Seniors’ Health Rankings: Where does your state rank?


(BPT) – It’s well known that where you live can influence your health. The recently released United Health Foundation’s 2018 America’s Health Rankings Senior Report dives into this issue. The sixth annual report finds that older adults who live in rural areas often experience poorer health outcomes and receive fewer preventive services than those in urban and suburban environments. It also sheds light on how states rank related to certain behaviors and health outcomes.

The report found that seniors in rural areas are 13 percent more likely to be physically inactive than their peers in suburban and urban areas; 7 percent less likely to receive the flu vaccination than those in urban areas; and 11 percent less likely to receive health screenings compared with suburban and urban peers.

“It is our goal with this report to help seniors, family caregivers and advocates better understand the specific health concerns in their own communities so we can all work together to address them,” said Dr. Rhonda Randall, senior adviser to the United Health Foundation and chief medical officer and executive vice president, UnitedHealthcare Retiree Solutions. “By examining the differences in health between seniors living in rural areas and those living in urban and suburban areas, for example, we believe we can empower communities to help seniors access the resources and services they need to live happier, healthier lives.”

The health determinants in the report are grouped into four measurement areas: behaviors, community/environment, policy and clinical care. Related to behaviors, the report looked at six metrics: smoking, excessive drinking, obesity, physical inactivity, dental visits and pain management. Utah was the top-ranked state for overall health and behavioral measures, ranking in the top five for the smoking, drinking and physical activity categories. Pennsylvania made the most progress in behavioral measures, improving its behavioral ranking from 50 to 21 and seeing the largest increase in score.

Several states’ overall health rankings moved five or more places since 2017. Iowa and Pennsylvania made the most progress, both improving nine spots, while Arizona and Washington experienced the largest declines, dropping eight and seven ranks, respectively.

While these rankings might seem unrelated to daily life, keep in mind that many of the measures are made up of the actions of individuals. There are many things you can do to help improve your own health, from making sure to schedule regular dentist appointments to being more physically active. Whether making a new commitment to take regular walks or tackling a big lifestyle change like quitting tobacco use, behavior changes can make a meaningful impact on health.

The 2018 Senior Report was developed with guidance from an advisory committee of aging and senior health experts. Visit to read the full report and explore how your state stacks up.

Are you a caregiver? Try these 7 resources


(BPT) – When David Bowen’s father fell taking out the trash in 2016, it set in motion a series of health challenges the family is still battling together. Bowen, 62, hired a part-time professional caregiver to assist his father and his mother, who was battling Alzheimer’s, but he found himself serving as a caregiver much of the time, too.

The responsibility of caregiving can mean increased stress and anxiety, which can affect family dynamics, nutrition habits, physical fitness and overall well-being. Many people take unpaid leave from their jobs, reduce work hours, change careers or quit altogether to care for an aging loved one.

The 2018 Northwestern Mutual C.A.R.E. Study revealed that two of three caregivers reduce their living expenses to pay for the medical and practical needs of their loved ones, yet nearly half of future caregivers said they have made no financial plans to prepare.

While this can be challenging, caregivers take immense pride in this vital role, and most wouldn’t trade the opportunity. In fact, a recent Merrill Lynch-Age Wave study found that 91 percent of caregivers feel grateful to care for someone and 77 percent would do it again.

Caregivers need and deserve support as they navigate a demanding, emotional and critical responsibility. The good news is there are resources and services like the following that can help make life as a caregiver a bit easier.

Caregiver resource list

* The National Family Caregiver Support Program offers medical, emotional, financial and legal advice and training to adult family members who provide in-home and community care for people aged 60 or older and to people older than 55 who care for children under 18.

* AARP’s Caregiver Resource Center offers guides for first-time caregivers, families and those who care for a loved one at home. These include financial and legal considerations and advice on how to maintain caregiver-life balance.

* While the Administration for Community Living doesn’t work directly with individuals, it can be a good place for a caregiver to start on the circuitous path to financial support. The organization provides funds to help older adults and people with disabilities live where they choose to for as long as they can, and has provided billions of dollars to programs in every state.

* UnitedHealthcare proactively addresses caregiver needs by sharing relevant information and resources. Its Solutions for Caregivers program, for example, is a website for eligible members to get advice from medical professionals, financial advisers and experienced care managers; take advantage of discounted products and services; and access educational resources. Non-members can find a directory of organizations that focus on issues including Parkinson’s disease, substance abuse, blindness, MS, Alzheimer’s and diabetes.

* The National Alliance for Caregiving focuses on caregiving research, innovation and technology, state and local caregiving coalitions, and international caring. It is working to build a global network of caregiver support organizations.

* The Caregiver Action Network (CAN) serves a broad spectrum of family caregivers, ranging from parents of children with special needs, to families and friends of wounded soldiers, to adult children caring for aging parents. Aiming to promote resourcefulness and respect for the more than 90 million family caregivers across the country, CAN provides free education, peer support and resources.

* The Eldercare Locator, a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging, provides a search tool that allows visitors to search by topic and location for services pertaining to older adults and their families.

“Dad and I, we’re trying to put a new life together for him, and it’s tough,” said Bowen. “But support from all over has kept me on my feet and moving forward. Amid all the challenges, I am grateful for that.”

6 Imaginative Ways to Use Hardwood in Your Home


(BPT) – Hardwood is synonymous with high-quality residential flooring, the ultimate in underfoot durability and good looks. But as sophisticated architects, designers and homeowners regularly demonstrate, there are many other applications that exploit wood’s functional and aesthetic possibilities just as successfully as floors do.

“We are constantly surprised and delighted by the inventive and attractive ways hardwood is being incorporated into today’s interiors,” says Linda Jovanovich of the American Hardwood Information Center. “A new, design-savvy generation is turning a fresh eye on even the most ‘traditional’ species like oak, walnut, cherry and maple, and coming up with creative approaches to their use.” Here are six examples of what Linda means.

1. Built-in hardwood furniture as architecture

Photo courtesy: Sharon Risedorph

Built-in furniture looks and functions best when it’s an integral part of the architecture. This gorgeous maple box not only houses lighted display shelving, ample storage cabinetry, two walk-in closets, and a traditional Japanese bathroom, but also separates the bedroom from the home gym in this Sunnyvale, California, house by John Lum Architecture.

2. Tongue-and-groove hardwood boards make for great walls

Photo courtesy: Francois Gagne

Tongue-and-groove hardwood walls create a relaxed, yet crisply tailored look, especially when painted. Falmouth, Maine–based designer Linda Banks paneled the great room in her own home with poplar boards, “which take paint very well,” she notes. Banks specified nickel-width gaps between the six-inch-wide boards, which heightens visual interest, like pinstripes on a suit.

3. Slatted hardwood screens are ideal for small spaces

Photo courtesy: Bill Taylor

A slatted screen can be a marvelous way to divide a pint-sized space without making it feel claustrophobic. And as this custom maple partition in a Manhattan micro apartment by Allen + Killcoyne Architects demonstrates, if the slats are made of hardwood, you get the beauty and character of the material as a decorative bonus.

4. Hardwood barn doors offer charm and flexibility

Photo courtesy: Phil Bond

Either singly or in pairs, barn doors offer a simple and effective way to create instant separation and privacy in even the most open-plan house. In this San Francisco residence by Feldman Architecture, a kids’ play area effortlessly transforms into a guest room thanks to a Murphy bed and a seven-foot-wide painted hardwood barn door.

5. Interior hardwood shutters are characterful yet practical

Not just for hot-weather locations, classic louvered hardwood shutters bring a touch of tropical glamour to interiors in any climate zone. Along with their decorative appeal, operable shutters like these custom models from the Hunter Douglas Heritance hardwood collection, shown with a Salt and Pepper finish, allow for control over ventilation and light.

6. Reclaimed hardwood provides timeworn authenticity

Photo courtesy: Manolo Langis

Reclaimed hardwood is a beautiful, sustainable material that can be used in many modern residential applications to create a sense of warmth, age and texture. SUBU Design Architecture used reclaimed wood for the cabinets and island countertop in this Santa Monica, California, loft conversion, creating a hospitable oasis that pays respect to the building’s industrial heritage.

This 70-year-old program prepares young women for leadership


(BPT) – A record number of women are running for public office this year. In the near future, we can expect more female public servants representing the American people — from local chambers to Capitol Hill. In light of this exciting trend, it is important to highlight programs that help develop young women to become the next generation of female leaders. One such program? American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Girls Nation.

ALA Girls Nation is a weeklong mock experiential learning program, one that positions high-potential teens for a lifetime of public service to our country. This summer, 100 female high school seniors — two from each of our 50 states — will convene in Washington, D.C., for the 72nd Annual ALA Girls Nation. Each teenage girl represents her state as a “senator” — mirroring the structure of government at the federal level. During this transformative weeklong program, these senators form a fictitious nation, become “Nationalists” and “Federalists,” enthusiastically campaign to hold office, and — perhaps most important — accept and celebrate the outcome of these elections and come together to serve for the good of the nation.

ALA is a nonpartisan organization committed to advocating for veterans’ issues, promoting patriotism, mentoring America’s youth and proudly presenting ALA Girls Nation for over 70 years. The ALA Girls State and ALA Girls Nation are privately-funded and presented by members of the organization. The world’s largest women’s patriotic service organization, ALA was chartered in 1919 to support the mission of The American Legion.

More than 6,500 young women have attended ALA Girls Nation since its inception in 1947. Each participant leaves the program informed about the fundamentals of U.S. government — and the rights, privileges and responsibilities of citizens. It lasts for one short week. Yet the seven-day experience — one that champions the legislative process and serious collaboration — has laid the foundation for thousands of bright futures.

Many alumnae have chosen careers in public service, putting their ALA Girls State and ALA Girls Nation experience into action to serve the people. The lessons learned about teamwork, resilience and the democratic principles that guide the republic in which we live are applied in real life by many alums who have gone on to serve at the local, state and national level — including high-ranking members of the judiciary.

Justice Lorie S. Gildea began her tenure as chief justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court in 2010. She participated in the state-level version of ALA Girls Nation, known as ALA Girls State in 1979 — and the program, Gildea said, “empowered her to embark upon a lifetime of service and leadership.”

“At ALA Girls State, we learn that every voice has value and that every woman needs to use her voice,” said Gildea. “We also learn that we need to be courageous and confident enough to take life up on the opportunities that present themselves to us.”

“An informed citizenry is essential to the success of our democracy. ALA Girls State [and ALA Girls Nation] plays a vital role in informing and educating our future leaders,” Gildea said. “It is a wonderful opportunity to learn about and see firsthand how the three branches of our government work. I am so grateful to the American Legion Auxiliary for presenting ALA Girls State and teaching me and thousands of Minnesota’s young women about the value of participation and the possibility of leadership.”

Other alumnae have gone on to hold leadership roles in industries spanning government, military, media, education and law. Notable alumnae include Jane Pauley, national media personality; Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, president of Augustana University and former South Dakota U.S. representative; Susan Bysiewicz, former Connecticut Secretary of State; Lt. Gen. Michelle D. Johnson, superintendent of the U.S. Air Force Academy and former Air Force aide to the president; Ann Richards, former governor of Texas; and Susan Porter-Rose, former chief of staff to First Lady Barbara Bush — among countless others.

For some girls, it is their first opportunity to connect with peers with common interests. For others, it is the first time they encounter students whose perspectives differ from their own. For all, it is a moment in time when a select few teenage girls from all over the country come together to discover and celebrate the honor and importance of participating in our democracy. To learn more, visit

What should you be doing to prepare for retirement? Top tips and tactics from financial advisors


(BPT) – You’re 10 years or less away from retirement. You can clearly see the next phase of your life down the road and it’s coming up fast. Are you ready for it? Do you have a comprehensive plan in place so you don’t outlive your savings?

If you’re not as prepared for retirement as you should be, you’re not alone. The Federal Reserve did a study and found that one-fourth of Americans have no retirement savings or pension. And a Money article reports 56 percent of Americans have less than $10,000 saved.

Why aren’t more people prepared? There are myriad reasons. Some people are stretched thin. Credit card debt, student loans, rising mortgage and interest rates all conspire to make it difficult for them to save. Others may lack information on the importance of retirement savings, or lack the financial savvy to be comfortable managing their own investments. And then there’s the gap between men and women. The Federal Reserve’s study found that among women with any level of education, investment comfort is lower than among similarly educated men.

Yet, retirement is waiting just around the corner. People need good advice to help them build their nest eggs before “someday” becomes “now.”

That’s why the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA), a national organization representing Fee-Only financial advisors, conducted a poll of its members to get their top tips and advice for people who are nearing retirement. They want to raise consumer awareness about the urgency of preparing for retirement and the importance of having a comprehensive plan in place.

Here are the best tips, advice and tactics for retirement planning from the top financial advisors in the business.

1. Make a list of retirement “needs” and “wants.” If you do not have enough savings for all of your “needs,” make a ten-year plan to increase your funds.

2. Take a hard look at any major debts you have and develop a plan to eliminate them.

3. Brainstorm any “big ticket” financial commitments (caretaking for a family member, etc.) for the next 10 years and consider how these items might affect your ability to save for retirement.

4. Continually monitor and analyze your asset allocation to make sure it is the right one for you. Understand whether you should move to a more conservative asset allocation or continue investing for growth.

5. Be tax efficient with your investments. For example, you should defer as much of your salary as you can to your defined contribution plans.

6. Save to an emergency fund and stay aware of your company’s financial situation. Companies are prone to reorganizations and layoffs, and older workers can be vulnerable.

7. Ask your HR department about the relationship between your current health insurance and Medicare, as well as what your options are when you reach age 65. Get information about any pension or defined contribution options and any other retiree benefits.

8. Research when stock-based compensation might expire and what stock awards you can retain after retirement.

9. Double check your reported Social Security earnings and resolve any discrepancies now. Explore your Social Security claiming options and make sure you understand the timing of applying for benefits.

10. Make sure that all of your estate documents are up-to-date. Verify that your named executors and proxies know your wishes and are willing to act on them if needed.

If you think you’ll need help creating and sticking to a financial plan, NAPFA recommends working with a Fee-Only financial advisor who adheres to a strict fiduciary standard. These advisors are required to put your best interest first and don’t accept commissions on the products they recommend, which reduces potential conflicts of interest. For more information and resources on retirement planning, check out NAPFA’s infographic about the poll. To find a Fee-Only financial advisor in your area, visit the NAPFA website at and NAPFA’s “Find an Advisor” search engine.

Don’t fear anesthesia when your child needs surgery


(BPT) – When surgery is necessary, anesthesia ensures your child can safely receive life-saving or corrective treatment while managing the pain and discomfort of the procedure. Anesthesia’s effect on the developing brain is being researched continually, and you’ll be comforted to know that anesthesia provided during one brief surgery is considered safe by the experts at the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA).

“Parents should rest assured that surgery is only recommended when necessary and your child will be monitored during every minute of the procedure to ensure the safest and most effective care,” said Linda Mason, M.D., ASA president-elect and a pediatric physician anesthesiologist. “In an effort to continually improve anesthesia, physician anesthesiologists have been at the forefront of research on the effects of anesthesia on children — and adults — and continue to study this important issue.”

As a parent, you want to be sure your child gets the best and safest care. To that end, ASA offers the following guidance:

1. Don’t delay or avoid surgery: Work closely with your child’s surgeon and other physicians to determine if surgery is the right choice. In most cases, delaying or avoiding surgery may mean the child does not receive much-needed care. For example, if your child’s doctor recommends placing tubes to drain fluid in the ears and prevent ongoing infection, not doing the procedure increases the risk of delayed speech and language development, which can affect social and academic success.

2. Talk to the physician anesthesiologist: Highly trained to ensure safe, high-quality care, the physician anesthesiologist will monitor your child through the entire surgery so he or she stays warm, gets enough oxygen, has stable blood pressure and receives necessary fluids. Depending on the location and type of surgery, your child may have more than one anesthesia option. Be sure to ask the physician anesthesiologist about those options as well as any other questions you have, such as:

* How can I ensure my child has a successful surgery?

* How can I help my child prepare?

* Is anesthesia safe for my child?

3. Rest assured that limited exposure is considered safe: Experts note that a single, relatively short exposure to anesthesia and surgery is unlikely to have negative effects on behavior or learning. And most common surgeries in children require anesthesia for less than two hours. Research continues regarding the use of anesthesia in repeated or longer surgeries. But parents should be confident that physicians are aware of the concerns and will only recommend a surgery or procedure if necessary.

“ASA is committed to advancing research regarding this issue and its physician scientist members are active in cutting-edge research both in the laboratory and at the patient’s bedside,” said Dr. Mason. “Through the SmartTots program, ASA partners with the International Anesthesia Research Society and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to support funding to investigate the safety of anesthesia for infants and young children.”

Learn about preparing your child for surgery and questions to ask about anesthesia safety for your young child at Additionally, download ASA’s companion coloring book for children who are about to undergo anesthesia and surgery.

The American Society of Anesthesiologists

Founded in 1905, the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) is an educational, research and scientific society with more than 52,000 members organized to raise and maintain the standards of the medical practice of anesthesiology. ASA is committed to ensuring physician anesthesiologists evaluate and supervise the medical care of patients before, during and after surgery to provide the highest quality and safest care every patient deserves.

For more information on the field of anesthesiology, visit the American Society of Anesthesiologists online at To learn more about the role physician anesthesiologists play in ensuring patient safety, visit Like ASA on Facebook; follow ASALifeline on Twitter.

Drew Barrymore’s top 10 must-have summer essentials


(BPT) – Golden Globe Award-winning actress, producer, director, author and mother Drew Barrymore knows summer is the perfect time to kick back, enjoy life and embrace the possibilities of the season. Of course there’s no better time to let your personality shine, whether that means trying a new summer activity, bonding with the kids or feeling comfortable in your own shoes.

To ensure you’re ready for whatever summer adventure awaits, stock up on Barrymore’s favorite summer must-have’s:

Slide sandals

Drew fell in love with Crocs’ Swiftwater Sandal after partnering with the fun footwear specialist in its “Come As You Are” campaign. She calls this versatile slide-on style “An absolute must-have.” Why? The minimalist design easily takes you from a casual walk on the beach to a night out enjoying great food, great conversation and balmy evening breezes with friends. Perhaps best of all, the ultra-comfortable straps gently hug your feet as you walk, but they’re flexible enough to slip on and off whenever you choose.

Sensational shades

“Choose your summer sunnies with care!” cautions Barrymore, who is currently into sunglasses with metal trim like the Sheila Sunglasses.

Versatile tees

“Summer is about ease,” says Barrymore. “The Love Lane Short Sleeve Washed Tee is casual and easy, but still stylish and sweet. Can be worn over a bathing suit or paired with a dressy skirt.”

Superb setting spray

Barrymore’s favorite is Seal the Deal Hydrating Setting Spray. “It hydrates, refreshes and is humidity-proof for your best summer look,” she says. “A purse staple to keep your look together, plus it’s sweat-proof to last through the day at the beach.”

Pressed powder

Excess oil doesn’t stand a chance on a hot summer day thanks to Flower Miracle Matte Pressed Powder. “This will absorb excess oil and keep your look flawless all day!” Barrymore says.

Terrific travel dryer

Barrymore adores the You Are Adventurous travel dryer. “Tiny yet powerful, this hair dryer can be tossed in your bag for a quick dry after a day at the pool!” she says.

Terrific tunes

Summer isn’t summer without music, so customize your own playlist with the vibes that make you smile. “Personalize your summer now,” suggests Barrymore, “and when you listen back in the chilly winter months, it will remind you of all your great summer experiences.”

Comfy classic clogs

Barrymore’s pick: Crocs’ White Classic Clog. She describes the timeless style as “before trend, on-trend and beyond trend.” Think of this bright, clean accessory as a blank slate that can effortlessly (and very comfortably) accompany any casual-themed outfit you choose to pull out of your closet, no matter the color or style.

Bluetooth travel speaker

You need something to rock those summer tunes wherever your daily adventures lead you! “I take a speaker with me everywhere,” says Barrymore. “Make sure to get one small enough to fit in your bag so you can have traveling music.”

Backyard sprinkler

Never forget simple summer pleasures! “This is a major crowd-pleaser,” says Barrymore. “My kids love running around in the sprinkler on those way-too-hot days in August.” (You might catch her running in it here and there too!)

DIY deck re-do: Resurface in a weekend


(BPT) – Outdoor living season means backyard BBQs, yard games and relaxing with a good book or good friends. If you own a wood deck, however, it also means considerable time and money spent on seasonal maintenance and deck repairs.

While wood decks are aesthetically pleasing, properly maintaining them requires regular stripping, sanding and staining. The process is labor-intensive, time-consuming, messy and costly — averaging between $540 and $1,050 each time, according to

Consider this: For the same time and energy you would spend maintaining and repairing those old wood boards, you could replace them with a deck made of structurally superior composite material — and never again have to worry about upkeep. As long as the structural framework of your existing deck is intact and in good condition, you are a candidate for deck resurfacing.

“Resurfacing an aging or decaying wood deck with new composite decking is a doable DIY project that can be completed over the course of a weekend or two with just a little know-how and the help of a few friends,” explains Adam Zambanini, vice president of marketing for Trex Company. “You get a brand-new deck for a lot less money than starting from scratch — and a lot less hassle through the years.”

Designed for maximum durability and minimal maintenance, wood-alternative decking is resistant to fading, staining, scratching and mold and, unlike wood, requires no sanding, staining or sealing. Just an occasional soap-and-water cleaning is all that is needed to retain a “like-new” appearance and durability for decades.

Ready to resurface?

Follow these simple steps to a new deck surface that you can spend less time maintaining and more time enjoying:

Step 1: Examine the substructure

Before removing any boards, check your deck’s foundation. Start from the ground up by examining the footings, posts and joists. Pay close attention to the condition of the wood. Soft wood indicates rot and should be replaced before proceeding. If the existing framing and substructure are sound, you’re good to go.

Tip: To help ensure your substructure lasts as long as your new composite deck boards, use a protective tape, such as TrexProtect, to shield wooden joists and beams from moisture that can lead to rot and the loosening of deck screws and fasteners.

Step 2: Remove old deck boards

Remove any existing railing and begin prying up the nailed decking boards, leaving the substructure and framing in place. Start from the outside and move toward the house so you have a solid, safe platform from which to work.

Step 3: Level it out

To ensure a level surface for the new deck boards, make sure the joists are flat and even with one another. If any joists are bowed, you may need to plane or cut them.

Step 4: Install new deck boards

Begin laying out the new composite boards. Starting near the house, face screw the first board to the frame. Closely follow the instructions for spacing from the manufacturer’s installation guide. As you progress, check the spacing between the house and the deck boards to make sure they stay parallel with the house. Correct variations a little at a time over several rows to avoid large, tapered gaps.

Step 5: Complete with railing

Measure for each post location, and cut placement holes with a jigsaw. Then, drop the posts into the holes and bolt them securely. Slide sleeves over the posts and assemble railing and balusters per the installation guide. Finish off by adding your choice of decorative elements, such as post caps and top rail caps.

For more guidance on deck resurfacing, watch a step-by-step video from Trex at

5 tips for planning the easiest summer vacation ever


(BPT) – Where will your travels take you this summer? Are you planning a trip to an exotic island, or are you hitting the road? Wherever you’re headed, preparing for a great trip takes smart planning. Here are five simple tips for planning your next vacation.

1. Setting your itinerary early. Itineraries can help you make the most of every moment of your trip. Try to schedule outdoor activities for prime weather days, and book event tickets in advance to shows, museums and more. Also, to spend more time having fun and less time in the car, plan activities that are nearby. Don’t forget to schedule free time in your itinerary, and make sure to check with every traveler in your group so that everyone is happy.

2. Finding and financing a car at your fingertips. If you’ve been holding off on that car purchase you’ve been thinking about, summer is a perfect time to shop – especially if you have a road trip planned. Bank of America’s mobile car shopping tool makes finding and buying a car easier and more efficient. Search for the car you want, find the closest dealer and price that suits you, and apply for a Bank of America loan – all through the app.

3. Expanding your housing options. Not all vacations need to include a hotel. Leave more cash for adventures by skipping the expensive resort and instead rent an affordable apartment or house. Renting often offers more space and amenities, such as a kitchen and laundry, which also saves some extra dollars.

4. Shipping when you shop. If shopping is a favorite pastime when you’re on vacation, don’t be afraid to ask retailers to ship your purchases home to save you carrying them around for the rest of the day or packing them in your suitcase when you head home. Another perk, you may avoid being taxed on the items if they are being shipped out of state.

5. Keeping your essentials with you. When traveling, keep valuable items like your wallet, phone and a spare change of clothes with you at all times in a smaller bag. This way if your suitcase is lost or stolen, you’ll have a way out of a sticky situation. It’s also a good idea to take a quick photo of your driver’s license and credit cards using your phone. This way if you misplace your wallet, you can still pull up the information quickly.

Most importantly – start planning now

When it comes to planning summer travel, there’s no time like the present. The time you save with smart planning before you hit the road will pay off when your trip is smoother and simpler. To learn more about the Bank of America mobile car shopping tool, visit

6 ways smart robotics can give you a better lawn


(BPT) – No one has ever looked at their yard and wished it looked terrible, right? You naturally want your lawn to look as amazing as possible. The problem, of course, is finding the time to make your lawn look exactly as you envision it, and with today’s busy schedules that is tougher than ever.

Innovative technology has the solution — robotics. Specifically, robotic lawnmowers.

Here are six things to know about robotic lawnmowers and how they can deliver the perfect cut for your yard every time.

* Cutting style matters. Traditional mowers require you to let your grass grow tall before they use fixed blades to tear it off. This cutting motion can not only damage the grass, but also requires a high amount of kinetic energy. Robotic mowers, like Husqvarna Automower(R), however, use small pivoting blades for a cut that benefits your lawn by removing clippings a fraction of an inch long while keeping weeds in check. They never let your grass grow tall, so it’s always maintained at the same height. The clippings are so small that they get dropped right back into your lawn to further nourish it as a natural fertilizer.

* Rain or shine. Finding time to mow the lawn can be difficult enough, and then when you finally find the perfect day? It rains. While owning a regular mower will stop you from cutting your grass, robotic mowers are not so easily deterred. Capable of mowing in lighter rain, robotic mowers can get great results as their vital parts are protected from the elements by the mower’s outer shell. This shell also works to protect these areas from dust or grass clippings in more conventional mowing weather.

* Weed control. When you cut the grass, you typically always do so in a familiar pattern. Robotic mowers can help curb weeds as a surprising side effect of their mowing features. Because they mow in a free movement pattern instead of a recurring one, weeds are kept on their toes and can’t adapt to the familiarity of the pattern. At the same time, keeping your lawn at a short height all the time instead of letting it grow tall means that many common weeds can’t spread their seeds as easily. You’ll have that greener, healthier lawn you’ve always dreamed of in no time!

* Ability to learn your yard. The Husqvarna Automower(R) utilizes several navigation tools, including GPS on specific models, to cover your entire lawn no matter how complex the layout. The mower is also smart enough to utilize various routes back to its charging station to avoid lawn damage and unsightly tracks. You can learn more about its travel patterns here.

* No noise. No fuss. While the hum of a lawnmower is a typical sound of summer, it’s certainly not a favorite when looking for a relaxing, quiet afternoon. You’ll be pleased to know that robotic mowers are so quiet you’ll barely know they’re cutting. These electric mowers cut the grass in a quiet, energy-efficient manner without harmful emissions. They’re so quiet, you can even set your mower to cut the grass at night, allowing you to have the entire yard all to yourself during the day.

* Total connectivity. With an integrated app on select models, Husqvarna Automower(R) gives users the option to take control of the mower right from a smartphone — telling it when to start or stop cutting and even when to return to the charging station. The app — called Automower Connect — can also be used to review mower settings and adjust them as needed. You can even receive alarm notifications if someone tries to mess with your mower or track the unit via GPS should someone else decide they want your robotic mower for themselves.

Your better summer is waiting

The beautiful summer weather is meant to be enjoyed and you should be able to do so in a yard that meets your expectations. Add a robotic mower to your home today and you’ll have a silent, efficient partner working to make sure this summer is your best yet.