Maintaining Conversations with Your Care Team About Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease


(BPT) – Sponsored and Developed by Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.

Receiving a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) can be a life-changing event, and navigating care options throughout the course of this neurodegenerative disorder can be overwhelming for people with PD and their loved ones. A PD diagnosis requires lifelong management of the disease and ongoing communication with healthcare providers to address each person’s unique experience with PD. As the disease progresses and symptoms evolve, some people with PD may become discouraged by the misperception that little can be done to address symptoms associated with disease progression. Fortunately, that isn’t the case, and people with PD should continue to speak with their care teams about their concerns.1,2,3 Healthcare professionals can provide guidance on care plans for people with PD, including treatment options and lifestyle adjustments, based on symptoms.

Understanding Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms

While every person’s PD is different, symptoms may include motor symptoms, characterized by abnormal movement or difficulty of movement like tremors or rigidity, and non-motor symptoms, such as fatigue, sleep disorders, memory problems and anxiety and depression.1,4,5 The current most commonly prescribed treatment for motor symptoms is a combination of two medications called carbidopa/levodopa. An increase or worsening of PD symptoms could be a sign that people with PD are experiencing disease progression. As symptoms progress, people with PD may experience more frequent OFF time, or periods of time when medications start to wear off between doses.6,7

Understanding OFF Time

  • PD is thought to be caused by low or falling levels of dopamine, a chemical that helps send messages to the part of the brain that controls movement and coordination.1,7
  • Treatment with the combination of carbidopa/levodopa can make more dopamine available in the brain.6,7
  • Usually, people on carbidopa/levodopa need to take pills multiple times per day to keep the dopamine levels in their brains steady. When the medication starts to wear off between doses, symptoms of PD can reappear, indicating that they may need to have their dose of carbidopa/levodopa increased.6,7

For people with PD already taking carbidopa/levodopa, it may be time to explore an adjunctive (add-on, or additional) treatment option — like one that blocks the COMT enzyme, which may help make more levodopa available to reach the brain.7,8 It may be worthwhile to speak with your doctor about your motor symptoms and treatment options that could help reduce OFF time and potentially provide more symptom-free time throughout the day.

Finding Motivation to Pursue Lifestyle Adjustments

When it comes to PD, lifestyle adjustments can also play an important role in addressing the signs and symptoms of the disease. For example, nearly three quarters of people living with PD experience micrographia, a cramped form of handwriting, and lifestyle adjustments like handwriting practice have been shown to help.9,10

To motivate people with PD to keep up with their handwriting exercises, Neurocrine Biosciences, a neuroscience-focused, biopharmaceutical company dedicated to discovering, developing and delivering life-changing treatments for Parkinson’s disease, created Parkinson’s Cards to Heroes. The program encourages people to practice handwriting through the act of transcribing messages of gratitude that are sent to everyday heroes, including the military and veterans as well as first responders and healthcare professionals on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease four years ago and while my condition has fortunately progressed very slowly, I have a tremor in my left hand that I notice the most. Staying active and productive is important to me, so I was excited to get involved with Parkinson’s Cards to Heroes. The program provides a sense of purpose and writing cards is an opportunity to feel good about yourself while doing something positive. A true win-win,” said Allen, a Parkinson’s Cards to Heroes participant. “In recognition of Parkinson’s Awareness Month this April, visit the program’s website at to order a kit and join me in getting started on your cards.”

Discussing Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Plans

From his care partners and loved ones to his doctors, Allen attributes his PD management to maintaining an open and ongoing dialogue with his care team about his PD symptoms. If you or a loved one with PD have experienced signs of disease progression and/or more frequent OFF time, be empowered this Parkinson’s Awareness Month to speak up. For more information about Cards to Heroes and to participate in the program, please visit


  1. Parkinson’s Foundation. What is Parkinson’s.
  2. Global Burden of Disease Neurological Disorders Collaborator Group. Global, regional, and national burden of neurological disorders during 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet Neurol. 2017;16(11):877-897.
  3. Dorsey ER, Bloem BR. The Parkinson Pandemic–A Call to Action. JAMA Neurol. 2018;75(1):9-10. 9.
  4. Postuma RB, Berg D, Stern M, et al. MDS clinical diagnostic criteria for Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord. 2015;30(12):1591-1601.
  5. Chaudhuri KR,Martinez-Martin P, Schapira AH, et al. International multicenter pilot study of the first comprehensive self-completed nonmotor symptoms questionnaire for Parkinson’s disease: the NMSQuest study. Mov Disord. 2006;21(7):916-923.
  6. Pahwa R., Factor S.A., Lyons K.E., et. al. Practice parameter: treatment of Parkinson disease with motor fluctuations and dyskinesia (an evidence-based review): report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology. 2006;66(7):983-995.
  7. Muller T. Catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors in Parkinson’s disease. Drugs. 2015;75(2):157-174.
  8. Bonifácio MJ, et al. Catechol-O-methyltransferase and Its Inhibitors in Parkinson’s Disease. CNS Drug Rev. 2007;13(3):352-379.
  9. Bryant, PT, et al. An Investigation of Two Interventions for Micrographia in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease. Clin. Rehabil. 2010.
  10. Nackaerts, E., et al. Training for Micrographia Alters Neural Connectivity in Parkinson’s Disease. Front. Neurosci., 2018.

Technology Paving the Way to a Better Life for All


(BPT) – Today, technology plays a pivotal role in the way people work, play, learn and live. To ensure that everyone, regardless of age, disability or lifestyle, can reap the benefits of the latest advancements, leading tech companies are developing new solutions to make their sophisticated products more accessible.

Here’s a closer look into how inclusive technology is paving the way to a better life for all.

Making Things Easier with Universal Design: Sometimes, it’s not the software design that presents an obstacle for the user, but the design of the hardware itself. In recognition of the everyday hurdles that ‘appliance architecture’ can create for certain users, the concept of Universal Design has emerged. For instance, the “SideKick” pedestal washer from LG, which can be used instead of a traditional laundry pedestal, can help make doing laundry a simpler task for those dealing with physical limitations. It cleverly raises the main washer for easier access when loading and unloading clothes while also easing the burden of large, heavy loads. And it helps consumers divide and conquer their laundry by adding another way to tackle two loads of laundry — both large and small — at the very same time.

Heading to a Better World with Various Voices: From artificial intelligence to voice-activated features, the development and implementation of inclusive technologies are progressing, but they still have a long way to go. To ensure current and future generations of products can be easily used by everyone, it’s essential that the needs of different user groups are taken into consideration. To this end, LG established its “Accessibility Advisory Board” back in 2013. Made up of accessibility experts and consumers of diverse ages and abilities, the council is helping the company to create solutions that enable more people to take advantage of all that its latest tech has to offer.

Narrowing the Medical Gap with Telehealth Technology: A commonly used name for remote medical services delivered using internet and telecommunications technologies, ‘telehealth’ is helping make healthcare more accessible to people in all kinds of situations. Today, more and more companies in the tech space are joining forces with healthcare experts to offer virtual consultations and other distance medicine resources to customers. For example, Independa, a company that specializes in remote engagement and care for the elderly, will provide telehealth services via LG smart TVs. Telemedicine innovator Amwell also is working with LG to develop smart devices that will allow patients to access high-quality virtual care whether they’re at home or in the hospital.

Are you at risk for colorectal cancer?


(BPT) – Five years ago, LuAnn Valentino was given just an 11% chance of survival.

At just 53 years of age, she had been diagnosed with colon cancer during her first colonoscopy. With colorectal cancer being the third leading cause of cancer and one of the most common causes of cancer death, the diagnosis was already grim. But then, she learned that she was already in Stage IV, the most advanced and deadliest stage of colon cancer.

Now, five years later, she has not only survived, but she has thrived. And as she thinks about her cancer journey, she knows two things are true: Had she gotten a colonoscopy earlier, she likely wouldn’t have been in the most advanced stage when she was diagnosed, and a blood test has helped save her life.

A late diagnosis

Valentino knew she should have a colonoscopy, but in her words, “it just wasn’t convenient.” As a schoolteacher in New Jersey and a mother, Valentino had a busy lifestyle that delayed her screening. The only indicator she had that something was wrong was her constant fatigue, which plagued her even after drinking four cups of coffee in a day.

Finally, in November 2017, she took a day off to see her doctor for the colonoscopy. As she was waking up from sedation, she learned she had a significant mass in the right of her large intestine, which turned out to be Stage IV colon cancer that had already spread to other parts of her body.

Valentino’s experience is not unusual. Colorectal cancer used to be considered an illness found later in life, with more than half detected after the age of 64, according to the American Cancer Society. But a 2017 study found a sharp increase in the rate of colorectal cancer in those born in 1990 as compared to those born around 1950. In fact, three out of 10 rectal cancer diagnoses are now found in people under the age of 55. This shift led the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force to lower the recommended screening age to 45 years old from 50 years old in 2021.

“Sadly, no matter how healthy you think you may be, cancer can happen to anyone, and it changes your life,” Valentino said. “The toll that death takes on everyone you love makes you realize the importance of getting screened.”

The initial journey

The diagnosis left Valentino overwhelmed and conflicted. She had no other symptoms warning her that she had cancer, but that can be typical, according to the American Cancer Society, because the disease may not cause symptoms initially. However, she knew she had a family history of cancer.

“I never understood why my brother was 35 years old with cancer or why my mother simultaneously was diagnosed with cancer, and my sister was diagnosed at 54 with cancer,” she said. “I figured it was only a matter of time before it got to me. By the time it did, I knew enough about cancer that I was able to fight for my own life. A gift that I attribute to each of my loved ones’ cancer journeys.”

And fight she did. At the advice of her doctors, she began chemotherapy in 2018 and had surgery to remove a third of her large intestine, a third of her liver as well as her gallbladder and appendix. After the surgery, she resumed chemotherapy and her disease seemed to go into remission.

The journey wasn’t always pleasant. She suffered side effects, including hair loss, nerve damage causing weakness and pain, body shakes and severe aversion to cold — even cold beverages. Despite this, she felt like she had her cancer under control.

But two years later, in 2020, a CT scan showed that the cancer had returned. This is not uncommon. According to a study in the Annals of Family Medicine, approximately 30–40% of those with colorectal cancer develop recurrence following surgery and most recurrences happen within the first two to three years following initial treatment.

The path to identifying characteristics of the tumor

Given all of this, Valentino’s oncologist suggested she undergo biomarker testing of her cancer. Biomarker testing is a way to look at the genetic make-up of an individual’s cancer to identify whether a particular treatment may work for that person. Testing is done one of two ways — either using tissue from the tumor itself or using a blood sample that can detect tumor DNA circulating in the person’s blood stream.

Deciding she wanted to obtain her results quickly, Valentino took it upon herself to do her research and have her oncologist reach out to Guardant Health, a leader in developing blood-based tests for cancer, to obtain a Guardant360 CDx test.

The blood test revealed new information from her tumor, which alerted her care team that they needed to adjust their approach and add a treatment, immunotherapy, to her regimen. After only two rounds on the FDA-approved immunotherapy, the cancer seemed to disappear, shocking both Valentino and her oncologists.

Hope for the future

Today, Valentino feels great. But she remains vigilant on her cancer journey. Knowing that cancer can continue to evolve over time, which can require new treatment approaches, Valentino stays up to date with surveillance tests and has a blood test regularly to monitor for any changes.

Knowing all the characteristics of her cancer provided a more complete picture of the disease for Valentino. In her words, it gave her hope for the future.

“Blood tests are fantastic,” she said. “They’re such a huge breakthrough for colorectal cancer. They are not only convenient, more importantly, they saved my life.”

Adults Living With Someone With Recently Diagnosed, Symptomatic COVID-19 May Be Eligible For A Clinical Study


(BPT) – In the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, there continue to be surges in cases in parts of the United States.

Many of these cases may occur when people catch the virus in their communities, and bring it home, where it can spread to other members of their household. Some doctors are currently enrolling individuals for a clinical study to determine whether an investigational oral medicine may be able to help prevent that household transmission. Clinical studies are research studies performed with volunteers that aim to evaluate if investigational treatments are safe and effective for people.

“There is a continuing need to investigate new therapies to help reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19,” said Dr. Fabian Sandoval, president & CEO of the Emerson Clinical Research Institute. “In particular, we need to focus on people living with SARS-CoV-2-infected individuals because they’re at higher risk of becoming infected and continuing the spread due to their close proximity to these individuals for extended periods of time.”

Unvaccinated adults living with someone who is symptomatic and recently tested positive for COVID-19 may be able to enroll in a clinical study, called MOVe-AHEAD, which is evaluating an investigational oral antiviral medicine to help prevent COVID-19 infection within households.

The MOVe-AHEAD clinical study is being conducted at over 50 sites across the U.S. To take part in the study, individuals must be 18 years or older and cannot have confirmed or suspected COVID-19. Individuals are not eligible to participate if they have received a COVID-19 vaccine or have previously had laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. Additionally, potential study participants must live with an adult or child who:

  • Tested positive for COVID-19 in the last five days; and
  • Currently has at least one symptom of COVID-19, such as fever or difficulty breathing

For a household to qualify for the study, there can be only one household member with symptoms of COVID-19 and a positive test. Other criteria apply.

Once accepted, participants will be in the study for up to 35 days and have six visits to the clinic, with one of the visits being virtual by telephone. Those enrolled in the study will receive study-related care at no cost, and may receive reimbursement for study-related time and travel.

“Through this clinical study, people have an opportunity to potentially help uncover new medicines that may help prevent COVID-19 transmission.”

For more information on this clinical study, visit

This sponsored article is presented by Merck.

Top 5 items for new parents to have on hand


(BPT) – If you’re expecting a new family member, you probably have lots of things on your to-do list, including that all-important list of baby supplies and equipment. But you’re probably wondering: Do we really need all this stuff? While everyone’s parenting journey is unique, there are some items most parents consider essential to make parenting easier and more comfortable for you and your little one.

1. You can never have too many onesies

From their first hours through age 2, onesies are a staple in your baby’s wardrobe for many reasons: They work well on their own in warmer weather, or as a first layer when it’s cold; they’re made to fit babies of all ages, and they have snaps or Velcro at the crotch so you can easily change diapers without removing the entire garment. Stocking up on onesies in newborn (0-3 months) and infant sizes (3-6 months and 6-12 months) will get you ready for the baby’s rapid growth spurts.

2. Swaddle up with receiving blankets

Before becoming a parent, you may wonder — what is the purpose of these small, thin, soft flannel cotton blankets? The fact is that they are indispensable. Newborns love being tightly swaddled, and may instantly calm down when they’re snug in these little blankets. It’s worth having the nurses at the hospital give you swaddling lessons if you haven’t learned this yet. These handy blankets are also great as over-the-shoulder burp cloths (they cover more territory than actual burp cloths), or as extra blankets to lay on a carpeted floor, the middle of a bed, or other safe surfaces where you may set your baby down for a short while.

3. Protect your baby’s skin

Speaking of all those onesies and receiving blankets, you’ll be going through a LOT of laundry, so you’ll need a laundry detergent that’s both tough on baby stains while also being gentle on skin. New ARM & HAMMER Baby detergent is formulated with pure ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda, and no unnecessary harsh ingredients. The product is hypoallergenic and dermatologist-tested to be gentle on your baby’s skin, and it is made using safer ingredients that meet EPA Safer Choice standards, with 0% preservatives, phosphates or dyes.

“Babies have sensitive skin, so it’s best to use gentle products on their skin,” says board-certified pediatrician, Dr. Alison Mitzner. “Choosing a laundry detergent with your baby’s needs in mind is a smart option to help prevent potential reactions your child could have to dyes, fragrances, or other irritating ingredients.”

The Cuddly Clean scent, suited for delicate newborn skin, smells so snuggly clean that you’ll want to use it for all your child’s clothes, bedding and blankets well into your child’s toddler years.

Visit to learn more about the advantages of using this specially formulated product for your baby.

4. Test drive some diaper bags

You’ll carry this bag everywhere you go (even in the house!) so that everything you need for your baby is handy. A good-quality bag that is sturdy as well as comfortable to carry over your shoulder is essential, so check that the shoulder strap is padded and adjustable. You’ll want enough pockets to organize your basic needs — diapers, bottles or pacifiers, baby wipes, toys, onesies and a receiving blanket — but not so many pockets that it’s impossible to find anything. Get recommendations from other new parents, or go to a baby store to try a few out before buying.

5. Be ready to rock the night away

You may wonder why the chair that you’ll spend hours on with your infant needs to rock, but the truth is that babies respond well to gentle movement. Some babies are more likely to fall asleep while riding in a stroller or car for this reason. Make sure your chair is comfortable for you with padded armrests, and that it moves easily, so those late nights or early mornings will be much more restful as you soothe your baby back to sleep.

While not an exhaustive list of what you will need, these items are the unsung heroes of those early months with your baby. Once you’re a parent, you’ll quickly discover what is most important to you.

Sustainable Styles for Earth Day and Beyond


(BPT) – Earth Day is a time to celebrate the planet and embrace warmer weather in the great outdoors. Eco-conscious parents want to feel good about dressing their little ones in the softest and purest materials, and Little Planet by Carter’s has the perfect styles this summer in new categories and sizing.

Little Planet is known for its thoughtful essentials crafted in organic fabrics and sustainable materials and is made with the highest global standard for textiles, pairing GOTS certified organic cotton with Carter’s signature quality and designs. The brand features an extensive line of unique designs and silhouettes for little ones at an incredible value, and just expanded into new categories including swimwear, shoes, crib sheets and wearable blankets, as well as toddler sizing.

“Eco-friendly products are becoming more and more important to parents in recent years, and this expansion is a natural next step based on consumer feedback and demand we heard,” said Carrie Anderson, Senior Director of Merchandising at Carter’s. “Pieces in the new assortment for summer include safari prints and neutral colors just in time for Earth Day and beyond.”

The Little Planet expansion is part of a larger Carter’s Raise the Future strategy, rooted in Carter’s purpose to inspire generations raising the future where all families with young children can grow and thrive.

Here are some of the must-have sustainable styles from Little Planet just in time for Earth Day and beyond:

Swim, Play, Sleep, Repeat

From sleepwear to swimwear and playwear, match head to toe in the most adorable prints of the season. These limited-edition safari and sea creature printed collections are made from the purest fabrics and can be a sweet introduction to the wonders of sea life and our planet’s ecosystem.

2-Piece Organic Cotton Sleep Set 2-Pack Organic Cotton Rompers Recycled Sea Creatures Swimsuit

2-Piece Organic Cotton Sleep Set Care For Our Little Planet Set Recycled Safari Swim Trunks

Soak Up the Sun in New Swimwear and Shoes

Splish and splash in stylish swimwear and shoes made from recycled materials this season. With added sun protection and playful details, these swimwear and shoes make days at the beach a breeze. Plus, made with recycled materials, it also encourages little ones about the importance of caring for our planet.

Recycled Rashguard Set Recycled Whale Swim Trunks Recycled 2-Piece Swim Set

Recycled Gingham Swimsuit Recycled 1-Piece Rashguard Recycled Swim Trunks

Adventure Sandals

Organic Cotton Gauze Must-Haves for the Summer

Staying cool and comfortable is key when being outside to play in the warm weather. Having stylish two-piece sets made from light and pure cotton gauze fabric are a summer staple.

2-Piece Organic Cotton Gauze Set 2-Piece Organic Cotton Gauze Set

2-Piece Organic Cotton Gauze Set Organic Cotton Gauze Dress

Best ideas for tech gifts this Mother’s Day


(BPT) – Find it challenging to come up with new ideas for Mother’s Day? Show your mom how much you love and appreciate her with gifts she’ll really use — such as home technology that makes life easier.

Help Mom keep her phone supercharged and clean

Americans spend more than a third of their waking hours on their phone, so consider a convenient and speedy wireless charger for your mom. Some wireless chargers are ultra-portable, while others also double as a stand for phones or other devices. Make sure to choose one that suits your mother’s needs — as well as her type of phone — and she’ll be delighted to know her phone will never run out of juice again.

Another great option for moms who love their phones is a phone sanitizer, which uses UV lights to kill viruses and bacteria. These come in a variety of sizes, and some are multi-use so mom can also sanitize her tablet, car keys and more.

Boost her Wi-Fi connectivity and security

Everyone needs a strong Wi-Fi network to work, learn, communicate and enjoy entertainment at home — and nothing is more disruptive than an unreliable connection. With more family members video conferencing, gaming and streaming at home than ever before, this puts a strain on the network your mom depends on every day. If she’s coping with an old router, help her upgrade her Wi-Fi signal and speed with a new Motorola MH7603 Wi-Fi 6 mesh system, offering expandable coverage for areas up to 5,000 square feet at a speed of 1.8 Gbps so Mom can connect over 100 devices with bandwidth to spare. Each extender in the system also has two 1 gig ethernet ports for fast wired connections all around the house.

Even better, protect Mom’s online privacy and identity with the Motorola MH7603 mesh system. The system comes with an intuitive motosync app, powered by Minim, for easy setup, automatic updates and intelligent cybersecurity. When enabled, the system automatically scans for malware and blocks it in its tracks. Mom will also love the ability to block ads for faster performance and privacy. Additionally, for moms who are concerned about keeping kids safer online, the app provides customizable parental controls. Moms can create family profiles to filter content, set time limits, pause the internet, monitor each family member’s usage and more with this easy-to-use app.

Give her the gift of her kids’ smiling faces

Moms love nothing more than pictures of their kids and grandkids, but if she’s running out of room to display them, a digital picture frame is the perfect solution. This will allow her to rotate which pictures — or even short videos — are displayed, or she can enjoy them as an animated slideshow. Digital picture frames come in a wide variety of price points, styles and capabilities. Most are easy to set up by connecting with a computer, thumb drive or using Wi-Fi to connect with social media or other websites where pictures are stored. Some will allow you to send photos to them via email. Do Mom a favor and set it up for her — along with new photos that are bound to bring a smile to her face.

Help her listen to her favorite content

If your mother loves listening to music, audio books or podcasts while she works or relaxes around the house, yard or garden, high-quality wireless earbuds or headphones are an ideal gift. Better yet, combine her new earbuds or headphones with a subscription to access her favorite content, such as Apple Music, Audible or Apple Podcasts.

You know your mom best, so you’ll know which of these tech options will help your mom enjoy her greatest Mother’s Day yet.

One-of-a-kind gifts for Mother’s Day (that she won’t want to return)


(BPT) – If you struggle to find unique gifts to show your mom how much you really appreciate and love her for Mother’s Day, struggle no more. You can find just about anything, for any kind of mom — including your grandma, wife, beloved family friend or even favorite dog mom — and then go above and beyond by customizing your gift, so it’s clearly meant for her. It’s not difficult when you start with a website that features a wide array of products that range from fun (and useful!) household goods to playful and decorative items that will put a smile on her face the moment she opens them.

What’s the secret? All it takes is a little time browsing on and you’re bound to find all kinds of inspiring ideas to suit all kinds of moms, at a variety of price points. And better yet, everything on the website is customizable — so get ready to make any gift you choose unique and personalized especially for your mother, or any of the other special women in your life.

To get started, think about what your mom loves to do, and what she could use a little more of in her life. For example:

1. For moms who need some R and R

If you’d like to see your mom relax, unwind and find her inner Zen, you can encourage her pursuit of serenity with a gift like this Garden Whimsy Greenery Monogram Yoga Mat, which you can customize with her initials, or this super warm and comfy Just Here For The Savasana Hoodie — on which you can edit the design.

2. If your mother could use more fun and games in her life

Some mothers enjoy relaxing activities like putting together a beautiful puzzle in their spare time. If this sounds like your mom, a gift like the Gustav Klimt Flower Garden Puzzle will provide hours of tranquil enjoyment as she assembles this stunning work of art right there in her living room. Or for active moms who may even have a competitive streak, consider options like the Desert Landscape Design Cornhole Set or Custom monogram & name tennis balls so she can invite others to join her for a game or two. All three gifts have options to customize or edit the design to make them truly unique.

3. For foodie moms

If your mom is all about exploring new recipes, checking out the latest vintage and having friends and family over for a meal or drinks, you can’t go wrong with one of these options:

4. Treasures that show how much you treasure her

Spoil your mother with a gift of beauty that she can wear as a reminder of your love for her. Each piece is unique, as you can choose how you want to customize one of these lovely and delicate necklaces with a name or initials:

5. Make it personal

Feel unsure about using design features or need guidance creating the perfect customized gift? No problem. You can get help creating something truly special by collaborating live with designers that will help your ideas come to life using the Zazzle LIVE Expert Design on Demand feature at

Browse to explore even more fun possibilities for home decor, t-shirts, mugs, art and more.

5 ways science and nature can benefit wellness


(BPT) – Authored and Sponsored by Natean

In recent years, wellness has become more top of mind for many of us. Our wellbeing is directly affected by the choices we make such as how we work, travel, decompress and care for our bodies. Because of this it is important to ensure our daily routines prioritize our wellbeing and we take a holistic approach to wellness. Consider the following to develop a more conscious and healthy routine:

1) Spend time with nature

A study conducted by Scientific Report found that being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, can help boost your mood, and that spending just two hours each week engaging with nature is associated with increased health and wellbeing.[1] Whether that means finding time to get outdoors for a walk, standing barefoot on the grass to feel it beneath us, or opening a window to let natural light in and breathe in the fresh air, any combination of this where we are interacting or immersing oneself in natural surroundings can help us feel good.

2) Experiment with DIY housekeeping

Warmer weather might cue an annual household purge, but before we start to scrub, we should look at the ingredients in the cleaning products we are using to see if they could be harmful to people, pets or the environment. As an alternative, try a down-to-earth remedy that uses natural chemistry to get the job done. Mix equal parts distilled white vinegar and water, adding sprigs of fresh mint and juice from half of a lemon, for a crisp smelling DIY cleaner. Or, sprinkle baking soda on tough stovetop messes, followed by a spritz of homemade cleaner for a bubbling, grease-lifting reaction.

3) Engage your sense of smell

Scientific research shows our sense of smell plays a major role in our lives and has a strong influence on our emotions.[2] Engaging our sense of smell can have a short-term scientifically proven effect on our wellbeing and individuals may find different scents that are personal to them, to have a mood boosting effect.[3] With a few drops of essential oils or natural extracts of choice on a strategically placed cotton ball around the home, in your pocket or your car cup holder, any space can be transformed into a sensationally engaging or nature-inspired wellness experience.

4) Shop with a conscience

Shopping for personal care items that are people- and planet-friendly is one way to choose to care for ourselves and our surroundings simultaneously. Products like the new line of toothpaste from Natean, which uses consciously chosen ingredients and science-backed formulas, help provide essential oral care benefits such as whitening, cavity protection and tartar control with a twice-daily brushing routine, contributing to our overall wellness. Plus, Natean products are packaged in tubes made with post-consumer recycled (PCR) material and all their packaging is recyclable which helps us take care of the one planet we call home.[4] The mouth is a window to your wellness so choosing products that support good oral health for you and your family is important. For more information, visit

5) Arm yourself with altruism

Treating others how you would like to be treated is age-old advice, but what many do not realize is that the scientific benefit behind this principle may be invaluable to our wellness. Bioethics studies revealed that altruistic acts may trigger the brain to release feel-good chemicals, which can have a positive effect on our health and potentially even our longevity.[5] Be kind and devote time to do good deeds for others, like donating items you no longer use (which also helps reduce waste) or dedicating some time to volunteer for a cause you are passionate about. You will find that by doing so you are not only helping others, but you’re also benefitting your own health as well.

Prioritizing our wellbeing, alongside having an eco-conscious mindset, can offer a variety of wellness benefits. A simple swap of single-use plastics to post-consumer recycled (PCR) materials, reconnecting with nature and incorporating more conscious habits and products into our lives are easy ways to improve overall wellbeing. By leaning on nature and science, it is possible to improve your sense of balance and wellness.

[1] – US, Scientific Reports, 2019

[3] – US, Anne Churchill, BSc, PhD, FIFST, a research fellow for Givaudan Fragrance’s health and well-being’s Centre of Excellence, 2020

[4] *The cap is recyclable only in select communities that have appropriate recycling facilities.

[5] – The Science of Good Deeds – US, Stephen G. Post, PhD, a professor of bioethics at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, 1998/2004

4 ways to revamp your interior design with sustainable products


(BPT) – Sustainability isn’t just a trend. According to a 2021 study of more than 10,000 people in 17 countries, 85% said they had changed their shopping habits to be more sustainable. Also, 34% of respondents said they were willing to pay more for sustainable products and services. The rising demand for sustainable products has shifted the focus of many industries, including the interior design sector.

You may not associate sustainability with design, but these concepts aren’t mutually exclusive. In fact, many sustainable home design products are artful and unique because of how they’re created and used.

If you’re looking to refresh your home’s style while minimizing your impact on the planet, check out these four eco-friendly ways to spruce up your interior design.

1. Go antiquing

One of the easiest ways to be sustainable is not buying new products. Antique furniture and decor give your interior design an elevated look without creating new waste. By buying antiques, you can find unique pieces with history and save them from the landfill. Also, many antique items have a longer lifecycle than modern design pieces, so you can enjoy them for years to come.

2. Use reclaimed products

Reclaimed goods are used or leftover materials or products that can be repurposed for the same or different use. For example, reclaimed wood that once made up an old barn or crate can be used as the base of home decorations, shelving and tables. Using reclaimed materials and products can give your home a rustic charm while using existing items, keeping materials out of the landfill and reducing the demand for new products and the waste created when they’re made.

3. Buy recycled products

While reclaimed and recycled may sound interchangeable, reclaimed goods aren’t altered from their original state. Recycled products are items made from used materials that have been processed or molded into a new item for a new purpose. For example, many manufacturers are creating products using recycled plastic.

The Abstra Collection™ by Kohler WasteLAB® is a bespoke tile collection that demonstrates the intersection of art and ecological science. This is also an example of Kohler’s commitment to achieving net zero waste to landfill by 2035. Kohler WasteLAB, one of several success stories to come out of Kohler’s startup Innovation for Good, and its team of designers, ceramicists and engineers, rely on factory waste as the primary medium for the Abstra designs. These sustainable tiles are made from more than 99.5% landfill-bound materials including recycled wastewater sludge and glaze overspray from the company’s Wisconsin pottery factory. This innovative process leverages a way to convert materials that were once headed to a landfill to instead produce a tile of remarkable beauty and depth.

“Abstra has a fluidity that is continuous, yet ever-changing in its contrasting surface details,” said Dana Morales, Senior Designer – Kohler Co. “There are the raised and relief patterns, multiple geometric shapes, a soft, matte color palette based in nature, and subtle surface undulation that create complexity and depth. Through these new WasteLAB designs, we provide the tools to create an imaginative canvas and explore new ways to express yourself.”

Depending on the glaze selected, the tiles can be used in showers and other wet areas. They’re also resistant to freeze/thaw conditions, so also an exceptional choice for many outdoor installations.

4. Choose sustainable materials

When purchasing new products, make a difference and choose ones made from sustainable materials. Bamboo has become a popular material for furniture and decorations because it is a renewable material that doesn’t require much water, pesticides or labor to create compared to traditional wood products. Other sustainable materials include jute, a natural plant fiber used for woven rugs and other home textiles and cork, which is made by harmlessly harvesting tree bark.

Your individual choices as a consumer matter and can make a positive impact on the environment. One way is to invest in the earth’s future by seeking out earth-friendly, recyclable-based designs for your home.

The Abstra Collection by Kohler WasteLAB is available at ANN SACKS Tile & Stone Showrooms nationwide. Please visit for further information on the collection or to find your nearest showroom location.