Bothered by cellulite? You’re not alone. The new way doctors are treating it


(BPT) – At age 47, Jamie loves to exercise, running during the summer and going to the gym to work out during the winter. Between running and weightlifting, Jamie is active, strong and energetic enough to keep up with her four boys. Even with her active lifestyle, she has struggled with cellulite since her teenage years.

“I noticed cellulite back in high school, and I would wear leggings under my jeans to offset the dimples in my legs,” said Jamie. “I have dresses in my wardrobe that I’ve never worn, and shorts sitting in my closet. I just don’t have the confidence to wear them because of my cellulite.”

What Jamie didn’t know was that her cellulite has nothing to do with her lifestyle or habits, and up to 90% of women have it, though most women don’t like to talk about it. Many women don’t know exactly what it is, or what causes it, thinking it has something to do with diet and exercise — which are common misconceptions.

Jamie is just one of many women who are impacted by cellulite throughout their lives. For some women, cellulite can have a significant emotional impact, influencing decisions about the clothes they choose to wear, activities they choose to do and even how they perceive themselves. However, having cellulite shouldn’t stop you from wearing and doing what you want.

Cellulite is complicated

What exactly is cellulite? While the answer is complex, the good news is that cellulite does not result from something you did or didn’t do — and it’s not your fault if you have it. Cellulite is thought to be based more on genetics and hormones.

Research shows that a major underlying cause of cellulite dimples are septa — fibrous bands that tether the skin to the structures below. More recently, research was done that found the septa actually form a complicated, honeycomb-like structure that is much more complex than historically understood. Septa are different for each woman, and can also be different in various parts of the body. Some septa are good — and serve a purpose — but in certain parts of the body, it is believed they can stiffen and shrink over time, causing dimples on the buttocks or thighs that are commonly called cellulite.

Lasting results are possible

There are many different products and treatments claiming to fix cellulite, but many make promises to women they can’t deliver on, approaching cellulite blindly from the outside in.

Fortunately, a new, targeted approach with an FDA-cleared device called Avéli™ addresses cellulite from the inside out to deliver long-term reduction in the appearance of cellulite after a single treatment. Avéli is a device used by a trained provider during a minimally invasive procedure performed with local anesthesia in the treatment area. It’s the only procedure where the provider can identify the culprit septa under the skin, and then confirm in real time that they are releasing those targeted septa. Women see a long-term reduction in the appearance of cellulite dimples quickly after a single in-office procedure, with little to no downtime.

“Cellulite impacts almost all women across the globe and due to its complex structure, it has been historically tricky to treat,” said board-certified dermatologist Anna Paré, MD. “An in-office treatment I can do in about an hour, Avéli releases the fibrous bands causing dimples to improve the appearance of cellulite in the buttocks and thighs. Women can anticipate starting to see initial results in the days following the procedure.”

During recovery, you may experience bruising, soreness and tenderness within the first thirty days. Rest is recommended post-procedure, but typically you will be back to normal activities in just a day or two and can resume more strenuous workouts within a couple weeks.

Start the cellulite conversation

If you’re one of the many women bothered by cellulite, and especially if you’ve tried other treatments with lackluster results, rest assured there are new options now available that will end that skepticism.

“As a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in body contouring, long-lasting cellulite reduction has been impossible to achieve, until now,” said Matthew Schulman, MD. “Avéli represents the missing piece for women looking to reduce the appearance of their cellulite dimples as a part of their lower body rejuvenation treatment plan — an increasing trend I’ve seen in my practice.”

Jamie chose Avéli to treat her cellulite, and she has been very satisfied with her results. “I’ve really noticed that I don’t have the dimples that I had before. I look in the mirror every day and am in awe,” she said. “For all the ladies out there that have suffered with cellulite for years and years like I have, this could be the procedure for you.”

It’s time to feel more comfortable talking about cellulite so you can take action like Jamie did. If it bothers you, bring it up with your medical aesthetics provider. For those looking to learn more, you can visit or follow @aveli on Instagram to see real patient results. Hear more of Jamie’s story at


1 Emanuele E. Cellulite: advances in treatment: facts and controversies. Clin Dermatol. 2013;31(6):725-30.
2 Data on file. Revelle Aesthetics, Inc. 2021. Patient Quantitative Research Report, June 2021.
3 Stevens WG, Green JB, Layt C, et al. Multicenter Pivotal Study Demonstrates Safety and Efficacy of a New Cellulite Procedure: Final Results at 12 Months [published online ahead of print, 2022 Nov 10]. Aesthet Surg J. 2022;sjac291.
4 Stevens WG, Green JB, Layt C, et al. Multicenter Pivotal Study Demonstrates Safety and Efficacy of a New Cellulite Procedure: 3-Month Results [published online ahead of print, 2022 Jul 5]. Aesthet Surg J. 2022 Jul 5;sjac179. doi:10.1093/asj/sjac179.

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