Life after breast cancer: How to deal with numbness


(BPT) – During the initial shock of a cancer diagnosis, patients can be overwhelmed by all the decisions that need to be made. Staying alive and getting the cancer out are top of mind with little time to think about life after cancer. But what happens after the treatments, after mastectomy and even after breast reconstruction?

Thanks to advancements in treatment, patients are living longer. But now patients face a new set of challenges — the long-term impact to quality of life from treatment and surgery. One of those challenges is potentially facing the rest of their life with a completely numb chest.

Explaining post-mastectomy numbness

Sensation loss post-mastectomy is common, but why?

There are sensory nerves that run from the breast to the nervous system, sending signals that allow you to feel touch, temperature and even pain. But during mastectomy, these nerves need to be cut when the rest of the breast tissue is removed. If the nerves aren’t repaired during breast reconstruction, they can no longer send signals. No signals mean no sensation. And often, even reconstructed breasts are permanently numb.

Women often say they weren’t prepared for how numb they would feel after mastectomy or just how much it would impact their daily lives. (Reference: Crohan S, Campbell A. Breast Sensations Research Report. Inspired Health. October 2020. Report on file at Axogen.) Think of the awkwardness and discomfort you experience after leaving the dentist with a partially numb mouth. Now imagine feeling that all the time in a large portion of your chest, potentially for the rest of your life.

It can be more than an inconvenience. It can be a safety issue, too. Without sensation, you’re unable to gauge whether water is too hot or a seatbelt is too snug. You may not even be able to tell if your chest is injured while doing a physical activity. But perhaps worst of all, the sense of touch is gone. You may no longer be able to feel warm hugs from your loved ones or a child’s head resting on your chest. And you may be surprised by how much numbness may impact intimacy in relationships.

How can feeling be restored?

In the past, successful reconstructive surgery focused solely on restoring the appearance of the breast (recreating the size, shape, symmetry, softness). But restoring feeling and sensation has been largely ignored.

With advanced technology, a pioneering surgical procedure now exists that can help to restore sensation for breast cancer survivors and previvors post-mastectomy.

This surgical technique, called Resensation, is performed during breast reconstruction. Surgeons use a processed nerve allograft to reconnect the nerves in the chest that were cut during a mastectomy. The allograft then guides regrowth of nerve fibers and over time offers the opportunity to regain sensation.

What have women said about the procedure?

Women across the country have received this procedure helping them to regain sensation in their chest. They’ve stated that regaining sensation helped them feel more normal and more like their old selves, according to the Breast Sensations Research Report. In fact, 97% of women interviewed in a recent study who underwent Resensation:

  • Would recommend that a friend or family member explore neurotization options
  • Said potential rewards in terms of physical and emotional impact and quality of life outweighed potential risk of the procedure not being successful
  • Believe that restoring breast sensation should become standard of care for breast reconstruction

What’s next?

It’s important that doctors and surgeons have open conversations with breast cancer patients to discuss life after mastectomy and that losing sensation is a possibility. This allows patients time to consider their options, ask questions, do their research and understand that options exist to potentially restore feeling. A first step in this process is visiting to learn more about the procedure and hear from past patients.

How to close security gaps for your distributed organization


(BPT) – One of the most dramatic changes of the past two years has been the growth of distributed organizations — workplaces where employees are now working remotely 50% or more of the time. While employees and employers have come to appreciate that flexibility, a major concern with distributed organizations involves heightened cybersecurity risks. One of these risks is that employees working from home, coffee shops and other locations could be using unsecure networks. To help ensure that all workers are logging into company networks securely, it’s vital to have a rigorous security strategy that can adapt to evolving threats.

Here are tips to help close potential security gaps for your employees, no matter where they’re working.

1. Educate employees on security best practices

Your IT department needs to keep employees updated on the latest network security protocols, as well as alerting them to new threats. Make sure they educate all of your employees on a regular basis, so everyone keeps cybersecurity top of mind.

One of the biggest risks to your company is employees connecting to your network using an open home Wi-Fi network or unsecured public Wi-Fi network. Train employees on your organization’s best practices and protocols when accessing your company’s network.

Make sure everyone understands your company’s security measures when using their devices, plus best practices for avoiding phishing scams, reporting lost or stolen devices, creating password complexity and using multi-factor authentication.

2. Implement multi-factor authentication

Everyone has experienced forgetting a password — and may have reused passwords occasionally to avoid forgetting them. There’s even a name for it: password fatigue. But using complex passwords is even more crucial today, with cybercrime on the rise. Fortunately, there are ways to avert the risks created by password reuse. One tactic is to use a password manager, which generates complex passwords and keeps track of them for you. Another is to implement multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Multi-factor authentication is a digital identity verification system requiring users to pass more than one authentication checkpoint. To log into systems configured with MFA, you first enter your username and password, then you’re prompted to enter something else, like a one-time access code sent through an authenticator app via email or text. MFA is a fairly easy-to-implement system that can increase security systemwide, making it harder for bad actors to penetrate your network.

3. Use patch management

Patch management is a critical pillar of cyber defense, yet many organizations struggle with patching in their hybrid work environment. This is due to the lack of visibility into user devices, the frequency of new patches introduced by software vendors — and the need to leverage complicated workflows to manage patching across multiple operating systems.

Fortunately, Patch Management from JumpCloud gives IT admins greater insight into system vulnerabilities, allowing them to deploy automated patch updates and strengthen overall security. IT admins can use Patch Management to report on operating system patches and versions and see patch versions across their remote fleet, managing Mac and Windows updates and patches from the JumpCloud console easily and quickly.

“We know users don’t update their devices with bug fixes or security patches with any regularity,” said Greg Armanini, senior director of product management, JumpCloud. “This creates huge security gaps for every organization, especially those that are distributed, which is almost every organization today. Patch Management solves this problem, and delivers robust updates that improve security and enhance organization protection.”

“JumpCloud has been essential in consolidating our cloud directory, single-sign on, multi-factor authentication, mobile device management and more,” said Ricky Jordan, senior computer systems admin at Primitive Skate. “Patch Management removes a huge IT burden and lets us fortify our cyber defenses with greater control over, and insight into, system vulnerabilities. I can’t imagine trying to manage a modern workplace without JumpCloud.”

JumpCloud gives admins a single cloud directory platform to secure all their users in any device environment, wherever work happens. Visit to learn more.

Think Your Baby Should be a Model? Here’s How!


(BPT) – There is nothing sweeter than a precious, smiling baby. While some parents may be biased, claiming theirs is the cutest, all babies have precious traits that make them perfect in their own special way.

Carter’s, the most trusted baby brand for more than 150 years, is celebrating babies across the country with its first-ever “Baby of the Year” contest. The brand is conducting a nationwide casting call, offering parents and caregivers the opportunity to enter their little ones (up to 1 year old) in the contest. Each month, Carter’s will select a “Baby of the Month” who will be in the running for the coveted “Baby of the Year” title to become the newest face of the brand and win exciting prizes.

The brand recently announced its January “Baby of the Month” winner, Romelo Ball — an adorable little boy who loves to eat blended mangoes and play with talking teddy bears. Another fun fact is that he has eight siblings! What a lucky boy to have so much built-in love and best friends for life.

“As the go-to baby brand, families are always reaching out to us with photos of their babies telling us they should model for us and honestly, we agree! There are so many amazing babies out there, and we want to celebrate them and their inspiring stories,” said Jeff Jenkins, Executive Vice President, Global Marketing.

Carter’s search for its next fresh face is so much more than a cute smile. The brand is looking for cheerful, charismatic and inspiring babies that represent the future. In this new age of modeling, there is much more than meets the eye. Here are a few ways your baby’s contest entry can stand out and make an impact on the “Baby of the Year” judges panel:

  • Let their personality shine: They may not be able to speak just yet, but there are plenty of ways babies express themselves, whether through babbling, silly faces or gestures. Show off your baby’s uniqueness and what makes them so special!
  • What’s the story?: From the time of birth, every baby has their own special story — from where they live, to the family that surrounds them and how they were welcomed into this world. These stories should be shared and celebrated as a way to not only set your baby apart but build a more emotional, personal connection to the selection panel!
  • Made for the camera: Some babies inherently know when to “turn it on.” It’s true that you may need to snap dozens of photos to narrow in on your favorite shot, but babies certainly know how to work it, from an unknowingly witty smile to a mischievous smirk. Sometimes all you need is to capture the perfect candid moment.
  • Set the stage: While your baby is always the star, setting the perfect backdrop can help them shine. Create a cute scene with textured blankets and stuffed animals or simply dress to impress in an adorable bodysuit, accessories included.

For more information on Carter’s “Baby of the Year” search and prize offerings, visit While there, check out the brand’s signature adorable baby apparel and accessories that stand the test of time, all at an incredible value.

5 Nutritionist-Approved Tips to Support Your Gut Health


(BPT) – Aside from the traditional New Year’s resolutions we see many people make each year, gut health is taking center stage in 2022. A recent survey showed that 1 in 4 of today’s consumers are prioritizing gut and immune health in the new year.1 The nationwide survey conducted by the #1 probiotic brand for customer satisfaction, Jarrow Formulas, found that among those who reported feeling more stressed in 2021, over half (52%) are taking preventive measures to support their gut health, and 1 in 5 said immune health will be part of their wellness resolutions.1

“70% of the immune system lives in the digestive system2, and with all the challenges to our immune system today, nutrition is more important than ever,” said Jarrow Formulas clinical nutritionist and author Ken Babal. “While New Year resolution setting can often feel daunting as we set out on a new way of being, put into practice simple and small changes to your daily habits that can help improve your gut health and, in turn, enhance your overall well-being all year long.”

Here are Babal’s tips to help you reach your wellness goals for a happier, healthier 2022.

1. Feed your gut with cultured, fermented and fiber-rich foods

What you eat directly impacts the bacteria makeup — or microbiome — of the gut. Cultured foods are an important factor in protecting the gut and supporting your immunity. Fermented foods such as yogurt, kombucha, miso and kimchi provide beneficial probiotic bacteria that dilute and crowd out unfriendly bacteria that do not support a healthy gut.

Additionally, following a wholesome diet with fiber-rich foods will help feed good gut bacteria. Reach for fish, and antioxidant-rich food such as flaxseed, fresh fruit (particularly berries, cherries and grapes), leafy greens, green tea, garlic, olive oil, ginger and curry for overall gut health support.

2. Take a probiotic supplement to complement your diet

Probiotic bacteria support gut health by secreting enzymes that aid digestion. For extra protection beyond your balanced diet, a probiotic supplement will help provide a guaranteed number of healthy bacteria to populate the intestine.

Babal recommends Jarrow Formulas Probiotic+ Gummies, which are formulated with two clinically studied probiotic strains known to effectively support stomach health and aid digestion and nutrient absorption while improving the gut barrier and supporting your immune response.* These probiotic strains are resistant to gastric acid, which allows them to deliver effective regulation directly within the gut.

The best part? The Probiotic+ Gummies come in three delicious varieties including Probiotic Duo, Probiotic+ Prebiotic, and Probiotic+ Immune, all of which are available at Amazon and

3. Find ways to reduce stress

“Stress of all types may affect the digestive process,” says Babal. “Weakened digestion may compromise your gut lining, and a ‘leaky gut’ can allow undigested food to pass into your bloodstream, which may trigger food allergies and stress the immune system.”

To reduce stress, try mindfulness techniques, meditation or yoga. During stressful times, it also helps to eat mindfully. Slow down and give yourself time to taste and enjoy your food.

4. Include gut-friendly ingredients in everyday recipes

To make your favorite recipes more gut-friendly, Babal advises including digestive herbs like peppermint, cinnamon and ginger. You can also sip digestive herb tea before and while eating to help improve digestion and soothe the stomach.

5. Add immune-enhancing foods to your weekly shopping list

You may be familiar with the health benefits of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts and kale, but it’s also important to get variety in your diet.

“My under-the-radar cruciferous vegetable recommendation is the turnip, which was once an integral part of southern U.S. cuisine,” says Babal. “Turnips are usually diced and boiled. They’re great in soups, or mashed and added to mashed potatoes. Turnip greens are higher in nutritional value than the roots, so try them in salads. They also taste great sautéed with lemon juice and cayenne pepper.”

With these simple tips, it will be easier than ever to keep your gut health and wellness top of mind this year.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

†Ratings based on results of the 2021 Survey of Supplement Users. More information at

1 Jarrow Formulas Google Survey of 680 U.S. consumers aged 18+ fielded December 2 – December 4, 2021.

2 Vighi G, Marcucci F, Sensi L, Di Cara G, Frati F. Allergy and the gastrointestinal system. Clin Exp Immunol. 2008;153 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):3-6. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2249.2008.03713.x

Unique ideas and delectable treats for the ultimate Valentine’s Day


(BPT) – Whether it’s romantic love, family love or friendship love, this incredible emotion is worthy of celebration on Valentine’s Day. Do you know what you’re going to do to make 2022 memorable for everyone dear to your heart?

To honor the love between you and your favorite people, consider these special ways to show you care:

Gift indulgent treats

The sweetest people in your life deserve something sweet for Valentine’s Day. But not any ordinary treat will do — you want to gift something elegant, indulgent and beautiful. The chocolatiers at Kohler Original Recipe Chocolates have you covered, creating decadent confections of all kinds so there’s something for everyone.

For a limited time, you can order dark chocolate hearts, which are perfect for Valentine’s Day. Anyone will delight in enjoying a heart-shaped shell of dark chocolate that surrounds a soft, raspberry ganache center graced with subtle hints of champagne and cognac notes.

Plan a virtual chocolate tasting party

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, so even if you live far away from loved ones or you’re playing it safe by social distancing, you can still celebrate Valentine’s Day virtually. One trending idea that’s sure to be a blast is planning a virtual chocolate tasting party.

Visit and decide on a variety of chocolates to sample. From the signature Terrapin collection to specialties like the Dark Chocolate Hearts — a heart-shaped shell of dark chocolate surrounding a soft, raspberry ganache center with subtle hints of champagne and cognac notes — and sugar-free chocolates, there are many ways to tempt the taste buds. Send everyone in your group the same candies and then plan a gathering online to sample together. You might even consider enhancing your party with drink pairing suggestions.

Plan a unique escape

If you’re comfortable traveling, consider planning a getaway to indulge your loved one and yourself. A spa weekend away is the perfect way to unwind with a significant other or a best friend. If you want to experience a stunning spa sure to impress, consider Kohler Waters Spa with several locations in the Midwest.

For example, Kohler Waters Spa at Lodge Kohler in Green Bay offers 5-star luxurious treatments and immersive spa experiences such as the seasonal Peppermint Mocha Massage featuring enveloping aromas of peppermint and the Kohler Waters Spa’s signature Chocolate Body Butter, irresistible for Valentine’s Day.

Another option is to research themed getaways that interest you and your travel companion. Culinary escapes are a growing travel trend and can be a fun way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. For example, from Feb. 11 to 13, 2022, the Celebration of Chocolate event in Kohler, Wisconsin, is a cocoa-infused extravaganza with interactive demonstrations, pairings, a gala dinner and other events.

Make it personal

No matter what you plan this upcoming Valentine’s Day, the key to making the day memorable is to do something unique. Whether it’s a getaway to try something fresh or a new virtual activity, spending time together is a fun way to enhance your love.

To make the day particularly special, add something extra that is personalized for your loved one. Gift a hand-written card, write out or recreate a favorite memory, flip through old photos and reminisce — your thoughtfulness will be remembered long after Feb. 14.

A Couple’s Unique Experience With Coronary Disease


(BPT) – Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States[1], but many healthy and physically active families do not expect heart disease to affect them. Mary Anne and Rod Norling experienced firsthand how important it is to take symptoms seriously and seek proper care.

“My family had some history of heart issues, but I had thought that I had done well to alleviate my risks,” said Mary Anne.

The couple had been avid bikers, hikers, skiers and boaters. Combining their regular active lifestyle with healthy weight, the Norlings didn’t seem to be at a high risk of being two of the over 650,000 people in the United States that die from coronary artery disease each year[2].

However, while on vacation in Lake Tahoe, California in 2012, Mary Anne suffered a heart attack. After being taken to the hospital, she received two stents in her right coronary artery. The event happened after about a year of her experiencing mild to moderate left arm discomfort and lagging endurance.

“Doctors I talked to during that time before my heart attack weren’t able to help,” said Mary Anne. “Perhaps it was because of my fitness, or because of the unfortunate tendency not to take women’s pain and discomfort as seriously as men’s, but I wasn’t getting the help that I needed.”

Even after her heart attack, issues persisted. Mary Anne experienced mild chest pain symptoms, causing doctors to recommend anti-anxiety treatments and even suggesting her struggles were all “in her head.” She then came under the care of cardiologist Dr. Frederick St. Goar, who listened and adjusted her medications to help eliminate the discomfort she was feeling.

In 2019, her symptoms became more severe. Dr. St. Goar ordered a CT and HeartFlow Analysis, which developed a 3D blood flow model of her coronary arteries. Using that model, Dr. St. Goar was able to diagnose an important new blockage on the left side of her heart, and subsequently placed another stent.

Shortly thereafter, Rod began having difficulty exercising and experienced shortness of breath. He dismissed the issues as perhaps related to a rib injury, but pre-op work for back surgery in 2021 showed irregularities on his ECG test results.

“After being with my wife during her experience, I knew that I needed to take my own issues seriously,” said Rod. “I went to Dr. St. Goar to help make sure we caught problems before they got worse.”

In addition to his symptoms, a calcium scoring test indicated that there might be coronary artery disease, so a CT and HeartFlow Analysis were ordered. These helped Dr. St. Goar non-invasively identify a significant blockage in one of the main arteries supplying blood to Rod’s heart, a location sometimes referred to as the “widow-maker”. A stent was placed which may have saved his life.

The HeartFlow Analysis helped Dr. St. Goar pinpoint coronary disease in both Rod and Mary Anne and get them the necessary treatment as soon as possible, a critical step in helping them feel better and preventing more serious complications in the future.

“Even active individuals can have underlying issues, and if something feels off, they need to be comfortable speaking up,” said Dr. Frederick St. Goar, MD, FACC. “It’s imperative that patients advocate for their own health, and partner with health care providers to make sure they get the care they deserve.”

February’s annual American Heart Month can serve as a great reminder for individuals to not only make lifestyle decisions to reduce the risk of heart disease, but also look for screening options to make sure heart disease is caught as early as possible. Learn more about potential options.



5 Ways to Boost Your Independence with AARP Benefits


(BPT) – The feeling of independence is empowering. From the first time we get behind the wheel with a driver’s license to our first paycheck, the ability to conduct our lives without outside control or support builds confidence and self-esteem. However, as we age, challenges can arise that make it difficult to maintain our independence, which can in turn impact our well-being.

Whether the result of an injury, a health condition or navigating new technologies, many people end up increasingly relying on others to conduct their daily lives. Though with so many physical and emotional benefits to independence, it’s important to look for ways to maintain it.

February is designated as a time to think about and celebrate the personal independence of those over 50. Here is a list of tips and resources available to AARP members that will help preserve, and even improve, independence well into the future.

1. Stay Sharp

There’s no need to have someone else be your eyes and ears if you keep yours sharp. Vision problems, eye disease and hearing loss become more prevalent with age, impacting the ability to drive to appointments and errands, read directions and communicate with others.

Regular check-ups can make sure any vision or hearing issues are addressed quickly, and AARP® Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed gives AARP members and their families exclusive savings, even online, with 30% off a complete pair of glasses (frames and lenses) at Through AARP® Hearing Care Program provided by HearUSA, members can access free hearing evaluations and receive discounts on hearing aids, batteries and more.

2. Opt for Delivery

If you’re not feeling confident behind the wheel or are looking to simplify things, there’s good news: delivery isn’t just for dinner. Today, you can get everything from groceries, pet food, paper products, and even prescriptions delivered right to your door, and maybe even save money in the process.

AARP® Prescription Discounts provided by OptumRx® allow AARP members to save on FDA-approved medications, including home delivery — so you can stay current with medications without the hassle of leaving the house.

3. Plug In

Technology truly has connected us in amazing ways, but devices and apps can be intimidating. GrandPad, Powered by Consumer Cellular, is the solution. GrandPad was created with simplicity in mind, allowing users to plug in without the help of tech support.

GrandPad’s essential apps easily enable video chats, photo sharing, emails and access to the news, keeping members connected to family, friends and the world. AARP members save 5% on a monthly subscription, which includes unlimited service on a secure, private network. Social interaction is an important contributor to staying mentally sharp and can even boost your mood, so savor that screen time.

4. Change Your Space

Sometimes staying in your home that was perfect decades ago can hinder your independence today, but with an extra hand to do small improvements, there’s no need to rush to relocate. Through Porch Home Services, AARP members save 5% on small jobs completed by a vetted Porch handyman. They can assist with everything from furniture assembly to gutter cleaning or installing appliances.

In some scenarios, finding a home that better aligns with your current life stage is the best solution. AARP® Real Estate Benefits by Realogy can make it easier to find the home that’s right for you by giving AARP members access to real estate agents from Realogy’s trusted real estate brands. Plus, you can receive $300-$5,500 in benefits based on the sale or purchase price of your home. There is no fee to sign up and, depending on the location of your home, you will receive your benefits as cash, a gift card or a commission reduction.

5. Stay Healthy (and Safe) at Home

If you do decide to stay in your home, there may be concerns about the risk of falls, accidents or medical emergencies when home alone. With only the press of a button, Lifeline’s Medical Alert Service can provide the assistance you need. Trained Care Specialists are available to assist you 24/7, 365 days a year, and AARP members save 15%, plus free shipping and activation.

You can reduce the risk of falls and minimize their impact by making sure you’re in good health with regular visits to your primary care provider. Oak Street Health specializes in preventive care for Medicare-eligible individuals in over 130 centers across 20 states. Oak Street Health offers phone and video visits, so you can connect with your care team and get your questions answered without leaving your home.

If you want some extra reassurance while at home as you conduct your daily activities, CareLinx In-Home Care offers a nationwide online network that connects families with pre-screened, professional caregivers who can help with safe meal preparation, bathing, and other chores and activities.

While independence can look different for everyone, the most important thing is that every individual has a sense of dignity, confidence, and support. Fortunately, there are many tools and resources available to help achieve it. To learn more about senior independence, visit

VA proposal removes physician anesthesiologists from surgery, potentially jeopardizing Veterans’ safety


(BPT) – The nation’s Veterans deserve nothing less than the highest-quality surgical care. Yet a proposal by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) lowers the quality of care, potentially threatening the lives and safety of Veterans by eliminating physician anesthesiologists from the surgical team and replacing them with nurses.

“Surgery is inherently dangerous and removing highly trained physician anesthesiologists from the care of patients is wrong,” said American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) President Randall M. Clark, M.D., FASA. “It is particularly concerning for VA patients, many of whom are older, sicker and have conditions as a result of military service that put them at greater risk for complications during surgery.”

The VA proposal seeks to change how anesthesia is delivered in the VA from an Anesthesia Team Model — where physician anesthesiologists supervise nurse anesthetists — to a nurse-only model.

During Physician Anesthesiologists Week, Jan. 30-Feb. 5, ASA is asking Americans to help protect Safe VA Care.

Veterans deserve the highest standard of care

Laws in nearly every state and the policies of the nation’s top hospitals and health systems require physician supervision of anesthesia care to ensure the safety and best outcomes for patients. The physician-led anesthesia model also is preferred by nine out of 10 surgeons, according to an independent survey conducted by PSB for ASA in December 2019. VA has relied upon this model for decades.

“No science or necessity supports the change in how anesthesia is delivered in the VA,” Dr. Clark said. “The proposal also has raised the concerns of VA’s own frontline anesthesiologists who have repeatedly called for the proposal’s withdrawal.”

Hundreds of anesthesiologists and anesthesiology chiefs throughout VA’s hospital system have urged VA leadership four times to rescind these proposals by invoking VA’s “Stop the Line” patient safety initiative — an initiative where any VA employee can notify VA leadership of any risk to Veterans’ health. VA has not responded to the whistleblower notifications.

Previously, in 2017, Veterans’ right to this high-quality standard of care was reaffirmed after a multiyear review by VA that garnered a record-breaking number of public comments — more than 200,000, including 25,000 comments from Veterans and their families — in support of the physician-led anesthesia model.

Physicians ensure safety, outcomes and access

Independent research supports the importance of physician leadership in Veterans’ anesthesia care. VA’s own Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) specifically raised questions about the safety of replacing physician anesthesiologists with nurses, noting it could not discern “whether more complex surgeries can be safely managed by certified registered nurse anesthetists, particularly in small or isolated VA hospitals where preoperative and postoperative health system factors may be less than optimal.”

No independent research shows that nurse anesthetists can ensure the same safety and outcomes in surgery as physician-led care. There also are no anesthesiology workforce shortages or issues with access to anesthesia care in the VA system that necessitate the change.

Education and training make a difference

Physician anesthesiologists receive 12 to 14 years of education, including medical school, and 12,000 to 16,000 hours of clinical training to specialize in anesthesia care and pain control, with the necessary knowledge to understand and treat the entire human body. By comparison, nurse anesthetists do not attend medical school and have about half the education and only up to 2,500 hours of clinical training.

Protect Safe VA Care

Submit your letter to Congress to ask VA to protect Veterans’ health and safety.

Want to know the secrets of the world’s healthiest people? Here they are


(BPT) – Every New Year’s Eve, millions of people around the globe celebrate with the hope that next year will be better than the last. People of all ages set intentions to become better, healthier versions of themselves in January — only to be broken by nearly 80% right around … now.

Well, for anyone out there who is starting to slack — or who has abandoned their plans entirely — chins up: There’s a simple and sustainable way to follow through with your healthy resolutions in 2022. Say goodbye to fad diets and fleeting exercise trends; it’s time to introduce yourself to a new way of living life to the fullest: The Blue Zones way.

National Geographic researcher and best-selling author, Dan Buettner spent two decades researching areas of the world where people live the longest, healthiest lives, and identified five locations where people consistently live to 100 or beyond. He calls these areas “The Blue Zones”:

  • Sardinia, Italy
  • The islands of Okinawa, Japan
  • Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
  • Ikaria, Greece
  • Loma Linda, California, United States

Once these areas were established, Buettner and his team studied and identified the lifestyle characteristics that might explain the longevity of those living in each location, including their diets, levels of physical activity, social networks, views on life’s purpose and more. His findings are fascinating, but to make things even better, they are simple and often fun to achieve, particularly with the help of his most recent book, Blue Zones Challenge.

This four-week guide will provide resolution seekers with a way to get back on track, for good.

In addition to delicious recipes, wellness tips and sustainable suggestions for living a healthy life, here’s just a sneak peek at what readers find:

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere

Raise a glass and smile because people in all Blue Zones drink alcohol moderately and regularly. The trick is to drink one or two glasses of wine, per day, with food or friends. Everyone can toast to that.

Go ahead, skip the gym

Regular physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean you need to join a pricey gym. Buettner suggests moving naturally around your environment, doing things that you love. Grow a garden and tend to it daily. Walk to the store with friends. Ditch the expensive home workout equipment and just move your body naturally, frequently. Dancing counts!

Grab a buddy

Successful centenarians in the Blue Zones put their families and friends first; they keep aging parents and grandparents nearby or in the home, they commit to a life partner, and keep a valued group of friends close.

After a difficult 2021, and a rough start to 2022, it’s officially time to start living a better, longer, and happier way of life — the Blue Zones way.

To get started, explore and order any of National Geographic’s informative Blue Zones books via, and get those resolutions back on track!

Safer Internet Day: 6 tips on how to keep your family safe online


(BPT) – Today, Americans lose more money to digital crime than to home burglary. About 80% of U.S. adults say they are not doing enough to protect their personal information online, according to a survey by Harris Poll and Aura, a consumer digital safety company. However, most don’t know where to start conversations with their families about internet safety.

Safer Internet Day, held this year on Feb. 8, encourages the creation of a better internet that empowers everyone to use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively. In honor of their own mission to create a safer internet for everyone, Aura is sharing six tips you and your family can follow to stay safe online.

1. Get creative with passwords

Many people use weak or recycled passwords on multiple accounts. While it’s easier to remember a few passwords for many accounts, especially if they’re shared family accounts, you are leaving your family open to identity theft and other cyberattacks.

Explain to your children the importance of keeping passwords a secret for just you and them. For older students, discuss how using the same password for all accounts and apps makes it easier for bad actors to access personal information. Update your passwords to consist of a random combination of letters, numbers and symbols.

To make things easier on your family members, Aura has a password manager to create, store and remember account login information. Also, set up two-factor authentication for your accounts and, when possible, opt to use an authentication app over text verification codes.

2. Tighten up your social media privacy

Most people provide personal information like their name, birthday, job and hometown on social media without a second thought. If a bad actor wants to collect information about you, social media will be their first stop.

Children under 18 are often the target of identity theft because their credit score is entirely unmarked, and their SSN is often unmonitored. Posting your child’s full name and birthday on your social media can be just as dangerous as posting your own.

To help prevent identity theft, sit down and discuss what information you and your family share and who might be in the audience each time you post on social media. Also, review the privacy settings for some of your most visited websites and social media platforms.

3. Don’t ignore updates

Don’t ignore system and browser updates as they provide critical updates that protect against bad actors and fix any critical issues in software. Explain to your children and older family members that these notifications are there to help keep us safe online. When possible, enroll in automatic updates and use antivirus software, antispyware and a firewall on your computer.

4. Avoid suspicious websites

When shopping online, it’s crucial to know what makes a website safe to explore. Check to see if “https” appears in the URL. The “S” indicates the website is secure and that the website is safeguarding the sensitive data that passes from you to the retailer.

While looking at the address, verify that the brand is not in a subdomain. For example, be sure you’re shopping from and not Also, review the site for misspellings, grammar mistakes and low-quality images. Make sure to look for an email or phone number on the contact page and verify the validity.

5. Stay alert for phishing scams

Phishing attacks are emails, phone calls and texts that appear to come from a reputable source but attempt to instill fear and urgency in the recipient. Phishing scams offer too-good-to-be-true deals, urgent notification to reset an account login or contain an attachment or hyperlinks. The goal may be to install malware, steal credit card data or access login information.

To protect your family against phishing, teach your loved ones to:

  • Review all emails closely.
  • Never share credit card details or sensitive personal information like your Social Security number via email or phone.
  • Don’t open any attachments or click embedded links.
  • Don’t download software from unknown email addresses.

6. Adopt parental controls

Creating healthy internet habits is essential for the entire family, especially kids. With parental control technology like Circle Parental Controls, you can limit screen time, monitor your children’s online activity, block inappropriate content across all devices and set boundaries that make sense for your individual family’s needs.

In honor of Safer Internet Day, Aura is offering a free trial for families to its easy-to-use, all-in-one digital safety platform that can keep you and your family’s personal information, devices and finances safe from online threats. To learn more, visit