What is Your Period Telling You? The Truth about Uterine Fibroids


(BPT) – This content is sponsored and provided by Myovant Sciences and Pfizer Inc.

Menstruation (your period) is a normal and necessary process for the human body – yet stigma around menstruation remains common. While it’s a completely natural and well-known process, menstruators often feel embarrassed or uncomfortable openly discussing their period and its symptoms or purchasing menstrual products.[1] A nationwide survey of over 13,000 Americans between the ages of 19-48 conducted by Myovant Sciences and Evidation Health in 2019 found that about 1 in 5 female respondents do not feel comfortable talking about menstruation with their healthcare provider.[2,3] As a result, people with health conditions associated with menstruation may go undiagnosed, suffer in silence, and may not seek treatments to help their symptoms. Over 80% of female survey respondents also reported that they have experienced heavy menstrual bleeding or menstrual pain at some point in their lives.[2] Abnormalities in your period like heavy menstrual bleeding may be signs of uterine fibroids – a condition that occurs in about 70% of menstruators by the onset of menopause.[4]

What are uterine fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths that develop in or on the walls of the uterus.[5] There are several different types of fibroids, such as intramural, submucosal, and subserosal, which are defined by their location in the uterus.[5] Estrogen contributes to their growth and research shows factors such as your genetics may also play a role in the disease.[5] Black women are also more likely to experience uterine fibroids than white women.[6] While not all people with uterine fibroids have symptoms, fibroids can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, pain, and anemia that may impact quality of life.[7]

What is a heavy period?

Heavy menstrual bleeding, commonly known as heavy periods, can be defined as more than 80 mL in a cycle (approximately 1/3 cup – i.e., soaking through one or more pads or tampons every hour for several consecutive hours).[8] Other signs and symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding may include needing to wake up to change your sanitary protection during the night, bleeding for longer than a week, and needing to restrict your daily activities due to a heavy flow.[9] Some menstruators also experience menstrual pain and cramps along with heavy menstrual bleeding.[10] If you experience these or any other symptoms that feel abnormal, listen to your body and talk to your doctor.

When and how can you seek a diagnosis?

Accepting heavy menstrual bleeding and pain as “normal” or “just how things are” should not be the standard for how people think about their cycle. If you are experiencing pain or if you think your flow may be heavy, it may be worth discussing with your doctor. The first step in seeking a diagnosis is scheduling a pelvic exam. Depending on size and location, uterine fibroids may be found during these exams. If your doctor is unable to feel any fibroids through a manual exam, they may also use imaging technology, such as ultrasound, to identify them.[5] Once these tests are complete, discuss your results with your doctor. If you are diagnosed with uterine fibroids, you can then work together to come up with the most appropriate plan for you.

What are your options?

Talking to your doctor about your symptoms, seeking a diagnosis and learning about your options for care are important steps you can take. Medication can be used to help treat some of the symptoms associated with uterine fibroids, including newer options such as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists, which can decrease heavy periods associated with fibroids.[11] Other treatment options include minimally invasive procedures, which may destroy the fibroids, as well as surgery, such as hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus) or myomectomy (removal of fibroids from the uterus).[11] If you think you may have uterine fibroids, talk to your doctor about your specific situation and what treatment option may be right for you.


  1. Casola AR, Kunes B, Jefferson K, Riley AH. Menstrual health stigma in the United States: Communication complexities and implications for theory and Practice. J Midwifery Women’s Health. 2021;66(6):725-728.
  2. Voices of periods: Hear their stories, help end period stigma. femaleforwardtogether.com. Accessed January 12, 2022. https://femaleforwardtogether.com/state-of-the-cycle/.
  3. First-of-Its-Kind Nationwide Survey from Myovant Sciences and Evidation Health Captures Impact of Menstrual Stigma and Symptoms. Myovant.com. Published October 17, 2019. Accessed January 12, 2022. https://investors.myovant.com/news-releases/news-release- details/first-its-kind-nationwide-survey-myovant-sciences-and-evidation.
  4. Stewart EA, Cookson CL, Gandolfo RA, Schulze-Rath R. Epidemiology of uterine fibroids: A systematic review. BJOG. 2017;124(10):1501-1512.
  5. Uterine Fibroids. nichd.nih.gov. Accessed January 21, 2022. https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/factsheets/uterine.
  6. Baird DD, Dunson DB, Hill MC, Cousins D, Schectman JM. High cumulative incidence of uterine leiomyoma in black and white women: ultrasound evidence. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2003;188(1):100-107.
  7. Marsh EE, Al-Hendy A, Kappus D, Galitsky A, Stewart EA, Kerolous M. Burden, Prevalence, and Treatment of Uterine Fibroids: A Survey of U.S. Women. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2018;27(11):1359-1367.
  8. Apgar BS, Kaufman AH, George-Nwogu U, Kittendorf A. Treatment of menorrhagia. Am Fam Physician. 2007;75(12):1813-1819.
  9. Heavy menstrual bleeding. ACOG.org. Accessed January 12, 2022. https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/heavy-menstrual-bleeding
  10. Borah BJ, Nicholson WK, Bradley L, Stewart EA. The impact of uterine leiomyomas: a national survey of affected women. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2013;209(4):319.e1-319.e20.
  11. ACOG Committee on Practice Bulletins—Gynecology. Practice Bulletin No. 228: Management of Symptomatic Uterine Leiomyomas. Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Jun 1;137(6):e100- 115.

Home fires affect tens of thousands each year: 5 tips to protect your family


(BPT) – Nobody wants to believe a catastrophic event like a fire can happen to them, but home fires affect tens of thousands of families every year. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), home fires occur more in the winter than during any other season. Take the following steps to ensure your family and home are protected from the unexpected.

1) Test, maintain and replace.

Correct smoke alarm placement, regular maintenance and alarm replacement are essential parts of a comprehensive fire safety plan. Once alarms are installed on every level and in every bedroom, test them regularly, change the batteries every six months if battery-powered and be sure all alarms have a battery backup if hardwired. If you can’t think of when you last installed your smoke alarms, chances are, it’s time to replace them. Smoke alarms don’t last forever and need to be replaced at least every 10 years. When it’s time to replace your alarms, install alarms with a 10-year sealed battery that eliminates late-night battery chirps and battery replacements for a decade.

2) Plan and practice your escape plan.

Installing smoke alarms is step one, but knowing what to do when they go off is vital to your home safety plan. Involve everybody in your household when developing an emergency escape plan. Collectively identify two exits out of each room, including windows and doors, and set a dedicated meeting spot outside. Once outside, stay outside and call 911. Be sure to practice your escape plan with your entire family at least twice a year.

“When developing an escape plan, it’s important to prioritize escaping, leaving all personal belongings behind,” said Ashley Gocken, a home safety expert with First Alert, a leader in residential fire safety. “The planning process helps families practice how to safely evacuate children, pets and anyone in the household needing special assistance.”

3) Identify your exit.

Doors are a great way to gauge the closeness of a fire. Before opening a door, feel the doorknob or higher on the door with the back of your hand. If it is hot, or if there is smoke coming around the door, leave it closed and use your second way out. If you decide to open a door, do it slowly and be ready to shut it quickly if heavy smoke or fire is present. If you can’t get out, cover vents and cracks around the door with clothing, towels or newspapers to keep smoke out. Call 911, stay where you are and signal for help at the window with a light-colored cloth or flashlight.

4) Stay low.

If you encounter smoke while escaping from a fire, consider using an alternative escape route. However, heavy smoke and poisonous gases collect first along the ceiling, so if you must escape through smoke, drop to the floor, crawl on your hands and knees and keep your head 12 to 24 inches above the floor.

5) Close windows and doors.

Before bed or when leaving home, you should always close windows and doors as a preventative measure. This is important because oxygen will allow fires to continue to grow if a fire does start. Closing windows and doors holds back the radiating heat of fire for a short period. If a fire breaks out when you are home, focus on your escape plan rather than closing windows and doors. This allows you a better chance to escape and can also improve otherwise untenable conditions.

To learn more about how to keep your family and home safe from fire, visit FirstAlert.com.

Older adults are more vulnerable in house fires – here’s what to do


(BPT) – Fire safety is important for all ages, but it’s especially crucial for seniors. The more advanced in years, the higher the risk related to fire safety and evacuation.

From January 1-31, 2022, adults aged 50 and older accounted for approximately 50% of known age fire fatalities in the U.S., according to the United States Fire Administration (USFA).[1] Older adults are at increased risk from home fire injury, by age 65 they are at 2.5 times the risk and by 85 at 4 times the risk as compared to the population at large.

To address this concerning trend, Kidde is sharing critical fire education to help older adults and their caretakers have confidence in their safety. Notably, older populations are growing rapidly. According to the AARP, 10,000 people turn 65 every day in the U.S.[2] This also adds to an already robust U.S. population; reported by the National Institute on Aging, 39.5 million people are over 65 years of age, including 5.6 million people at 85 plus.[3] These statistics demonstrate the importance of this safety initiative.

Seniors are particularly at risk to home fire injuries due to a variety of factors like living independently as well as decreased mobility and other sensory functions. In fact, older Americans are more likely to live alone in the U.S. than elsewhere in the world, according to the Pew Research Center.[4] When living alone, older adults may be unable to install and maintain smoke alarms. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 40% of people aged 65 and older have at least one disability,[5] which could impede their ability to adequately maintain their home safety and security systems.

Additionally, in today’s home environment, where common items are made from synthetic materials, occupants have as little as two minutes to escape. Escaping is even more critical with home fires burning eight times faster and producing 200 times more smoke than a fire would have 50 years ago.[6] Making sure seniors are effectively prepared and equipped to evacuate quickly can be lifesaving.

“Keeping older loved ones safe is a priority. We encourage older adults and caretakers alike to take preventive steps, such as ensuring residences have sufficient alarm coverage and everyone in the home knows what to do in case of a fire or carbon monoxide emergency. These important and critical steps can save lives,” said Sharon Cooksey, Fire Safety Educator for Kidde.

Kidde shares the following advice for older Americans and their caretakers:

  1. Keep escape essentials close by. Escaping quickly can be challenging for many older adults and according to the USFA, the majority of fatal fires occur when people are sleeping. Also, glasses, hearing aids, canes or wheelchairs should be kept close to the bed at night so they can be easily accessed in an emergency. In bedrooms, there should be a cell phone and charger nearby along with a local emergency number if anyone is ever trapped by smoke or fire. Keep a flashlight and whistle near the bed to signal for help.
  2. Use first floor bedrooms. Bedrooms for seniors should be in a room on the ground floor to make an emergency escape easier.
  3. Check escape routes. In case of an emergency, doors and windows in the home should open easily, locks and pins should open from the inside. Know how to operate emergency release devices on any security bars on doors and windows, and check that windows haven’t been nailed or sealed shut with paint. If they have, arrange for someone to break the seals and remove nails.
  4. Caution in the kitchen. Seniors are more likely to suffer injuries in kitchen fires compared to the rest of the population, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Never leave cooking unattended and turn off all oven and burners once finished. Also, consider programming kitchen devices to automatically shut off appliances after a set period.
  5. Consider interconnected alarms. Interconnected alarms “talk” — when one alarm in the group sounds, they all sound simultaneously. Interconnected alarms provide the earliest notification — additional escape time is especially important to some older adults. Bed shakers and strobe alarms are options for those with advanced hearing loss.
  6. Test alarms. Make sure alarms are in audible range. Test alarms weekly, yes, weekly, and make sure all occupants can hear the test sounds in each room. If not, install more alarms to ensure coverage. At a minimum, alarms should be installed on every level of the home, in every bedroom and outside each sleeping area.

If you have questions or are unsure, local fire departments or your State Fire Marshal’s office are great resources for free safety inspections. For more in-depth information on fire safety for seniors visit, visit Kidde.com/SeniorSafety.

5 Healthy Oral Care Habits to Protect Big Kid Teeth


(BPT) – It seems like just yesterday their grins were all gums. Now your kids are proudly showing off their transforming smiles and their new permanent teeth. No matter how big they get, parents always want to help their children smile with confidence. Oral health is important at any age, but as permanent teeth start to come in, it’s critical to help keep your child’s smile strong and healthy as they continue to grow.

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), “Many parents are surprised to learn that tooth decay can begin as early as age 1. Children with tooth decay are far more likely to develop immediate and long-term oral health issues, including pain, infections, difficulty speaking, problems eating food, tooth discoloration and even tooth loss.”

It’s important for kids to build healthy habits to prevent future decay and ensure healthy strong teeth for life. Here are some important tips from Linda Parra, DDS and Crest Kids to keep your child’s teeth strong, healthy and protected.

Dr. Parra is a mom and dentist and provides the following tips for parents to help them protect their kids’ teeth.

1. Establish Big Kid Habits

Age 6 comes along with major oral health responsibility. Not only is this the age that most kids begin to lose their baby teeth, but it is the time when they begin to develop manual dexterity skills to brush on their own, with a little supervision by you, of course. This is also a great time to upgrade to an electric toothbrush to be just like the adults in the household. Have kids show you how well they can brush on their own to help foster independence and establish lifelong brushing habits.

2. Follow the Two Minutes, Two Times Per Day Rule

Every morning and night (two times a day) have your kids brush their teeth with a fluoride toothpaste for two minutes to ensure healthier teeth, remove plaque buildup and avoid cavities. Add some fun to this routine by pretending to be superheroes as you brush away your plaque nemesis. Other ways to make brushing fun include using their favorite tunes to ensure they regularly brush for two minutes twice a day or playing Simon Says as you have them switch between upper, bottom and fronts.

3. Choose the Right Big Kid Toothpaste and Brush

As kids start losing their baby teeth and getting their permanent teeth, it’s important to teach them good oral care habits from the start and give them the proper tools for success. New Crest Kid’s Enamel + Cavity Protection Toothpaste is specially formulated for growing adult teeth (kids 6-plus) and works by protecting and re-hardening tooth enamel.

“We want to grow those teeth strong and keep them that way! I love Crest Kid’s Enamel + Cavity Protection toothpaste because it creates a 24-hour enamel shield that protects teeth from sugars and acids. It’s the latest innovation from Crest and I recommend it to all my patients. Introducing a ‘big kid’ brush, like the Oral-B Kids Electric Rechargeable toothbrush, creates the perfect duo, as the toothbrush fights cavities with 75% more plaque removal than a manual toothbrush,” said Dr. Parra.

4. Encourage Whole Body Health

Taking care of your body is important for good oral health. Encouraging a healthy balanced diet and plenty of fluids will help growing kids keep their teeth sparkling clean. Help kids make smart choices like avoiding carbonated beverages like soda and instead opting for water, explaining that sugary beverages can erode the enamel on teeth.

5. Be Proactive for Strong and Healthy Smiles

Although little ones grow fast, it’s important to make sure their teeth stay strong through all the milestone moments. Whether it’s losing their first tooth, graduating kindergarten or playing in their first soccer game, good oral care practices can ensure a winning smile for all of life’s extraordinary moments.

By starting good habits young and modeling a proactive attitude toward oral health, you’ll set your kids up for a lifetime of healthy smiles. To learn more about how you can win a sample pack of Crest Kid’s Enamel + Cavity Protection Toothpaste, visit www.crestkidscavityprotection.com.

4 steps to reach your saving goals


(BPT) – Whether you’re planning for a short-term goal (e.g., emergency fund, home project) or a long-term goal (e.g., retirement), planning can help you succeed.

“It’s never too late to start making savings a priority. We want to help our members meet their short- and long-term goals, and there are several ways they can get started,” said Jaspreet Chawla, Senior Vice President of Savings Products at Navy Federal Credit Union.

1. Make SMART goals

A SMART goal can help you make a plan you can achieve. It can help you focus on what it will take to reach your goal and make a plan that’s doable. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely. So, whether you’re saving for a new phone or a down payment on a house, make your goal specific, set a deadline, decide what it will take to reach it and then make sure it’s realistic.

2. Find ways to make small changes

The next step in your plan should be to look at how much you can afford to save and if there are expenses you might be able to cut.

For example, are there subscriptions or streaming services you don’t use? Can you ask insurers, or services like internet or phone providers, for a discount on your plan? If you make small changes gradually, you’ll be more likely to stick to your plan.

Keep in mind, cutting back on certain expenses doesn’t have to be forever — you can choose some for a temporary break.

3. Separate and automate your savings

It can be easier to see your progress if you set up two accounts: a checking account for regular bills like rent, student loans and car payments and another account for everything else.

Once you’ve decided what you can afford to save, consider setting up an automatic transfer. You’ll only have to do it once and then your savings will grow automatically.

“This is a guaranteed way to boost your savings,” explained Chawla. “If you have direct deposit, consider sending a set amount into your savings each pay cycle. This way you’ll be consistently saving without even thinking about it.”

4. Earn more on your money

If you’re looking at short-term savings goals (e.g., a dream vacation), you might want to consider putting your money into a certificate account. In general, certificates typically earn higher dividends than regular savings accounts, so you may reach your goal even sooner than you expected.

“By making small, habitual changes over time, you will set yourself up for success — it’s never too late to start,” added Chawla.

The best time to start building your future is now. Making SMART goals can help make saving more doable.

Navy Federal is federally insured by NCUA.

Heart health: A focus on fish


(BPT) – When it comes to heart health, lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise make a huge impact. As one of the most important organs in the body, keeping your heart in tip-top shape is essential. Luckily, according to registered dietitian Bianca Tamburello, foods that support a healthy heart are also great for overall wellness. Here’s how you can make simple changes to swerve your diet in a heart-healthy direction by eating more fish.

Fatty fish is best for heart health

Fatty fish, including salmon and tuna, are among the best foods for heart health. In fact, an analysis from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), looked at over 20 studies and found that eating one to two 3-oz servings of fatty fish per week decreases the risk of dying from heart disease by 36%. Why fatty fish? Tamburello explains, “Fatty fish are rich in omega-3s or good fats that may help improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels and even prevent clogging of the arteries. All these factors help decrease heart disease risk.” For the most omega-3’s per serving, look for farmed salmon from Chile. Farmed salmon tends to be higher in omega-3 fats than other types of salmon.

Most Americans don’t eat enough fish

A surprising majority of Americans do not meet the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines recommendation to eat seafood, including fatty fish, at least two times per week. Tamburello says “Eating fish is linked to a lower risk of heart attacks and stroke. This means that falling short of weekly seafood goals is a missed opportunity for diet variety and overall wellness, particularly heart health.” Selecting and preparing fish may be intimidating and can be another barrier to eat seafood more frequently. Let’s talk about how to confidently choose heart-healthy fish like salmon.

Feel good about farmed fish

Look for farmed salmon from Chile. Not only is it high in heart-healthy omega-3 fats but it’s also sustainably raised and naturally low in mercury. According to a 2021 sustainability report released by Seafood Watch-Monterey Bay Aquarium, Chile produces more yellow rated “good alternative” salmon than any other country in the world. Choosing farmed fish, raised via aquaculture, also relieves pressure on wild fisheries and oceans. Preserving the health of our oceans is an immediate concern as projections show that natural fisheries may be depleted as early as 2056.

How to eat 2-3 servings of seafood per week

Eat heart healthy and reach your seafood goals with these simple tips.

  • Frozen is a great option and convenient for busy weeknight meals
  • Make a simple salmon sheet pan meal
  • Try a fish taco recipe
  • Make a big batch of cioppino, a delicious fish stew, on a weekend and freeze portions
  • Pair sushi grade fish with brown rice and cucumber for a simple poke-inspired bowl (no cooking!)
  • Enjoy smoked salmon on whole wheat toast for breakfast

If you currently eat seafood just a few times a month, start with a more realistic goal of one time per week and slowly work your way to two to three times per week, says Tamburello. Small diet changes over time can make all the difference for heart and overall health.

For more information about salmon and nutrition, recipes, and The Chilean Salmon Cooking Academy visit chileansalmon.org.

The true cost of an outage: How home standby generators add safety and savings


(BPT) – If you’ve experienced a power outage, you know how inconvenient it is. While a couple of hours without electricity may be a nuisance, any longer can become costly in many ways — and the level of impact depends on the length of the outage, which is completely out of your control.

From the aging power grid to severe weather events, power outages lasting over an hour or two are increasing, no matter where you live: According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, electricity customers experienced an average of eight hours of power outages in 2020, causing many to seek solutions like home standby generators.

“While storms have historically played a big part in the demand for home standby generators, things like aging grids, rolling brown-outs and the work-from-home trend are just a few of the reasons that we continue to see significant sales growth in standby generators in recent years, and this growth is expected to continue,” said Michelle Gross, Senior Director Marketing of Energy Solutions at Briggs & Stratton.

During longer outages, what might have been merely inconvenient can become a real hazard. Virtually everything in a home today relies on electricity. Beyond the lights, HVAC and refrigerator, homes may also employ smart home technologies, security systems and electric water pumps — all of which depend on electricity.

If you don’t have a home generator to keep your power on during an outage, what consequences could you face?

How a power outage can impact your pocketbook

Losing power creates problems you may not anticipate. This can include community-wide issues like disruptions to communication, transportation and business as well as individual household issues that are a major inconvenience to your family. An extended power outage could result in:

  • Food spoilage including meats, dairy and eggs
  • No lights, heating, air conditioning, running water or sewage pumps
  • Repairs due to flooding/frozen pipes
  • Mold and necessary removal
  • Risk of intrusion if your security system is inoperable
  • Interruptions to work/study
  • Cost of hotel stays for comfort and safety

As an outage extends on from hour to hour, so does the strain on a family’s time, comfort and finances. However, solutions exist to help you and your family mitigate — and even avoid — the impacts of a home outage.

How you can prepare for an outage

Being proactive can help restore your peace of mind. Here are three steps to take so you’ll be ready for severe weather or other emergencies that could lead to a power outage:

1. Create a home emergency kit

Preparedness experts recommend using a waterproof container to store clean drinking water, non-perishable food, flashlights and batteries, a first aid kit and more to be prepared for any emergency. See recommendations at Ready.gov/Kit.

2. Assemble a ‘go bag’

In some emergencies, evacuation is recommended or even required, so have a bag ready with items you’d need if you had to leave in a hurry. Some things will be similar to your emergency kit, plus personal hygiene items that you might need for staying in a shelter or hotel. It should be small enough that you can carry it.

3. Protect your home with a standby generator

Home standby generators differ from portable generators. Portable generators are designed for portable power needs, require manual set-up, do not turn on automatically and must be monitored for refueling every few hours. A standby generator, however, is permanently installed outside your home and connected to a natural gas or liquid propane fuel source.

Unlike portable generators used for camping or tailgating, home standby generators are designed to supply power for your entire home. They include an automatic transfer switch that seamlessly shifts your electrical circuits and appliances to the standby generator — within seconds of an outage.

With home standby generators, you don’t need to go outside or do anything to get it started. You don’t even have to be present, making them ideal for vacation homes or for those who travel frequently. They are set up to work automatically, day or night.

Learn how a home standby generator can save money and time while providing peace of mind at BriggsAndStratton.com.

Top 8 ways to improve heart health according to an interventional cardiologist


(BPT) – Most of us know that maintaining optimal heart health is essential to living a long, healthy life. Yet still, in the United States, heart disease is the leading cause of death, and we are not putting adequate attention toward prevention.

Fortunately, cardiologists, heart health experts, and new research have made it easier to take care of our health by providing simple guidelines on how to maintain optimal heart health even as we age.

Renowned Interventional Cardiologist and author Dr. Heather Shenkman emphasizes the importance of “making small, easy adjustments to your daily lifestyle that add up to transformative health benefits.”

1) Go for daily walks

Yes, just going on one walk a day is enough exercise to do your body good. Considering how busy our lives can be, it can be challenging to engage in intense workouts every day.

But thankfully, according to cardiologists and health experts, a moderate, quick 15-minute walk around the neighborhood is enough to contribute to a healthy heart and body as a whole.

“Benefits of a quick walk around the neighborhood are enormous,” said Metabolic Health & Vitality Specialist Tafiq Akhir. “The advantages go far beyond heart health; they include improved mood, reduced back pain, lower risk of blood clots, ease joint discomfort and so on.”

2) Get enough sleep

You likely already know how important sleep is for our overall health, but it’s also crucial to leading a heart-healthy lifestyle in particular. Poor sleep can negatively affect our cardiovascular health by interrupting our body’s natural recovery processes, causing changes in the blood vessels, slowing metabolism, and putting stress on our immune system.

3) Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water isn’t just necessary when we’re thirsty, or when it’s hot outside. Dehydration can negatively impact our cardiovascular system by reducing the amount of blood circulating throughout our body. Keeping our bodies hydrated helps the heart more easily pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles allowing them to work more efficiently.

“I usually recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces to stay hydrated,” says Registered Dietician Lauren Cornell.

4) Limit your salt intake

The American Heart Association recommends no more than 2,300 milligrams a day, but ideally, daily sodium consumption should be limited under 1,500 milligrams. This is much less than the amount most Americans consume; an average of over 3,400 milligrams each day. By reducing your daily salt intake, you can lower your blood pressure significantly. An easy strategy is to increase your potassium intake, which lessens the effect of salt. Include potassium-rich foods like fish, fruits and vegetables in your diet to balance your salt intake.

5) Cut out fried foods

While eating fried foods can be appealing to our taste buds, it can also be a complete heart health destroyer. According to a new study, eating fried food is tied to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. The greatest way to avoid these harmful effects is to reduce — or even eliminate — our intake of fried foods.

6) Consume probiotics

Those who consume probiotic foods such as yogurt or who take probiotic supplements have been shown to have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Fortifying and increasing your digestive capacity with probiotic-rich foods and supplements will help maintain great heart and whole body health, plus it will provide the essential nutrients you need to receive from your food.

7) Eat more beetroot

The benefits of beetroot come from its ability to raise nitric oxide levels in the body. Nitric oxide is a natural chemical produced by the body to widen arteries. The production of nitric oxide in the body can help lower blood pressure, promote healthy circulation, and give you better overall energy and heart health. Nitric oxide synthesis begins to slow as a part of normal aging, which is why many people turn to beetroot supplements to maintain healthy nitric oxide levels.

8) Take a supplement rich in fiber and essential vitamins

It can easily become overwhelming to ensure optimal heart health with the many requirements expected of us. That’s why adding a supplement that contains vitamins specifically designed for heart health can be the most effective way to promote heart and brain health, maintain appropriate weight levels, and encourage healthy circulation.

“In my practice, I combine healthy eating and exercise with an integrative approach to health by recommending CardioFitMD daily superfoods to my patients,” Shenkman explains. “It has all the vitamins and minerals, pre- and probiotics, nitric oxide, and fiber we are most deficient in, in one great-tasting daily drink.”

Retaining walls provide beautiful outdoor seating


(BPT) – Humpty Dumpty had the right idea when he sat on a wall, as segmental retaining wall (SRW) systems can be used to create beautiful, versatile outdoor seating solutions. Many businesses expanded outdoor seating out of necessity over the past two years, and retaining walls were up for the challenge.

Homeowners also prefer retaining walls for landscaping projects such as seat walls around a fire pit or to create a raised patio to replace a deck. Renowned for the ability to retain earth to prevent erosion and tame slopes to create buildable sites, SRWs, including the VERSA-LOK Retaining Wall System, are beautiful, durable and low-maintenance open-air seating solutions.

Dining al fresco

A beautiful outdoor living space is a wise home investment, and it’s also become a necessity for hospitality businesses. Many facilities lacking patios built temporary or permanent outdoor spaces for guests during the pandemic. According to the National Restaurant Association, outdoor dining is vital to the industry’s post-pandemic survival and expanding outdoor dining remains a critical need in replenishment of the Restaurant Revitalization Fund federal grant program.

After purchasing a tavern in Wisconsin, Darryl Holley hired Ziegler’s Landscapes by Design to build an outdoor entertainment area just a few weeks before the pandemic required temporary closure of the business. Landscaping was deemed an essential business and work continued. Ziegler’s created a low freestanding retaining wall that serves as seating for lawn game spectators and concert-goers. “The only regret we have is that we didn’t make the patio bigger,” said Holley. “Live music outside draws a lot of people.”

Homeowners in Stillwater, Minnnesota, wanted to replace an aging wooden deck while preserving the view of their woods. “With a raised patio design, you have many more design options,” said Andrew Lofboom, a landscape designer with Villa Landscapes. “We used VERSA-LOK to build the support for a paver patio on top. The cost of a raised patio can be less than replacing a deck, and it affords homeowners the option to expand in the future, such as adding an outdoor kitchen or seat walls.”

Lofboom chose the VERSA-LOK Standard retaining wall system because it makes both design and installation easier. With a mechanical pinning system and no hollow cores to fill, VERSA-LOK is renowned for versatility, durability and flexibility for creating curves, columns, multi-angled corners and tiers needed for stunning outdoor designs.

Sporting views

SRWs are surprisingly economical for stadium, stage and outdoor classroom seating at schools, parks and sporting venues. An amphitheater at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls was renovated with a VERSA-LOK Mosaic retaining wall system chosen to replace crumbling limestone seating on the slope across from the bandshell. The elements had taken a toll on the amphitheater, built in 1972 of local limestone. “Natural stone was out of our budget, so we went with VERSA-LOK,” said Joe McIntosh, a grounds supervisor.

When Lawrence, Kansas, school officials learned that aluminum bleachers could not be manufactured in time for football season at their new stadium and that they would run about $400 a seat, they searched for a faster and more economical solution. Landplan Engineering and Capitol Concrete Products of Lawrence showed the district that it could save $100-200 per seat by using VERSA-LOK Standard retaining wall units and finish the job in time for the fall season.

Retaining walls for the win

While SRWs are best known for site development, erosion control and transitioning slopes in a landscape, they also are a solid solution for outdoor seating. From sitting walls and raised patios to stadiums and tiered, bermed seating, retaining walls get the job done beautifully and on budget.

How the guarantees of whole life insurance can help secure your financial future


(BPT) – This year, many people are making financial wellness resolutions. From budgeting better to saving for a big-ticket item or investing more income into a 401(k), there are plenty of financial goals to choose. However, one that you’ve likely overlooked is whole life insurance.

According to the American Council of Life Insurers, 90 million families in the U.S. rely on life insurance policies for financial and retirement security. In addition to protecting dependents from financial hardship if the policyholder dies, many policies also accumulate savings that can be used to cover needs beyond funeral expenses.

Whole life insurance provides financial protection for as long as the insured policyholder lives. A whole life insurance policy, like that offered by Boston Mutual Life Insurance Company, is a type of permanent life insurance that accumulates value throughout your life.

Benefits of whole life insurance

There are three main benefits of investing in a whole life insurance policy.

1. Guaranteed cash value

Unlike term life insurance, whole life insurance accumulates a cash value that you can dip into during your life if a financial need arises. More importantly, as long as you pay your premiums, the cost of your policy will not increase, and the face amount and the interest rate are guaranteed.

To access the value of the account, you essentially take a taxable withdrawal or tax-free loan you can pay back. You can use the money as needed — such as to buy a car or put a down payment on a house. Even if you never access the cash value during your lifetime, it will act as a safety net that can be used in financial emergencies.

Whole life insurance can also supplement your existing retirement accounts, like your 401(k) or IRA account, helping you enjoy your golden years.

2. You own the policy

The policyholder owns their whole life policies for themselves and their family members, not their employer. If the person who holds the policy changes jobs or retires, they can take their policy with them and pay their premiums directly to the insurance carrier.

3. Support loved ones

Whole life insurance is guaranteed coverage for your whole life and can help support your beneficiaries. Depending on the size of your chosen policy, your life insurance policy can help set beneficiaries up for success and financial security by contributing toward college tuition, a home mortgage or short-term expenses such as funeral costs.

Also, life insurance payouts are not considered taxable income. If you pass while your coverage is in effect, your beneficiaries do not have to report the death benefit on tax returns.

Boston Mutual Life Insurance Company’s whole life insurance policy allows you to choose the amount of insurance or premium that best suits your needs and budget. Other benefits include:

  • Family coverage. Family coverage is available to cover spouses, children and grandchildren.
  • Guaranteed premiums. As long as you pay your premiums, the cost of your life insurance policy will not increase.
  • Portability. If your employment changes or you retire, you can keep the coverage and pay your premiums directly to Boston Mutual.

Invest in your and your family’s peace of mind. To learn more about life insurance products to fit your needs, visit BostonMutual.com.


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