Stroke Prevention: TCAR Procedure Offers New Hope for Carotid Artery Disease Patients


(BPT) – Did you know carotid artery disease (CAD) is responsible for up to one-third of all strokes? Early detection and treatment of CAD can significantly reduce your risk of having a stroke, and Judy’s story is a testament to this.

After witnessing her grandmother suffer a major stroke, Judy was determined to stay healthy and visited her doctor regularly to get check-ups on her carotid arteries. These vital blood vessels, located on both sides of the neck, deliver oxygen-rich blood to the brain. When they become blocked or narrowed, CAD can develop and lead to a stroke.

With a family history of heart and vascular issues, Judy knew she was at risk. While many people like Judy show no symptoms in the early stages of CAD, patients with one or more of the following risk factors should still pursue screening as early as possible:

  • Diabetes
  • Family history of stroke
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Older age, especially for men
  • Smoking, or using alcohol or recreational drugs
  • Trauma to the neck

During one of her visits, Judy’s doctor discovered her left carotid artery was blocked. After getting referred to surgery, she underwent carotid endarterectomy, the traditional surgical procedure for CAD. Although the blockage was resolved, she experienced severe pain, facial numbing, and a long recovery period.

Two years later, when her right carotid artery also became blocked, Judy sought a different solution. Dissatisfied with her previous experience, she discovered Transcarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR), a patient-friendly procedure with several advantages over the traditional surgery:

  • Exceptional stroke prevention, even for high-risk surgical patients
  • Minimally invasive
  • Reduced risk of nerve injury and post-procedure heart attack
  • Shorter procedure time
  • Faster recovery and shorter hospital stays

After undergoing TCAR, Judy stayed one night in the hospital and was able to go home the next morning. She said she felt great after the surgery and quickly returned to her daily activities.

“I look forward to every day,” Judy says. “Without this technology, I would be disabled. I would not have my mental capacity, and that would be a tragedy to me and my family. I have my life because of all the things that people did to make it possible for me to be here. The best thing I can do is just say thank you.”

To learn more about CAD detection and treatment options, please visit Silk Road Medical’s patient education resource:

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