Find your voice in treating COPD: learn what you need to ask your doctor


(BPT) – While many of us take for granted the ability to breathe easily, nearly 16 million Americans may be experiencing symptoms like coughing, wheezing or struggling to take in a breath — signs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD.

COPD is a serious, progressive lung disease, usually caused by long-term damage to the lungs and airways, that makes it difficult to breathe. Although smoking is the number one cause of COPD, you don’t have to be an active smoker to have the condition, as environmental factors such as air pollution can also play a role. Because COPD causes difficulty breathing, people with the condition may find it challenging to go about their daily activities, such as walking, climbing stairs or going to the grocery store.

While people with COPD have good days and bad days, their COPD will never go away completely. However, the good news is that the condition is treatable. Most medicines that treat COPD come in an inhaler, not a pill, and there are several different inhalers available for COPD medicines, each one working differently. You can visit for more information on inhaler options.

Because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to COPD, it’s important for people with COPD to work with their doctors to find the right treatment for them. That includes a discussion of inhaler options. Whether your treatment involves smoking cessation, a change in diet and exercise, pulmonary rehab, switching your medicine and inhaler, or any combination of the above — that’s for you and your doctor to decide together.

Here are some suggested questions to ask your doctor during your next appointment to start a dialogue:

· How did you choose my current inhaler?

· Do I have to use my inhaler at the same time every day?

· What should I do if I’m struggling to breathe in medicine?

· How do I know if my inhaler is the right choice for me?

Everyone is different, therefore COPD doesn’t affect everyone in the same way. Talk to your doctor about the right treatment for you, including medicine and inhaler options.

To learn more, visit

5 financial wellness moves every family should master


(BPT) – If you had to grade your financial literacy, what would it be? Are you an A+ saver, investor and planner, or do you think you could do better? If you grade yourself average at best, you’re not alone.

When asked to grade their own financial literacy, more than half of Americans say they’d earn a “C” or lower, according to new data from Prudential Financial. This isn’t surprising, considering data from Prudential’s Financial Wellness Census shows less than half of Americans are on track to meet their financial goals, including planning for retirement.

“Regardless of where you are on your family’s financial wellness journey, the best way forward is through financial literacy,” says Prudential Advisors President Brad Hearn. “Researching, educating yourself and getting advice from a financial professional can help you make the best decisions based on your life stage, risk tolerance and goals.”

Hearn says each family’s situation and goals are unique, and things like life stage and personal preference will impact how they choose to prepare for their financial future. To get started, here are five financial wellness basics every family should master:

Set up an emergency fund

Life is a series of experiences, and sometimes the unexpected can hit your finances hard. Whether it’s a car breaking down, your AC unit on the fritz or even losing a job, it’s important to be prepared for emergencies. If you don’t already have an emergency fund, start saving a little each month until you reach your goal. A good rule of thumb is to have three months’ worth of expenses saved in an emergency fund. So, if your monthly expenses are $2,500, you should have $7,500 saved.

Create a budget

Saving for college? A new car? How about starting that emergency fund? Whatever your family’s financial goals are, it’s important to have a plan in place that helps you achieve those goals. Budget to manage day-to-day expenses, and include in that budget a commitment to save for bigger milestones. For tips on getting started, do some research. There’s no shortage of advice, whether you decide to go it alone or consider using the help of a professional financial advisor.

Plan for the unimaginable

If you have people who count on you for financial support or caregiving, you should have life insurance. A life insurance policy can help give your family financial peace of mind should the worst happen. There is no rule as to how much life insurance you need, but important things to consider are your annual income, mortgage debt, potential college costs for kids and other future financial obligations.

Save for retirement

According to Prudential data, of Americans who have retirement savings and debt, nearly one-quarter have more in total debt than in retirement savings (23%), while 15% of Americans say that they have no debt, but also have nothing saved for retirement. Planning for retirement is something that should start as soon as possible. If your work offers any type of matching program, make sure to take advantage. If you don’t, you’re essentially leaving free money on the table.

Seek professional advice

Retirement, life insurance and savings can be confusing. Information overload is partly to blame. According to Prudential data, two-thirds of Americans agree that the list of things they need to learn to successfully manage their finances keeps growing, not shrinking. That’s where financial literacy programs and professional financial advice can play a key role. Nearly two-thirds of Americans don’t have a financial advisor. They say they cannot afford one (42%) or don’t believe their financial situation warrants needing an advisor’s help (26%). The reality is that advice is more within reach than ever before — and it’s not just for the wealthy. A financial professional can help at various stages in life and work with you to create a strategy based on your timeline, risk tolerance and goals.

“Financial wellness isn’t always a matter of having more money,” says Hearn. “Instead, it’s a journey that takes a combination of proactive effort, dedication and professional guidance.”

Prudential Advisors is a brand name of The Prudential Insurance Company of America and its subsidiaries. Life insurance is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark, NJ and its affiliates.


What to write: Tips for creating the perfect message for any Mother’s Day card


(BPT) – Mom is a special title reserved for the special women who care tremendously for their loved ones. Of course this means your birth mom, but the mom squad includes so many more caring women. It’s your wife, best friend, sister, neighbor and beyond. These people simply make the world a better place.

Moms go above and beyond every day, and Mother’s Day is one day we should go above and beyond for them. No matter if you give them fresh flowers, take them out to brunch or buy a meaningful piece of jewelry, there’s one thing that is a must-have for moms: A Mother’s Day card.

A card holds special meaning when it comes from the heart, especially on Mother’s Day. So find the perfect American Greetings Mother’s Day cards available in the Walmart card aisle and get some for all the moms in your life. It’s a simple way to brighten their day and touch their heart.

Writing the perfect Mother’s Day message

You have the cards, but now you’re stuck wondering what to write. There’s so much you want to say, it can be difficult to put it into words. Adding a short, handwritten note to your card personalizes the message. To make it easier, the American Greeting Card experts offer advice for what to write for all the different types of mothers in your life.

From you as a mom

Being a mom means you finally understand how much your mom really did for you. Celebrate her by writing:

* The highest compliment anyone can give me, Mom, is to say that I’m like you.
* I hope that I can be even a fraction of the wonderful mother you were to me. Have a beautiful Mother’s Day.
* From “Mommy” to “Grandma,” you’ve always found a way to be amazing at who you are.

For your spouse or significant other

Acknowledge your partner for being the glue that keeps your family going:

* You’re my best friend and a wonderful mother to our children. Everything you do makes our lives so special, and you deserve a beautiful Mother’s Day.
* You don’t hear it nearly as often as you should, but I appreciate you and love you for all you do for me and the kids.
* You’re the heart that makes our house a home.

For a new mom/1st Mother’s Day

Help her celebrate her very first Mother’s Day with an encouraging message:

* You’re a beautiful person inside and out, and there’s no way you could be anything but a fantastic mom.
* Your baby won the mommy lottery. Hope your first Mother’s Day is as amazing as you are.
* Take time to take it all in … and know how loved you are. Happy 1st Mother’s Day!

For your mother-in-law

The mother of your spouse may oftentimes get overlooked. Send her some love by writing:

* You’ve always felt more like a mom than a mother-in-law to me. Thank you for all the love.
* I hope your Mother’s Day is filled with things that make you smile.
* Because of the wonderful mother you are, I have an amazing partner and parent to my own children. We all love you so much.

For your female friend

Give your gal an uplifting message that says you realize how awesome she is at the whole mom thing:

* It’s your day — shine like the mom rock star you are.
* Wishing you another year of wowing everyone who knows you. Have a great Mom’s Day!
* Your kiddos have the best mama of all. Cheers to you today!

For your daughter

Acknowledging your daughter is a good mom holds plenty of meaning. Do so by writing:

* I always knew you’d be a wonderful mother because you’re such an amazing daughter. Enjoy your Mother’s Day.
* Seems like yesterday I was holding you in my arms. Watching you with your own children fills me with so much pride. Enjoy every moment.
* I couldn’t ask for a more wonderful daughter and mother for my grandchildren. Love you so much.

A heartfelt message for mom

No matter how old we get, we’ll always need our moms. Tell her she’s special by writing:

* Thank you for the laughs, the listening and the love.
* Mom, when you thought I wasn’t looking — I was. Thank you for the million ways you supported, encouraged, helped and loved me.
* For all the times I didn’t say it but should have … thank you, Mom. I love you.

Every type of mom deserves gratitude on Mother’s Day. With these simple tips, you’ll be sure to say just what you mean on that special card.

7 things you should know about addiction


(BPT) – Did you know 192 people die in America every day from drug overdose? That means 192 families lose someone every day. Survivors of people lost to drug addiction share their stories on the Addiction Policy Forum website to increase awareness. What these families learned could help save the life of someone you love.

1. Don’t ignore signs.

Families often realize in hindsight that signs were there.

“At first we didn’t see the signs, but we began to notice his moodiness, saying he was doing one thing but finding out later he was doing something else. I wish I had known what to look for,” explains Katie, who lost her brother Zachary when he was just 24.

Moodiness may seem typical for adolescents, but these behaviors can signal addiction. Sudden mood changes, depression or hostility could be signs someone is struggling with substance abuse — at any age. If you suspect something is wrong, seek help.

2. Don’t wait for rock bottom.

The earlier someone begins treatment, the better.

“People are told the disease has to ‘run its course’ and to practice ‘tough love’ until they hit rock bottom. Now with fentanyl, rock bottom was a fatal overdose,” shares Justin, who lost her son Aaron at age 20.

3. Recovery takes time.

Continue support after rehab. While many treatment programs only last weeks, recovery takes much longer.

Karla, mother of Alicia, age 28, shares: “I wish I would’ve known that recovery is not 3 months, 6 months, a year in rehab. When they release someone from rehab, it’s not the end. It’s the very beginning. That’s what happened with Alicia — they released her and she had no plan, and three days later she died.”

Patients with a severe substance use disorder may need a three-to-five-year treatment plan, but most require a lifetime of support.

4. Use all available resources.

Approaches for treating addiction include counseling, support groups, behavioral therapy and medication. Treatment plans depend on the patient’s individual needs, the substances they use and severity of their illness.

“Finding quality treatment takes teamwork. I would recommend anyone who is going through this to find the resources in their towns. Connect with people and organizations that help families provide support to their loved ones and support each other. Organizations such as the Addiction Policy Forum have the tools you need. This would have been so helpful when we were going through it with my brother,” says Katie, who lost her brother Zachary. She also advocates combining many approaches. “When someone has cancer, we don’t choose between chemo and radiation — we layer treatments.”

5. Overdoses are a warning.

Contrary to expectation, people who experience a non-fatal overdose are at heightened risk of fatal overdose.

“After Emmett’s fatal overdose, we found out that he had been seen at the hospital and revived with Narcan at least seven times over the previous year — that is seven missed opportunities to intervene and save our son’s life,” says Aimee, mother of 20-year-old Emmett. “I can only imagine how life would look today if we had been given the opportunity to intervene and address Emmett’s heroin use disorder during those crucial moments.”

Patients saved from a non-fatal overdose may wake up in withdrawal, angry and upset, which can lead to further substance use. Intervention and treatment is needed to prevent further overdoses.

6. Prevent early substance use.

The earlier someone starts using, the greater their chance of developing addictions.

“Experimenting with marijuana at 16 was followed by experimenting with prescription pills and finally heroin,” shares Lou, who lost her 19-year-old son Michael.

Teenagers are more vulnerable to substances because their brains aren’t fully developed. Parents should model healthy behavior and talk to their children about the dangers of substance abuse.

7. Find support.

Don’t wait to get help. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance use, call the Addiction Resource Center helpline 24/7 at 1-833-301-HELP for free, confidential information and support.

You are not alone. Over 20 million people struggle with substance use disorder and nearly half of U.S. adults have a friend or relative who has struggled with substance abuse. Visit to read letters from families or share a loved one’s story.

Unlock the secret to ageless skin


(BPT) – It’s no secret that most of us can’t stand the signs of aging on our skin and are looking for ways to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, tighten crepey loose skin, and fade scarring and other imperfections — without resorting to cosmetic surgery.

The good news is that we no longer have to let our skin reveal our true age. There are more options than ever before to help reverse the signs of skin aging, but leading physicians say that Cutera’s Secret RF Microneedling stands out from the pack. This novel system combines microneedling and radiofrequency (RF) energy — which are both powerful skin rejuvenation methods in their own right, but produce even more powerful and precise results when used together.

Secret RF delivers fractional radio frequency (RF) energy into the skin, including its deeper layers, for maximum skin rejuvenating benefits. This stimulates the skin’s natural healing process, which boosts the production of elastin, hyaluronic acid and collagen, the building blocks of healthy, youthful skin. Unlike other devices that only deliver energy to the skin’s surface, Secret RF energy penetrates deep below the surface where it’s needed most for targeted rejuvenation. Secret RF Microneedling is also safe for all skin types and tones because the technology has unique customizable microneedle tips and specialized handpieces.

The Secret RF treatment can be performed in your healthcare professional’s office with minimal downtime. In fact, it can be done all year round, even during the summer.

“For comfort, numbing cream can be applied to the area to be treated for about 20 minutes. After the treatment, your skin will be pink, similar to a slight sunburn, which typically lasts a few hours but may last up to 24 hours depending on the intensity of the treatment. Many patients see improvement after the first treatment, with optimal results seen after a series of three treatments spaced one month apart. The number of treatments depends on the condition being treated,” says Dr. Robyn Siperstein of the Siperstein Dermatology Group in Boca Raton, FL.

It’s a highly versatile treatment and works well for women and for men, says New York City Dermatologist Marina Peredo, MD. “Secret RF Microneedling can treat acne scars, stretch marks and can also be used to minimize pores. We are able to customize treatments based on each individual’s top concerns, skin type, and area of the face or body,” says Dr. Peredo. “We may use a gentler setting for light facial rejuvenation, fine lines or pores, and a more aggressive setting for acne scarring, which requires deeper penetration. We are also getting excellent results for crepey skin of the neck, around the eyelids, upper arms and abdomen, without the discomfort and downtime of some other devices.”

If you are ready to turn the table on aging skin, schedule a consultation with a Cutera Secret RF provider near you today.

5 Reasons You Avoid Getting Screened for Colorectal Cancer but Shouldn’t


(BPT) – It is estimated that more than 51,000 people[1] will die of colorectal cancer[2] this year, but a startling number — 50 percent — could have been saved had they been screened.[3] Despite this, screening rates are still low.

But why? Dr. Howard Wright, a family medicine physician in Michigan, has spoken with countless patients who have avoided screening for one reason or another.

Nina Mayo, 54, was one of those people at first, and she isn’t alone. One in three Americans are not up-to-date with their colorectal cancer screening.[4] Here, Wright debunks some of the myths of screening and why you should make it a priority in 2019.

I’m healthy, so I won’t get cancer.

Nearly 5 percent of men and over 4 percent of women will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in their lifetime[5] — 70 percent of whom do not have a family history of the disease and otherwise live healthy lives.[6]

“It can happen to anyone who thinks they eat healthy and they follow all the rules of health. Everyone has some risk,” said Wright, whose uncle died in his early 70s after being diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer. “We had no history of colorectal cancer in our family whatsoever. He didn’t want to be bothered with [screening].”

When Nina turned 50, she didn’t see a reason to get screened because she wasn’t high risk for colorectal cancer.

Colonoscopy is the only option.

Nina was one of those people who thought a colonoscopy was her only option and refused to listen to her doctor’s counsel to be screened. “My doctor said, ‘You’re 53, and you haven’t had a colonoscopy. Can I talk you into getting one?’” Nina recalled. “I said no.”

But she soon learned that there are several different tests that can detect colorectal cancer and polyps. Wright encourages people to speak with their doctor about their options.

After Nina discussed it over with her doctor, they identified that she was a candidate for a colorectal cancer screening called Cologuard — a noninvasive option that uses advanced technology to detect blood in stool and biomarkers associated with colorectal cancer in stool DNA.[7] (To better understand if Cologuard is right for you and understand all your options, download this discussion guide, which can help you talk to your health care provider.)

Screenings are only to detect cancer.

Regular screening according to guidelines is, in fact, one of the most powerful ways of detecting colorectal cancer. Most of Wright’s patients don’t have any symptoms but choose to be screened proactively to check for potentially precancerous growths — called polyps — that could develop into cancer if left undetected for too long.

“Doing nothing [is] playing with fire,” Wright said.

Nina agreed to try Cologuard. The test was mailed to her house and, a few weeks later, her doctor called her with some shocking news. The screening detected biomarkers associated with precancer or colorectal cancer. During a follow-up diagnostic colonoscopy, her physicians found two growths, both of which they expected to become cancerous.

Only old people get colorectal cancer.

“The doctor’s assessment left us in total shock. I think both my husband and I were just numb. We came home, and we both went into total denial,” Nina recalled. “I’m 53 years old; this is not happening. A lot of people think this is an old person’s disease. It’s not.”

If precancer or cancer is found, I’ll spend months getting treatment.

If caught early, lengthy cancer treatment programs may not be necessary. In Nina’s case, her gastroenterologist was able to remove the growths, which were found to be precancerous, and she got right back to living her life.

“[Getting screened] changed my life. Had I not [been screened], in hindsight, I may have been in very, very big trouble. I am lucky that I did do it,” Nina said.

Since her diagnosis, Nina has been traveling the world with her husband. They recently celebrated their 30th anniversary with a trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, and are planning a trip to Ireland and Scotland.

“I say, ‘Look at what happened to me. Look at what could have happened to me. Let’s just do this,” she said. “I’m living my best life right now. We are definitely not taking things for granted now.”

Originally published at

[1] American Cancer Society. Deaths from colorectal cancer. Accessed Feb. 20, 2019.

[2] When the term colon cancer is used in this article, it is intended to encompass colorectal cancer — which includes both colon and rectal cancer.

[3] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Colorectal Cancer: Vital Signs. Accessed March 28, 2019.

[4] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Colorectal Cancer: Vital Signs. Accessed March 28, 2019.

[5] American Cancer Society. Colorectal Cancer: Facts & Figures 2017-2019 — What is the risk of developing colorectal cancer? (Pg 4) Accessed Feb. 20, 2019.

[6] American Cancer Society. Colorectal Cancer: Facts & Figures 2017-2019 — Heredity and family history. (Pg 11) Accessed Feb. 20, 2019.

[7] Imperiale TF, Ransohoff DF, Itzkowitz SH, et al. Multitarget stool DNA testing for colorectal-cancer screening. N Engl J Med. 2014;370(14):1287-1297.

Create and connect: 5 unique ways to spark self-expression


(BPT) – Shared experiences are part of what makes us human. There’s nothing better than getting together with friends, loved ones, neighbors, colleagues (really whoever wants to join!) to catch up and share a few laughs. Add to that an engaging, hands-on activity, and you’ve crafted the perfect gathering to spark creativity and camaraderie.

At Yaymaker events, express yourself over some making and crafting in a supportive environment with others that is fun and fulfilling. At the end of these events, you feel empowered and have lasting memories, plus you just might have discovered an exciting new hobby!

Give your week something to shout about with any of these five unique Yaymaker events that allow you to create, connect and express yourself in ways you never knew possible. Go to to book an event for your crew, all hosted at bars and restaurants right in your neighborhood. There’s something for everyone, and no matter which event you choose, there’s no experience necessary!

Allow your inner artist to shine with a unique painting

Whether you’re Picasso-level or have never even picked up a paint brush, let the creativity flow as you unleash the artist within by painting something incredible at a classic Paint Nite. In this class setting you’ll join other open-minded peers and be guided by an expert who will help you go step-by-step through a painting project. You’ll laugh, chat and enjoy putting paint to canvas as you create a one-of-a-kind painting you’ll be proud to hang on your wall at home or in the office.

Green your thumb by planting a miniature garden

Where does your garden grow? At a special Plant Nite, of course! Experience personal growth and create something that will thrive before your eyes at Plant Nite, a special fun-filled gathering with everything you need to design a cute terrarium. Surrounded by friendly faces and an expert guide, you’ll use supplies such as soil, spades, drainage rocks, brushes and more to create a plant project you’ll adore long after the event is complete. A dash of green in your garden will lighten any space you place it, just like this event will brighten your day!

Design a one-of-a-kind sign and feel fine

Want more fun in your life? It’s time you look for a sign … literally. Tap into your creative side by participating in a Design a Sign event where you work side-by-side in a group setting and each person creates a stunning custom sign. When you book this event you can choose from a variety of creative sign designs so you can pick the one that speaks to you — the ultimate option in self-expression. Many you can personalize with words, phrases or letters, and you can always select the color scheme at the event that you like best so it’s as unique as you are.

Light your creative fire with candle making

Looking for an activity to fuel your fire? Consider attending a Candle Maker event near you with other friendly folks who want to craft and create. In a group setting you’ll be guided in selecting a scent, pouring the wax and adding decorative elements to three different candles. Keep your custom candles for yourself to enjoy at home (think relaxing bath or romantic dinner) or give away to someone as a special homemade gift (your BFF deserves it, right?).

Bond over blooms with floral arranging

From the romantic rose to the delightful daisy to the marvelous mum, every flower is unique in its shape, size, color and scent, and deserves to be joined together for a one-of-a-kind arrangement. At a Flower Workshop, gather with your friends or come solo and meet new pals to have fun while you prune, arrange and place perfect petals into a beautiful arrangement that you can admire for days to come. Then sit back, take a deep breath of the sweet flower scent, and feel proud of your creativity.

Beyond these five events, Yaymaker is always launching new ways to find your Yay. Stay on the lookout for new experiences that might pop up and evoke even more expression! Find your next local event at today.

Real estate ready: Smart tips for first-time homebuyers


(BPT) – Today’s first-time homebuyers face a variety of hurdles when trying to enter the real estate market. While interest rates have declined recently and there are signs that more inventory may be coming onto the market, many buyers continue to feel frustration in finding and financing a home.

Additionally, high levels of student loan debt and entry-level jobs that didn’t pay as much as expected have made homeownership financially difficult for millennials. Many have opted to move in with their parents, and since then have been saving money to purchase a home.

Although being a first-time homebuyer is exciting, it can also be overwhelming. Whether you’re purchasing a home for yourself, with your spouse, or because you’re growing your family, there are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure a smooth process and happy outcome so you don’t have to delay your decision to buy a home.

Explore what you can afford

It’s important to purchase a home that is within your means, but it’s often difficult to know what you can actually afford. Start by using the Shop by Payment feature at Vylla ( If you know what you can afford for rent, use that as a guide for your search to see how it translates into monthly mortgage payments. Many renters are surprised to find out they can become homeowners for about the same monthly amount they’re currently paying their landlord.

Save for closing costs

There are some “hidden costs” associated with buying a home. Closing costs, or fees included at the closing of a real estate transaction, can include a number of charges such as appraisal and attorney fees, recording fees, title and escrow charges. Buyers and sellers often split closing costs, and buyers can typically expect to pay 3 to 4 percent of the cost of the home in closing costs. That means if you buy a $200,000 home, estimated closing costs will be between $6,000 and $8,000. Working with a transparent real estate and mortgage company will also help you manage costs to ensure there are no surprises along the way.

Manage debt and down payments

You may have heard that you need to eliminate debt and save 20 percent down to purchase a home. Although those are good goals, there are more flexible loan products available today for many types of borrowers. Many lenders have loan programs that make it possible for borrowers with some debt or less-than-perfect credit to qualify for mortgage loans, eliminating some of the barriers first-time homebuyers face. You may be able to qualify for a loan with a down payment of just 3.5 percent.

Research neighborhoods

Housing varies greatly from city to city, and even block to block. It’s important to research the areas you want to live in to ensure you’re happy and making a good investment. This will be unique to each homebuyer, but it may be important for you to consider school boundaries, population demographics, crime rates, access to resources like public transportation and commute times to work.

Streamline to reduce stress

Many homebuying steps are disconnected, which can cause a lot of stress. Consider a one-stop platform like that seamlessly integrates the mortgage process with home search and home purchasing steps to provide everything under one roof. Plus, you can work with a single point of contact who works with real estate agents, title and escrow services and more for a seamless experience.

Think long-term

Although your first home won’t likely be your last, it’s important to think long-term when making such a big investment. According to the National Association of Realtors®, the average amount of time a homeowner stays in a house is 10 years. You want something that you plan to live in for at least the next few years, as well as something that suits your future plans. Don’t just think about what you want now; try to visualize your life down the road and make sure this house fits the vision as much as possible.

A few smart steps can make the first-time homebuying experience easy and stress free. With a little proactive planning and a few good resources, you’ll have keys to your home in hand in no time.

Beauty lessons mothers and daughters have taught each other


(BPT) – Moms teach their daughters so much as they grow, from how to apply makeup to how to care for their skin, and while there are many habits you form simply because you picked them up from your mother, there are plenty of tricks you’ve learned on your own. There are even some that your mother has learned from you, especially when it comes to the modern technology available to help you understand what’s really going on beneath the surface of your skin and address those specific concerns.

“My mom always said that having healthy, glowing skin is what will make you feel confident in yourself,” said Sheena about her mom, Judy. Getting healthy, glowing skin can take time and patience, but the investment you put into your skin will be well worth the effort. Consider these beauty and skincare tips women have learned from their mothers and those that daughters have taught their moms in return.

Beauty lessons learned from mom

1) Cleanse your face daily and stick to a routine that works.

When it comes to cleansing your face, finding the right products and sticking to your routine is key. Seek a consultation from a specialist to figure out which combination of products and treatments will work best for your specific skin concerns and follow that routine daily to see the best results.

2) Always wear sunscreen.

Lathering on SPF has been recommended by dermatologists for years, and before you started hearing it from dermatologists, you learned it from mom. Protecting your skin from the sun has been instilled in you since you were young, and now you know that preventing sunburns and sun damage are much more important than trying to get a tan.

3) Moisturize daily.

Dry air and frequent showers can pull so much moisture out of your skin. It’s essential to lather up with moisturizer right after taking a shower to keep your skin moisturized and healthy.

Beauty lessons shared by daughters

1) Wrinkle prevention is possible, and corrective treatments help, too.

Advanced technology exists to help prevent or correct skin issues before they occur or get worse. Injectables, like Botox, can be used at the first sign of fine lines to prevent wrinkles from getting worse over time, and they can also be used to smooth away existing wrinkles.

2) Be a natural beauty.

Over time, signs of aging from sun exposure and pollution are inevitable. You may have felt that applying more makeup or going under the knife were the only solutions, but advanced technology exists to address your skin concerns and keep your natural look. BroadBand Light Therapy or other intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments can be used to correct underlying sun damage to the skin, helping to brighten your complexion and reduce the signs of aging.

3) Own your own skin.

The perfect look is the one that’s perfect for you. When you feel empowered to decide which skin treatments and beauty routines are best for you, you’ll feel like the best version of yourself.

Today, there are more options than ever to take charge of your skin and prevent signs of aging. No matter your age, advanced technology exists to help prevent and correct skin concerns. While it’s beneficial to take your mom’s advice, there are modern methods and trends being leveraged by millennials so that moms can learn just as much from their daughters.

Curious to see what’s happening underneath your skin? Ideal Image offers a complimentary 3D skin analysis and personalized treatment plan. If you’re thinking about getting Botox, BroadBand Light Therapy, or other non-invasive, non-surgical MedSpa treatments, visit

Want a bathroom addition? What to know before you cut through concrete


(BPT) – It’s home improvement season, which means you’re probably dreaming of enhancements to make your space more livable and to enhance property value. Adding a bathroom is a great way to do both, but for many people, concrete poses a potential problem.

Want to add a bathroom to your garage? How about adding a powder room in the basement? A bathroom addition means you need proper plumbing, and often in these types of spaces none exists. You simply have a cold concrete slab and a bit of a dilemma: Do you give up on your bathroom dreams or cut through the concrete to put in the conventional below-floor drainage and piping necessary for a bathroom?

Cutting through concrete is not something to be taken lightly. Before you hire a contractor or rent a jackhammer and concrete saw, remember these red flags.

5 reasons to avoid cutting concrete

Cutting concrete undermines structural integrity: When you cut a slab you compromise the foundational integrity of the building. You may be able to patch the hole so it’s aesthetically appealing, but the floor will not be as solid as it was to begin with. Plus, if your home sits on ground that’s less than solid, such as sand, it may settle differently after the cut.

Cutting concrete is never perfect: You may need to cut a circle, square or rectangle into a floor for burying a sewage ejector and its waste-storage basin, but that perfect shape will inevitably crack on the edges and fray outward in unintended directions. Once a stress crack is created, it can extend into the footing or into the walls.

Cutting concrete is unpredictable: It is difficult to know the depth of the concrete and whether it sits on rocks or a ledge, as well as if it contains rebar or tension cables. You can cause major damage if you accidentally cut one of those cables, so many professional contractors use an X-ray machine to determine the positioning of the cables, which is an additional cost.

Cutting concrete creates leaks and seepage: Once a stress crack is generated, radon and ground-water penetration are major issues, with the latter bringing unwanted moisture and mold problems as well. You don’t need a major flood to trigger these hazards. A higher-than-usual water table, because of extended wet weather, could be the culprit.

Large amounts of dust: Breaking through concrete generates a large amount of noise and dust. The noise stops when the jackhammers and saws shut down, but the dust doesn’t fade as quickly. That’s because it is not conventional household dust, but a thick particulate that gets into the central air system, which means it can be around for a long time if not properly handled.

Consider smart alternatives

Beyond these red flag reasons, cutting concrete can be time-consuming and expensive. The actual expense of cutting concrete depends on the size and complexity of the job, as well as local labor availability and rates. In some parts of the nation, the per-foot rate may be a few hundred dollars; in others, $1,000 or more.

If you want to add a bathroom but avoid cutting concrete and the associated cost, consider Saniflo above-floor plumbing technology. Macerating (also called up-flush) plumbing systems can be installed right on top of the existing floor virtually anywhere in your home.

How do macerating systems work? Waste and water from a toilet, tub or sink are pumped through small-diameter piping, rather than flowing down like conventional plumbing. The up-flush system doesn’t store waste like a sewage ejector system; waste and water move out of the house to the septic or sewer system with every flush.

Saniflo macerating toilet and plumbing technology can be installed right on top of concrete slabs, which means no costly cuts or messy, time-consuming extra steps. If space is a problem, these bathrooms can easily be installed in a closet or the area beneath a stairway. Learn more at