Breaking up with friends: How to know when it’s time to move on


(BPT) – Friendships are an essential part of living a fulfilling life. However, just like any other relationship, some friends are only meant to be part of your life for a reason or a season, rather than a lifetime. The problem is, no one really talks about how to evaluate your friendships and let go of the ones that are no longer adding value to your life.

While an overwhelming majority (77%) of respondents in a recent Bumble For Friends survey* believe that friends are one of the main factors to a happy and healthy life, 42% have never intentionally evaluated the existing friendships in their lives, and 1 in 4 (25%) agree that they are stuck in outdated friendships that no longer serve them.

Danielle Bayard Jackson, Bumble For Friends’ friendship expert, shares her advice on how to intentionally assess your friendships so that you can find peace in letting go of the ones you’ve outgrown. She suggests starting by asking yourself these questions:

Does the friendship feel like an obligation?

Many people have circumstantial friendships, meaning relationships that are mostly based on convenience, such as taking the same classes or having the same hobbies. Bumble For Friends’ survey* found that 1 in 3 (35%) people have these kinds of friendships — they’re common, and they add value to life by offering a certain kind of companionship. However, when these friendships become obligatory, meaning that you maintain them out of a sense of duty, it’s time to reassess.

Why are you maintaining the friendship?

One of the most common reasons why people hold on to friendships that no longer serve them is that they feel they owe it to history. They may also feel scared that if they let a friendship go, they’ll have a hard time finding new friendships. If the reasons you’ve elected to keep a friendship don’t include a value-add to your life, then it might be time to mend or end the relationship.

What is maintaining the friendship costing you?

Holding on to a friendship that you aren’t genuinely interested in maintaining can lead to resentment, as you’re investing time, energy and emotional bandwidth that you most likely can’t afford. It can also impact your other friendships, as you’re dedicating space that you could be using on friends that fill your cup. There are only so many hours in the day, so it’s important to focus on friendships that positively impact your life.

If you decide that it’s time to part ways with the friendship, Jackson recommends a three-step formula for approaching the conversation:

  • Show that you’re intentional about the decision. Say, “Listen, I’ve been thinking a lot lately….”
  • Address your needs without blaming the other person. Use ‘I’ statements as much as you can; rather than “you are never there for me when I need you…,” try saying, “I need friendships in my life that can prioritize and support me in times of need.”
  • Tell them how much you appreciate them and what your intention is for moving forward. This could be, “I have appreciated our friendship so much, and you have been such an integral part of my life. However, I won’t be able to show up in this friendship in the same way that I have before.”

“Sometimes letting go is the first step toward creating a stronger friendship circle,” says Jackson. “Ending a friendship that no longer fits doesn’t make you mean or disloyal. Instead, it creates space for the both of you to be better positioned to invite new connections into your lives.”

If things have changed in your life and you feel like you’ve maybe outgrown a friendship, Jackson suggests intentionally doing things to form new friendships — whether that be joining group activities, asking friends of friends to tag along to their next event, or downloading Bumble For Friends, the friendship-finding mode on the Bumble app. By putting yourself out there, you’ll be on the right track to creating a stronger social circle around you.

For more expert advice on building (and maintaining) strong friendships, visit

*Research was commissioned by Bumble and carried out online by Censuswide in February 2023 amongst a sample of more than 1,000 US adults who have either attended college or are currently in college.

Looking to level up your family’s health? Try dairy foods; the benefits go beyond bones


(BPT) – From delicious and nutritious cheese and creamy yogurt to cool, nutrient-rich milk and refreshing smoothies, dairy is a fundamental part of American cuisine. Not only do dairy foods make eating more enjoyable, they also provide important nutrients and health benefits that go beyond strong bones.

Dairy benefits for kids

For parents, dairy offers great first-food choices for little ones like yogurt and cheese for baby’s first bites and tantalizing options for bigger kids. Plus, by exposing your growing child to many foods, textures and tastes, you’re helping them learn to like a wide variety of nutritious foods now and into the future.

Dairy every day is a healthy way to nourish kids’ brains, bones and bodies. Consider a cup of milk, for example. Just one glass provides 7 of the 14 nutrients the American Academy of Pediatrics says are important to brain development, helping to set the stage for cognition and IQ later in life, as noted in the medical journal Pediatrics.

“The brain-supporting nutrients milk provides are protein, zinc, selenium, iodine, choline and vitamins A and D,” said Dr. Elizabeth Pearce, Boston University Medical Center. “And while all of these nutrients play an important role in brain development, iodine stands out.” According to the World Health Organization, iodine deficiency is the most preventable cause of intellectual disability in the world.

In particular, people of child-bearing age who do not regularly consume dairy foods, eggs, seafood or iodized table salt may not consume enough iodine to meet increased needs during pregnancy and lactation, which could lead to neurocognitive defects and lower childhood IQ, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). An easy way to get enough iodine during this critical life stage is to include 3 servings of dairy at meals or snacks. At about 20 cents per 8-ounce serving, milk is an affordable source of iodine and other essential nutrients.

Preventing osteoporosis later

Bones are the framework for your child’s growing body. The healthy habits your child forms today can make, or literally break, their bones as they age. That’s because osteoporosis — the disease that makes bones brittle — is a process that can start in early childhood if nutrition and lifestyle habits are not incorporated, but it doesn’t reveal itself until adulthood.

Building your child’s bone bank account is a lot like saving for their education: The more they save now, the bigger investment for their bone health future. Bones benefit from nutrients found in dairy foods like calcium, vitamin D, protein, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium, and help kids develop and reach peak bone mass.

Thankfully, there are plenty of nutrient-packed dairy options kids love, like milk, yogurt and cheese that can help keep them nourished and fueled to focus and perform at their best.

Dairy benefits for adults

“Dairy’s benefits go beyond bones with a body of research indicating they are linked to both lower inflammation and risk of non-communicable diseases,” said Dr. Chris Cifelli, SVP of Nutrition Research at National Dairy Council. “Chronic, low-grade inflammation can result from a continuously out-of-balance immune system, and, the good news is, three systematic reviews found dairy foods can help keep markers of chronic inflammation in check.”

For example, a systematic review in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition evaluated 27 randomized control trials and found that dairy foods (e.g., milk, cheese and yogurt) and dairy proteins (e.g., whey, casein) have neutral to beneficial effects on inflammation.

Not only are dairy foods part of an anti-inflammatory diet, consumption of dairy foods also is linked to lower risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure, which disproportionately impact people of color. In fact, a recent study in the journal Nutrients found dairy foods are linked to a 26% reduced risk of heart disease deaths for those 19 and older and were not linked to all-cause or cancer mortality.

Lactose-free dairy options

There are a variety of dairy foods to meet people’s personalized nutrition and wellness needs, from milk with extra protein or kefir with probiotics to lactose-free dairy milk for people who cannot tolerate the lactose in dairy. Lactose-free dairy milk is widely available at grocery stores from name brand to store brand. It is real dairy milk with the lactose removed or filtered out, so the same nutrients will be in every serving. People can also choose hard cheeses, which contain minimal lactose, or yogurt, because its probiotics help digest the lactose.

To learn more about dairy and its health benefits for kids and adults, visit

Which car will make for the best spring road trip?


(BPT) – Spring is a great time for a road trip, whether that’s a family getaway during a school break or a solo escape to take in the beauty of nature after a long, cold winter. According to Driving Route 66, April marks the start of the best times of year to experience the open road — in fact, the spring season may even bring fewer crowds and help travelers avoid intense summer heat.

When preparing for a road trip, many consider what to pack, where to stop and the playlist to accompany the drive. But what about the vehicle? According to data from Hankook Tire’s latest Gauge Index, Americans have quite a few opinions about their road trip vehicles.

Fuel efficiency is key.

According to the latest survey, when deciding which vehicle to take on a road trip, Americans consider fuel efficiency (30%), comfort or size of the vehicle (23%) and whether the vehicle is up to date on maintenance. As gas prices continue to fluctuate, driving a vehicle that makes the most of its mileage could not only add some peace of mind, but also a few extra dollars to the road trip “fun” fund.

Gas-powered vehicles still win out over EVs.

Though drivers are mindful of the fuel economy of the vehicle they choose, nearly two-thirds (63%) still prefer to take a gas-powered vehicle on a road trip over an electric or hybrid vehicle. Ease of fueling could be a factor here, as Hankook found that 23% of those who are generally not comfortable driving an EV cite concern over finding somewhere to charge the vehicle as the primary reason why.

Pro tip: If you are planning to take an electric vehicle on a long-distance road trip, map out the route before you get behind the wheel. Consider your vehicle’s typical range to ensure an adequate charge throughout your journey.

SUVs take the top spot for style.

When asked which style of vehicle they would most prefer to take on a road trip, SUVs came in first place with 48% of the vote. In fact, nearly twice as many drivers picked an SUV over the runner-up, a sedan (25%). Hankook found younger drivers, however, are more likely to branch out when it comes to body style, as 17% of Gen Z would seek out the thrill of a sports car, compared to 7% overall.

In the end, the vehicle that will make the most out of your spring road trip will be the one that offers you and your passengers the best ride — whether that is a spacious SUV with plenty of room to stash luggage and road trip snacks, or a compact, fuel-efficient sports car to experience those winding roads to the fullest. No matter which vehicle fits your needs best, remember to conduct a full maintenance check, including a quick tire test, before heading out to avoid any unexpected bumps in the road.

Did you know? If you expect to encounter rain on your spring road trip, definitely watch out for those bumps in the road. Spring is when most potholes develop, and Hankook found that nearly two-thirds (62%) of drivers say those have gotten worse in the last year!

4 DIY project ideas to bring new life to your home


(BPT) – More and more homeowners are taking on the challenge of renovating their homes. According to Statista, homeowners have spent more time and money on home improvement projects over the last two years than ever before.

While you can hire someone else to renovate your home, you can do many DIY projects without any advanced home improvement skills and knowledge. Check out these four simple DIY home renovation projects that can quickly spruce up your home’s interior.

1. Update fixtures

Small but purposeful changes can make a big impact on your home’s decor. An easy and cost-effective DIY project you can do to refresh your spaces is to replace the knobs, handles and pulls on your cabinets, drawers and doors.

This design change can be as simple as picking fixtures with different metals or finishes, such as switching out silver kitchen cabinet hardware for brass or gold hues or opting for more colorful and interesting knobs and handles. If your rooms have standard white switch plate covers, consider replacing them with decorative ones.

2. Paint cabinets

Paint can do a lot to change the look of your home. Instead of taking on a large project like repainting every room or the exterior of your home, you can paint smaller furnishings like kitchen and bathroom cabinets.

Repainting cabinets is an approachable DIY home update that can generally be done in a weekend. If you want to brighten up your kitchen, choose a soft green, bright blue or rich yellow to paint your cabinets. For your bathroom cabinets, find deep reds or dark grays and blues for a sophisticated and inviting atmosphere.

3. Put up wallpaper

Wallpaper is a fun alternative to repainting a room. Whether you wallpaper a whole room or just one wall as an accent, you can refresh the look of your bedroom, living room, office or kitchen. There are many wallpaper options to choose from, but if you want something unique that truly expresses your personal style, consider ordering custom wallpaper.

Whether you choose an image or illustration that is special to you or a bespoke pattern, you can quickly change the look and feel of your room. To create your custom wallpaper, make sure you find a business that uses reliable large format printers, like the new Colorado M Series printers from Canon, which use a unique and robust UVgel ink set which even includes white ink for a very unique and wide wallpaper offering.

The Colorado M Series printers can help users create wallpapers with rich color consistency in custom sizes and lengths in matte or gloss finish so you can revamp your home’s interior with high-quality wallcoverings.

4. Install shelving

Many houses don’t have enough space for all your possessions. You can add more space and visual interest to your home by installing shelving. Installing shelves may seem a bit intimidating, but it’s easier than you may think.

You can install a simple, rustic wood plank on metal or wood brackets and arrange books, trinkets or other small objects on them. If you need a more robust storage system, look for fixed bracket or adjustable shelving to organize heavier objects like kitchen appliances, electronics and lamps.

Changing the ambiance and design of your home doesn’t have to be an expensive or time-consuming endeavor. Let these four DIY project ideas inspire your future renovations so you can create a space that you can truly call home.

Leading an active life every day of the week: 4 ways to work out with your dog


(BPT) – Finding motivation on a Monday can be tough. However, there’s no greater motivator to get up and moving like having your canine companion by your side to help you take on Monday — and every day of the week — like a pro. Active dogs and their humans take challenges head-on, and when you consider the ways in which you’ll both benefit from being active together, and getting the fine-tuned nutrition necessary to help keep active dogs strong and energized, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish together.

Tennis pro Venus Williams knows prioritizing her dog’s health through exercise is important to his longevity. “My dog Harry is such a huge part of my life. My dream is for him to have the longest life possible,” said Williams. “When I go to practice, he goes to practice. If I go to the gym, Harry goes to the gym.”

To help pet parents get outside and move with their four-legged friends, Williams has teamed up with Purina Pro Plan Sport to take Monday motivation to a whole new level with the “Monday Like a Pro” Challenge.

Every Monday through May 21, Venus and a group of content creators and award-winning athlete pros will issue weekly challenges for pet parents to log active minutes with their dogs. If you want to join the challenge but don’t know where to start, check out these four, fun ways to get moving with your dog.

1. Take a hike

Hiking is a great way to challenge yourself and your dog. Hikes can be more challenging than your typical walk around the block because of the varying terrain, especially if a hiking path has rolling hills. A new environment allows your dog to experience new smells, sights and sounds, which aids in their mental stimulation.

2. Go to the beach

If you live near the ocean, take your dog to the beach. The beach is a veritable playground of enriching experiences for both dogs and pet parents alike. You can jog along the shore together, play fetch in shallow water or go for a swim. Even if you don’t live near the ocean, you can do these same activities at a lake or river.

3. Play sports

If you play sports or want to get back into playing a sport, your pup can help you train. Take them to the tennis court, work on your serve and have your pooch fetch and return the ball to you. If you have a soccer ball, play keep away with your dog or set them up in a goal and try to score.

4. Work on agility

Find an agility course at a local dog park or take an agility training course. Your dog will learn how to weave through obstacles, run through tunnels and jump over bars, teaching them new tricks and obedience. Meanwhile, you’ll get a workout running alongside them on the course and issuing commands along the way.

Once you add regular exercise to your routine, ensure that both of you get the proper nutrition to fuel your workouts. “Fueling my body with optimal nutrition is one of the most important things that I focus on, not just before my matches, but also on a daily basis,” said Williams. “That’s something I want for my dog Harry as well. With Pro Plan Sport, I know he’s getting the nutrition he needs so he can stick by me on all our adventures.”

To help fuel your highly active, athletic dog, join the “Monday Like a Pro” Challenge. Every Monday through May 21, check out the weekly challenge and log your active minutes. One winner per week will be randomly selected to win a year’s supply of Pro Plan dry dog food to experience firsthand the advanced nutrition of Pro Plan Sport offering the strength and stamina to conquer any adventure.

Joining the challenge also does good for others. For every week participants collectively log 1 million minutes, Pro Plan will donate $15,000 (up to a total donation of $150,000) to Athletes for Animals. The nonprofit organization partners with professional athletes to educate the public about responsible pet ownership, promote pet adoption, raise funds and distribute grants to support best practices in animal welfare.

Sign up now to get active, give back and be entered for a chance to win excellent nutritional food for your active dog. To learn more and join the challenge, visit

6 tips to keep your home’s basement protected from water damage this spring


(BPT) – Springtime’s melting snow or heavy rain can cause sump pump problems and sewer backups for homes with basements or crawl spaces. Damage from either can be costly, because sewer backup and sump overflow are excluded from standard homeowners insurance policies. Fortunately, most home insurers do make this coverage available by endorsement.

“Independent insurance agents sell this coverage to about 85% of all homes written with Acuity,” said Bob Hertel, director of personal lines product development at Acuity Insurance. “Many homes written with other insurers do not include an endorsement to cover losses caused by sewer backup or sump overflow.”

Many municipal sewer systems are outdated, and flooded streets can quickly cause severe water damage to basement walls, flooring, furniture and other personal property. Sump pump maintenance is often ignored until water overflows into the basement. Standing water isn’t just difficult to handle, it can be costly too. Over the past five years, Acuity Insurance’s average claim payment for sewer backup is $6,787 and sump pump coverage claims average over $7,630.

Consider these tips to help protect your home from sump pump problems and sewer backups this spring:

  • Buy a special endorsement that includes coverage for sump overflow and sewer backup. This endorsement will cover your home and personal property in the event of water damage from a sewer backup or sump overflow.
  • Test your sump pump at least once each year. A simple and effective way to test your sump pump is by pouring water into the sump pit. If the pump does not run, it needs cleaning, repair or replacement. If it requires maintenance, consider assistance from a licensed plumber.
  • Replace your pump. Sump pumps typically should be replaced every five to 10 years. Preventive maintenance is key to your system’s longevity. If you don’t stay on top of it, you might not notice that your pump needs to be replaced until you need it most.
  • Consider purchasing a battery backup sump pump and an alarm system. A backup battery or generator will ensure your pump does not fail in the event of a power outage. Sump pump alarms are designed to alert you when your sump pit is at risk of overflowing. Many types of alarms are available, with prices ranging from about $12 up to several hundred dollars for an advanced Wi-Fi system that sends warnings to your smartphone.
  • Consider the value of your basement. Hertel notes that Acuity Insurance’s most common endorsement limit is $5,000, but this is probably not enough for a finished basement. Most companies offer limits up to $25,000 or more. To determine an appropriate limit, consider what it would cost to replace water damaged walls, floors, furniture and other basement-kept personal property.
  • Ensure the sump pump discharge pipe discharges water far enough away from your house. If the sump pump discharges water too close to your house, the water will seep right back in and cause unnecessary wear on your pump. Ensure the sump water is discharged downhill and far enough away from your house for adequate draining.

“Preventing water from backing up into your home is an important task,” Hertel said. “Make sure your home is protected by taking preventive maintenance steps. Even with the best maintenance, some water backup losses cannot be avoided. Contact your independent agent to ensure you have appropriate coverage and limits in case something goes wrong.”

Friendship, Trust and Support on My Schizophrenia Journey


(BPT) – The story you are about to read may not be representative of all people living with schizophrenia. The opinions expressed here are those of Robert, a person living with schizophrenia, and are not a substitute for medical advice or judgment. Always talk to your doctor/healthcare provider (HCP) about available and appropriate treatment options. Individual results may vary.

My life for three decades had been a struggle. I was living on the streets, found it hard to hold a job, and had symptoms—like hearing voices—that I didn’t understand. What I didn’t know until I was diagnosed by a healthcare provider is that I was living with schizophrenia, a serious mental health condition that affects about one percent of the U.S. population.1

When I first met Scott, I was carrying all my possessions around on my bike. Scott often reminds me that despite my tough situation, he was amazed at the big smile on my face. That chance meeting turned into a lifelong friendship that would set me on a new path.

At the time we met, Scott was on an extended trip to California visiting his son in college. Later that week, Scott offered to buy me a croissant and a cup of coffee, and I accepted.

Life for me at that time was difficult. I had a hard time staying in one place for too long and struggled making decisions, but I was convinced that this was just a result of being “unhoused.” It never occurred to me that I could be struggling from a serious mental illness.

As time went on, it was sometimes challenging for me to tell the difference between real and imaginary dangers, and there were times when I would hear voices that weren’t there. I thought that my mental health may be a problem, but I had no connections or resources to ask for help. I thought I could use a friend, and Scott became that for me. The more time he spent getting to know me, the more I trusted him. Over many coffees and croissants, we shared stories about our lives and learned that we had some important things in common.

Over the next several months, Scott travelled back and forth between Rhode Island and California and we continued to build our friendship. He even spent a night sleeping in a parking garage with me—he wanted me to know that I had an ally in him. I did not know this at the time, but Scott had done some of his own research about support options that could be available to me. So when he eventually offered to help me find an HCP for a potential evaluation, I was ready.

My acceptance of Scott’s offer of help was influenced by his compassion and support for my well-being. Scott went with me to a mental health center where, after a full evaluation, an HCP formally diagnosed me with schizophrenia. Some of the symptoms of schizophrenia may include, but are not limited to, hallucinations, delusions, difficulty functioning normally, trouble focusing and behaviors associated with psychosis.2 Most people living with schizophrenia will require an integrated approach to treatment that includes medication, therapy, and psychosocial support to manage their condition.3

After talking to my doctor about my treatment options, we decided that ARISTADA® (aripiprozole lauroxil) may be a good choice for my schizophrenia treatment journey. ARISTADA is a prescription medicine used to treat schizophrenia in adults and is given via injection by a healthcare professional. After establishing tolerability to aripiprozole and completing treatment initiation, I began taking the 2-month (1064 mg) dose of ARISTADA.4,5

Here is some important safety information about ARISTADA: It is not known if ARISTADA is safe and effective in patients under 18. It’s also important to know that elderly people with dementia-related psychosis are at increased risk of death when treated with antipsychotic medicines including ARISTADA. ARISTADA is not for the treatment of people who have lost touch with reality (psychosis) due to confusion and memory loss (dementia). The most common side effects of ARISTADA include restlessness or feeling like you need to move (akathisia).5 These are not all of the side effects associated with ARISTADA. For additional Important Safety Information, please see below.

Since starting on ARISTADA, I have noticed an improvement in my schizophrenia symptoms. This has just been my experience and yours may be different. Talk to your healthcare team about what may be best for you.

After helping me seek treatment, Scott went back to Rhode Island, but we talked every day. On one occasion, I expressed wanting to move to New England and Scott was supportive of the idea—it was one of the biggest decisions on my journey.

In our search for my permanent home, Scott found a cabin about 45 minutes away from his house. I packed a bag and moved across the country. It was the first time in many years that I had a place of my own. When I woke up the next morning in my bed, I knew I was finally home.

No matter what the future holds, I maintain a dialogue with my care team and stick with my treatment plan with the support of Scott and my healthcare providers.

This is intended as informational only and not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical and/or mental health condition.

Please read the Important Safety Information for ARISTADA INITIO® and ARISTADA below. Discuss all benefits and risks with a healthcare provider. See Prescribing Information for ARISTADA INITIO and ARISTADA, including Boxed Warning, and Medication Guides for ARISTADA INITIO and ARISTADA.

INDICATION and IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION for ARISTADA INITIO® (aripiprazole lauroxil) and ARISTADA® (aripiprazole lauroxil) extended-release injectable suspension, for intramuscular use


ARISTADA INITIO is a prescription medicine given as a one-time injection and is used in combination with oral aripiprazole to start ARISTADA treatment, or re-start ARISTADA treatment after a missed dose, when ARISTADA is used for the treatment of schizophrenia in adults.

ARISTADA is a prescription medicine given by injection by a healthcare professional and used to treat schizophrenia in adults.

It is not known if ARISTADA INITIO and/or ARISTADA are safe and effective in children under 18 years of age.


Elderly people with dementia-related psychosis are at increased risk of death when treated with antipsychotic medicines including ARISTADA INITIO and ARISTADA. ARISTADA INITIO and ARISTADA are not for the treatment of people who have lost touch with reality (psychosis) due to confusion and memory loss (dementia).

Contraindication: Do not receive ARISTADA INITIO or ARISTADA if you are allergic to aripiprazole or any of the ingredients in ARISTADA. Allergic reactions to aripiprazole have ranged from rash, hives and itching to anaphylaxis, which may include difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, and swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue.

ARISTADA INITIO and/or ARISTADA may cause serious side effects including:

  • Cerebrovascular problems (including stroke) in elderly people with dementia-related psychosis that can lead to death.
  • Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), a serious condition that can lead to death. Call your healthcare provider or go to the nearest hospital emergency room right away if you have some or all of the following signs and symptoms of NMS:
    • high fever
    • stiff muscles
    • confusion
    • sweating
    • changes in pulse, heart rate, and blood pressure
  • Uncontrolled body movements (tardive dyskinesia). ARISTADA INITIO and ARISTADA may cause movements that you cannot control in your face, tongue, or other body parts. Tardive dyskinesia may not go away, even if you stop receiving ARISTADA. Tardive dyskinesia may also start after you stop receiving ARISTADA.
  • Problems with your metabolism such as:
    • High blood sugar (hyperglycemia). Increases in blood sugar can happen in some people who receive ARISTADA INITIO and/or ARISTADA. Extremely high blood sugar can lead to coma or death. If you have diabetes or risk factors for diabetes (such as being overweight or a family history of diabetes), your healthcare provider should check your blood sugar before you receive ARISTADA INITIO and/or ARISTADA and during your treatment with ARISTADA.
      • Call your healthcare provider if you have any of these symptoms of high blood sugar:
        • feel very thirsty
        • need to urinate more than usual
        • feel very hungry
        • feel weak or tired
        • feel sick to your stomach
        • feel confused, or your breath smells fruity
    • Increased fat levels (cholesterol and triglycerides) in your blood
    • Weight gain. You and your healthcare provider should check your weight regularly.
  • Unusual and uncontrollable (compulsive) urges. Some people taking aripiprazole have had strong unusual urges such as gambling that cannot be controlled (compulsive gambling). Other compulsive urges include sexual urges, shopping, and eating or binge eating. If you or your family members notice that you are having unusual strong urges, talk to your healthcare provider.
  • Decreased blood pressure (orthostatic hypotension). You may feel lightheaded or faint when you rise too quickly from a sitting or lying position.
  • Falls. ARISTADA INITIO and ARISTADA may make you sleepy or dizzy when standing which may make you at risk for falls and related injuries
  • Low white blood cell count
  • Seizures (convulsions)
  • Problems controlling your body temperature. Avoid becoming too hot or dehydrated. Do not exercise too much. In hot weather, stay inside in a cool place if possible. Stay out of the sun. Do not wear too much clothing or heavy clothing. Drink plenty of water.
  • Difficulty swallowing

The most common side effects of ARISTADA INITIO and ARISTADA include restlessness or feeling like you need to move (akathisia). These are not all the possible side effects of ARISTADA INITIO and ARISTADA. You should tell your healthcare provider about any side-effects you have.

Do not drive, operate hazardous machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how ARISTADA INITIO and ARISTADA affect you. ARISTADA INITIO and ARISTADA may affect your judgment, thinking or motor skills.

Before receiving ARISTADA INITIO and ARISTADA tell your healthcare provider about all of your medical conditions, including if you:

  • have not taken Abilify®, Abilify Maintena®, or any aripiprazole product before
  • have or had heart problems or a stroke
  • have diabetes or high blood sugar or a family history of diabetes or high blood sugar. Your healthcare provider should check your blood sugar before you receive ARISTADA INITIO and/or ARISTADA and during your treatment with ARISTADA
  • have or had low or high blood pressure
  • have or had seizures (convulsions)
  • have or had a low white blood cell count
  • have problems that may affect you receiving an injection in your buttocks or your arm
  • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if ARISTADA INITIO and/or ARISTADA will harm your unborn baby. If you become pregnant while taking ARISTADA INITIO and/or ARISTADA, talk to your healthcare provider about registering with the National Pregnancy Registry for Atypical Antipsychotics. You can register by calling
    1-866-961-2388, or visit
  • are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. ARISTADA INITIO and/or ARISTADA can pass into your breast milk. It is not known if it may harm your baby. Talk to your healthcare provider about the best way to feed your baby if you receive ARISTADA INITIO and/or ARISTADA.

Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. ARISTADA INITIO and ARISTADA and other medicines may affect each other causing possible serious side effects. Do not start or stop any medicines after you receive ARISTADA INITIO and ARISTADA without talking to your healthcare provider first.

If you have any questions about your health or medicines, talk to your healthcare provider. You are encouraged to report all side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.


1 Cloutier M, Aigbogun MS, Guerin A, et al. The Economic Burden of Schizophrenia in the United States in 2013. J Clin Psychiatry. 2016;77(6):764-771. doi:10.4088/JCP.15m10278

2 American Psychiatric Association. Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychiatric Disorders. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2013.

3 Schizophrenia Fact Sheet. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Accessed January 26, 2023.

4 ARISTADA [Medication Guide]. Waltham, MA: Alkermes, Inc.; 2021.

5 ARISTADA [Prescribing Information]. Waltham, MA: Alkermes, Inc.; 2021.

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How reimbursement policies can affect patient access to anesthesia care


(BPT) – Hospitals nationwide — especially those in rural or other underserved areas where staffing is challenging — count on the skills and talents of every single member of a healthcare team to provide the best possible patient care. Crucial members of that team include Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) — who are highly skilled, well trained, and licensed to deliver anesthesia care for a wide variety of cases including surgical, obstetrical, trauma stabilization, and pain management. Due to their exceptional training and experience, CRNAs practice with a high degree of autonomy, and in some states CRNAs are the sole anesthesia providers in nearly 100% of rural hospitals. Recently, one insurance company announced that CRNAs will receive 15% less compensation than other anesthesia providers for delivering the same services. It is likely that other companies may follow that same practice.

In 2010, a provider nondiscrimination provision in the Affordable Care Act was enacted. This law prohibits health insurance companies from setting different reimbursement rates for providers who are delivering the same high-quality healthcare services. Unfortunately, there is no regulation or rule currently in place issued by the agencies that oversee its implementation so there has been no enforcement of this law.

Due to the lack of enforcement of this nondiscrimination provision, some healthcare plans are reimbursing CRNAs at lower rates than other anesthesia providers for giving the same types of services. This is especially problematic at a time when healthcare staffing is a major concern, and particularly in rural areas that have a smaller provider pool.

What are the consequences of discriminatory CRNA reimbursement?

Discriminating against fully trained, educated and qualified CRNAs delivering the same anesthesia services as other providers can lead to multiple negative impacts on the healthcare industry overall, including:

  • Higher healthcare costs. Policies of unequal payment rates lead to higher cost healthcare delivery, without improving quality. Inconsistent insurance rates can pass the responsibility to facilities such as hospitals and off-site ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) to make up the difference in the reduced payments which will increase costs and reduce access for patients. This can drive harmful cost-shifting in healthcare delivery that puts patient access to care at risk, especially among the most vulnerable populations in rural and underserved areas.
  • Increased staff shortages. Unchecked rate setting practices can cause CRNAs to leave an insurance network employing discriminatory reimbursement policies or to move to a different state — or even leave the healthcare field altogether, exacerbating current nationwide staffing shortages.
  • Limited patient access to care. Especially in rural areas where a CRNA may have been the only option for anesthesia care, patients may have few or no options available for anesthesia care at their local hospital.
  • Increased burden on hospitals. Many hospitals are being forced to make tough decisions around cutting much-needed services — such as obstetrics — due to massive financial losses, and reduced reimbursement for CRNAs will only increase these difficulties.

Promoting nondiscrimination in how healthcare providers are reimbursed allows consumers to be able to choose their anesthesia care from among highly skilled, well-trained licensed healthcare professionals such as CRNAs who perform the same services to the same high level of quality as other qualified providers.

“It’s critical to ensure that healthcare providers, including CRNAs and other nurses, are treated fairly,” says Angela Mund, DNP, CRNA and 2022-2023 president of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA). “A strong and enforceable provider nondiscrimination rule is vital to ensuring that everyone has access to life saving care from the provider of their choice.”

Learn more about how CRNAs help provide needed care to patients and how you can support them at

The future of aviation is driven by innovation across passenger well-being, sustainability and beyond


(BPT) – The aviation industry drives around 5% of U.S. GDP — the equivalent of $1.25 trillion in 2022. The industry creates innovative and rewarding roles for some 8 million people across the U.S. Aviation, supporting around 25,000 flights carrying 2.3 million passengers and 66,000 tons of cargo every day. As the industry bounces back from the uncertainty of the last few years, innovation is critical to addressing passenger issues, such as well-being and sustainability, as well as helping to create an improved passenger experience for the flyer.

One company spearheading this innovation is TransDigm Group. The company employs more than 14,000 staff across its portfolio of 48 operating companies located across the United States and Europe. The company has a rich heritage of innovation and manufacturing in aviation and aerospace, including critical avionics, actuation systems, parachutes specifically designed for missions to Mars, and critical passenger and cargo safety systems.

Ensuring passenger well-being

Naturally, for some passengers, there was some anxiety about stepping back onboard aircraft following the global pandemic. But the industry was swift to respond to the crisis by developing enhancements to cabin interiors, designed with passenger well-being and comfort in mind.

Many airlines are now adopting antimicrobial materials for all passenger-facing touch points in the cabin, including bulkheads, tray tables, seatbacks and flooring. New innovations, like the TITANXP surface treatment from Schneller (a TransDigm company), are enhancing disinfection routines to ensure that cabins are effectively sanitised between flights, eradicating 99.9% of all bacteria on cabin surfaces.

Unlike traditional disinfectants, TITANXP has been shown in tests conducted by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to be effective on both hard and soft surfaces — enabling airlines and cabin designers to innovate the cabin interior without concerns around fabrics or finishes degrading due to exposure to harsh disinfectants.

Bathrooms on aircraft are typically small spaces with high footfall. Research has suggested that the average manual tap in a public bathroom is home to anywhere between 1,500 and 6,000 bacteria. Airlines — such as All Nippon Airways (ANA) — are kickstarting programs of investment in touchless technologies for aircraft bathrooms to help address passenger hygiene concerns.

Another TransDigm company, Adams Rite Aerospace (which won a competitive contract to design and manufacture the cockpit safety door systems following the 9/11 attacks), is a pioneer in this area. The company has built a portfolio of touchless lavatory products — from flush switches and faucets to hand dryers and liquid dispensers — to help airlines meet growing passenger demand for a more hygienic experience in airline bathrooms.

Driving the sustainable agenda

As the world focuses on growing a circular economy where environmental concerns are front of mind for all businesses, the airline industry is seeking new ways to reduce its environmental impact. Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) — a jet fuel derived from non-fossil sources — is being deployed by leading commercial airlines, such as KLM, Lufthansa, Delta and American Airlines. While SAF has helped power hundreds of thousands of flights to date, airlines are continually seeking ways to further reduce fuel burn, saving cost and reducing environmental impact at the same time.

Less weight means less fuel burn, so airlines are seeking ways to implement lighter materials across the cabin, without impacting the performance or safety of the aircraft. One example is AmSafe, a TransDigm company, which has developed a new lightweight version of its seatbelt. This sheds around 50 grams from the original weight of every single seatbelt, while maintaining the integrity and performance that delivers safety in the air. Deployed across an entire fleet these kinds of reductions in onboard weight can deliver significant differences for airlines.

Blue skies ahead

Despite the disruption to air travel over recent years and its impact on airlines and passengers, the aviation industry has continued to innovate in critical areas such as customer well-being and the reduction of environmental impact. As the industry bounces back, with renewed demand for both business and leisure travel, innovation will continue to power real improvements to the passenger experience, helping to deliver highly skilled and rewarding roles for technical engineers and innovators across the globe. TransDigm’s family of companies are committed to driving this innovation, helping turbo charge the aviation industry into a brighter future.

This entertainer is taking her shot at some new things — and doesn’t want pneumococcal pneumonia to stand in her way


(BPT) – Sherri Shepherd — actress, comedian, author and award-winning broadcaster — is taking her shot at implementing new healthy habits while helping protect herself against pneumococcal pneumonia. In case you’re not familiar with it, it’s a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that can disrupt your life for weeks, and can even put you in the hospital or be life-threatening.

Q: You’ve been very vocal about your current health journey. What are some things you’re doing this year to help you stay on track?

Sherri: I’ve been prioritizing my health by finding fun ways to move my body. Sometimes it’s getting outside for a long walk, sometimes rollerblading in the park, but I’m making sure to stay active. And because I have diabetes, I’m at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia — just like anyone else 19 or older with other certain underlying medical conditions like asthma, COPD and chronic heart disease. So, I also got vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia, because I don’t want it to stand in my way of living my best life.

That’s why I’m partnering with Pfizer to help raise awareness about the importance of getting vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia.

Q: What do you want people to know about pneumococcal pneumonia?

Sherri: I want to help other adults with underlying medical conditions understand their risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. It’s important to me to make sure they know there are steps they can take to help protect themselves — and that goes for adults 65 or older, too, who are also at increased risk.

Q: Even if someone’s had a pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine in the past, should they still ask about pneumococcal pneumonia vaccination?

Sherri: Yes — even if you’ve been vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia in the past, your doctor or pharmacist may recommend another vaccination for additional protection. Everyone’s situation is different, so it’s important to talk to a healthcare provider who can give their professional advice.

Q: Is pneumococcal pneumonia something I can still get outside of the winter months?

Sherri: It’s a misconception that you can only get pneumococcal pneumonia in the winter or during flu season, but it can strike in any season — and vaccination is available all year round. That’s why I encourage people not to wait to ask their doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated.

Q: Thanks so much for the information, Sherri. Where can people find out more?

Sherri: To learn more about the disease, risks, symptoms and more, visit

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