5 Key Differences Between Synthetic and Natural Diamonds To Know This Holiday Season


(BPT) – The holidays are upon us, which means it’s gift-giving season. This year, over 53 million Americans are giving the most timeless gift there is: a diamond. A recent survey by KRC Research for the Diamond Producers Association found that over one in five Americans over the age of 18 plans to purchase a diamond between Thanksgiving and Valentine’s Day, with men and millennials making up the majority of purchasers. Of these diamond buyers, more than 20 million are planning a marriage proposal. After all, what better represents a lifelong commitment of love and devotion than a one-of-a-kind, billion-year-old gem?

This year, consumers are at risk of accidentally purchasing a synthetic diamond — a much lower value product — in place of a natural diamond. The survey found that nearly half of those planning to purchase a diamond are completely unaware of the many differences between real and synthetic diamonds. This leaves buyers vulnerable to costly purchasing mistakes. While synthetic diamonds can look similar to diamonds created naturally in the earth, there are important differences between them that buyers should know.

Natural diamonds are unique. Like snowflakes, no two natural diamonds are identical. Created over billions of years under enormous pressure 100 miles below the earth’s surface, each one has a unique “fingerprint” in its growth structure that tells its own creation story. Synthetic diamonds are created artificially in uniform conditions, making them nearly identical. So, while many assume that no one can tell a synthetic diamond from a natural diamond, the reality is they are easily discernible by expert gemologists.

Natural diamonds are more valuable. In addition to the unmatched emotional value of diamonds, their rarity makes them financially valuable. There is a limited supply of retrievable diamonds in the earth, and that supply is only getting smaller. Together, every gem-quality diamond ever polished wouldn’t even fill one double-decker bus. Conversely, synthetic diamonds have no long-term value, because they can be produced in unlimited quantities. This year alone, synthetic diamonds have decreased from 40 percent to about 15 percent of the value of a natural diamond.

Synthetic and natural diamonds have different markets. The natural origin and rarity of diamonds imbues them with emotional and symbolic value, making them a natural fit for the luxury and engagement markets. This cannot be replicated in a lab. Synthetic diamonds may be pretty stones, but their lesser value makes them suitable only for the fashion jewelry market.

Today’s diamond industry makes a positive social impact. Consumers can be confident that their diamond purchases make a difference. The past 20 years have seen a profound transformation of the diamond industry. Conflict diamonds have been nearly eradicated, with over 99.8 percent of natural diamonds on today’s market certified conflict-free through the Kimberley Process. In addition, the industry supports over 10 million people worldwide, contributing $8.4 billion per year to African economies alone. Its revenue enables local governments to invest in healthcare, education and infrastructure, completely changing whole countries such as Botswana. The synthetic diamond industry hasn’t made even a fraction of this impact.

Today’s diamond industry is environmentally conscious. Today’s diamond industry follows strict environmental standards to protect land and wildlife, and is transparent about its practices, with each miner releasing public annual impact reports. Additionally, major miners consistently invest in programs to preserve natural resources, minimize carbon footprint, conserve land and protect biodiversity and wildlife. The largely unregulated synthetic diamond industry does not have a similar record. Many synthetic diamond producers make unverifiable claims about their environmental impact and theoretical carbon emissions, without third-party verification. In Singapore, where a significant volume of lab-created diamonds are produced using the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) method, the carbon emission per polished carat is approximately 40 percent higher than for natural polished diamonds.

Understanding the key differences between natural and synthetic diamonds is vital to making a smart purchasing decision. This holiday season, nothing can replace the value and authenticity of a natural diamond.

Prep your kitchen against holiday pests with these 5 tricks


(BPT) – The holidays are a busy time, filled with joyful gatherings, plenty of good meals and houseguests galore. But the jam-packed celebrations can also provide an opportunity for uninvited pests to find their way indoors. The experts at Terminix have a few tips for protecting your kitchen from insects, so that you can spend your time enjoying the holidays rather than combating pests.

Start with a deep clean

It’s easy for things to fall through the cracks — literally. Stray crumbs and particles of sugar or flour can attract insects like ants. Prepare for the holidays by cleaning your kitchen and pantry top to bottom, removing food spillage and stains that could attract pests. 

Don’t try to salvage contaminated food

If you do find a food item that’s been contaminated, simply throw it out. Even if it’s just one weevil in your box of rice, for example, it’s better to dispose of the contaminated food entirely instead of trying to salvage it. You may think you’ve removed the “bad part,” but you could easily miss tiny insect eggs or larvae. Don’t risk an infestation — when in doubt, throw it out!  

Store supplies in airtight containers 

With all the cooking taking place during the holidays, you’ll likely find yourself with a plethora of leftovers and open packages. Flimsy cardboard and paper containers may not act as much of a barrier to pests. Instead, seal those food items in airtight containers. 

Inspect new purchases for signs of damage

Despite what you might think, brand-new packages can also harbor uninvited guests, such as moths or beetles. Be sure to examine each new food product for signs that it could already be infested — even the tiniest tear in a package can act as an entryway for pests. If you do notice signs that a product is infested, dispose of the package.

Call in a professional 

Even the most attentive homeowner can miss the subtle signs of a pest infestation. If left unchecked, infestations can worsen and give you a real headache during the holiday season. Terminix’s trained technicians can help determine what kind of pest is trying to invite itself to your classy dinner, and how best to get rid of it. 

Tips for Those Caring for a Loved One with Cancer


(BPT) – We are now well into November and entering the holiday season. The holidays are a time of year to cherish time with family and friends. It’s also a great time to recognize and give thanks to those who tirelessly provide care for those living with an illness, such as stomach cancer — the fifth most common cancer worldwide. While many are beginning to shift their attention to the holidays in November, it is also the month dedicated to raising awareness of stomach cancer.

Cancer caregivers have one of the most important jobs when supporting a loved one living with cancer. Tara Collingwood knows this well, and experienced first-hand the challenges that come with being a caregiver for someone with cancer. Six years ago, in October 2012, Tara’s husband was diagnosed with stomach cancer.

“We were all shocked,” said Tara. “To hear the person I loved and the father to our sons was diagnosed with an aggressive form of stomach cancer, that was growing and spreading quickly, was absolutely devastating. I wanted to do whatever I could to help him but I didn’t know where to start.”

Cancer caregivers spend an average of 33 hours a week caring for their loved one,[1] which nearly amounts to a full-time job. They often provide support for common day-to-day activities such as bathing, eating, going grocery shopping and helping to manage finances. In many cases, cancer caregivers also conduct medical and nursing tasks to help manage the ongoing care their loved one needs.[1]

The role of a caregiver can be incredibly challenging but there are ways of making the job feel less overwhelming. Tara shared her tips for people who are caring for a loved one living with an illness.

  1. Accept help: “Don’t be afraid to accept and ask for help from others. For me, it was difficult to accept help at first, let alone ask someone to help me. However, I soon learned that many people want to help but just don’t know how. Think about what would help you the most and don’t be afraid to ask others to assist. If someone offers to drop off dinner, pick up your kids, stop at the pharmacy to pick up a prescription — let them!”
  2. Have your own support system: “Your loved one has you to support and listen to them. But you also need someone who supports and listens to you. Find someone — like a therapist, friend or family member — who will listen to you and help support what you’re going through emotionally.”
  3. Don’t second guess yourself: “There are so many decisions to make when it comes to caring for your loved one, from treatment plans to which doctors to see to what to eat. Make a decision and stick to it. Don’t second guess your decision and think that if you would have done something else they would have gotten better. You don’t know exactly how each treatment is going to affect them and which exact medicine or procedure is best. It is different for everyone and you just have to make decisions and stick to them.”
  4. Take care of yourself, too: “You are a caregiver for a loved one, but you need to first take care of yourself as well. It’s so easy to give up sleep, exercise, eating right, etc. Make sure you protect your own personal health so you can be as strong as possible for your loved one without being completely worn out yourself. You can’t help them if you get sick or burnt out.”

Despite the challenges, being a caregiver can be a rewarding experience. “The most rewarding part was knowing that I was providing not only care, but care with love,” said Tara. “I felt good knowing that he knew he could count on me. I know that I did everything I could to help him. It was rewarding to me that he knew someone he loved was making sure things were taken care of.”

Sadly, Tara’s husband lost his battle with stomach cancer. “When your loved one is sick, and their outlook is unknown, you have to make every moment count,” Tara explained. “It was important to me that my husband, our kids and I spent quality time together and created moments that mattered. I’m so thankful for the memories we do have, and that our kids will remember how wonderful their father was.”

To learn more about stomach cancer, visit:

For more tips on caregiving, visit Caregiving.org.

About Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the lining of the stomach.[2] Globally, it is the fifth most common cancer in the world, with one million new cases annually.[3] It is the third leading cause of cancer death in the world — resulting in 723,000 deaths each year.[3] In 2018, it is estimated that 26,240 cases of stomach cancer will be diagnosed (16,520 in men and 9,720 in women) in the U.S.[4]

The early stages of stomach cancer rarely cause symptoms, so the cancer often goes undetected.[5] Cancer cells typically develop slowly and symptoms often do not appear until the disease is advanced and has already spread to other organs such as the liver, lungs and bones.[5],[6] About one in five stomach cancers in the U.S. is found at an early stage.[6] Stomach cancer symptoms can include, poor appetite, weight loss, abdominal pain, vague discomfort in the abdomen, a sense of fullness in the upper abdomen after eating a small meal, heartburn or indigestion, nausea, vomiting — with or without blood, swelling or fluid build-up in the abdomen, blood in the stool, low red blood cell count (anemia).[6] 

[1] National Alliance for Caregiving. Cancer Caregiving in the U.S. Available at: https://www.caregiving.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/CancerCaregivingReport_FINAL_June-17-2016.pdf Accessed November 8, 2018.

[2] National Cancer Institute. Gastric Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)–Patient Version. Available at: https://www.cancer.gov/types/stomach/patient/stomach-treatment-pdq. Accessed November 8, 2018.

[3] Globocan 2012 Cancer Fact Sheet. Stomach Cancer Estimated Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence Worldwide in 2012. Available at http://globocan.iarc.fr/Pages/fact_sheets_cancer.aspx. Accessed November 8, 2018.

[4] American Cancer Society. Key Statistics for Stomach Cancer. Available at https://www.cancer.org/cancer/stomach-cancer/about/key-statistics.html. Accessed November 8, 2018.

[5] American Cancer Society. What Is Stomach Cancer? Available at https://www.cancer.org/cancer/stomach-cancer/about/what-is-stomach-cancer.html. Accessed November 8, 2018.

[6] American Cancer Society. Signs and Symptoms of Stomach Cancer. Available at https://www.cancer.org/cancer/stomach-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/signs-symptoms.html. Accessed November 8, 2018.

This one desk accessory could help you feel better at work


(BPT) – Take a look at your desk. Chances are you have at least two screens in front of you. From our cell phones to multiple monitors and even tablets, backlit screens constantly demand our attention during the workday, but that quality of light could have a negative impact on our health, comfort and productivity. For a quick fix, add a task light. Proper task lighting is an easy hack that can improve your health, comfort and productivity at work.

It can be easy to forget the impact light has on our daily lives, but quality light is vital to keeping us healthy, alert and functioning at our best. It affects not only our biological circadian rhythm, but also our emotions and overall sense of well-being.

According to Jonathan Puleio, a Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE) and the Global Vice President of Consulting at Humanscale, “Individual lighting requirements vary based on age.”

He further explains, “By the time we reach our 60s, we require more than 250 percent more contrast to view the same documents we did when we were in our 20s. Compounding the issue is that monitors emit light whereas paper reflects light. This means that monitors and paper-based documents have completely different lighting requirements. Task lighting helps to address both issues, allowing users to adjust their individual light levels according to their task and their respective age. For these reasons, proper lighting has been shown to reduce visual symptoms and improve comfort.”

If you’re ready to invest in a quality task light, here are a few key features to prioritize: quality of lighting, adjustability and footprint. It’s important to look for task lights with LED technology, which provides superior light quality. If designed correctly, LED lights minimize glare, create a uniform footprint of light and cast a single shadow. Many task lights create multiple shadows on the work surface, adding visual complexities that can lead to ocular fatigue. Although you may not notice it, a task light that casts only a single shadow will significantly enhance your comfort. LED lights not only produce higher quality lighting, but they also are better for the environment and last longer too.

A well-designed task light should also offer a wide range of light output so you can find the best brightness level to illuminate your work area. Adjustability of the light’s reach is just as crucial so it can allow you to position the light where you most need it. And finally, a large footprint of light helps you shine high-quality light on more space, eliminating the reliance on subpar overhead lights.

Humanscale, the leader in ergonomic office furniture, is releasing two new solutions that will deliver on all of these features, and more. Now available to purchase, the Nova and Horizon 2.0 task lights combine industry-leading LED technology and adjustability in terms of positioning and light output. These task lights have Energy Star 2.0 certification and are made without toxic chemicals that are commonly found in other household and workplace products. Both also have nightlight modes and sensors that automatically turn the light off when you leave the room. These task lights check all the boxes, so you know your ocular health and comfort will be supported while you work.

Luxury entertaining for the holidays


(BPT) – The holidays usher in a sense of celebration and opportunities for lavish seasonal gatherings. Award-winning Chef Michael Voltaggio knows how to create an experience that will not only entertain, but also thoroughly impress. When it comes to holiday hosting, Michael integrates seasonal ingredients and offers finishing touches that will leave a luxurious, lasting impression.

Experiential considerations

Take a holistic perspective and use expert forethought when planning a festive dinner party. Similar to designing a new restaurant, Michael sees a night of entertaining as an opportunity to create a comprehensive dining experience. At the start of the event, greet guests with a cocktail topped with fragrant garnish, and introduce attendees to a curated evening with unexpected details, such as a passed amuse-bouche atop a slate serving platter. Consider ambiance from every angle — choose classical music for formal affairs or upbeat jazz for an evening of seasonal glamour and complement a crackling fireplace with tabletop candlelight to set the tone.

Entertaining essentials

Every touchpoint of an event should exude the same level of luxury, from the carefully chosen linens to the culinary tools used to prepare the menu. For Michael, this is especially true of kitchen faucets. Whether it’s the main fixture, a pot filler or a prep faucet, these are his essential tools for the entire entertaining process. The Artesso SmartTouch Pull-Down Prep Faucet by Brizo offers visual intrigue in a newly expanded Brilliance Luxe Gold finish, bringing a gilded warmth to the space and offering intuitive touch technology — perfect for event preparation.

Lavish pairings

From hors d’oeuvres to after-dinner aperitifs, pay acute attention to detail and establish pairings that will create an evening of opulence. Offer elevated ambiance and refinement for the table by placing candlesticks of various heights to accent bone china and complete the tablescape with a faceted decanter and glassware to enhance the overall aesthetic. Take cues from Michael, who enjoys selecting thoughtful wine pairings with seasonal dishes, such as a butternut squash soup complemented by the flavors of a robust Chianti.

Culminating provisions

When choosing courses for a dinner party, tell a story with each plate, adding finishing touches that will set the menu apart. To Michael, cooking and entertaining are opportunities for creative exploration. Ornament an autumnal risotto with shaved truffle to bring rich depth of flavor or infuse a wintry dessert with liquid nitrogen for an unexpected dining experience. Continue to surprise and delight guests with personalized, calligraphed place cards, and end the evening with brushed gold champagne flutes for a group toast that will leave a lasting impression until next season.

Fresh ideas for 30-minute Mediterranean meals


(BPT) – With few having the time to devote to cooking an elaborate meal, a collection of delicious and dependable 30-minute recipes for a quick but satisfying meal can be handy. What else keeps things simple? Having fresh staples such as California table grapes on hand helps brighten up any recipe and fuel up after activities.

Mediterranean ingredients and flavors create dishes that are refreshing, colorful and filled with fruits and vegetables. Quinoa Tabbouleh Salad with Grapes offers a fresh twist on the Middle Eastern classic, replacing the traditional bulgur with quinoa, and using grapes in place of tomatoes. The result? An approachable and modern salad that works as well for a quick dinner as it does for a brown bag lunch the next day. Pair with grilled chicken or fish, or simply add chickpeas or kidney beans for a heartier meatless entree.

With Mediterranean Pizza, there is no need to fuss with dough because whole-wheat naan, an Indian flatbread, makes the perfect crust. Simply top with cumin and paprika-seasoned ground lamb, bake it, and then finish with a lightly dressed grape and red onion combination that perfectly complements the flavors in the meat. Pita or flatbread can take the place of naan, and lamb can be replaced by ground beef or turkey as desired.

Finally, when it’s time to decorate the table, create a simple but stunning centerpiece with gorgeous black, red and green California grapes. 

For more ideas, visit grapesfromcalifornia.com.

Mediterranean Pizza

Prep time: 15 minutes; cook time: 15 minutes

Yield: Serves 4


1 1/2 cups halved red California grapes

2 tablespoons lightly chopped Italian parsley leaves

1/4 cup slivered red onion

1 tablespoon lemon juice

3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil (divided) plus additional for drizzling

Pinch of salt

Freshly ground black pepper to taste

1 garlic clove, minced

1/2 pound ground lamb, beef, or dark meat turkey

1 tablespoon tomato paste

1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

1/2 teaspoon ground paprika

Pinch cayenne

2 whole-wheat naans (about 4.4 ounces each)


Heat oven to 475 F. In a large bowl combine the grapes, parsley leaves, red onion, lemon juice and 1 tablespoon olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and set aside.

In a large skillet heat 1 tablespoon oil. Add the garlic and meat, and cook until browned, 2-3 minutes. Stir in the tomato paste, cumin, paprika and cayenne.

Place naans on parchment-lined baking sheets, brush with the remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil and spread the meat mixture on the naans. Bake until each naan is browned and lightly crisp, 8-10 minutes. Top with grape mixture and drizzle with additional olive oil if desired. Cut in pieces and serve.

Quinoa Tabbouleh Salad with Grapes

Prep time: 15 minutes; cook time: 15 minutes

Yield: Serves 6


1 1/2 cups water

3/4 cup quinoa, rinsed

3/4 cup halved red California grapes

3/4 cup halved green California grapes

2 cups diced English cucumber

2/3 cup chopped flat leaf parsley

1/2 cup chopped dill

1/4 cup chopped mint

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 teaspoon lemon zest

1/4 teaspoon salt

Freshly ground pepper to taste


In a medium-sized saucepan, bring the water to a boil and add the quinoa; reduce the heat and simmer until quinoa is tender, about 10 to 12 minutes. Drain any excess water, then fluff the quinoa and transfer it onto a baking sheet to cool for 10 minutes. In a medium bowl, combine the grapes, cucumber, parsley, dill, mint, olive oil, lemon juice and zest, salt and pepper. Gently fold the cooled quinoa into the grape mixture and serve.

Gene therapy offers hope to people with achromatopsia, an inherited retinal eye disease


(BPT) – For years, people with inherited retinal diseases (IRDs), such as achromatopsia (ACHM), have been undiagnosed, misdiagnosed or delayed seeking genetic testing to confirm their diagnosis due to the lack of treatment options. Thanks to the rapid advancement of gene therapy research, this situation is changing. Achromatopsia patients, however, still face a long journey in pursuit of an early and accurate diagnosis.

People with ACHM tend to be affected by color blindness, light sensitivity and decreased visual acuity. The condition results from mutations in one of several genes, the most common of which are the CNGA3 and CNGB3 genes. Although there are no curative treatments for ACHM, the use of red-tinted glasses can reduce symptoms of light sensitivity and daytime blindness. According to the National Institutes of Health, ACHM affects an estimated 1 in 30,000 people worldwide.

A recent survey was conducted online in January 2018 on behalf of Achroma Corp., a nonprofit charity dedicated to raising awareness and finding a cure for ACHM, and in partnership with Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation (AGTC), a gene therapy company, to better understand the challenges that people with ACHM face regarding diagnosis and access to genetic testing. Results showed more than one-third of people with ACHM were misdiagnosed, with adults usually seeing an average of seven healthcare providers over more than five years to receive the correct diagnosis. Additionally, the survey found fewer than two-thirds of respondents received genetic testing due to perceived lack of knowledge and access.

“The survey results demonstrate the challenges that prevent people with achromatopsia from being able to quickly secure an accurate diagnosis, as well as the perceived barriers to obtaining genetic testing,” said Dr. Christine N. Kay, ophthalmologist at Vitreo Retinal Associates in Gainesville, Florida. “As gene therapy technology advances, patient care must evolve as well. Eye care professionals can support patients by familiarizing themselves with the symptoms of various rare IRDs, recommending genetic testing when appropriate and informing patients about clinical trials as a potential treatment option.”

“This survey is an important step in educating others about the challenges that people with achromatopsia face, as well as the value of genetic testing,” said Bridget Vissari, president of Achroma Corp. “With several gene therapy trials underway, it is crucial that we educate medical professionals about this inherited retinal disorder.”

Genetic testing has become vital in the development of new treatments for achromatopsia. With numerous clinical trials rapidly advancing, gene therapies are changing the way that doctors manage IRDs. Patient advocacy groups such as the Foundation Fighting Blindness (FFB) offer free genetic testing to individuals who meet specific criteria, and many clinical trials provide genetic testing to potential participants. AGTC is recruiting for two phase I/II clinical trials for patients with ACHM caused by mutations in the CNGB3 or the CNGA3 gene. As a new era of treatment for rare IRDs becomes a reality, it is more critical now than ever to embrace these new technologies, and all that can be done to ensure positive outcomes for patients.

For more information about AGTC’s clinical trials for ACHM, visit https://agtc.com/programs/achromatopsia/.

5 reasons mushrooms are trending up for 2019


(BPT) – What will be the hot, trendy food for 2019? The simple, versatile and mighty mushroom. 

Chefs, menu developers, sales data and even online social habits all suggest we may be seeing more fresh mushrooms in 2019 and beyond, whether they’re found on top of your pizza, at the bottom of your grain bowl, sliced into your stroganoff or blended into your burger.

The Mushroom Council shares five reasons mushrooms are trending up for 2019:

1. Mushrooms are a central ingredient in many of the most searched and shared recipes.

Photo courtesy ChezUs

Want to know what’s really trending? Let social search and sharing stats be your guide. Food Network recently reported that Mushroom and Chicken Stroganoff is among the most pinned recipes on Pinterest. Huffington Post reported Mushroom Fettuccine among the most posted on Instagram earlier this year.

2. The mushroom + meat blended burger movement is growing.

Photo courtesy The Mushroom Council

Chefs are blending finely chopped mushrooms with meat for burgers that are more flavorful, healthy and Earth friendly. Earlier this year, 350-plus independent restaurants developed and menued their blended take on the iconic burger in the James Beard Foundation’s Blended Burger Project. Additionally, SONIC Drive-In became the first fast-food restaurant to serve a blended burger: the Sonic Signature Slinger, made with 35 percent mushrooms, dishing at less than 350 calories.

3. Mushrooms are the base of the trendy bowl craze.

Photo courtesy ediBOL

Convenient, filling and highly Instagrammable, bowls are trending on menus, even at royal weddings. Chefs agree: The best bowls all have mushrooms. Consider the Ginger Sesame Bowl at ediBOL in Los Angeles, where Owner Andrea Uyeda notes pickled and marinated mushrooms are the star of this savory bowl. Once customers get a taste, they can’t get enough.

4. Mushroom sales continue to grow.

Photo courtesy The Mushroom Council

Grocery buyers are opening their shopping carts up for more mushrooms. Sales have increased every year over the past five years, up 4.2 percent last year alone, according to IRI FreshLook Total U.S. (week ending 12/31/17).

5. Mushrooms provide meaty flavor for plant-based and plant-forward dishes. 

Photo courtesy The Mushroom Council

Consumers are craving more plant-based and plant-forward meals, and with mushrooms’ inherent umami, diners still get the brothy, rich meaty flavor they love. With mushrooms, they can still savor the meaty flavor and will be gratified to the fullest extent, no matter how they choose to eat.  

Make mushrooms the trend in your kitchen. Visit mushroomcouncil.com for nutritional information and recipe inspiration.