The travel warrior’s nutrition guide: 5 easy steps to be healthy on the go


(BPT) – U.S. residents logged 1.7 billion trips for leisure purposes in 2016, according to the U.S. Travel Association, and this number will likely grow in 2018. Whether you’re traveling for leisure or business, you shouldn’t lose sight of nutrition. It’s common to think, “Hey, I’m on vacation, so I can throw my healthy diet out the window.” Wrong. Traveling can throw the body for a loop with time zone changes, shifts in sleep schedules and the availability of fast, convenient and highly processed foods.

Use these five easy steps to make sure you stay healthy on the go this year.

1. Pack healthy snacks.

Dining while on the go usually translates to getting a quick hunger fix that involves processed, high-fat foods. Make a conscious effort to pack healthy snacks. Apples and nut butter, pretzels and hummus and dried, no-sugar-added fruit are a few healthy options.

2. Lighten your luggage.

It’s all too common for travelers to try to max out the weight of their checked luggage, which often weighs in at 50 pounds. Carting around heavy luggage and bags can take a toll on the body.

One easy way to lighten your load is to condense cumbersome toiletries. For instance, look at the prescription medications and dietary supplements you’re packing. A 2018 Wakefield Research study, conducted for Vitamin Packs, found that more than half — 51 percent — of respondents tote along five or more different types of pills when they’re traveling. And with age comes ailments. Baby boomers are the pill pack mules, with 64 percent taking five or more types of pills along for the ride when they travel, compared to only 35 percent of millennials who bring the same amount.

The good news — you can leave dietary supplement bottles and days-of-the-week pillboxes at home. Look for personalized vitamin subscription services, like Vitamin Packs (, that combine customized dietary supplements into individual daily packs that can easily tuck into your carry-on luggage.

3. Don’t forget essential nutrients.

The introduction of personalized nutrition has made it much easier (and lighter) to bring your vitamins and supplements with you when you travel. It may not always be convenient to grab a bright orange pepper or a bowl of fresh spinach while on the go. Therefore, your body may be craving folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin A, lutein, and just about every other phytonutrient.

“We shouldn’t sacrifice our nutrition simply because we’re away from our kitchen,” commented Elizabeth Somer, registered dietitian, author of “Eat Your Way to Happiness” and Vitamin Packs medical advisory board member. “I always pack nutritionally rich go-to snacks when I’m away from home and pack a multivitamin that delivers the essential nutrients my body needs to perform at its best.”

4. Keep your blood flowing.

If you’re planning a U.S. cross-country flight this year, direct flights can leave you sitting for five hours or more. These long periods of sedentary travel can lead to blood clots. Before you go, check with your doctor about adding an omega-3 supplement to your diet to maintain healthy blood flow.

5. Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate.

Water should be your No. 1 travel companion. Pack a reusable water bottle, so you can quickly fill up at water fountains located in many airports, train stations and bus stops.

As you take to the air, road or track this year, make nutrition a top priority. Your body will thank you and it will give you the energy you need to enjoy your time wherever your travels take you.

Confronting a Health Crisis: The Disease of Opioid Addiction


(BPT) – Approximately 2 million Americans are battling a disease that many people may not understand or feel ashamed to admit being impacted by: opioid addiction.[1] Like many other diseases, opioid addiction can be a continued struggle for afflicted individuals and for their families and caregivers.[2] People living with opioid addiction — and their loved ones — may face judgment from others who see it as a failure of will or a “choice,” and do not understand that it is a disease.[3] Because of this stigma, people battling opioid addiction may be afraid to ask for help or feel uncertain about where to find information and how treatment options along with counseling may help.

Education that opioid addiction is a disease must continue to ensure that stigma does not impede people with opioid addiction from getting the help they need. Studies have shown that the use of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) may help patients on their road to recovery because it is a combination of medication, which helps to treat the physical effects of addiction, and counseling, which helps teach people effective recovery skills.[3]

While MAT has been proven to effectively help in the treatment of opioid addiction, research has suggested it is often underutilized among healthcare professionals. In fact, fewer than 20 percent of adults with substance use disorders in the U.S., including those with opioid use disorder, receive any kind of treatment.[1]

Dr. Stephen Stahl, Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at University of California San Diego and a contracted spokesperson for Alkermes, has pioneered the successful use of MAT and believes there are many people battling opioid addiction that may benefit from finding a treatment approach that is right for them.

“Counseling and medication each have an important role in recovery from opioid addiction. Counseling helps people understand underlying issues and effective recovery skills, while medication can help treat the physical effects of addiction. When used together, these options can be effective,” said Dr. Stahl. “Being an advocate for someone struggling with opioid addiction starts with knowing all you can about the different treatment options that may help pave the road on the recovery journey.”

Dr. Stahl recommends the following important steps for families looking for information on MAT programs:

  • Understand how MAT works
    Research suggests: Counseling targets the cortex to help treat the psychological aspects of dependence. Medication targets the limbic region to help treat the physical effects of dependence.
  • Explore different treatment options that may be available
    There are different types of medication used with counseling to treat opioid dependence: antagonists, agonists and partial agonists. Consult a healthcare provider for more information on selecting a treatment approach that best suits the individual’s needs.
  • Learn more through the stories & experiences of others
    A new initiative called Let’s Change the Conversation provides guidance about how to start a conversation with a loved one or healthcare provider about MAT, inspirational stories from other families touched by opioid addiction as well as information about an available treatment option.

ALKERMES is a registered trademark of Alkermes, Inc. ©2018. All rights reserved. OT-001562.

Use these sleep tips to stay safe and productive at work


(BPT) – It’s time for America’s workforce to wake up. If you are one of the tens of millions of adults sleeping fewer than seven hours each night — the amount recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) — you are likely jeopardizing performance, increasing accident risks and putting everyone in danger during commutes. Getting enough sleep every night is key to improving productivity, safety and quality of life.

Here are some tips to make sleep work for you.

Don’t burn the midnight oil

Working late nights might impress your boss, but restricting your sleep can lead to trouble making decisions, solving problems, controlling emotions and more, severely affecting your productivity at work. The National Safety Council reports that workers who sleep fewer than six hours per night cost employers six days a year in productivity.

Sleep for safety

Workers who sleep less than six hours per night are also at higher risk for injury, according to the Sleep Research Society. Cognitive and motor performance impairments caused by sleep deprivation can be comparable to drinking alcohol. If you make it a daily priority to recognize the signs of fatigue before, during and after work, and refuse to drive drowsy, you can reduce the risk of serious injury for yourself and others. This may be especially true if you work a job that involves manual labor or heavy machinery.

Strategies for non-traditional work hours

Some of the more high-risk professions involve working irregular hours. Shift workers — who can be nurses, law enforcement officers, emergency responders, transportation operators and more — work overnight or early morning hours with irregular or rotating shifts, causing upheaval in the body’s circadian rhythm and natural sleep/wake cycle. According to the AASM, shift workers may sleep up to four fewer hours per night than those working traditional hours, increasing the risk for injuries, accidents and drowsy driving. The CDC reports that serious long-term health problems are a concern, too.

However, there are ways for shift workers to combat this problematic sleep schedule.

Tips for ‘wake time’

* Avoid exposure to sunlight if you need to sleep during the day, and wear sunglasses if you must go outside.

* Use moderate amounts of caffeine in the early part of your shift.

* Use public transportation, rideshare or take a cab, or arrange rides from friends or family after a work shift.

* Take a 20- to 30-minute nap during a work break or before a night shift.

* Get help from a sleep specialist to reinforce your body clock with strategically timed bright light therapy.

Tips for ‘sleep time’

* Avoid caffeine and alcohol in the hours before you go to bed.

* Plan for any major changes in your shift schedule by altering your sleep time a few days in advance.

* Try to keep the same schedule on workdays and days off and create an effective “wind down” routine before going to bed.

* Keep your bedroom at a cool temperature, turn off all electronics and only do relaxing activities like reading or journaling.

Use the National Healthy Sleep Awareness Project’s bedtime calculator, which helps you find your ideal bedtime based on when you need to wake up for work — even if that’s in the middle of the night.

Getting at least seven hours of sleep isn’t just a matter of feeling alert for productivity and safety on the job; it’s a necessary component of good health and well-being. If you’re having trouble sleeping, you should talk to your doctor, who may refer you to a board-certified sleep medicine physician at an accredited sleep center for help. For more information go to

Creative approaches to combat common menopausal symptoms


(BPT) – Many women and their doctors are still confused about the safety of estrogen. When introduced, estrogen was believed to be good for you. But, following the Women’s Health Initiative study 15 years ago, women were told that hormone therapy could, in fact, lead to an increased risk of cancer, blood clots and heart disease. Nothing could be further from the truth, according to Dr. Mache Seibel, author of The Estrogen Fix.

Today, women are learning that use of hormone therapy (HT) can minimize risks and maximize menopausal relief for common symptoms like hot flashes, dryness, mood swings, fractured sleep, brain fog, irritability and weight gain. When taken at the right time, estrogen therapy can lead to substantial improvements in health and quality of life and lower the risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and dementia. Women should be aware of one caveat: beginning estrogen after a woman’s estrogen window closes at age 65 may increase their risk for breast cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and osteoporosis.

Heeding advice about how and when to stop taking HT is important and revealed in new studies featured in Dr. Seibel’s The Estrogen Fix. The book reaffirms the safety of vaginal estrogen for the heart and brain, as well as its effectiveness in controlling weight; additionally, the book outlines newly available estrogens and progesterones, discusses misconceptions about compounded hormones and estrogen pellets and offers the latest hormone-free FDA solutions for women with vaginal dryness.

The following are 5 creative approaches to combat menopausal symptoms:

1. Hot flashes: Women experiencing hot flashes and night sweats can find relief using an FDA-approved estrogen hormone therapy called Divigel, a cool, clear gel that is applied to the upper thigh daily. It contains the plant-based estrogen hormone estradiol, the same hormone made naturally by a woman’s ovaries before menopause and delivers estrogen identical to that naturally produced in the body.

2. Irritability/sleeplessness: Quality sleep is often a challenge during menopause and can contribute to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and obesity. A natural supplement with melatonin like Vitafusion Beauty Sleep promotes a good night’s sleep without prescription medication. Sex and/or self-pleasure are natural ways to decrease stress and can help with the onset and quality of sleep. The oxytocin released with hugging, stimulation and orgasm can increase feelings of calm and safety, causing cortisol levels to drop, thus optimizing sleep. Orgasm releases prolactin, helping you fall asleep faster and more efficiently.

3. Painful sex: Internal vaginal dryness can be relieved for three days with hormone-free Replens Vaginal Moisturizer. Alternatively, prescription remedies like vaginal estrogen or DHEA can be used. Don’t forget to incorporate a personal silicone lubricant like Replens Silky Smooth just before sex to ease penetration, increase comfort and reduce abrasion.

4. Weight gain? Eat to defeat menopause: Food is the fuel for every cell in your body, so avoid packaged and processed foods and limit sugary drinks and desserts to ensure you’re optimizing energy. Stick to unprocessed whole foods as there are no hidden ingredients or calories. Your body will also appreciate fresh and/or organic produce and hormone-free meat or grass-fed beef as often as possible. Eat to Defeat Menopause: The Essential Nutrition Guide for a Healthy Midlife offers practical advice and information on how to choose and prepare meals to optimize health during menopause.

5. Hair lacking luster, less-than-glowing skin and brittle nails: Loss of estrogen leaves many women dealing with thinning hair, increased dry skin and brittle or breaking nails. Introducing biotin into your diet with a raspberry-flavored gummy like Vitafusion Gorgeous Hair, Skin & Nails can ensure you’re consuming sufficient biotin and other helpful nutrients including vitamins C and E.

Every woman has safe, new options, from prescription HT to those available over-the-counter, to suit her unique needs. Schedule a chat with your health provider to discuss the right hormone therapy or alternative option for your personal menopausal challenge.

Gut check: Eat the right kinds of whole grains with the right kinds of fiber to cut cancer risk


(BPT) – Can cutting back on whole grains be bad for your gut and deadly to your health? Though some popular diets promote the elimination of grains, a recent report from the American Institute for Cancer Research suggests this may be ill-advised.

Researchers say 47 percent of colorectal cancers can be prevented with lifestyle changes, such as adding whole grains to your diet and exercising more. Eating three daily servings of whole grains reduces the risk of colorectal cancer by 17 percent, the report says.

But the link between whole grains and cancer may be confusing. After all, the major benefit of whole grains is fiber, and fiber is fiber, right?

Here’s the paradox about fiber: Americans have increased their consumption of fiber, including whole grains. In spite of that, bowel cancer is still one the most common types of cancer. Not all fiber is alike. Understanding how whole grains and their fiber types go to work in the gut may hold the key to reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.

A new kind of super-grain

First, we turn to the humble barley grain. It may be on the verge of a big moment. Australian researchers spent 30 years breeding a variety of barley that contains more of the properties believed to reduce colon cancer. The result is a so-called super-grain called BARLEYmax.

What’s special about BARLEYmax? This non-GMO grain has twice the fiber as most other whole grains, including wheat. It’s also chock-full of a unique type of fiber called resistant starch. Scientists believe resistant starch plays an important role in keeping the gut environment healthy. BARLEYmax has four times as much resistant starch as wheat and oats, and scientists believe it’s this resistant starch that may be the key link to fighting colorectal cancer.

What do resistant starches do?

Why did the Australian researchers want to develop a grain that was high in resistant starches? Dr. David Topping, who headed the research team, points to previous research showing the link between diet and colorectal cancer.

Africans have a lower fiber intake compared to Americans and Australians, yet their bowel cancer rates are much lower, he reports. On the surface, this appears to diminish the role of fiber. Here’s the kicker: The African diet is much higher in resistant starches and fermentable fibers than American and Australian diets.

According to Topping, that highlights the key determinant of better bowel health and fighting cancer is that we eat enough of the right fiber types, from whole grain sources, rather than to focus only on the amount of fiber we eat.

How do resistant starches work?

We’ve all heard about how important it is to make sure the gut is inhabited by the right kinds of bacteria. But it’s not as simple as taking a probiotic supplement or eating yogurt for breakfast. Gut bacteria need food to thrive, and that’s where resistant starches come in.

In the gut, resistant starches are a food source for healthy gut bacteria, and these bacteria keep the gut environment healthy. When diets are low in resistant starches, it creates a “hungry gut bacteria population.” But increasing the availability of fermentable fiber-rich whole grains that feed the gut microbiota can potentially make us healthier.

Good sources of good fiber

It’s exciting to hear that boosting your intake of resistant starches can have such a profound effect on your well-being and health. Getting the right foods that “feed” your gut has been tricky because, frankly, many are not appealing to American tastes.

Green bananas are a prime example. Although resistant starches are abundant in foods like cooked and cooled potatoes, barley and oats, these have to be eaten cold to get the full benefits, because these starches break down when heated.

Australian natural foods company Freedom Foods is the first breakfast manufacturer to bring the unique BARLEYmax grain to the U.S. under their Barley+ line of Toasted Mueslis and nutritional bars. The format, which is much closer to American-style granola but without all the sugar, will provide Americans with a much more accessible way to access resistant starch than some of the more obscure sources currently available.

Barley+ Toasted Muesli and Barley+ Snack Bars are now available at grocers and other retailers. To learn more about the mueslis and snacks, visit

A new way to restore women’s confidence and comfort in 15 minutes


(BPT) – Major life events like childbirth, aging and menopause can cause unwanted changes to a woman’s body. These tend to include a woman’s overall vaginal health that can impact her daily life in terms of work, travel, sports and also, her sex life.

Fortunately, there is an innovative, non-surgical treatment that can restore confidence by helping women of all ages feel more like their younger, more vital and sensual selves. This non-invasive procedure reverses the changes in vaginal tissue that are often associated with aging, childbirth and menopause. With the Juliet laser, women can feel and see improvement after every treatment as the vagina is restored to a more youthful state.

Bay Area medical device company, CUTERA®, recently launched the Juliet laser, an innovative system that provides women renewed confidence, quality of life and enhanced sexual function. This quick, painless treatment is performed in your provider’s office and takes approximately 15 minutes and can be performed without anesthesia, incisions or downtime. The Juliet laser works by delivering two passes of laser energy to the vaginal area. The first pass stimulates the remodeling of collagen while the second pass stimulates the damaged tissue. As a result, women experience an overall improvement in vaginal rejuvenation.

“Today’s woman strives to both look and feel good, and their sexuality is an important part of their lives,” reports Dr. James Mirabile, a Board-Certified Gynecologist in Overland Park, Kansas. “The Juliet laser is turning back the clock on feminine aging. Some women are even showing improvement in symptoms after a single treatment with best results achieved after two to three sessions. Lubrication, vaginal laxity and tone can be vastly improved. Sex becomes comfortable again as Juliet treats burning, itching, dryness and painful intercourse, with results continuing to improve in the months that follow. It is the treatment of choice for women experiencing menopause to help restore their self-confidence. Our patients tolerate the procedure very well and are extremely pleased with the results we can achieve,” he said.

According to Dr. Samuel Lederman, Co-Director of Laser Skin & Wellness in Palm Beach County, Florida, “With the Juliet laser, we have found that dramatic improvements can occur in quality of life and our patients are genuinely excited about the results. Women who have had two or three children are amazed by the changes they experience. Post-menopausal women are delighted with the reduction in the symptoms of feminine aging that can be achieved with this revolutionary in-office procedure. Because Juliet’s beneficial effects continue to improve over time, many women report further clinical benefits in three or more months after they have been treated,” he said.

The Juliet laser is a safe and effective treatment for many of the symptoms typically associated with diminished estrogen production from aging, changes after childbirth, as well as after breast cancer treatments or hysterectomy.

To find a Juliet provider near you, visit the Cutera Treatment Finder.

New Study: Changed Lifestyles Are Hampering Our Weight-Loss Efforts


(BPT) – If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you probably know it can seem like an overwhelming task. In fact, a recent survey conducted by The Harris Poll indicates losing weight is harder than ever before, and that today’s busy modern lifestyle is a key reason why.

But, don’t lose hope. Results also suggest that taking a new approach to weight loss can help, and that you can increase your chances for reaching and maintaining your weight-loss goals by getting a clear picture of the factors holding you back, and establishing a plan compatible with your lifestyle.

“The Truth About Weight Loss” survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll in October/November 2017 on behalf of Zaluvida, the makers of I-REMOVE (R), and included nearly 1,000 health care professionals [458 primary care physicians (PCPs) and 503 pharmacists], and more than 1,000 U.S. adults ages 18 and over.

So, what are our roadblocks?

The survey paints a picture of U.S. adults who are discouraged when it comes to weight loss, and some of the key reasons why.

Among its findings:

* 77 percent of PCPs and 81 percent of pharmacists say losing weight is harder today than it was for previous generations because of the busy, modern lifestyle of Americans.

* Too much screen time (i.e., time spent on computers, tablets and mobile phones) has resulted in Americans leading less-active lifestyles, according to 95 percent of PCPs and 97 percent of pharmacists.

* Lack of time is taking a toll as well. 97 percent to 98 percent of PCPs and pharmacists are concerned that Americans not taking time to plan healthy meals will negatively impact their weight and their family’s weight.

The result of all this? Widespread frustration. While 41 percent of Americans are now attempting to lose weight, only 29 percent of them are confident they’ll achieve their current weight-loss goals. Fifty-nine percent of them say they’re frustrated by previous attempts to lose weight — typically, they’ve tried to slim down a substantial five times in the past five years.

What’s needed? A sustainable plan, and more weight-loss options.

At least 89 percent of health care professionals surveyed say Americans need to take a new approach to weight loss that fits with today’s modern lifestyle.

Instead of embarking blindly on a goal to lose weight, they say people should develop a plan that accounts for their potential stumbling blocks — most advise that your plan should be sustainable (79 percent of PCPs and 69 percent of pharmacists), not be time-consuming (56 percent of PCPs and 55 percent of pharmacists), and not require sudden or major shifts to your daily routine (54 percent of PCPs and 53 percent of pharmacists).

You may also want to consider new options; at least 84 percent of PCPs and pharmacists say they wish they had more weight-loss options for people who are overweight but not yet obese, and 63 percent of PCPs and 60 percent of pharmacists agree that a weight-loss product/aid that fits into one’s lifestyle without unpleasant side effects would make it easier for their patients to lose weight.

One such product that’s now available in the U.S. is I-REMOVE, a weight-loss aid aimed at helping people lose weight and achieve healthier lifestyles they can sustain long-term. As the No. 1 best-selling weight-loss formula in Europe, I-REMOVE is clinically tested and shown to help with weight loss and maintenance, and can deliver up to three times the weight loss of dieting alone. Sold in the U.S. it is available nationwide at Walgreens and other retailers.

Consult with your health care professional before embarking on any weight-loss plan.

For more survey results, visit

For more information about I-REMOVE, visit

About the National Survey “The Truth about Weight Loss”

The survey was conducted online within the United States by The Harris Poll on behalf of Zaluvida between October 13 and November 6, 2017. The consumer arm of the survey included a total of 1,005 U.S. adults ages 18+, of whom, 713 are currently trying (n=429) or have ever tried (n=284) to lose weight. The professional arm of the survey included 961 U.S. adults ages 18+ who are primary care physicians (n=458) or pharmacists (n=503). For complete research method, including weighting variables and subgroup sample sizes, please contact

5 Weight-Loss Strategies When You’re Pressed for Time


(BPT) – It’s not just you. Losing weight is a tough thing to pull off! Forty-one percent of us are currently trying to do it, yet only approximately three in 10 are confident we’ll succeed, according to a new national online survey, “The Truth About Weight Loss”, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of Zaluvida, makers of I-REMOVE®.

Problem is, the survey also suggests today’s lifestyle might be a major obstacle to reaching and maintaining our weight-loss goals. Long work hours, commutes, errands, and kids’ activities all make it hard to plan and prepare healthy dinners, let alone fit in daily high-impact cardio sessions at the gym. And those sessions may be more needed than ever — the vast majority of health care professionals who were surveyed say that screen time[i] and the use of on-demand services[ii] prevent Americans from being more active. At least 77 percent of health care professionals who participated say losing weight is more difficult today than it was for previous generations because of Americans’ busy, modern lifestyles[iii].

How do you get around the many demands of your daily life and lose weight anyway? Here are a few tips to get you on your way to shedding unwanted pounds, even with your busy lifestyle.

1. Start small, start simple.

A healthy new outlook is great, but don’t get crazy: If you’re piling on too many major changes at once, they may be less likely to stick. A successful weight loss plan is one that you can stick to long term[iv], isn’t time consuming[v], and doesn’t disrupt your daily routine[vi], according to most of the health care providers surveyed. For starters, think in terms of making small, incremental changes to trade unhealthy habits for better ones.

2. Steer clear of crash diets.

Sure, there are all kinds of diets and other gimmicky plans out there that make big promises to zap those pounds in a matter of days. In reality, anything that relies on extremely low calorie intake is not only bad for your health, it can backfire. Extreme diets that include drastic calorie reduction can lead to increased fatigue, according to health care professionals who were surveyed[vii]; they also say you may end up gaining weight in the end because your body enters “starvation mode” to protect its resources[viii].

3. Consider new options.

When it comes to weight loss, the struggle is real — especially today. Luckily, health care providers get that. The majority agrees that weight loss would be easier for their patients if there were a weight-loss product or aid that fits into their patients’ lifestyles without unpleasant side effects[ix]. One such product is I-REMOVE[x], the No. 1-selling weight-loss formula in Europe, which is now newly available in the U.S. at Walgreens and other retailers. Clinically tested to help people lose weight and maintain weight loss without undesirable side effects, it is shown to deliver up to three times more weight loss vs. dieting alone.

I-REMOVE can be easily incorporated into a busy schedule, but must be part of a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating healthier and moving more. This doesn’t mean making drastic changes or spending hours in the gym, it means making better eating decisions — even if the occasional slip-up happens — and incorporating more movement into a typical day.

How it works: Take it after a meal, and during digestion, it binds with up to 28 percent of the fat content, transforming it into fat-fiber complexes that pass gently through the body — without unpleasant side effects. It has also been shown to promote a pleasant feeling of fullness.

4. Find your weight-loss expert.

The guidance of a health care professional is invaluable when you’re trying to achieve weight loss in a safe, healthy, and sustainable way. Yet, only 32 percent of adults who are currently trying or have ever tried to shed pounds have talked to a health care provider for help with a plan. Your health care provider can tell you what’s right for your age, fitness level and health goals. Plus, by talking openly with your health care provider about your weight-loss goals and personal challenges, you may get useful tips about how to make healthy choices that can work with your particular lifestyle and situation.

5. Treat yourself!

When you do shed inches and pounds, make a point to celebrate! Buy that new outfit that shows off your new form, and post your results on social media so you can bask in the many rounds of virtual high-fives from your friends and family. These celebrations will lift your spirits and motivate you to keep you going!

For more results on ‘The Truth about Weight Loss’ survey, visit For more information about I-REMOVE, visit

[i] 95% PCPs, 97% pharmacists

[ii] 82% PCPs, 84% pharmacists

[iii] 77% of PCPs, 81% of pharmacists

[iv] 79% of PCPs, 69% of pharmacists

[v] 56% of PCPs, 55% of pharmacists

[vi] 54% of PCPs, 53% of pharmacists

[vii] 78% of PCPs, 86% of pharmacists

[viii] 77% of PCPs, 84% of pharmacists

[ix] 63% of PCPs, 60% of pharmacists

[x] I-REMOVE has been demonstrated to effectively boost weight-loss efforts in people 18 years of age and older who are overweight or slightly obese.

Editor’s Note:

About the National Survey: ‘The Truth about Weight Loss’ survey was conducted online within the United States by The Harris Poll on behalf of Zaluvida, the makers of I-REMOVE®, between October 13 and November 6, 2017. The consumer arm of the survey included a total of 1,005 U.S. adults ages 18+, of whom, 713 are currently trying (n=429) or have ever tried (n=284) to lose weight. The professional arm of the survey included 961 U.S. adults ages 18+ who are primary care physicians (n=458) or pharmacists (n=503). For complete research method, including weighting variables and subgroup sample sizes, please contact

Mike Golic Shares Tips for Tackling His Type 2 Diabetes During a Busy Day


(BPT) – As a former professional football player and national sports talk show host, Mike Golic is constantly on the go. Living with type 2 diabetes means that Mike needs to take a few extra steps to manage his diabetes throughout the day. Here are a few tips that Mike uses to stay on track and find fun ways to help ensure a balanced diet and moderate exercise are part of his busy lifestyle.

Learn more about Mike’s story by visiting

  • Make healthy eating a priority. Mike knows he needs to fuel his body for the day ahead, so he always plans a healthy breakfast to help sustain his energy on and off the air. Having nutritious breakfast recipes on hand can help start the day off right. While Mike allows for the occasional indulgence, he focuses on healthy options throughout the day, stressing that moderation is key.
  • Work in your workouts. After Mike gets home from co-hosting a great show, it’s time to work out. The American Diabetes Association recommends 30 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic exercise at least 5 days a week, and varying the types of exercise can help. Mike’s workout plan often includes walking his dogs and going to a fitness class with running, rowing, and strength exercises.
  • Lean on your support team to stay motivated. As the sun begins to set on the day, Mike enjoys relaxing with his family. Part of his diabetes management plan includes recruiting people like his family members to be his teammates, and talking with his doctor like he’s his head coach. After a busy day, Mike and his wife, Chris, team up to cook a healthy dinner together. Chris helps Mike plan ahead and stay motivated to stick to the game plan that Mike and his doctor set.
  • Feel confident in your numbers. To help Mike manage his type 2 diabetes, Mike’s doctor prescribes INVOKANA® (canagliflozin). INVOKANA® is taken by over 1.5 million people since launch and counting to help lower their A1C numbers. Mike sees lowering his A1C numbers as a goal and a challenge, and says when he wants to improve, “I physically put my numbers somewhere, look at them, and say ‘Next time, this is going to be better!’” INVOKANA® helps Mike feel confident about his numbers and taking it as prescribed is an important part of the game plan he created with his doctor.

INVOKANA® is a once-daily pill used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. In most clinical trials, the majority of people taking INVOKANA® reached an A1C goal of less than 7.0 percent, which is recommended by the American Diabetes Association. INVOKANA® is not for weight loss, but may help people lose weight — on average 2-3 percent. INVOKANA® was also shown in clinical trials to reduce systolic blood pressure (on average 3-5 mmHg), though it is not indicated as a blood pressure medication. Results may vary by dose and when used alone or with certain other diabetes medications. INVOKANA® may increase a person’s risk of lower-limb amputations. The most common side effects of INVOKANA® include genital yeast infections, urinary tract infection, and changes in urination. These specific adverse events were generally mild to moderate in intensity in clinical studies.

If you’re looking for ways to manage your own type 2 diabetes and feel confident in your numbers, visit for planning and motivation tips. Find “secrets to staying active” and browse diabetes-friendly recipes with detailed preparation directions, ingredient tips, and nutrition facts to help ensure you’re eating well. Be sure to talk to your doctor about managing your diabetes and before starting a diet or exercise program.


INVOKANA® is a prescription medicine used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. INVOKANA® is not for people with type 1 diabetes or with diabetic ketoacidosis (increased ketones in blood or urine). It is not known if INVOKANA® is safe and effective in children under 18 years of age.


INVOKANA® can cause important side effects, including:

  • Amputations. INVOKANA® may increase your risk of lower-limb amputations. Amputations mainly involve removal of the toe or part of the foot; however, amputations involving the leg, below and above the knee, have also occurred. Some people had more than one amputation, some on both sides of the body. You may be at a higher risk of lower-limb amputation if you: have a history of amputation, have heart disease or are at risk for heart disease, have had blocked or narrowed blood vessels (usually in leg), have damage to the nerves (neuropathy) in the leg, or have had diabetic foot ulcers or sores. Call your doctor right away if you have new pain or tenderness, any sores, ulcers, or infections in your leg or foot. Your doctor may decide to stop your INVOKANA® for a while if you have any of these signs or symptoms. Talk to your doctor about proper foot care
  • Dehydration. INVOKANA® can cause some people to become dehydrated (the loss of too much body water), which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, especially when you stand up (orthostatic hypotension). You may be at higher risk of dehydration if you have low blood pressure, take medicines to lower your blood pressure (including diuretics [water pills]), are on a low sodium (salt) diet, have kidney problems, or are 65 years of age or older
  • Vaginal yeast infection. Women who take INVOKANA® may get vaginal yeast infections. Symptoms include: vaginal odor, white or yellowish vaginal discharge (discharge may be lumpy or look like cottage cheese), or vaginal itching
  • Yeast infection of the penis (balanitis or balanoposthitis). Men who take INVOKANA® may get a yeast infection of the skin around the penis. Symptoms include: redness, itching, or swelling of the penis; rash of the penis; foul-smelling discharge from the penis; or pain in the skin around penis

Talk to your doctor about what to do if you get symptoms of a yeast infection of the vagina or penis.

Do not take INVOKANA® if you:

  • are allergic to canagliflozin or any of the ingredients in INVOKANA®. Symptoms of allergic reaction may include: rash; raised red patches on your skin (hives); or swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and throat that may cause difficulty in breathing or swallowing
  • have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis

Before you take INVOKANA®, tell your doctor if you have a history of amputation; heart disease or are at risk for heart disease; blocked or narrowed blood vessels (usually in leg); damage to the nerves (neuropathy) of your leg; diabetic foot ulcers or sores; kidney problems; liver problems; history of urinary tract infections or problems with urination; are on a low sodium (salt) diet; are going to have surgery; are eating less due to illness, surgery, or change in diet; pancreas problems; drink alcohol very often (or drink a lot of alcohol in short-term); ever had an allergic reaction to INVOKANA®; or have other medical conditions.

Tell your doctor if you are or plan to become pregnant, are breastfeeding, or plan to breastfeed. INVOKANA® may harm your unborn baby. If you become pregnant while taking INVOKANA®, tell your doctor right away. INVOKANA® may pass into your breast milk and may harm your baby. Do not breastfeed while taking INVOKANA®.

Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Especially tell your doctor if you take diuretics (water pills), rifampin (used to treat or prevent tuberculosis), phenytoin or phenobarbital (used to control seizures), ritonavir (Norvir®, Kaletra® – used to treat HIV infection), or digoxin (Lanoxin® – used to treat heart problems).

Possible Side Effects of INVOKANA®

INVOKANA® may cause serious side effects, including:

  • Ketoacidosis (increased ketones in your blood or urine). Ketoacidosis has happened in people who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, during treatment with INVOKANA®. Ketoacidosis is a serious condition, which may need to be treated in a hospital. Ketoacidosis may lead to death. Ketoacidosis can happen with INVOKANA® even if your blood sugar is less than 250 mg/dL. Stop taking INVOKANA® and call your doctor right away if you get any of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, stomach-area pain, tiredness, or trouble breathing
  • Kidney problems. Sudden kidney injury has happened to people taking INVOKANA®. Talk to your doctor right away if you: 1) reduce the amount of food or liquid you drink, if you are sick, or cannot eat or 2) you start to lose liquids from your body from vomiting, diarrhea, or being in the sun too long
  • A high amount of potassium in your blood (hyperkalemia)
  • Serious Urinary Tract Infections: may lead to hospitalization and have happened in people taking INVOKANA®. Tell your doctor if you have signs or symptoms of a urinary tract infection such as: burning feeling while urinating, need to urinate often or right away, pain in the lower part of your stomach (pelvis), or blood in the urine. Some people may also have high fever, back pain, nausea, or vomiting
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). If you take INVOKANA® with another medicine that can cause low blood sugar, such as a sulfonylurea or insulin, your risk of getting low blood sugar is higher. The dose of your sulfonylurea medicine or insulin may need to be lowered while you take INVOKANA®

Signs and symptoms of low blood sugar may include: headache, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, confusion, irritability, hunger, fast heartbeat, sweating, shaking, or feeling jittery.

Serious allergic reaction. If you have any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, stop taking INVOKANA® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.

Broken Bones (fractures): Bone fractures have been seen in patients taking INVOKANA®. Talk to your doctor about factors that may increase your risk of bone fracture.

The most common side effects of INVOKANA® include: vaginal yeast infections and yeast infections of the penis; changes in urination, including urgent need to urinate more often, in larger amounts, or at night.

Tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. You may also report side effects to Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC at 1-800-526-7736.

Please see full Product Information, including Boxed Warning, and Medication Guide for INVOKANA®.

Canagliflozin is licensed from Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation. Trademarks are those of their respective owners.



5 deep-cleaning jobs that are oddly satisfying


(BPT) – Whether it’s scrubbing through grime to reveal a sparkling surface, cleaning dust bunnies from under appliances or organizing your pantry, there’s something oddly satisfying about a deep clean.

According to a recent survey conducted on behalf of Clorox, lots of people get the good vibes flowing when it’s cleaning day. Seventy-one percent say it makes them feel relaxed, while 57 percent say they feel accomplished.

Of the most oddly satisfying places to clean in the house, 34 percent say they find their bliss after cleaning the countertops, while a clean microwave lends that special feeling to another 30 percent.

To reach that spring cleaning joy, try some of these not-so-obvious cleaning jobs that will transform the look and feel of your space into a springtime sanctuary.

Grout: Over time, mold and mildew buildup can make your bathroom grout look dingy, but with the right approach, the grout stains will disappear. Start by wetting the tile with a cloth. Then, dip a sponge into a gallon bucket of water with 3/4 cup of bleach and wipe down the tile. Wait five minutes for disinfecting, rinse and viola! Your tiles will shine, offset by the clean lines of white grout.

Microwave: We don’t like to think about it, but a lot of hard-to-remove food residue accumulates in our microwaves and we rarely spend the time to give it a thorough clean. Microwave a cup of water and in five minutes the steam will help loosen the stains. A Clorox Disinfecting Wipe will take care of those extra stubborn messes.

Dust: In addition to moving aside the beds, appliances and other heavy pieces of furniture to get those dust bunnies, make sure you’re tackling the not-so-obvious places. Use the vacuum’s brush attachment to clear your HVAC register vents and don’t forget to dust the tops of fan blades!

Windows: Those panes have taken quite a beating over the months. It’s time to get a soft sponge and a bucket of warm, soapy water to defeat the smudges and layers of dirt, and then wipe them clean with a squeegee. You’ll love how sparkling clean glass transforms the room.

Outdoor surfaces: Right outside your back door is a golden opportunity for a deep clean. Rent or borrow a pressure washer, and once it’s set up, you can enjoy watching the blast of water and degreaser effortlessly turn your concrete walkways and driveway into bright clean surfaces — like a magic wand. To easily remove the mold and mildew off your deck and patio furniture, add 3/4 cup of bleach to a gallon of water and swipe away the stains from seasons past.

Try these tips and enjoy basking in the satisfaction of a deep-cleaned house. To find the tools you need for the job, visit