Money flip or flop? How to avoid falling for online scams


(BPT) – Scammers are always cooking up creative new ways to separate people from their money. The sad reality is that it often works. The latest schemes involve so-called “money flipping,” and it’s showing up in consumers’ newsfeeds on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and even via text messaging.

Keep these things in mind when you see an enticing post or are randomly approached by someone about any form of money flipping or “get rich quick” schemes:

1. Trust your gut

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. You can ignore the testimonials with photos of big piles of cash, the fancy cars and the flashy jewels they displayed with captions of their “success” — scammers may tell you that they work for a money transmitter and have “tricks” on how to double your money. However, monetary systems cannot be “manipulated” by adding a few “extra 0s” to any transaction in an attempt to turn a small investment into big money in minutes. Cons claim they will keep a percentage of the profit as commission, but as soon as a victim sends the upfront investment money, they will unfriend or block you on social media, not answer texts or calls and disappear with your dough without a trace.

2. Don’t be fooled by a text from a “friend”

Even if a text or SMS appears to be from someone you know, if someone’s asking you for money for any reason, you should think twice before taking action. If you really think it’s from a friend or a social media acquaintance, contact them directly in another way (by phone, via email or in person) to confirm the situation. Chances are that it’s really a hacker who is masquerading as someone you really know to try to convince you to take the bait.

3. Use your head

Does it seem realistic that someone could turn your $200 into $2,000 by the end of the day? If it were that easy, surely everyone would be doing it. If it doesn’t make sense to you, that’s because it’s nonsense. While common sense should tell us that this is a scam, you should also consider how it would be legal if it did work. In this instance, there is no logical, legal way that such a scam could be effective and legitimate. Never let your emotions blind you to these facts. Even if it were possible to modify the amount of a transfer, it would be criminal to defraud a legitimate business by participating in this scheme. Never invest in something you don’t totally understand.

4. Remember that you don’t really know who you’re talking to

Even if the person posting on social media or messaging you says that they work in the financial industry, or that they’ve successfully made wads of cash and are just sharing their good fortune out of the kindness of their heart, remember that you have no idea who that person really is, even if they insist they want to get you a good deal or help you get rich quick.

5. Never click any links or give out personal information

Someone trying to scam you on Instagram or any other social media site will often lure you into a continuing conversation over text or SMS, then try to get you to click a link to a compromised site — or may even try to get you to reveal personal info like your bank account or Social Security number. Anyone asking you for your money or sensitive financial details is not a giver, they’re just a taker.

Flip burgers, flip pancakes — just do not try to flip your hard-earned cash! Never give money to anyone promising to make you quick and easy money. There is no such thing as free money.

For more tips and awareness information about consumer fraud, visit: If you believe you may be a victim of fraud using Western Union, call the Western Union Fraud Hotline number at 1-800-448-1492.

The Prescription for Happy, School-Ready Kids [Infographic]


(BPT) – With summer upon us, many kids have more free time for play — but how do you make the most of playtime? Read more to learn about new research from Boston Children’s Hospital’s Center on Media and Child Health and Hasbro that links certain types of play to positive child development.

How to discuss money with your date


(BPT) – Should you ask someone their credit score on a date? There’s actually an online dating app that’s based on one’s credit score. Maybe it’s not a bad idea.

Apparently, members of the millennial and Gen Z generations agree. With student loan debt at an all-time high, it’s understandable that young adults are more willing to discuss finances than previous generations — even on the first date.

According to a Bankrate survey, millennials are nearly twice as likely to feel comfortable discussing money with a romantic partner — even sharing credit scores and exchanging stories about debt.

Young adults today are coping with the largest burden of student debt of any generation, plus stagnant wages and often limited support from parents who may have been hit hard by the recession. It’s no wonder money is on their mind — and an important consideration when choosing a partner.

If you’re a millennial or Gen Z, what do you need to know about finances? Here are ways to determine if the person you’re dating has a responsible attitude when it comes to debt, credit and finances.

Are they a responsible borrower?

When discussing where you went to school, it’s very common to bring up the subject of student loans and how you’re coping with debt. As they say, misery loves company. You each can share tips and resources that have worked for you. Create a bonding moment out of something you both may be struggling with and learn a few tricks along the way.

Are they living within their means?

One way to cope with debt is to make sure you’re not taking on more. Perhaps after you’ve dated a little while, you may feel safe to bring this topic up. This is something you may be able to subtly pick up in conversations along the way. This is a two-way street, so you must be open sharing your saving plan, goals and debt situation. Being the first person to share can help your partner feel more at ease.

Do they know and understand their credit score?

Your credit score reveals how potential lenders see you. Did you know that traditional credit score models don’t take into account the fact that millennials and Gen Z may have higher assets and income, but are reluctant to take on more debt due to their student loan burden, and so may reflect less credit history? A story in USA Today reported this last year.

A fun tip to share with your date: the VantageScore model assesses younger borrowers more fairly. Over 2.5 billion VantageScore credit scores were provided directly to consumers last year, and you — and your date — can get your free credit score at

Do they think about the future?

Your date may be surprised when you ask how they imagine their retirement, but this can be a great indicator of their financial mindset. If your date sports a flashy wardrobe but gives no thought to the future — or assumes they’ll be wealthy enough to retire at 50 with no current plan — they may not be thinking it through. See if they have similar retirement goals and outlook as you. Keep the conversation light and breezy. You’re just getting to know each other and it’s OK if they have a different financial mindset than you. You can only control your own actions.

Knowing how someone handles their finances can be an indicator of their maturity level and their character. Do they take responsibility for their obligations, or are they just winging it? How far you decide to commit to the relationship may largely depend on what you discover about their attitudes toward money. Understanding your debt situation is the first step toward planning for the future. For more information and helpful tips, check out the VantageScore podcast at

How a small device can offer more breast cancer treatment options for women


(BPT) – A diagnosis of breast cancer comes as terrifying news, and according to the American Cancer Society, one in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime. However, for many women, it’s not necessarily a hopeless diagnosis. With today’s technology and medical advances, the odds of surviving are now much higher than decades ago.

For anyone who is grappling with the shock of this diagnosis, Dr. Anne Peled offers a unique perspective that can be helpful: She’s a board-certified surgeon at the Sutter Health California Pacific Medical Center and a breast cancer survivor, so she truly knows what it feels like to receive this life-altering news.

When faced with a breast cancer diagnosis, she says that it’s important to research your options, so you and your caregiver can design a treatment plan that will offer the best results and minimize negative side effects. “Not only will this benefit your outcomes, but it will give you peace of mind with the choices that you make,” she says. “I remind myself of that a lot, and it’s something I absolutely share with my patients.”

For women undergoing a lumpectomy or breast-conserving surgery, one of their main concerns — in addition to survival — is how their breasts will look and feel post-surgery. One option Dr. Peled frequently offers to women in that position is a medical device designed to both fill and mark the cancer site after surgery. During her own breast cancer treatment, she opted for the BioZorb® 3D bioabsorbable marker, and she routinely recommends the device to her patients. For patients who are good candidates for breast-conserving surgery, the BioZorb marker can be an incredibly useful tool.

How this small device plays a role in breast cancer treatment:

Peled explains the BioZorb marker works like a GPS for the site of the cancerous tissue, which allows a more targeted, precise treatment designed to minimize damage to healthy tissue.1

  • When the cancer is removed from the breast, this 3-D device is placed in the cavity left behind by the removed tissue and sutured into place.
  • The marker has small titanium clips that show up clearly on clinical imaging devices such as mammography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). According to research published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, 96% of radiation oncologists have reported that the marker improves accuracy in setup and boosts targeting.2
  • As healing commences and fills the space with healthy tissue, the framework starts to dissolve, leaving the titanium clips in place.3

Benefits of using a 3-D marker:

1. Helps women feel more secure about choosing breast-conserving surgery

Women who are faced with a breast cancer diagnosis worry about radiation, its impact, and whether the cancer will return. For that reason, Peled explains, a woman may opt for a mastectomy because she perceives lumpectomies as having a higher chance of recurrence.

Having the BioZorb marker in place, however, can ease some of these worries because “radiation oncologists may be better able to target their radiation,” she says. The possibility of having fewer side effects, the higher quality imaging and the results make women feel better about having a lumpectomy.

2. Improves patient outcomes

Some women may also worry about how their breasts will look following a lumpectomy. Thankfully, the BioZorb marker is designed to potentially improve the cosmetic outcome of women’s breast cancer surgery. The 3-D design holds the shape of the cavity left by the removed tissue and creates a scaffold for new tissue ingrowth, which fills the cavity left by surgery.3 This can potentially minimize dimpling and help the breast maintain a more natural shape during recovery and beyond. What’s more, clinical experience shows the marker is not painful and is well tolerated by patients.4

3. Eases follow-up care

Over time, the framework of the BioZorb marker absorbs into the body, leaving behind the titanium clips. “The clips stay stable year after year for imaging, which I love,” Peled says. This stability is especially important for women, as traditionally placed clips may move over time. During follow-up mammograms, the clips allow radiologists to easily locate and check the previous cancer site.

Weighing the options carefully

Peled says it’s understandable to want to give in to that first urge to get the cancerous tissue out immediately. But taking the time to explore your options can prove to be worthwhile in the long run. Thanks to new treatment plans, these choices can help ensure the best possible outcomes for survival while also minimizing side effects and improving cosmetic results.

“Once you’re on your path and you figure out what your treatment plan looks like, there is this huge feeling of relief and security,” she says. “It allows you to move forward from your diagnosis.”

To learn more about the BioZorb 3D bioabsorbable marker, visit


*Not to be considered medical advice

**Opinions expressed are solely those of the clinician

1 IFU FDOC-01-00 rev F

2 Kaufman CS, et al. Registry Study of 337 Bio-Absorbable 3-D Implants Marking Lumpectomy Cavity Benefit Cosmesis While Targeting Radiation. Poster presented at the Society of Surgical Oncology Annual Cancer Conference March 15-17, 2017.

3 Kaufman CS, et al. Clinical use of a three-dimensional tissue marker to target post lumpectomy radiation. J Clin Oncol 33, 2015 (suppl 28S; abstr 53).

4 Glaser C, et al. A New Method for Marking the Lumpectomy Cavity during Oncoplastic Surgery and Breast Conservation. Presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 2013.

©2019 All rights reserved. Hologic, BioZorb, The Science of Sure and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Hologic, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. This information is intended for medical professionals in the U.S. and other markets and is not intended as a product solicitation or promotion where such activities are prohibited. Because Hologic materials are distributed through websites, eBroadcasts and tradeshows, it is not always possible to control where such materials appear. For specific information on what products are for sale in a particular country, please contact your local Hologic representative.

Refrigerator organization 101: 4 tips for reducing food waste


(BPT) – Fresh ingredients can turn any meal into a masterpiece. But there’s nothing more disappointing than finding fresh, farmer’s market produce spoiled in your refrigerator before you use it.

Food waste is a growing concern for Americans. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, over one-third of all available food is thrown out, wasting about one pound of food per person every day.

Did you know that how you organize your refrigerator can prevent food waste by keeping your items at peak freshness? Simply keeping items in view can be half the battle, but new innovations in refrigeration make the whole process easier.

These four tips for refrigerator organization will help ensure your items are stored correctly, helping your food stay fresher, longer.

1) Reduce overcrowding

Many foods are commonly refrigerated that do not need to be, which leads to overcrowding and the likelihood that items may become lost or buried. Knowing the best place to store your food for maximum freshness enables you to more efficiently organize your refrigerator.

By storing fruits like whole melons on the counter, you’ll not only optimize flavor, but also have more space in the fridge. The same goes for tomatoes and avocados.

Bread dries out in the refrigerator and nuts can lose their flavor. Store these items in a cool space along with your potatoes, onions and garlic, again freeing up space in the fridge.

Condiments like hot sauce or soy sauce containing a lot of vinegar or sodium (which prevent bacterial growth), as well as coffee, can be stored in your pantry. Storing these foods elsewhere means more room for the items that really need refrigeration so you can maximize space.

2) Store produce correctly

Avoid washing fresh vegetables or berries before refrigerating, as moisture can spoil produce faster. Store produce that emits ethylene gas — part of the natural ripening process — like apples, ripe bananas and tomatoes, separately from ethylene-sensitive produce like peppers, leafy greens, peaches and avocados. Storing them together can cause the sensitive produce to spoil faster.

Tip: Choose one drawer for fruits and one for vegetables with heavier items on the bottom to prevent delicate items from being crushed.

Look for refrigerators with innovative systems that help preserve produce. New Bosch counter-depth refrigerators, for example, utilize a four-point FarmFresh System that features technologies to help keep your food fresher, longer. VitaFreshPro offers pre-programmed freshness settings that automatically optimize temperature and humidity levels at the touch of a button to remove the guesswork. A FreshProtect Filter slows the ripening process by absorbing naturally occurring ethylene gas emitted from fruits and vegetables. MultiAirFlow circulates cool air for a consistent temperature, while AirFresh Filter absorbs unwanted odors, ensuring optimal freshness.

3) Make things easy to see

Store leftovers and other foods in clear storage containers so everything is visible, marking containers with the date. Avoid shelving shorter items behind taller items, which makes them virtually invisible. Instead, store items on shelves suited or adjusted to their height, arranging similar items together so they’re easier to find.

So, how can the right refrigerator make things easier? The Bosch French Door Bottom Mount counter-depth refrigerator brings your contents into view with LED lighting from corner to corner. Its customizable FlexBar provides a solution for typically unused space in the upper cavity by raising items up and offering the ability to rearrange shelves so small condiment jars, eggs, wine bottles and more have an easy-to-see-and-reach home. The refrigerator also provides a full-width chiller drawer, split adjustable shelving and gallon door bins for larger items.

4) Avoid freezer burn

Reducing air exposure prevents freezer burn. Double-wrapping items in foil or plastic wrap helps, but any food left in the freezer too long may develop freezer burn. Although eating food with freezer burn isn’t harmful, it can ruin the ingredient’s texture and flavor.

Tip: Date frozen food and use oldest items first.

While the design of many bottom mount freezers can result in a dark bottomless pit that is difficult to organize, the new Bosch French Door Bottom Mount refrigerators offer an illuminated three-tier freezer design, allowing you to open the freezer and easily see everything quickly. With three layered drawers that easily slide in and out, no matter what you choose to store in each tier — a large turkey in the bottom, Friday night pizzas in the middle or butter and Popsicles on the top — this thoughtful design ensures nothing will become lost or buried in the freezer.

Managing change is crucial for success


(BPT) – Whether you’re a small-business owner, a manager at a mid-sized company or CEO of a large corporation, you’ve had to cope with constant change over the course of your career, and you’ve learned at least one thing: More change is inevitable.

Between the constant evolution of technology, shifting corporate cultures, changing consumer expectations and global challenges, change is the one constant you can rely on. Effective change management has become crucial for successful leaders of any size business, requiring a complex skill set and a mindset that’s focused on the needs of employees as they cope with change.

Employees and business leaders alike can have responses to change that are as unpredictable as the change itself. Some employees embrace change, eager to make the most of what they see as unlimited potential. Others fear it, worrying that everything they thought they knew no longer applies. Most fall somewhere in the middle, feeling wary or skeptical of change — and looking to their leaders for clues as to how things are going. Leaders need to take the reins and show the way through the change, with a clear vision of the ultimate goal, even if the path to get there is less than clear.

What techniques can business leaders use to become more effective at change management? The training experts at Dale Carnegie offer some guidelines.

1) Evaluate

Before the proposed change is implemented, carefully evaluate both the opportunities and potential risks from the change. Careful planning can anticipate and avoid possible surprises, limiting a domino effect of one change causing further disruptions.

2) Coordinate

Because too much change at once can be overwhelming for anyone involved, coordinate efforts with all the other stakeholders, making sure to include anyone who will be affected in the planning as well as implementation of the change.

3) Commit resources

Plan to commit enough time, funding and preparation for everyone who may need to take on new responsibilities as part of any change initiative. One of the most common reasons people resist change is lack of confidence, so make sure your employees have the skills required to handle any new challenges.

4) Get leaders on board

Ensure that all the leaders in your organization are fully committed to the change. Consider how it will affect them by taking their point of view. Ask questions and make sure every leader is involved in the process to ensure success. All of the organization’s leaders will be responsible for communicating the desired vision for the change initiative, and employees will look to them to understand the need for this change.

5) Communicate

Make sure everyone in the organization understands the need for the change, and can visualize how things will be different once the change is implemented. Focus on the company’s goals and communicate how those goals will be better met as a result of this change.

6) Be others-focused

Try to see things from the point of view of others in the organization. Focus on the opportunities for individual growth that change can bring, and help everyone look to the future.

7) Be cooperative

Show respect for the opinion of others, and ask questions instead of giving orders. Remember that those closest to the situation often have the best ideas and solutions.

8) Enhance trust

Build trust before it’s needed by being consistent, honest and true to your own values and principles. If employees trust leaders, they will be more likely to positively embrace proposed changes.

9) Magnify improvements

Focus on what’s going well, no matter how small those improvements may be, and give prompt, sincere and specific praise. Communicate your praise publicly, and connect those achievements to the overall vision of the organization.

As Dale Carnegie once said, “Keep your mind open to change all the time. It is only by examining and reexamining your opinions and ideas that you can progress.”

Mid-level or experienced business leaders seeking to hone these and other skills can enroll in A Leader’s Guide to Managing Change in the Workplace to further develop ways to become a successful change manager.

For more information about the complete training program, Leadership Training for Results: Unleash Talent in Others, visit

Top wildfire prevention tips


(BPT) – Everyone who loves the outdoors knows the impact humans can have on their environment, and this is especially true when it comes to wildfires. According to researchers from Swansea University’s College of Science, wildfires destroy 4% of the Earth’s surface each year. It has also been estimated that 84% of all wildfires are caused by humans, according to researchers from the University of Colorado. Rising worldwide temperatures and weather extremes have further increased the incidence of fires. From campers who get outside and explore our forests and parks, to backyard chefs tending the open flames of their grills, responsible use of fire is critical to preventing accidents like those seen around the world in recent years.

This sense of responsibility and a growing global urgency to help combat the devastating effects of wildfires inspired Zippo to take action. As creator of one of the most famous flames of all time, the iconic American brand is intimately aware of the power of fire. Zippo has teamed up with WOODCHUCK USA, creators of sustainably sourced wood-based products, as part of the BUY ONE. PLANT ONE.® program. The partnership means that one tree will be planted for every windproof lighter sold from the Zippo Fight Fire with Fire collection.

The program is part of a long-term vision to support reforestation efforts in the aftermath of fires around the globe, beginning this year in Madagascar. As the fourth largest island in the world, Madagascar has had 90% of its original forests destroyed. Reforestation will create habitats for endangered species, help absorb carbon, halt erosion and flooding — and bring back healthy farming and fisheries.

Lucas Johnson, Senior Brand Manager, Global Marketing at Zippo, states, “Temperatures are at the highest level on record and wildfires are affecting almost every continent on Earth, but unlike most natural disasters, the majority of wildfires are caused by humans. According to National Geographic, in the U.S. alone there are around 100,000 forest fires each year, clearing up to 9 million acres of land. The Zippo windproof lighter gives people the power of portable fire, but with this comes responsibility.”

For individuals using fire, especially in regions susceptible to wildfires, it’s vital to follow practical safety measures. Here are some tips to help prevent wildfires:

Camping and the outdoors

When creating a bonfire, use a pre-made fire pit if available, or make a fire pit cleared of all vegetation with a boundary such as a circle of stones. Remove excess dead leaves or other potentially flammable debris from the area before lighting the fire.

Never leave a fire, lantern or cook stove unattended, especially overnight.

If the weather is windy, don’t start a fire — the risk is too high, as the embers can be carried across great distances and risk setting vegetation alight elsewhere.

When you’re finished with the fire, grill or stove, be sure to douse it thoroughly with water. Stir the coals or ashes to be sure all heat has been extinguished, and smother the campfire with dirt.

If you see fire that appears unattended or out of control, call 911 or the local park service right away.

In the backyard

Check and follow all local ordinances regarding fires, whether for recreation or burning yard waste.

Make sure the grill or bonfire is not near or underneath branches or other vegetation, or too close to your home.

For a fire pit, clear all grass, dead leaves or other possibly flammable material, and create a clear boundary for the fire using stones or bricks.

Consider fire risk when landscaping and maintaining your lawn and garden. Especially if you live in a wildfire-prone region, consult the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Firewise website for practical fire prevention tips such as using fire-resistant plants and creating a defensible zone around your home.

Consistently remove dead and dry leaves, pine cones and other plant material that could fuel a fire as part of your regular lawn maintenance.

Keep bushes and trees regularly pruned of dead branches.

Don’t use fire on a windy day, as the risk for fire spreading is too great.

If celebrating with fireworks, keep water and/or a fire extinguisher handy and spray down nearby grass and other vegetation before lighting fireworks. Be sure to thoroughly douse used fireworks with water. Don’t use fireworks at all if the weather is windy or if your area is under a Red Flag Warning.

Making a difference

Following these precautions to use fire responsibly is one way everyone can help prevent devastating wildfires. Every individual has the power to make a positive impact.

To learn more about how Zippo is making a difference, visit their YouTube channel. And to support Zippo’s efforts to help counter the effects of deforestation caused by wildfires, check out the Zippo Fight Fire with Fire collection.

Take the time to learn how you can contribute to the fight against wildfires in your area and beyond, to help protect the planet for generations to come.

How you sleep affects your health – and could give you wrinkles


(BPT) – As you drift off to sleep, how does your nightly position affect your health?

Whether you prefer stomach, back, side or curled into a fetal position, the way you snuggle into the pillow may affect your breathing patterns, neck and back pain, and circulation. A less-serious effect, but one most people would probably like to avoid, is an increase in facial wrinkles.

Sleeping position pros and cons

Here are some of the pros and cons of go-to nightly postures, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

1) Back: Lying on your back and assuming a neutral body position typically results in the least amount of strain on your head, neck and spine. But studies show links between back sleepers and snoring, so if this is something you are prone to, try flipping to your side. Also, sleeping on your back is not a good choice if you have sleep apnea, because your tongue can fall back, narrowing the airway.

2) Side: Side-sleeping, which is the most common position for adults, helps to open our airways to allow for steady airflow to the lungs. Researchers have found resting on the side may boost brain health, at least when monitoring the sleeping patterns of laboratory animals, but a separate study showed the potential for increased wrinkles in side-sleepers.

3) Fetal position: The fetal position helps improve circulation and is a good bet for people who tend to snore. Be sure not to curl too tightly as you drift off, however, as it may cause difficulty breathing.

4) Stomach: Sleeping on your stomach may make breathing regularly a challenge because airway passages could be compromised. Others may experience neck pain or tingling in joints and muscles due to poor circulation, which is a common challenge for people with diabetes. To help avoid putting pressure on the spine, tuck a pillow under your pelvis to keep a neutral lumbar position. One other negative: Enhanced wrinkles may be a side effect of stomach slumber.

While changing your default sleeping position is no easy task, you can help the process by supporting your head and legs with pillows designed for your ideal position.

“Regardless of your go-to sleep position, getting adequate rest is important to all aspects of your health,” said Dr. James Metcalf, a medical director with UnitedHealthcare Medicare & Retirement. “Hours of slumber enable our bodies and minds to recharge. Talk with your doctor if you’re having trouble getting a good night’s sleep.”