New Study: Changed Lifestyles Are Hampering Our Weight-Loss Efforts


(BPT) – If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you probably know it can seem like an overwhelming task. In fact, a recent survey conducted by The Harris Poll indicates losing weight is harder than ever before, and that today’s busy modern lifestyle is a key reason why.

But, don’t lose hope. Results also suggest that taking a new approach to weight loss can help, and that you can increase your chances for reaching and maintaining your weight-loss goals by getting a clear picture of the factors holding you back, and establishing a plan compatible with your lifestyle.

“The Truth About Weight Loss” survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll in October/November 2017 on behalf of Zaluvida, the makers of I-REMOVE (R), and included nearly 1,000 health care professionals [458 primary care physicians (PCPs) and 503 pharmacists], and more than 1,000 U.S. adults ages 18 and over.

So, what are our roadblocks?

The survey paints a picture of U.S. adults who are discouraged when it comes to weight loss, and some of the key reasons why.

Among its findings:

* 77 percent of PCPs and 81 percent of pharmacists say losing weight is harder today than it was for previous generations because of the busy, modern lifestyle of Americans.

* Too much screen time (i.e., time spent on computers, tablets and mobile phones) has resulted in Americans leading less-active lifestyles, according to 95 percent of PCPs and 97 percent of pharmacists.

* Lack of time is taking a toll as well. 97 percent to 98 percent of PCPs and pharmacists are concerned that Americans not taking time to plan healthy meals will negatively impact their weight and their family’s weight.

The result of all this? Widespread frustration. While 41 percent of Americans are now attempting to lose weight, only 29 percent of them are confident they’ll achieve their current weight-loss goals. Fifty-nine percent of them say they’re frustrated by previous attempts to lose weight — typically, they’ve tried to slim down a substantial five times in the past five years.

What’s needed? A sustainable plan, and more weight-loss options.

At least 89 percent of health care professionals surveyed say Americans need to take a new approach to weight loss that fits with today’s modern lifestyle.

Instead of embarking blindly on a goal to lose weight, they say people should develop a plan that accounts for their potential stumbling blocks — most advise that your plan should be sustainable (79 percent of PCPs and 69 percent of pharmacists), not be time-consuming (56 percent of PCPs and 55 percent of pharmacists), and not require sudden or major shifts to your daily routine (54 percent of PCPs and 53 percent of pharmacists).

You may also want to consider new options; at least 84 percent of PCPs and pharmacists say they wish they had more weight-loss options for people who are overweight but not yet obese, and 63 percent of PCPs and 60 percent of pharmacists agree that a weight-loss product/aid that fits into one’s lifestyle without unpleasant side effects would make it easier for their patients to lose weight.

One such product that’s now available in the U.S. is I-REMOVE, a weight-loss aid aimed at helping people lose weight and achieve healthier lifestyles they can sustain long-term. As the No. 1 best-selling weight-loss formula in Europe, I-REMOVE is clinically tested and shown to help with weight loss and maintenance, and can deliver up to three times the weight loss of dieting alone. Sold in the U.S. it is available nationwide at Walgreens and other retailers.

Consult with your health care professional before embarking on any weight-loss plan.

For more survey results, visit

For more information about I-REMOVE, visit

About the National Survey “The Truth about Weight Loss”

The survey was conducted online within the United States by The Harris Poll on behalf of Zaluvida between October 13 and November 6, 2017. The consumer arm of the survey included a total of 1,005 U.S. adults ages 18+, of whom, 713 are currently trying (n=429) or have ever tried (n=284) to lose weight. The professional arm of the survey included 961 U.S. adults ages 18+ who are primary care physicians (n=458) or pharmacists (n=503). For complete research method, including weighting variables and subgroup sample sizes, please contact

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