5 ways to make your morning routine eco-friendly


(BPT) – In a sea of plastic bags and exhaust-filled commutes, it can be overwhelming to remind yourself to be environmentally responsible and reduce your carbon footprint, especially during busy times like the morning. You slept through your alarm, the kids wouldn’t get dressed for school, your train has been delayed another 10 minutes — sustainability is often the last thing on your mind when trying to get out the door.

No matter how hectic your morning may get, consider integrating these five easy habits into your daily routine for small ways to make a big impact.

Shower smart. Replace showerheads and leaky faucets as soon as they begin to drip. Take advantage of fixtures that can reduce overall water waste. The EPA estimates that by replacing just one showerhead with a WaterSense certified model, the average family can save up to 2,900 gallons of water every year, or the amount of electricity needed to power its home for 13 days.

Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth. While this might seem like a no-brainer, 42% of Americans report leaving the faucet on when brushing their teeth, according to a Google survey, which can waste up to four gallons of water each time. Colgate’s Save Water initiative estimates that every morning, we have the power to save up to 542 million gallons of water as a country with this small behavior change, based on U.S. Census data. Your water utility bill will thank you too.

Save your breakfast scraps. You may have to crack some eggs to make your morning omelet, but that doesn’t mean the eggshells need to go to waste. The idea of composting may seem intimidating, but there are several breakfast scraps, like coffee grounds and eggshells, that can enrich your garden’s soil as is. Sprinkle them in your flower bed to give your plants, and your karma, a boost.

Unplug your electronics. As you’re getting ready to begin the day, look around your house and consider unplugging any unnecessary appliances. The easiest way to reduce the amount of “phantom energy” that is likely contributing up to 10% of your electric bill, according to Berkeley Lab? Invest in power strips that you can easily power down before you head out of the house.

Use a reusable coffee mug. You don’t have to ditch your morning jolt of caffeine, but you also can help combat the 100 billion disposable cups sent to U.S. landfills each year, according to Associated Coffee. Put down the single-use cup, grab a to-go mug and enjoy your coffee. Bonus points if you choose organic or night-shade coffee.

Visit https://smiles.colgate.com/page/content/everydropcounts to learn more about the environmental impact of turning off the faucet when you brush and join the 321,646 people that have already pledged to spread the word, saving up to 2,573,232 gallons of water every day.

All together now: 6 tips toward being a friendlier neighbor


(BPT) – In this age of political and economic uncertainty, many Americans are seeing the value of living in caring neighborhoods and acting as good neighbors.

One recent survey found 75 percent of Americans think it’s important to welcome new neighbors, 58 percent say it’s important for neighbors to socialize and 37 percent are more likely to seek help from a neighbor than a friend when it comes to small projects.

Further, the chance to meet others is often cited as a primary reason why millennials prefer living in urban neighborhoods. The survey found 58 percent of millennials have had face-to-face interactions with their neighbors, while 40 percent wish they were better connected than they already are.

Interested in becoming a better inhabitant of your own neighborhood? Consider these suggestions aimed at promoting a kinder, friendlier environment.

  • Introduce yourself. Take the first step toward being better acquainted. Instead of avoiding contact when in your yard or out for a walk, shake hands, say hi and make an effort to remember people’s names. Even when in-person contact is brief, it can go a long way toward helping people feel connected and more like friends than strangers.
  • Take new neighbors housewarming gifts. Make newcomers feel wanted and welcome by acknowledging their arrival with a thoughtful gift. One meaningful and sure-to-be-welcome idea is a beautifully fragranced soy candle from Bright Endeavors, a Chicago-area nonprofit that employs young mothers. Every purchase helps empower young women by teaching them crucial job training and giving them the skills needed to gain permanent employment and provide for their children.
  • Give new families contact info for neighbors and neighborhood amenities. Include phone numbers for emergency services, doctors’ offices, dentists, schools, babysitters, entertainment options, sources of great takeout food, dry cleaners and any other assets you think may be helpful. People will appreciate your insider view into local amenities, and they’ll be more likely to communicate key information to others if their contact info is readily available.
  • Organize a neighborhood event. It could be as simple as a front-porch open house or as strategically planned as a neighborhood cleanup, but any gathering that brings people together to socialize is bound to create goodwill and a friendlier neighborhood vibe.
  • Stay aware of who needs help. When possible, organize meal delivery, dog walking, transportation and/or other assistance for neighbors going through tough times. Teaming up to help others may make your neighbors feel more connected, and people on the receiving end of such kindness tend to pay it forward.
  • Live by the golden rule. Treat your neighbors as you would like to be treated. Clean up after pets and kids, drive through at reasonable speeds, don’t be overly loud, mow at reasonable hours, return anything you’ve borrowed and generally stay aware of how you’re coming across to others.

In a world that can sometimes feel overwhelming, it can feel good to live in a neighborhood that feels more like a community than an anonymous collection of strangers. Consider how you can take initiative to create warmth and peace within your own neighborhood.

Find more information about Bright Endeavors and its full line of premium candle products at BrightEndeavors.org.

New Technology Strives to Ensure a Properly Fit Football Helmet For Every Player


(BPT) – The NFL receives the highest television ratings of all pro sports, and football continues to have the highest rates of participation for high school boys in the country (compared to other sports), yet the dangers of playing the game have never been more visible. As a result, parents are hesitant to give their kids permission to play. The irony of this safety ‘enlightenment’ for the game of football is that coaches, community leaders and companies are stepping up to plate to deliver solutions that make the game safer than ever before.

One solution that is possibly the most well-known yet most difficult to implement is a properly fitted football helmet.

No one knows this better than Mike Weatherby, who suffered a serious concussion while playing college football. “My concussion was pretty bad,” says Weatherby. “After the injury while inspecting my equipment with the equipment manager, we determined I was playing with a poorly fitted helmet. I became very interested in football safety and have wanted to make a difference ever since.”

A proper fit is essential

A proper-fitting helmet is essential to the safety of football players of all ages. However, this is easier said than done. Filling helmet liners to the right levels can be cumbersome and time-consuming, not to mention it’s difficult to know deflation rates or when an air liner is faulty.

That’s why Weatherby developed HelmetFit, an app-based technology compatible with all Schutt and Riddell helmets. You can use the hardware and app to automatically capture and save a player’s custom fit at the start of the season. Then you can use the system to refit a helmet without the player actually being there in about 20 seconds, streamlining the process. This makes a proper fit easier than ever to maintain, ensuring more consistent and proactive helmet fitting checks.

Further, the accompanying app provides records of fit history, including the date and time of each helmet inflation. This makes for easy reference and supports ongoing safety of programs.

Having a baseline setting not only saves time, but helps ensure a proper fitting helmet every time a player steps foot on the field. A collection of programs from across the country like Princeton University, The United States Naval Academy, University of Pennsylvania, Ohio State, the Miami Dolphins and high school programs from New Jersey to California are using HelmetFit with great results.

Naval Academy Associate Athletic Director & Director of Equipment Greg Morgenthaler states, “HelmetFit was a game changer for us. The product gives our guys the flexibility to air up our guys for a safe and effective fit throughout the season.”

“We owe it to football players of all ages to make the game as safe as possible,” says former executive of the top two helmet manufacturers, Riddell Sports and Schutt Sports, JC Wingo. “The technology has finally caught up with the sport, and it’s critical for every youth league, high school, and college team to equip their players with the solutions available to improve their safety overall.”

Next steps

Even the highest-end football helmet won’t do its intended job if it’s not fit properly to a player. While no helmet is concussion-proof, a properly fitted helmet can help make a difference in the safety of a player. Learn more at helmetfit.com.

Three Easy Ways to Brighten a Cancer Patient’s Day


(BPT) – Despite the many advances in treatments and more promising survival rates for some cancers, many patients living with cancer often experience the darkness that can come with the disease.

“Cancer treatments can be physically and emotionally challenging to manage, so support from friends and family is critical during this time,” says Meredith Barnhart, a licensed clinical social worker and director of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Information Resource Center. Barnhart leads LLS’s team of social workers, nurses and health educators who provide blood cancer patients and caregivers with free personalized information and support tailored to their specific diagnosis and needs. “Cancer survivors with a strong support system tend to have a more positive outlook and often report a better quality of life,” she says.

If someone close to you is battling cancer, you might be feeling helpless. Here are three easy ways to brighten a cancer patient’s day.

Organize a “Random Act of Light” surprise.

LLS has created a movement called Random Acts of Light, designed to bring light to those dealing with cancer and feeling overwhelmed by the darkness that can come with a diagnosis, by surprising them with a special experience. In addition to brightening someone’s day, you’ll be creating awareness for the critical need to find new treatments and cures for cancer patients. You can share your surprise, however big or small, by posting it on social media channels using the hashtag, #RandomActsofLight. National Random Acts of Light Day is on June 13, but LLS encourages Random Acts of Light surprises throughout the year. To learn more, visit www.lightthenight.org/ways/random-acts-light.

Prepare a personalized nutritious meal.

There’s nothing like being surprised with a delicious and nutritious meal, especially when you might not have the energy to cook for yourself or your family. Good nutrition helps the body replace blood cells and healthy tissues that might be damaged by treatment. Before planning your surprise meal, it’s important to take note of certain foods to avoid, as many cancer patients might be on a restricted diet under the advice of their medical team. LLS offers free nutrition education and personalized consultations to all cancer patients and caregivers. Visit www.LLS.org/nutrition for more information.

Help drive forward the mission.

Get inspired to help more than one cancer patient or survivor by volunteering or fundraising for an organization fighting cancer, like LLS. Do it in honor of a loved one fighting cancer. Participating in a fundraiser to support cutting-edge research projects or volunteering to help create awareness can be especially meaningful for anyone touched by cancer. And doing it in honor of a dear friend or family member can provide the moral support and encouragement needed to cope with a cancer diagnosis and treatment day-in and day-out. Fundraising and volunteering are inspiring and uplifting ways to help save lives as a community. From handing out water to marathon runners to training for a new challenge like a bicycle ride or mountain climb, there are so many ways to help in the fight to end cancer. To learn more, visit www.LLS.org/ways-to-help.

3 ways to shape up for summer


(BPT) – Summer is coming — and swimsuit season will be here before you know it. Now’s the time to do a quick assessment and create a routine to get your body ready for sun and fun.

By following three easy steps — reset, realign and repeat — you can commit to making changes to create a healthier you in time for summer.


Do a self-health assessment. Take time to reevaluate your goals and set new milestones. Achieving desired health goals requires you to be honest with yourself in regard to where you are at and what you want to achieve.

Are you just beginning a weight-loss journey? Or perhaps you’re looking to drop a few pounds? Once you’ve identified your goals, find a program that aligns with your everyday routine and empowers you to make healthier lifestyle choices.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to go at it alone. Find a program that uses technology to provide support and encouragement that helps you maintain healthy habits and routines. A digital solution can help you track progress and provide 24/7 accountability.


Now that you’ve identified your goals, hold yourself accountable! It’s easier to keep up with a routine that aligns with your lifestyle and doesn’t require drastic modifications. Using the right tools and technologies can also help in achieving your health goals. Amway’s BodyKey SmartLoss program, developed in collaboration with Louisiana State University’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center, makes it easy to integrate smarter, healthier lifestyle choices into your everyday routine. The program provides continual personalized feedback and support without the pressure of calorie counting.

“Weight-loss solutions are not one size fits all, so to achieve and sustain your weight-loss goals, it is important to use strategies that best fit into your everyday lifestyle,” said Kerry Grann, Principal Research Scientist, Amway Research & Development. “This might involve eating less, making better food choices, or a little bit of both. Using tools such as the SmartLoss Graph, step tracking and logging what you eat can make you more aware of the choices you are making, empowering you to identify what works and what doesn’t work in your journey to a healthier you.”


Once you’ve found the right solution, then what? Consistency is the key to achieving and maintaining your goals. Keep track of your progress on a daily or weekly basis to see how much you accomplish in shorter spans of time. BodyKey’s program has a free mobile app to help you track your journey and offers advice and guidance to keep you motivated to hit your daily goals. The app is available for anyone to download on the iTunes Store and Google Play.

The program helps users develop daily habits throughout their entire weight-loss journey. It offers a personalized eating plan that tracks weight loss and provides customized recommendations to help you every step of the way. With the convenience and accessibility of this program it’s easier to keep up your routine beyond the summer months.

“Accessibility and convenience are important when it comes to programs that assist with weight-loss management,” said Grann. “Having a digital program that tracks your progress can help you maintain daily habits beyond your desired summer goals.”

This summer take your health into your own hands by resetting, realigning and repeating healthy habits throughout the season and beyond. Proper weight management and discipline, supported by educational tools, will help you transform your everyday routine and help achieve a healthier you. Programs such as BodyKey SmartLoss can help you take control of your weight-loss journey so you can look and feel your very best this summer.

Staying on track: 3 ways to spring into a healthy summer


(BPT) – Lacking culinary inspiration? Telling yourself that you will start going to the gym “next week?” Binge-watching TV rather than tackling a crossword puzzle?

We can often be our own biggest hurdle when it comes to making healthy decisions. But sometimes all it takes is a gentle nudge from a friend or a fun new idea to spark your motivation. Below, find three simple ideas to help you live your best life and boost your mental and physical health.

Staying active: Squats

Squats are one of the most important exercises we can do. And most of us do squats multiple times a day — think sitting down to dinner or standing up to get a drink of water. Squats help ensure both your leg and stabilizing muscles stay strong and your range of motion stays wide, so those mindless daily activities, stay that way.

1. Stand tall and place your feet shoulder width apart.

2. Squeeze your glutes and lower yourself down and back toward the ground. Try to drive your knees out slightly as you squat down.

3. Straighten back up to standing and repeat.

To take a more active role in your health, some health plans, including UnitedHealthcare, offer gym memberships at no additional cost. To learn more, visit UHCMedicarePlans.com. Consult your doctor prior to beginning an exercise program or making changes to your lifestyle or health care routine.

Staying healthy: Sheet-pan roasted salmon with vegetable hash

Salmon is one of the best foods we can eat to keep our brain healthy. Enjoy this delicious recipe; best of all, there is only one pan to wash!

Servings: 2


  • 2 cups butternut squash, cubed (1/2 inch)
  • 1/2 cup red onion, roughly chopped
  • 2 tablespoons, plus 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 8 ounces Brussels sprouts, trimmed and roughly chopped
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 2 (6-ounce) salmon fillets


1. Heat oven to 450 F. Spray a large rimmed baking pan with cooking spray.

2. Arrange the butternut squash and onion in pan. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon oil, 1/4 teaspoon salt and the pepper; toss to coat. Bake for 15 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, combine the Brussels sprouts, 1 tablespoon oil and remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt.

4. Remove vegetables from the oven and add Brussels sprouts to the pan.

5. Stir to combine. Return to the oven and bake for 10 minutes.

6. In a small bowl, whisk together the mustard and brown sugar until smooth. Brush mustard mixture over both pieces of salmon.

7. Remove baking pan from oven. Move the vegetables over to one side of the pan and place the salmon (skin side down) on the other side. Bake for another 12 to 14 minutes, or until salmon is cooked to desired doneness and vegetables are browned.

Health facts: calories: 579; total fat: 31 grams; saturated fat: 4.5 grams; cholesterol: 105 milligrams; sodium: 904 milligrams; carbs: 39 grams; dietary fiber: 6 grams; sugar: 13 grams; protein: 45 grams

Staying mindful: Word scramble

Keeping your mind active and engaged is one of the best ways to help fend off memory loss. Brain games, like word scrambles, are fun ways to help keep your memory sharp.

Try unscrambling the words below. Hint: Summer.







Plans are insured through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or one of its affiliated companies. For Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans: A Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract and a Medicare-approved Part D sponsor. Enrollment in these plans depends on the plan’s contract renewal with Medicare.


4 home upgrades, suitable for the whole family


(BPT) – With a bustling household and busy family schedules, updates to the home are often a low priority compared to time spent with loved ones. Consider four home improvement ideas fit for the entire family, which require little time commitment and deliver long-lasting benefits.

1. Pick paint colors that age well. Paint can dramatically transform a space, so when you choose a color, pay attention to tones that age well. While kids are drawn to bright hues, reach for colors that are soft on the eyes. Choose colors that work in harmony, like whites and blushes; charcoals and blues; and sages and taupes. To maximize wall space, consider chalkboard paint for calendars, to-do lists and a creative outlet for kids to draw. With the proper equipment — plenty of painters’ tape, goggles and mask filters — painting can involve the whole family.

2. Choose multipurpose shower fixtures. Whether you are a parent, caregiver or pet lover, the bathtub and shower are multi-functional spaces. To accomplish daily household tasks such as bathing kids, washing furry friends or cleaning the shower, choose the Delta In2ition Two-in-One Shower. The fixture has a combination shower head with a detachable hand shower with five spray settings, which provides all family members with flexibility and a drenching shower experience. H2Okinetic Technology offers three times the coverage of a standard shower head. Plus, with a sleek transitional design, this upgrade adds an element of style to the bathroom.

3. Stay safe with smart features. Beyond the appeal of high-tech gadgets, smart home devices encourage eco-friendly choices and safety for the entire family. Start simple with voice-enabled lightbulbs, customized to control each room of the house. The kids can prompt the speaker to turn off lights in their rooms when not being used. As an added layer of home security, install a video doorbell to teach the family to practice awareness when the doorbell rings. Consider smart locks to lock and unlock doors, receiving notifications when a family member comes and goes — all from the convenience of your mobile device.

4. Contain your cupboards. Consolidate food storage bins with collapsible containers to provide easy organization when packing lunches, storing leftovers and meal prepping, without having to search for a lid that fits. In the pantry, store tiny boxes of food, such as baking mixes and bags of spices, in clear boxes as a way to spot your supply and avoid scattered or spilled ingredients. In cupboard areas that are most visited, consider a rotating tray so nothing hides in the back to spoil, freeze or be forgotten, while also maintaining order when hungry little hands are searching for snacks. Spice cabinets, beverages in the refrigerator and snack drawers are the perfect starting point.

These upgrades will have your family functioning in a design-forward, eco-friendly and highly organized fashion in no time.

6 reasons you need more bananas in your life


(BPT) – Bananas are a tasty snack that many people eat regularly without much thought, but there’s more to the iconic yellow fruit than just its convenience and color. Bananas are a superfood loaded with nutrients and have been enjoyed worldwide for hundreds of years. In fact, there are many reasons to consider eating more bananas.

Versatility: Bananas are one of the most versatile foods available. They come in their own container and you can eat them right out of the peel. You can slice up fresh bananas to enhance favorite snack foods, like cereal, yogurt or smoothies. They are a natural alternative to sugar to sweeten desserts and can be used in a variety of recipes, including savory ones. They are even tasty dried and eaten as banana chips.

Nutrient powerhouse: Bananas are not only a powerhouse for potassium with nearly 10 percent of the recommended daily value, but also boast many other nutritional benefits. Just one banana has 35 percent of the daily recommended B-6, which helps with cell growth. In addition, you’ll be giving your body important vitamins and minerals like magnesium, manganese, vitamin C and copper. Bananas are also a good source of antioxidants to support a healthy immune system.

Don’t believe the sugar rumors: Bananas are a wonderful source of natural sugars (the good kind) and carbohydrates, which help provide sustained energy. It’s a common misconception that bananas aren’t as healthy due to the higher sugar content, however, the natural sugars in bananas come with fiber, which slows digestion and gives the body time to use it as fuel instead of storing it as fat.

Low-fat, low-cal: Bananas have no fat, cholesterol or sodium, making them ideal for nutritious eating as well as a good option if you’re on many specialty diets. Plus, they’re just 100 calories per banana, providing you all-natural, long-lasting energy. Whether it’s a snack or addition to a recipe, you can feel good about eating bananas.

Digestive health: Bananas are often one of a baby’s first foods. They are also one of the first things we eat when we are sick. Why? Because they are soft to chew and easy to digest. In fact, bananas can support digestive health thanks to their pectin level that acts as a fiber. If you prefer your bananas a bit on the unripe side, you’re also in luck because unripe bananas contain higher levels of resistant starches, which are a soluble fiber.

Banana bread: One of the most popular ways to bake with bananas is banana bread. What many people might not know is the history of the moist, sweet loaf featuring the classic yellow fruit. Banana bread is the creation of thrifty housewives during the Great Depression who had to stretch their family’s food supplies, including utilizing overly ripe bananas.

Recipes have evolved over the years to include different ingredients and fun variations, such as adding in nuts, chocolate chips and flavoring like almond and vanilla. Try this classic recipe to treat your friends and family.

Chiquita Banana Nut Bread


4 ripe Chiquita bananas
3 eggs
1 cup almond flour/spelt flour
2 tablespoons honey or maple syrup
1/4 cup pecans
1/4 cup walnuts
2 tablespoons baking powder
2 tablespoons ginger powder
1 teaspoon vanilla powder
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1 can coconut milk (13.5 ounces)
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon vanilla powder


Purée 3 bananas with a hand mixer. Scoop the bananas into a big bowl.

Chop nuts coarsely. Now add all other ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Pour batter into greased pan. Cut the fourth banana lengthwise in half and place the slices on top of the batter.

Bake loaf for about 45 minutes in oven.

The night before, put the coconut milk in the fridge (to separate fluid from cream). Scoop only the top layer of cream from the can into a big bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of vanilla and mix it until you get a smooth mixture. Serve with the loaf.

3 tips for creating a durable summer lawn


(BPT) – Grass is a highly resilient plant, but even the healthiest lawn will require some TLC to help it keep up with the high-traffic summer recreation season. Follow these three tips for improved summer durability to make sure your yard bounces back quickly from whatever you throw at it — whether your activity of choice is a rowdy game of flag football or a leisurely backyard dinner party.

  • Don’t stress; cut less. As a rule of thumb, when you mow your lawn you should never cut more than one-third of the grass blade height at a time. Scalping a lawn will cause stress, which can create problems all summer. To best protect your lawn before a high-traffic activity, mow at the tall end of the recommended range. For most grass species, this means increasing the mowing height to around 3 inches. Leaving a little extra length will also provide more cushioning for the soil and your guests’ feet.
  • Fertilize correctly. When your lawn starts to brown in the summer, don’t throw fertilizer on it. Fertilizing in the spring and summer favors shoot and leaf growth at the expense of root growth, which is key for creating a healthy, hardy lawn. Feed your lawn twice per year (plan for mid-May and mid-September), with the spring application featuring slow-release nitrogen fertilizer to minimize excess growth. Still feel the need to fertilize? Simply leave the clippings on your lawn after you mow. This not only saves time, but can provide up to 25% of the lawn’s fertilizer needs.
  • Water properly. Instead of watering a little every day, water more deeply twice a week — aiming for a total of about 1 inch of water per week, including rainfall — to help the water penetrate the root zone and then dry out a little in between waterings to keep good oxygen in the soil system. This will create a resilient, low-water lawn with a strong root system that will thrive and require less watering during the hottest months. If you’re planning to host a large gathering on your lawn, avoid watering for two or three days beforehand, but then water immediately after. A drier lawn will help protect guests’ shoes, better support furniture and other structures and minimize damage from heavy traffic — especially if you’re playing yard games.

“A natural grass lawn creates the perfect setting for a whole host of outdoor activities for the entire family,” said Bryan Ostlund, executive director of Grass Seed USA, a coalition of American grass seed farmers and turf specialists. “If you’re lucky enough to have a grass lawn, use it! Spending time outdoors is good for both mind and body.”

So take advantage of your green oasis and gather on the lawn to eat or play together. If you’re looking for games, children’s classics like tag or flag football might be the first activities that spring to mind, but a quick search on Pinterest will show that the possibilities are truly endless. Bring out the bubbles, Frisbees, Hula-Hoops and kites. Pitch a tent, spread out a blanket or just lie on the grass.

Whether you’re playing, entertaining or relaxing, there are countless reasons to get out on your lawn, and a bit of maintenance will make sure your grass is up for whatever the summer may bring. With proper mowing, fertilization and irrigation, a healthy lawn can stand up to a surprising amount of traffic.

How to display the U.S. flag with respect and pride


(BPT) – Flag Day is celebrated every year on June 14 to commemorate the adoption of the U.S. flag on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. After decades of state and local celebrations across the country that date as far back as the early 1900s, Flag Day was officially established by President Woodrow Wilson in 1916. However, the designation was not written into law until 1949 when President Harry S. Truman signed an Act of Congress officially establishing June 14 as Flag Day.

In advance of its 100th anniversary this year, the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) will celebrate Flag Day with pride, but the organization — which has been around since there were only 48 stars on the flag — believes the American flag should fly high and proud throughout the year and be celebrated every day. It symbolizes the pride of our nation and serves as a constant reminder of those in the military who fight to protect our country and our freedom.

The flag has led our troops into battle, inspired creativity and patriotism, and has served as a symbol of our country, our form of government and our freedom for more than 240 years. It has withstood difficult weather conditions and unimaginable assaults and remains flying outside our businesses, our schools, our government buildings, at our outposts around the world and on the moon.

It is strong and resilient, just like the American people. In a world with so much unrest, our flag serves as an enduring reminder of our strength and the privileges of freedom and stability we enjoy in the United States.

On Flag Day, take time as a proud American to show your patriotism, your strength and your support for the veteran community by celebrating our nation’s flag the right way. As you raise your Old Glory this Flag Day, remember these simple U.S. Flag Code rules:

  • When hoisting or lowering the flag, salute or place a hand over your heart.
  • Display the flag vertically from sunrise to sunset, whether indoors or outdoors.
  • The flag should not be displayed on rainy days, unless it is an all-purpose flag.
  • When lowered, the flag should never touch anything beneath it.

Flag Day is a perfect opportunity for Americans to demonstrate their patriotism by supporting our veterans, military and their families. Celebrating those who serve our country is core to the American Legion Auxiliary’s values and the central focus of the organization’s activities. For nearly a century, the organization has been honored to serve, educate and support those who serve our nation in the military. Last year, ALA members donated 5 million hours of community service to our nation’s veterans. Members contribute time and funding to advocate on veterans issues, mentor youth, award scholarships, support shelters for homeless veterans and volunteer at local U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals.

To learn more about celebrating Flag Day and flag etiquette, visit ALAforVeterans.org.