottom that heats up quickly while retaining moisture to prevent overheating on the top. Using these pans, you’ll have the perfect bake for your delicious cookies, biscuits, pastries, and much more. They’re also constructed from durable premium-grade carbon steel with a nonstick surface coating, so you’ll have an easy, mess-free release — and they’re dishwasher safe for quick and simple clean-up after use.

To solve the problem of handling your cookie sheets as you move them in and out of the oven, these pans also feature ergonomic handles that provide a firm grip, making your holiday cookie baking time even better from start to finish.

Need a set? GoodCook AirPerfect Nonstick Baking Sheets come as a set with two convenient sizes: two large sheets (16″ x 14″) and one medium sheet (14″ x 12″), so you’ll have plenty of room for any size batch of cookies or other items you love to bake. After you order your set, you may want another one as a gift for the favorite baker in your life!

You can find your next favorite set of cookie sheets and plenty of other kitchen must-haves in time for the holidays at GoodCook.com.

Vision Stories Shed Light on Importance of Eye Health


(BPT) – Around the world, about 1 billion people suffer from eye conditions that could be prevented or need to be addressed1. For instance, cataracts are the leading cause of preventable blindness globally1. Additionally, a CDC feature from 2020, “Keep an Eye on Your Vision Health,” states the number of people experiencing blindness and visual impairment in the U.S. is expected to double between 2020 and 2030 unless corrective measures are taken2.

To raise awareness and ignite conversations about the importance of eye health across all ages and stages of vision, Johnson & Johnson MedTech recently announced the launch of Vision Made Possible. The campaign explores stories of patients and eye-care professionals (ECPs) across various eye diseases such as myopia, presbyopia and more.

Making Vision Possible for Patients

For cataract patient Jim M., achieving clear vision was a persistent challenge in his life. He underwent LASIK surgery to treat his nearsightedness, but twenty years later he began to notice a decline in his vision once again.

He began seeing rings, halos and experiencing blurred vision that was severe enough to force him to pull over while driving. After expressing his concerns to an eye care professional, Jim was able to be diagnosed and treated for cataracts.

“For me the decision was quite simple – get (cataract surgery) done and follow the doctor’s orders,” said Jim. “Be vigilant with your eyes and see your eye doctor at least once a year.”

With over 15,000 cataract surgeries completed, for Dr. Jeffrey Levenson, M.D., treating cataracts is a large part of his job, but he soon learned that even eye care professionals should maintain their personal eye health and screening for the conditions they see on a daily basis. Dr. Levenson personally experienced vision loss and underwent cataract surgery to regain his sight.

“My life is a living testament to vision made possible,” said Dr. Levenson.

Today, Dr. Levenson trains doctors in Central and South America in low-cost manual cataract surgery techniques, addressing cataract-related blindness in vulnerable populations – spreading the message of Vision Made Possible around the world.

Prioritizing Your Eye Health

Myopia is the biggest eye health threat of the 21st century, and is a growing epidemic3. Due to our aging population, the number of blind and visually impaired people in the United States is estimated to double by 20302. Still, eye exams are about more than just vision, as many systemic diseases have ocular signs or symptoms4. Your prevention and treatment of life-altering conditions may start with a single eye exam, which can detect more than 270 different medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke risk, as well as cataracts, glaucoma, or retinal disorders such as macular degeneration4.

Johnson & Johnson’s Commitment

Johnson & Johnson believes that healthy sight is critical and is committed to furthering education and access to eye care across the globe. For more patient stories and information on how you can take control of your eye health, visit www.jjvision.com.

Jim M and Jeffrey L are actual patients with Johnson & Johnson, Inc. Individual results may vary; consult your doctor regarding medical condition or treatment. Sponsored by @Johnson & Johnson 2023, Inc


1. World Health Organization, Blindness and vision impairment (13OCT2022) available at https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/blindness-and-visual-impairment

2. Keep an Eye on Your Vision Health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed January 16, 2020.

3. Holy C, Kulkarni K, Brennan NA. Predicting Costs and Disability from the Myopia Epidemic – A Worldwide Economic and Social Model. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science. 2019;60(9):5466-5466.

4. Systemic Conditions with Ocular and Visual Manifestations. Accessed October 31, 2023. Published 2019 https://www.aoa.org/AOA/Documents/Healthy%20Eyes/Eye%20and%20vision%20conditions/Systemic%20Conditions%20with%20Ocular%20and%20Visual%20Manifestations.pdf

Lacey Chabert’s Top Tips for Easy Holiday Hosting


(BPT) – The holidays are a festive time of year full of friends, family and fun. Hosting events in your home is a great way to bring loved ones together, but it also can be overwhelming. Fortunately, tips from an expert holiday hostess can help you plan a gathering that everyone will enjoy, including yourself!

“Queen of Hallmark,” actress, producer and star of holiday film “A Merry Scottish Christmas,” Lacey Chabert is gearing up for the holidays with Glade® and sharing her top tips for at-home entertaining.

1: Plan a special welcome moment

Set the tone for your gathering right at the front door. Decorate your entryway with festive items that reflect your personality. As guests arrive, they’ll enjoy the holiday decor while you invite them in for a warm drink or bite-sized appetizers to kick off the party.

2: Set a festive vibe

Light a candle as guests arrive to create a memorable experience that delights the senses. Chabert’s favorite candle is the limited-edition Starlight & Snowflakes from Glade®, which sets a welcoming and wintery vibe for your guests with the smell of fresh fallen snow, frosty air and eucalyptus. She has found that the unique scent paired with the warm candlelight glow is a great way to set a festive mood for holiday events.

3: Embrace holiday aromas

If you have an artificial tree but still crave that quintessential piney fragrance, light the limited-edition Twinkling Pine & Cedar candle from Glade® to get the best of both worlds without the hassle of a real tree.

4: Create kid-friendly spaces

Keep in mind the little ones that may be attending your gathering. Consider creating an enrichment area for them that includes items like blankets, blocks and coloring pages. You might even have an ornament craft ready to go that they can work on as the adults gather. A cookie decorating station or hot chocolate bar are always a hit with kids.

5: Provide a token of gratitude

Offer guests small, personalized holiday favors as thanks for attending your gathering. For example, a candle with a holiday ribbon around it can be set at placemats for decoration. This elevates your event, plus guests can then take these home as a memory of all the holiday fun.

6: Make time to be merry

Hosting can be time-consuming, so don’t forget to take breaks to relax and enjoy the holiday season with your loved ones and ask for help when needed.

These quick tips can help elevate your holiday entertaining and create an event everyone will remember well into the new year.

From farm to festivity: How to create holiday magic with fresh fruits and veggies


(BPT) – Many holiday celebrations center around food and good company. A meal can bring people, whether acquaintances, friends, or family, together to celebrate the season.

To make your holiday get-togethers extra special this year, infuse some holiday spirit into your menu. Incorporate fruits and vegetables for a fresh and joyful twist on traditional dishes. Whether you’re a health-conscious host or just eager to add a dash of nutritious value to your holiday spread, explore these tips to create a memorable and magical holiday feast.

1. Extend a Heartwarming Welcome with a Bountiful Fruit and Veggie Platter

Chances are your guests will arrive at your home ready to eat, even if you won’t be sitting down to eat for an hour or so. Having a platter of fresh and vibrant fruits and veggies ready for guests to snack on as they settle in and chat before the main course helps infuse your gathering with the spirit of health and happiness that defines this special season.

Cut up some Fresh Del Monte® produce, including bananas and pineapples, and skewer them or leave out toothpicks for a pleasant, sweet snack. These fruits are excellent sources of essential nutrients, with bananas providing potassium and pineapples offering a boost of vitamin C. This combination not only makes for a nutritious treat but also helps bolster your immune system during the colder months. For an extra special touch, consider adding a Pinkglow® Pineapple to your lineup. This Instagram-worthy fruit boasts a sweeter, less sour taste, and is exceptionally juicy, taking your holiday gathering to new heights of joy.

Arrange these fruits on a tray along with crunchy raw veggies like Mann’s Family Favorites® Stringless Sugar Snap Peas and Snow Peas, a good source of iron the body needs to grow and develop. Pick up a few bags of Mann’s Family Favorites® vegetables, which come trimmed, washed and cut, ready for you to serve! As an alternative, consider Mann’s ready-to-go veggie trays. No need to chop or prep — simply open and serve, or re-plate to give it that homemade touch. Save your energy for the main course and let us take care of the veggie tray prep. It’s a healthy-made-easy way to keep your holiday spread fresh and festive.

2. Festive Freshness: Revitalize Your Appetizers with Crisp Lettuce

Lettuce isn’t just for salad. You can make fresh appetizers to charm guests without spoiling their appetites before dinner. Use large green leaf or romaine lettuce leaves as cups or wraps for savory fillings like sauteed mushrooms or seasoned and browned ground turkey. These healthy, tasty appetizers are great alternatives to traditional finger foods.

Make prep for these crisp lettuce bites simple by purchasing Mann Packing Co.’s Better Crunch Lettuce, Better Romaine® Leaf, or Better Green Leaf®. Each package includes single-cut lettuce that is washed and ready to use, so you can quickly assemble lettuce wraps and cups and get back to cooking the main holiday meal.

3. Experience Holiday Joy with Lower-Carb Alternatives for Diverse and Delicious Dishes

While traditional holiday side dishes are often rich in starchy carbohydrates, yours don’t have to follow suit. Instead, consider innovative, vibrant and lower-carb alternatives that indulge your cravings without the accompanying guilt. Purchase Mann Packing Co.’s Better Pasta, Better Rice and Better Fries at your local grocery store to quickly make diverse and delicious dishes. These carbs are cut from gluten-free vegetables to replace traditional carb dishes without sacrificing flavor or texture.

Cook up a bowl of MANN™ Better Pasta, — a low-calorie pasta alternative — to complement your chicken dishes. For a delightful twist, sauté MANN™ Better Cauliflower Rice with a medley of aromatic spices, creating a fragrant bed for your entrées. And for a truly festive treat, why not dust some MANN ™ Better Fresh Cut Sweet Potato Fries with a sprinkle of warm cinnamon or a touch of nutmeg? These wholesome, fiber-rich substitutes for foods heavy in calories and carbs, infused with cozy holiday flavors, will have you savoring every guilt-free bite, bringing a touch of seasonal tastes to your holiday table!

4. Elevate Your Holiday Feast with Steakhouse-Style Vegetables

Bring a little taste of an upscale restaurant to your cozy holiday gathering with Mann Packing Co.’s Steakhouse Style vegetables. Sauté asparagus in garlic butter, roast BROCCOLINI® baby broccoli, in parmesan or grill CAULILINI® baby cauliflower with pine nuts to dazzle your guests’ taste buds. All three vegetables are a great source of fiber and pair well with most meats. Best of all, Mann Packing Co.’s Steakhouse Style vegetables are incredibly convenient and easy to prepare.

Incorporating fresh fruits and veggies into your holiday menu doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice taste. Using these four tips, you can add vibrancy, nutrition and a unique twist to your festive meals with tasty produce. For more information on Fresh Del Monte and Mann Packing Co. products, including retail availability and recipes, please visit DelMonteFresh.com, PinkGlowPineapple.com and VeggiesMadeEasy.com.

Finding high-quality surgical care in your community


(BPT) – By Patricia L. Turner, MD, MBA, FACS, Executive Director & CEO, The American College of Surgeons

Navigating healthcare is a complex endeavor and knowing where to find high-quality surgical care can be an intimidating task. The American College of Surgeons (ACS) makes it easier for patients and families to find hospitals that meet high-quality evidence-based standards and consistently deliver better surgical outcomes.

For more than 110 years, the ACS has been setting standards for the care of surgical patients around the world. Surgeons who are Fellows of the ACS — designated by the letters “FACS” after their name — undergo careful review before attaining this distinction. In a similar way, hospitals that participate in 13 different quality programs submit themselves to detailed scrutiny to earn ACS accreditation or verification.

Meeting the rigorous qualifications of our programs is extremely difficult. Hospitals that achieve this distinguished status earn the designation of ACS Surgical Quality Partner and can proudly display the ACS Diamond in their hospitals.

ACS Quality Programs encompass care in a variety of specialties including cancer, trauma, bariatric, vascular and emergency surgery, among others. We also help hospitals deliver better care to specific populations such as children and older adults. For example, delirium is a frequent complication for older adults and our Geriatric Surgery Verification program equips hospitals with strategies and tools to reduce the risk delirium poses. This can lead to shorter hospital stays and higher success in achieving a patient’s care goals. Our Children’s Surgery Verification program ensures that hospitals take into account the different requirements for delivering the best care to our youngest patients.

The ACS Commission on Cancer and our quality programs in breast and rectal cancer guide hospitals in building team-based approaches to care, centering patient needs and adhering to the latest and best practices in cancer care. The ACS Committee on Trauma sets standards to ensure that hospitals are well prepared to care for injured patients, especially during those critical early moments that can mean the difference between survival and death. Patients treated at ACS-verified trauma centers have demonstrably higher survival rates than those treated at non-verified hospitals.

Through our ACS Power of Quality campaign, we are working to help patients find the best care for themselves and their loved ones. We understand the importance of being treated at hospitals that demonstrate a deep commitment to quality. Our hospital finder provides patients with information on more than 2,500 hospitals nationwide that have earned the distinguished ACS Surgical Quality Partner Diamond by participating in one or more of our programs.

Together, these hospitals and our more than 90,000 ACS members have made the professional commitment to putting quality at the forefront of all that they do. The next time you or a loved one need surgical care, seek out a surgeon with the FACS designation and a hospital displaying the ACS Surgical Quality Partner Diamond; you can feel confident about the quality of your care.

Patricia L. Turner is the Executive Director & CEO of The American College of Surgeons, the largest professional association of surgeons in the world, founded in 1913.