Asthma should not keep you from tying your shoes


(BPT) – “Prior to my asthma diagnosis as an adult, my health rapidly declined, I could not perform even the simplest of tasks — bending over to tie my own shoes would initiate an exacerbation,” said Donna Matlach, mother of four, grandmother of 10, world traveler and ballroom dancer. People who have asthma that isn’t controlled can experience symptoms, such as shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. For some people, like Donna, who have a more severe form of asthma, these symptoms may exist even when taking multiple medications, causing difficulty with achieving the simplest of tasks and having asthma attacks that can be life-threatening.

Donna’s journey started with a chronic cough that led to a bronchitis diagnosis from her doctor, but despite numerous antibiotics and various medications and treatments, her symptoms showed no improvement. Her doctor then considered whether her childhood asthma had returned and the final diagnosis was that Donna’s asthma had indeed returned but it was a more severe type of asthma. Donna has worked with her doctor to develop a treatment plan to manage her severe asthma. “Fortunately, my asthma is now controlled and I am my own person again,” said Donna. “I can walk, I can dance, I can go out and enjoy myself, I can climb up the stairs. I can do the things I couldn’t do previously. I can now go on vacation and enjoy simple things like laughing — that’s me again.”

If you are experiencing asthma symptoms, you are not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 25 million people have asthma in the U.S. Up to 10 percent of these people have a more severe type of asthma. Like Donna, their asthma may be uncontrolled — even with multiple medications.

“Asthma can change over time, so periodic adjustments to treatment may be necessary for people to keep symptoms controlled,” said Dr. David Slade, pulmonologist and GSK Medical Affairs Lead on Asthma. “If you have asthma and are experiencing symptoms, you should consider taking the Asthma Control Test by visiting to help you and your doctor determine if your asthma is under control and what you can do to gain better control of your asthma and live life without limitations.”

Do you feel like asthma symptoms are just a normal occurrence in your life? If so, now is a good time to “Rethink Your Normal” and determine if your asthma is under control by taking the Asthma Control Test at Don’t let asthma symptoms intrude on the things you love to do.

Is it time to “Rethink Your Normal”?

If your asthma symptoms are not controlled or if you continue to experience symptoms despite multiple medications, Dr. Slade suggests:

* Recognize the symptoms: People with asthma that is not controlled can experience symptoms, such as shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. Some people with a more severe form of asthma can experience these symptoms with greater frequency, even when taking multiple medications to control their asthma.

* Consider the severity of your asthma: For many people with asthma who continue to experience symptoms, even when on multiple medicines, simple tasks can become difficult to achieve and asthma flare-ups can be life-threatening.

* Talk to your doctor: Consider taking the Asthma Control Test by visiting to assess if your asthma is controlled so you can share with your doctor and discuss your asthma management.

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