3 tips for sticking to a healthy lifestyle plan


(BPT) – As the seasons change, a familiar moment of truth happens in many households. When you’re turning over your closets — putting away your sweaters until next year, and bringing out the t-shirts, shorts and sundresses — you begin wondering how your summer clothes mysteriously got one size smaller over the winter. And then the realization hits: your New Year’s resolution to exercise more and eat right has fallen by the wayside. It’s all too common. According to recent research out of The Ohio State University, only 9% of Americans who make resolutions stick to them. Some 23% quit in the first week and 43% quit by the end of January.

It’s not the resolutions themselves that are the problem. Exercising more is an excellent goal! It’s the motivation factor. How can you make healthy lifestyle changes that will stick? Dana Ryan, Ph.D., MA, MBA, director of sports performance, nutrition and education and Chair of the Herbalife Fitness Advisory Board at Herbalife, says it’s all about enjoyment, community and confidence.

“In my opinion, the magic ingredient that helps boost the motivation is making friends and becoming part of a community,” Ryan says. “The added accountability that friendships or fitness mates can provide can help to create long-lasting healthy active habits.”

The Ohio State research study found the same thing. Accountability is a key factor in sticking with positive changes. But, it’s about more than dutifully reporting in. Much more. Here are Ryan’s top three tips for making healthy changes in your lifestyle that stick, supported by research from the National Library of Medicine.

Choose an activity you enjoy while you’re doing it. It’s crucial to pick an activity you enjoy and that feels good to your body. This is a huge predictor of success, and it’s a typical area that people get wrong. When embarking on a fitness journey, many people focus on how they feel after the workout is over. A sense of accomplishment, that buzz of electricity, a rush of endorphins. But if you’re slogging through a workout — running on a treadmill as you watch the distance tick off, ever so slowly — to feel good after it’s over, it’s likely you won’t stick to it for long. Burnout will kick in quickly and you’ll be making excuses to skip the gym. Instead, find an activity that makes you feel good while you’re doing it.

Not sure what that is? Try different things. Take a yoga class, experiment with Pilates, book a few sessions with a personal trainer at the gym, join the rowing club on a nearby lake or river, rent a kayak for a few hours. Dust off your bike and get it tuned up, and take it for a spin. Find a pickleball club near you. Get those 10,000 steps in with a neighbor each morning. You’ll find something you like to do, guaranteed.

Stick with it past the learning curve. This is key. Give it a shot. It’s especially true if you’re trying a new activity. Didn’t realize how hard it is to hold the downward dog pose in yoga? Feel clumsy in a rowing shell? Can’t lift as much weight as you thought you could? Don’t sweat it. You don’t have to be perfect right away. Most people aren’t Serena Williams the first time they pick up a tennis racket. The secret is to give it a little time for your body to get used to those new movements. You’ll get better at it. Yoga will get easier, you’ll be able to bike farther, Pilates will feel more natural. It is at that point you’ll start to feel body confidence. And then you’re hooked.

Find a community where you feel recognized and supported. Here’s where accountability comes into play. But remember, it’s not about dutifully reporting in. It’s about finding a community to support your fitness goals. It could be a yoga class that you take at the same time each week, or a fitness club you frequent every day after work. It could be a workout buddy you meet up with at the park, a group of neighbors who walk together, a wellness coach who motivates you through your nutrition and fitness routine, or even your dog, who waits at the door each morning with his leash. Numerous studies show how finding community, even if it’s a community of just one other person, helps people achieve their fitness goals.

Each of these tips builds on and supports the others. If you pick an activity that you enjoy, you’ll experience a heightened emotional response and a greater release of the exercise-induced happy hormones dopamine and serotonin. This induced feeling of joy may encourage you to keep at it. If you keep at it beyond the learning curve, you’ll master body movement and feel confident, and that will keep you coming back for more. And if you do it with a buddy, it will elevate your social connections and encourage you further.

Even if those resolutions fell by the wayside, it’s not too late to pick them up! And watch how those summer clothes will magically become the right size again, just in time for the warmer weather.

Update your window coverings to increase your safety, style and savings


(BPT) – It’s time to welcome the freshness of the warmer months into our homes and embrace the new season. For many of us, this time of year is a chance to renew and re-organize. Spring and summer cleaning isn’t just about dusting and decluttering; it’s also an opportunity to modernize and improve your living spaces.

This includes updating your window coverings, especially if you have infants or young children. Let’s explore the reasons why switching to cordless window coverings can enhance both the aesthetics and safety of your home.

Hazards of Corded Window Coverings

Traditional corded window coverings may seem harmless, but they pose significant risks, especially in homes with young children. The dangling cords can become entangled, leading to accidents such as strangulation. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), corded window coverings are one of the top hidden hazards in the home. Find out more from the Window Covering Safety Council.

Style Benefits

Cordless options not only eliminate the risk of entanglement but also offer a sleek, modern aesthetic. Opt for durable materials that can withstand daily wear and tear and choose colors and patterns that complement your existing decor. With cordless window coverings, you can achieve a clean and clutter-free look while ensuring the safety of your loved ones.

Save Money with Cordless Window Coverings

Did you know using the right window coverings can help you SAVE money? When selecting cordless window coverings for your home, consider energy-efficient window coverings, which can help you save on energy bills as window attachments help regulate the amount of sunlight and heat that enters and exits a home. With today’s high inflation costs, this is a no-brainer. Find out how you can increase your energy savings and comfort with AERC certified products.

7 tips for summer health and safety


(BPT) – Summer is just around the corner. After the crazy weather we’ve had nationwide, most everyone is excited to have fun in the sun. As you prepare for lazy days at the beach, traveling with family and backyard barbecues with friends, it’s important to keep your health and safety in mind. Here are some tips to keep you healthy and happy as you and your family enjoy the warmer weather.

1. Be sun safe. Sunscreen is a must! The American Academy of Dermatologists Association recommends using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, and reapply every two hours, more often if you’re swimming. Make sure you hit places people often miss — your ears, neck and the top of your head. Sun protective clothing is also a great ally, especially if you’re outside hiking, picnicking or watching the kids play softball. A wide-brimmed hat can protect your face and it’s a fashion statement! Good sunglasses round out your ensemble so you’re styling and protected from the sun.

2. Get a summer checkup. If you plan to travel, see your primary care provider before you go to make sure your vaccinations, prescriptions and other healthcare needs are up to date. And don’t forget about your vision! Summer is a great time to schedule an eye exam. Many employee health plans do not include vision, so people can put off this important appointment. But making sure your eyes are in great shape is vital. You can save on your next eye exam with a vision insurance plan, like the one from VSP Individual Vision Plans. Their plans start at as little as $13 per month, and can save you a bundle while you keep your eyes healthy. VSP has the largest doctor network out there and offers 20% savings on additional glasses or prescription sunglasses, including lens enhancements, from a VSP network doctor within 12 months of your last exam. VSP doesn’t have open enrollment periods, so you can start the process anytime, and compare plans to meet your individual needs.

3. Beat the heat. Remember, the sun’s rays are the strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If possible, plan outdoor activities before or after this window, or find shady spots for your family to relax and enjoy the day without those harsh rays.

4. Drink plenty of water. Even mild dehydration can make you feel tired, and heat stroke is a dangerous situation. Stay hydrated by carrying water or other non-sugary drinks, and sip often! Watch for signs of heat stroke such as headaches, dizziness, nausea or vomiting. Bottom line, if you notice you’re feeling dragged out and tired in the heat, get inside, drink some water and cool off before it becomes more serious.

5. Plan for bugs. Nobody wants their day outside to be ruined by the irritating creepy-crawlies. Remember to put bug spray or repellent devices in your bag.

6. Travel with a first aid kit. Whether it’s a kids’ soccer game or a family road trip, you should keep a first aid kit in the car. Stock it with antiseptic wipes or spray, bandages of various sizes, gauze and tape, tweezers to remove splinters or ticks, scissors, lotion to soothe sunburn or insect bites, antibiotic ointment like Neosporin, and pain relievers.

7. Practice food safety. Summer is the time for picnics, backyard barbecues and meals on sunny porches. Enjoy eating al fresco, but make sure you think about food safety. In warm temperatures, bacteria can multiply quickly. Remember the two-hour rule: Perishable foods like deli salads and meats should not sit out at room temperature for more than two hours. But, if you’re outside in the heat, that rule goes out the window. Keep hot foods hot, like those burgers you’ve cooked on the grill, and cold foods cold, with ice bowls or freezer packs.

Follow these tips and have a happy, healthy summer! Make the most of the balmy weather with family and friends, find a soothing, shady spot to read a good book, and enjoy!

Avoid these carbon credit red flags when you travel


(BPT) – Airlines are forecasting a record year for summer travel, with carriers expected to transport 271 million passengers, up 6.3% from last year — and with more flights come more travel-related carbon emissions. There are lots of great ways to reduce your impact this summer when traveling, like packing lighter, choosing non-stop flights, selecting airlines that offer biofuels, and more, but even then, unavoidable carbon emissions remain.

Offsetting one’s travel using high-quality, verified carbon credits is an extremely effective way of reducing those unavoidable emissions — but it’s important to remember that not all carbon credits are created equal. Finding travel offset programs that utilize high-integrity carbon credits can ensure that you’re reducing your emissions, doing some good for the planet, and doing a world of good for its people.

Here are five easy ways to make sure you’re offsetting your travel with high-quality carbon credits that are actually making an impact.

Mangrove planting projects like this one are tremendously impactful for the planet — mangroves can capture five times more carbon than terrestrial trees and sequester carbon up to 400% faster than land-based tropical rainforests.

Beware of generalities.

Do you know exactly which project will receive your money? Carefully review the language. Offers that rely on vague language such as “Projects that help reduce emissions” or “Projects such as” or “Projects like” without providing additional detail are classic smokescreens. Insist on specific information: Which project will receive my money? What does the project actually do? Where in the world does the project exist? Is the community involved and benefitting? Has the project been scientifically verified? Insist on specific project details, and if they’re unwilling or unable to provide those details, that’s your sign to walk away.

Project leaders and community members in Mexico maintain this Improved Forestry Management project, encouraging residents to preserve and grow the biomass in their standing forests, reducing carbon and providing employment opportunities for the community.

Follow the money.

Carbon credits can vary wildly in price, and while that can be attributed to any number of factors from the actual cost of materials and labor to run the project to the laws of supply and demand, there’s simply no excuse for the travel offset provider to not be completely transparent about their pricing structure and clear about how much is reaching the carbon project. Are there hidden “transaction fees” or “convenience charges”? For example, at nonprofit Cool Effect, more than 90% of each dollar donated goes directly to helping carbon-reducing projects, with only 9.87% to help cover administration such as payment processing, scientific documentation, and registration fees. If a travel offset provider is not transparent about where the money goes, who gets what, and how they fit into the process, proceed cautiously.

A project employee in Indonesia manages seedlings and cultivates plants to improve local biodiversity, funded by the sale of high-quality carbon credits through nonprofit Cool Effect.

Look for a real impact on the planet

Look for projects that reduce emissions that otherwise would not be reduced — for instance, planting a tree now that is earmarked to be cut down in ten years is not making a real impact on emissions, just kicking the can down the road. A high-quality carbon project should use data and science to clearly show an immediate, tangible impact on reducing or removing emissions and have a plan that continues these reductions for generations.

This solar project in India provides electricity to families that are not connected to the grid. Not only does it provide clean energy, it also reduces indoor pollution and provides much needed additional infrastructure to rural areas.

Look for a real impact on people

Globally, climate mitigation and adaptation are underfunded by $1.7 trillion per year, and those that need the most support are in some of the most at-risk and impoverished places on the planet. Governments are nowhere close to meeting this need, but studies show that the private sector could cover about 70% of climate financing globally. A high-quality carbon project doesn’t just support a reduction in emissions, it is a powerful tool to route carbon finance into these places that need it most, providing vulnerable communities on the front lines of the fight against climate change with much needed support in the form of job creation, poverty reduction, school improvements, sanitation, health care, updated infrastructure, among other tangible benefits.

This Maharashtra woman is the beneficiary of a biogas carbon credit program designed to harness the power of livestock waste and convert it into clean burning energy.

Insist on seeing some credentials.

Critics of travel offsets often claim that you cannot trust many of the offerings currently available on the market thanks to lack of transparency, measurable results, and a general insufficiency of credibility. Nonprofit Cool Effect agrees. Some travel offset programs rely on vague details, carbon credits that are unverified, are lacking strong scientific backing, or do not disclose pricing details. These same critics also claim that since there are travel offset programs with lower quality carbon credits, all of them should be classified as ineffective. This is where there is disagreement. We must do everything we can to limit our emissions first, but we will all still have a footprint. You can support the planet by utilizing travel offset programs that rely on carbon projects that have been verified by a trusted major carbon credit standard and demonstrates that your carbon credit provider has done their due diligence when evaluating projects.

Reducing the impact of our summer travel is more important than ever. Aviation accounts for just 2.5% of global CO2 emissions and has contributed around 4% to global warming to date. We all should be doing everything we can do to reduce that impact, and travel offsets, funded by high-quality carbon credits, can do just that. The climate crisis demands that we take action to reduce our travel emissions, but that action doesn’t need to come at the expense of seeing the world and connecting with loved ones. This summer, don’t just travel — travel with purpose and make your journey a force for good.

Discover More for Less: Embrace Budget-Friendly Summer Travel


(BPT) – The summer travel season is fast approaching, and there is no better time than now to start planning your next adventure. Hilton’s latest trends report found adventure is a top priority for nearly half of travelers in 2024, and as more consumers turn to budget-conscious decision making, Spark by Hilton hotels are an excellent way to stretch hard-earned travel dollars.

Spark offers travelers practical, consistent and affordable accommodations with new hotels opening in some of the most popular leisure destinations across the United States. Whether you are boarding a flight or embarking on a road trip, Spark promises a premium economy stay without compromising quality.

When you are ready to explore your next summer escape, enhance your trip by booking a stay at a Spark by Hilton hotel in these vacation hot spots.

Hilton Head Island, SC

Breakfast buffet at the Hilton Head Island hotel

Perfect for a sun- and sand-filled getaway, Spark by Hilton Hilton Head Island is less than a mile from the beach. The property boasts a fitness center and outdoor swimming pool and is surrounded by shopping, dining, golf and nature trails.

Mystic, CT

Breakfast buffet at the Sparks by Hilton Mystic Groton

Art, history and nature lovers will have a great time at Spark by Hilton Mystic Groton, the first-ever Spark hotel! Before you visit the Mystic Aquarium, Mystic Seaport Museum and Olde Mistick Village — all just a mile from the hotel — fuel up at the complimentary coffee and bagel bar. When you’re done shopping and dining downtown, hit the outdoor pool for a quick swim or relax in your room and stream your favorite content.

Savannah, GA

For travelers seeking convenience, book a stay at Spark by Hilton Savannah Airport, just three miles from Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport, where you’ll be picked up by a complimentary shuttle. If you’re looking forward to water sports, take a day trip to the Boro water park and Butter Bean Beach or relax by the hotel pool. Catch a race at Roebling Road, see the sights of the Savannah Historic District, or bask in nature at the Tom Triplett Community Park, all less than 25 minutes from the hotel.

Siesta Key, FL

Outdoor pool at the Spark by Hilton Sarasota Siesta Key Gateway location.

Dreaming of a beach vacation? Spark by Hilton Sarasota Siesta Key Gateway is minutes from the beach, and the hotel even offers a complimentary beach shuttle. There’s plenty of sights to see and things to do with the Palm Arcade, Sarasota Pavilion, Skiers Island and Marie Selby Botanical Gardens nearby.

For other destinations in the Sunshine State, consider Spark by Hilton St. Augustine Historic District, half a mile from Castillo de San Marcos National Monument and St. George Street. Or be one of the first guests at Spark by Hilton Ormond Beach Oceanfront, where every room boasts a private patio or balcony to enjoy breezy Florida sunsets.

Charlotte, NC

Lobby in the Atlanta Sparks by Hilton hotel.

Whether you’re a sports or music fan, stay at Spark by Hilton Charlotte Tyvola I-77, just 15 minutes from the famous Spectrum Center and six miles from The Bank of America Stadium. Thrill seekers will have a blast at the Carowinds Amusement Park. In the morning, enjoy a free breakfast so you’re ready to enjoy all the entertainment the city has to offer.

Atlanta, GA

Whether you root for the visiting or home team, stay at Spark by Hilton Atlanta Cumberland Ballpark, just one mile from Truist Park. This property is near Downtown Atlanta, where there’s no shortage of dining, shopping and entertainment. When you want to cool down from seeing the Hotlanta sights, take a dip in the hotel’s indoor or outdoor pool.

Regardless of where your summer travels take you, Spark offers simple, reliable and straightforward hospitality with clean, comfortable rooms, useful amenities and helpful service all at an affordable price.

Things are not always what they seem: Beware of identity fraud


(BPT) – Scam artists are constantly changing tactics to steal your personal identifiable information (PII), including account usernames and passwords, Social Security numbers, birth dates, credit and debit card numbers, personal identification numbers (PINs) or other sensitive information. With this information, they can carry out crimes like financial fraud that can be difficult and frustrating for victims to remedy.

The United States Postal Inspection Service is working hard to stop these scammers in their tracks. You can help too, by familiarizing yourself with these identity fraud scams designed to trick you into giving up your “financial DNA” and turning over your personal identifiable information (PII) to imposters.

1. Phishing

If you ever receive an email about a package delivery or unpaid online postage charges, usually with the subject line, “Delivery Failure Notification,” be careful. These phishing emails appear to be from the U.S. Postal Service but they are not and you should not interact with them. The phishing emails may contain either a spoofed or fake URL for you to follow or a file that if opened, can activate a virus, both resulting in stealing your personal information.

How can you tell if an email is NOT from USPS or the Postal Inspection Service? If the email requests “immediate action,” has poor grammar and spelling errors, asks you to confirm PII or asks for payment of any kind, you’re likely dealing with a phishing email. USPS officials would never contact consumers directly asking for payment or PII.

If you receive a phishing email:

  • Treat your personal information like cash
  • Don’t click on any links
  • Forward USPS-related spam emails to spam@uspis.gov
  • Report non-USPS spam emails to the Federal Trade Commission
  • Delete the email

2. Smishing

Have you received unsolicited mobile text messages with an unfamiliar or strange web link that indicates a USPS delivery requires your response? You’re likely dealing with a smishing scam. This type of deceptive text message lures recipients into providing personal or financial information. Scammers often attempt to disguise themselves as a government agency, bank or other company to lend legitimacy to their claims.

Even if you’ve signed up for USPS tracking, pay close attention to the message. The Postal Service will never ask you for PII in a text message, redirect you to another site for payment, or contact you via text message, unless you initiated the request.

If you receive a smishing text message from the Postal Service:

  • Don’t click on the link
  • Don’t reply
  • Forward the smishing/text message to 7726 or email spam@uspis.gov
  • Report non-USPS fraud to the Federal Trade Commission
  • Delete the text message
  • Block spam messages
  • Review your cellphone bill for suspicious charges
  • Keep your security software up to date

3. Vishing

You may have enjoyed the game telephone when you were younger but calls from scammers trying to get your personal information are nothing to play with. A new twist on phishing, vishing is something you need to be aware of. Vishing is short for voice phishing and scammers will try to hook you as soon as you answer the phone.

Here’s how to spot it.

Scammers call from a number that may look familiar or even appear to be from a legitimate source, like your bank or a government agency. The caller, however, is anything but legit. They may claim there’s an issue with your account or a problem that requires your immediate attention. Then the scammers will ask for sensitive information like Social Security numbers, credit card details or passwords.

To protect yourself from vishing:

  • Verify the identity of the caller
  • Ask yourself why the caller is asking for your information
  • Never give out sensitive information over the phone
  • Report the call to the alleged bank, government agency or company
  • Block spam callers
  • Place your number on the national Do Not Call List

4. Quishing

QR codes are incredibly common nowadays. You’ve probably seen them on posters, food menus and TV screens. Take caution before you scan. Some QR codes may be a form of phishing known as quishing.

If you receive a message from an unfamiliar email address or text message or find a poster in a high-traffic location, don’t scan it. If you do, the QR code could take you to a scammer’s website (which may look legitimate) but is designed to scam you out of your PII.

If you find or receive a suspicious QR code:

  • Don’t scan it, especially if the message or poster urges you to act immediately
  • Report the QR code to the bank, government agency or company that the scam artist is impersonating
  • Block scam messages

Stay alert!

Scammers are always on the hunt for sensitive information. Protect yourself and others by using caution and reporting suspicious emails, texts, calls, voicemails and QR codes to the proper authorities. To learn more about how to protect yourself from identity fraud, visit uspis.gov/identity-fraud-2024. You can also find additional fraud prevention resources on our website at USPIS.gov.

5 Easy, Space-Saving Room Ideas


(BPT) – Looking to update a room that is short on space during this home improvement season? Converting traditional swinging doors into pocket doors is a simple, practical way to increase the amount of usable floor space. Pocket doors slide along a jump-proof track and disappear into the wall cavity, optimizing space in a way swinging doors cannot.

When installed with the correct pocket door hardware, today’s modern pocket doors are customizable for varying doorway sizes, making any room in the home more fun and functional. These room ideas are proven winners that are sure to enhance your home.

1. Accessible Home Office

A 4 ft. extra wide textured white oak pocket door with a raised handle, installed with an ADA-compliant pocket door frame kit, adds privacy and facilitates easier mobility through doorways.

As the share of remote workers in the U.S. workforce continues to rise, so does the need for accessible home office designs. Pocket door frame kits equipped with ADA-compliant features bring an effective solution to this growing need, particularly with the rise of work-from-home opportunities for individuals with disabilities. To address this demand, Johnson’s 1500SC Series pocket door frame was designed to improve accessibility and functionality in home office setups. The built-in soft-close hardware ensures smooth, fingertip operation and prevents door slamming, important features for those using mobility devices.

2. Semi-Private Dining Area

With a shortage of senior care facilities and their rising costs, aging in place is now a crucially essential option. The 1560SC Series Soft-Closing Pocket Door Frame Kit seamlessly integrates mobility considerations into home design. Supporting doors up to 4 feet wide and 8 feet high, nearly any type of solid-core door weighing up to 165 lbs. can be installed with the frame.

To put your own spin on the pocket door design, choose a decorative raised handle. Only 5 lbs. of force is needed to effortlessly open or close a door installed with the hardware, ideal for individuals with mobility challenges.

3. Walk-in Kitchen Pantry

Perfect for frequently used pantry doors, the 2000SC Heavy-Duty Pocket Door Frame Kit’s versatile design can handle nearly any extra-heavy door style weighing up to 330 lbs., up to 5 feet wide and 9 feet high. A jump-proof design means the door cannot fall off the track, and a quick-release locking tab allows for door removal without tearing apart the wall. Heavy gauge all-steel split studs provide wall rigidity and galvanized steel plating resists corrosion, giving peace of mind that your door installation will last.

4. Ensuite Bathroom

Need more space in your bathroom? Pocket doors cover your doorway when they’re closed but disappear inside your wall cavity when they’re open. This 2060SC hardware holds large custom doors like this attractive walnut veneer slab, and includes a soft-close feature that is essential in a bedroom. When replacing traditional swing doors, pocket doors save as much as 14 square feet of floor space that is needed for the swinging motion.

Other ingenious features of this pocket door hardware contribute to installation ease and trouble-free use. For instance, self-adjusting floor brackets compensate for floor settling, ensuring pocket doors remain level over time.

5. Multi-Purpose Room

With their open and airy aesthetic, two converging pocket doors with glass lites in a wide entry allow sunlight to pass while giving privacy and reducing surrounding noise. Multi-purpose rooms benefit from the extra usable floor space gained by using pocket doors. Imagine more room for furniture, shelving and wall décor.

Johnson’s durable pocket door hardware exceeds the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility standard for door width. The ADA requires a minimum clear width of 32” from door face to opposite stop, but Johnson’s hardware accommodates up to 60” for greater accessibility.

For more information, visit www.johnsonhardware.com, or call 574-293-5664.

Follow the company on Instagram, X, Pinterest, and Facebook.

6 online shopping tips to help you save money


(BPT) – Whether you’re shopping for a special occasion or purchasing everyday necessities, ordering items that you need and want online can be a great way to save money, especially if you stay focused on what you’re looking for, search for the best deals — and use the latest tech tools to help you scout those deals.

Here are some tips that can help you save as you make the most of online shopping.

1. Don’t get distracted

Shopping online can involve navigating lots of visual distractions, including tempting photos of many other products that may not be on your shopping list. To avoid going down a window-shopping rabbit hole, write your list out and set it where you can see it while you’re searching, to help you stay on track. Having a clear idea of what you’re looking for — and how much you’re willing to spend — will also help you avoid impulse purchases.

2. Compare to save

One of the top ways to keep costs down is by comparing prices before you hit “order now.” While it can seem overwhelming to check on all the possible prices for similar products that are out there, Microsoft Shopping on the Edge browser can help you find great deals. With tools such as coupon auto apply, Microsoft Cashback and price comparison, the browser will search the web for coupons and deals on items you’re shopping for, and alert you if it finds a better price. In fact, shoppers can get an average annual savings of $431 using Microsoft Edge, and have been offered over $8.4 billion in savings worldwide.

3. Use smart tech to help you shop

Do you sometimes have trouble finding just the right gift for someone, or figuring out what to purchase for yourself or your home? Copilot in Microsoft Shopping can help by providing personalized recommendations and shopping assistance, powered by AI. For example, you can say something like, “I’m looking for a new summer dress. Make a list of summer dress styles with an image for each. Also, list the best online retailers for a good deal on dresses.”

4. Maximize cash back offers

There’s nothing better than getting cash back on something. Check to see if you can get cash back deals on a credit card that you already use for online shopping. You can also visit the Microsoft Cashback page to see what cash back offers are available and get 3X cash back on select brands every Tuesday, with their Triple Cash back Tuesdays.

5. Subscribe, but be strategic

Some online vendors offer discounts for subscriptions on products you know you’ll want to re-purchase frequently, such as household or personal items. But before signing up to subscribe, make sure it’s a product you really want to keep buying, and take note of how often you’re likely to re-purchase it so you can choose a time frame that makes sense. Check that the amount of the discount makes subscribing worthwhile, and that you can adjust the frequency of the purchase easily, if needed.

6. Read customer reviews

Have you ever ordered something, only to find the product failed to deliver on its promises? You can avoid buyer’s remorse by taking the time to read several online reviews, especially for costlier purchases. While you may see a wide range of ratings and opinions on any given product at first, if you read enough reviews you can spot patterns such as the biggest benefits of the product — and the most common issues. Those broader patterns can help you make smarter decisions between different brands or types of products before you spend your hard-earned dollars.

Ready to save more while you shop? Microsoft Shopping in Edge helps you add confidence to your cart when you shop online.

World’s smallest pacemaker helps busy engineer stay active after a series of strokes from abnormal heart rhythm


(BPT) – Steve Rouillard of Detroit has always been a hands-on, do-it-yourself person. His life as an aerospace engineer keeps him busy, while in his spare time, he enjoys frequent getaways to the Smoky Mountains. Two years ago, however, his busy routine was interrupted by a series of strokes that happened unexpectedly, and left his doctors puzzled.

On a hot summer day, Steve was outside staining a fence when he felt strangely exhausted. Brushing it off as possible dehydration from the heat, Steve flew to Tennessee the next day, but noticed that he was still not feeling right. He lost his appetite, and all he wanted to do was rest.

Doctors suspected COVID-19, but tests came back with nothing out of the ordinary.

“The following week, I woke up still not feeling right,” Steve said. “I told my wife, ‘I can’t take this anymore. Something is wrong with me,’” he said.

After being re-evaluated by his doctors at home in Michigan, Steve finally had an answer: what he experienced was a stroke. While he was relieved to receive a diagnosis, his health journey didn’t end there.

About a year later, Steve was speaking with his wife when he noticed he couldn’t say certain basic words. After going to the hospital, an MRI revealed that Steve had suffered three additional strokes. Steve is one of the more than 795,000 people in the United States who have a stroke every year.1 This time, doctors suspected his strokes might be due to an underlying heart rhythm issue. They prescribed Steve blood thinners and placed a small heart monitor, the Medtronic Reveal LINQ™ insertable cardiac monitor (ICM), just underneath the skin in Steve’s chest. ICMs monitor for and can detect intermittent abnormal heart rhythms, such as atrial fibrillation (AF), which can lead to stroke.

Just a few months later, Steve would learn just how valuable his small heart monitor would be. After returning from a trip to Germany, he passed out while sitting on the porch. His cardiologist called, saying the heart monitor had detected that Steve’s heart had stopped beating for eight seconds. Steve’s doctor recommended a pacemaker immediately to prevent future incidents where Steve’s heart might beat too slowly and cause him to pass out again.

Steve received the world’s smallest pacemaker, the Medtronic Micra AV2™. Unlike a traditional pacemaker, the leadless pacemaker is the size of a vitamin pill and is implanted inside the heart using a tiny catheter inserted through a vein. The minimally invasive procedure allowed Steve to leave the hospital the same day, with limited restrictions. While each patient’s experience can vary, since Steve’s procedure, he’s regained his active life, and hasn’t experienced any additional heart rhythm issues.

“After the procedure, I laid in the recovery room for a few hours and then within a few days went back to normal life,” Steve added.

Today, Steve lives life to its fullest. With his Micra AV2, he is once again able to take on home renovations, travel for work and build furniture in his free time, knowing that he has a pacemaker to help keep his heartbeat from dropping dangerously low.

This National Stroke Awareness Month, Steve is advocating for people like himself to take the signs of stroke seriously and get checked out by specialists who can help you understand the right treatment options for you.

“Now, I don’t often have weak legs, speech issues or fatigue. I am very thankful,” said Steve.

This testimonial is based on Steve’s experience. Not all patients will experience similar results. Always talk to your doctor about diagnosis, treatment and risk information.

Possible risks associated with the implant of the LINQ Family of ICMs include, but are not limited to, infection at the surgical site, device migration, erosion of the device through the skin and/or sensitivity to the device material. For important safety information about the LINQ family of ICMs, visit: https://www.medtronic.com/us-en/patients/treatments-therapies/insertable-heart-monitors/getting-monitor/important-safety-information.html

Possible risks associated with the Micra implant include, but are not limited to, complications at the surgical site, injury to the heart where the device is attached, sensitivity to the device material, failure to deliver therapy when it is needed, or receiving extra therapy when it is not needed. For important safety information about Micra, visit: https://www.medtronic.com/us-en/patients/treatments-therapies/pacemakers/our/micra/important-safety-information.html

1 Tsao CW, Aday AW, Almarzooq ZI, Beaton AZ, Bittencourt MS, Boehme AK, et al. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2023 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2023;147:e93–e621.

How to honor the veterans in your life this Memorial Day


(BPT) – Memorial Day is about more than just kicking off summer with a backyard barbecue. It’s a day of respect and remembrance that honors the men and women who have given their lives while serving this country and the devastating loss shouldered by their families, friends, and communities when their service member didn’t come home.

As we’re honoring our family members who have died serving this country, Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) would like us all to be mindful that it can also be a tough day for veterans who made it back home, because they’re remembering the fallen friends they served with.

WWP™, founded 20 years ago, is dedicated to supporting military veterans, their families, and caregivers through life-saving programs and services in mental health, financial wellness, connection, advocacy, long-term rehabilitative care, and more.

The organization shared a few ways to honor veterans and their families on Memorial Day, and every day.

Be sensitive. By all means, enjoy that Memorial Day barbecue and relax with your loved ones, just be mindful that it may be a tough day for veterans, service members, and their families.

Reflect on freedom. People go into the military to serve this country and defend our freedoms. But many of us may not realize the sacrifice they and their families make for those freedoms.

Take part in a Memorial Day tradition. Whether it’s wearing red poppies or attending a parade, get involved in the real meaning of the day. If you have friends or family who have fallen in the line of duty, it’s a great day to place a wreath, flowers, or a plant on their grave to show respect.

Observe the National Moment of Remembrance. Signed into law by Bill Clinton in 2000, the National Moment of Remembrance Act was intended to provide a way for the entire country to come together to honor fallen heroes on Memorial Day. The goal is to remind Americans about the sacrifices made by our veterans and their families, and provide a single act of unity for the entire country. At 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day, observe one minute of silence to honor these brave men and women. If you’re behind the wheel, turn on your lights.

Wear red, white, and blue but not the flag. Many people aren’t aware that the flag is not supposed to be worn as a fashion statement. Show your patriotism by wearing red, white, and blue! Memorial Day is the day to fly the flag outside your home.

Teach your children. Talk to your children about family members who have served in the military and about what Memorial Day really means. Don’t know quite where to start? Check your local library or bookstore for books about Memorial Day, and make it a tradition to read that book to your child every year. Chances are, they’ll carry on that tradition when they have children of their own.

Support friends and family who are veterans. One way to do that is to spread the word about WWP. Many veterans may not know about all of the services this organization provides to wounded post-9/11 veterans, service members and their families. Because of generous donations from the public, warriors never pay a penny for any of the services WWP provides.

At Wounded Warrior Project, they know every warrior has a next mission. The transition to civilian life is a journey, and for every warrior, family member and caregiver, that journey looks different, whether they came home from serving our country 20 years ago or yesterday.

This Memorial Day, honor the veterans in your life and support organizations who serve them, like WWP if you’re able.