5 expert tips to support athlete success this spring


(BPT) – If you have a family of athletes, you know how hectic the spring sports schedule can be. As you prepare for another busy season, focus on feeding your young athletes right to optimize their sports performance and fuel their fun!

Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist Dawn Jackson Blatner wants to help active families find their stride this year by offering five expert tips that can make a big difference in your child’s athletic performance.

1. Don’t skip breakfast

You’ve probably heard it before, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially if you play sports. “Eating breakfast kick-starts your metabolism, replenishes your energy stores, and sets the tone for the day ahead,” said Blatner. She recommends eating nourishing morning meals that include protein, carbs and healthy fats, like a quick breakfast wrap with a whole grain tortilla, avocado, spinach and eggs to fuel your muscles for whatever challenges lie ahead.

2. Eat your colors

Did you know that the color of fruits and vegetables is important to maintaining a healthy diet? Each color offers different nutrients. For example, leafy greens contain nitrates for energy, yellow/orange produce has carotenoids for healthy vision, and red produce has lycopene and anthocyanin for heart health. When putting a meal together, do a “color check.” Blatner recommends that your plate should have at least two colors at every meal.

3. Prioritize protein

Protein is power! Athletes who want to improve their strength and endurance should prioritize protein at every meal, and having protein after practice or a game is especially important. According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition, eating protein after a workout promotes muscle gain and aids in recovery so your young athlete can wake up energized for the next day of activities.

4. Ensure ample time for rest and recovery

It’s crucial for young athletes to focus on recovery and rest to maintain their energy and performance levels throughout the entire sports season. Engaging in sports can lead to muscle wear and fatigue, so prioritize adequate sleep and relaxation for muscle repair, growth and a reduced risk of injury. Recovery time isn’t just physical; it also provides mental rest, which is essential for maintaining focus and motivation.

5. Stock your snacks

Athletes are constantly on the go. When time is short between practice and games, the kids may be tempted to reach for convenient but unhealthy snacks. To help your family make wholesome choices, Blatner encourages keeping grab & go snacks of nutrient-dense foods in your fridge.

A tasty, nutritious and easy snack or meal to prep and store are Veggie Chaffles (Cheese Waffles) made with Eggland’s Best eggs. Eggland’s Best eggs contain more than double the Vitamin B-12 compared to ordinary eggs, which provides a natural energy boost. They also contain more than double the Omega-3s compared to ordinary eggs, which may help reduce muscle soreness and aid in recovery after strenuous exercise.

You can make these chaffles in batches to keep as a grab-and-go snack that the kids can take straight from the fridge on the way out the door. This recipe has just three ingredients, and you can use whatever veggies your kids like, such as cauliflower, carrots or even zucchini!

Eggland’s Best Veggie Chaffles (Cheese Waffles)

Prep time: 5 minutes; Cook time: 25 minutes; Makes: 8 mini waffles


  • 4 Eggland’s Best Eggs, large
  • 1 cup finely chopped veggies like cauliflower or shredded zucchini
  • 3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • Olive oil (for brushing)


1. Preheat mini waffle maker.

2. In a bowl, mix together Eggland’s Best Eggs with veggies and cheese.

3. Brush waffle maker with olive oil and pour 1/4 cup egg mixture into the mini waffle maker. Close the lid and cook for 3 minutes, until golden.

4. Repeat to use the rest of the egg mixture.

Additional Notes

Eat right away or store in fridge for up to 4 days.

Eat leftovers cold, at room temperature or heat in microwave for about 20 seconds.

Time Saver: Use frozen “riced” cauliflower or other veggies so there’s no chopping required!

Using these five expert tips, you can set your athletes up for success and give their bodies the support they need to excel in their sports. To find more recipes to fuel your day, visit EgglandsBest.com.

Smash your sports goals with a sweepstakes!

As the Official Egg of Little League® Baseball and Softball, Eggland’s Best is encouraging families to enter the Eggland’s Best “Egg-ceptional Wellness” Sweepstakes. From now through May 14, fans can visit EBFamilySweeps.com and enter for a chance to win the Grand Prize of $5,000 to plus up your active family’s wellness activities this spring!

1 in 7 mothers experience inadequate pain relief during C-section, new recommendations from anesthesiologists help address the problem


(BPT) – Nearly a third of all births in the U.S. — more than 1.3 million — are delivered by cesarean section (C-section) each year. While their baby’s safety is top of mind, mothers are likely also concerned about the pain they may experience during the procedure. Although epidurals are the most common pain relief used and are highly effective, recent research found that nearly one in seven mothers — almost 200,000 a year — may still experience some level of pain or discomfort, which can significantly affect their mental health.

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) is helping to address this issue by releasing new recommendations and best practices to help ensure all moms-to-be receive adequate pain management during planned or unexpected C-sections.

Data shows that when a mother’s pain is not adequately controlled during a cesarean delivery they can experience psychological distress and an increased risk of post-traumatic stress disorder,” said ASA President Ronald L. Harter, M.D., FASA. “ASA’s new recommendations will help ensure all expectant mothers receive optimal pain care tailored to their individual needs.”

ASA explains pain management options during C-sections, the new recommendations and what women in labor can expect and should ask their anesthesiologist.

Pain Management During C-sections

The majority of mothers undergoing C-sections receive regional anesthesia, which is proven very safe and quite effective and used in 95% of elective and 80% of emergency cesarean deliveries in the U.S. The two most common are epidurals and spinal blocks, where pain medication is delivered through an injection or a catheter inserted into the lower back.

An epidural or spinal block is often the preferred pain-relief method because the baby is exposed to the lowest amount of medication, and the mother can still actively participate in the baby’s birth. However, general anesthesia may be necessary in some cases.

Many hospitals have historically tracked general anesthesia rates in cesarean delivery, but the frequency of pain associated with epidurals and spinal blocks has largely been unknown until more recently when research found that mothers’ pain was sometimes not adequately controlled through this type of anesthesia, requiring additional anesthesia or pain medications.

New Recommendations and Best Practices for Health Care Teams

ASA’s new recommendations and best practices focus on helping health care professionals identify patients at increased risk for pain before a C-section, maintaining adequate anesthesia throughout the delivery, ensuring effective communication between the mother and her health care team and following up with new moms to ensure quality improvements and disparities are reduced. The importance of shared decision-making with the patient is also discussed.

What Moms-To-Be Should Expect

A cesarean delivery is needed if a baby can’t be born vaginally for reasons such as the positioning of the baby or placenta, or other health risks to the mother or baby. Some C-sections are planned, but many are done when unexpected issues occur during labor for a planned vaginal delivery.

For patients preparing for a C-section, ASA encourages them to talk with their anesthesiologist about their anesthesia plan. Questions moms-to-be should consider asking include:

  • What type of anesthesia will I receive?
  • How will the anesthesia affect my baby?
  • What can I expect to feel during the procedure?
  • How will my pain be managed after the procedure?
  • What are the possible side effects of the anesthesia?
  • How will you monitor me during the procedure?
  • What happens if I require general anesthesia during the procedure?
  • Will an anesthesiologist be involved in my care?

Expecting mothers also are urged to speak up if they experience any pain or discomfort during the procedure, as additional anesthesia options may be available to help control pain while protecting both their health and the baby’s.

Learn more about how anesthesiologists help manage pain during labor and the anesthesia options that are available by visiting: https://www.asahq.org/madeforthismoment/pain-management/types-of-pain/labor/.

Building up Africa’s Health Care Network in the Fight Against Malaria to Bring Families Closer to Care


(BPT) – Malaria continues to be a significant public health issue in certain regions across the globe, especially in Africa. In the most recent estimate, the World Health Organization approximated 608,000 malaria-related deaths with 95% of those being traced back to Africa. This life-threatening disease spread to humans through bites from certain types of infected female mosquitoes is preventable and curable. However, if left untreated, it can turn deadly in just 24 hours after symptoms like fever, chills, sweats, headaches, nausea and body aches appear.

The challenge many people in countries most affected by malaria face is access to proper healthcare services as it often tends to be concentrated in rural areas. For example, approximately four out of five Rwandans live in these rural areas and on average need to walk three hours to receive the proper care they need. SC Johnson, makers of Raid®, has been working to find ways to help in the fight against malaria through the creation of sustainable programs.

For more than 60 years, SC Johnson has been demonstrating its leadership in insect science research, and for the last decade has specifically focused on preventing mosquito-borne disease with prevention tools that maximize social impact and help strengthen communities. From this, the Closer to Care initiative emerged.

Impact of Closer to Care

Working closely with the Society of Family Health Rwanda and the Rwanda Ministry of Health, SC Johnson, makers of Raid®, has been bringing health posts to some of the most remote areas of Rwanda. Over the past five years, they have built 76 of these health posts, which diagnose, treat and prevent malaria for more than 1 million people in the region. Real time population data has been used to pinpoint where people need care most to bring down the average walk-time to receive care down from three hours to just 30 minutes. Since the introduction of these health posts, Rwanda has also seen its mortality rates decrease by 89%.

Bringing economic development to Rwanda

Oftentimes, in areas where the health posts do not exist, family and other community members, especially women, have been on the frontlines fighting against malaria. The time they spent caring for their communities made it nearly impossible to secure consistent work, severely impacting their economic growth.

Beyond providing access to healthcare resources, these health posts boost the local economy by creating jobs. With each health post built, there is a need for added infrastructure, such as convenience stores and additional housing. This stimulates job creation in two ways — people who can help build, as well as those who can staff the new businesses in the community. SC Johnson, makers of Raid®, has also implemented an educational program known as Certified Care. Through this program, women in the area are formally trained to receive certification as Community Health Workers, providing them with a living wage.

If you would like to support the fight against malaria, share the Closer to Care mission to help bring awareness to this issue and ensure healthcare access continues to be provided to those communities who need it.

Sculpt and Tone with truBody by Cutera


(BPT) – Wouldn’t it be great to hit the beach with a more toned and refined body without taking medications, yo-yo dieting, or constantly hitting the treadmill?

Enter truBody® by Cutera, two multi-award winning technologies that are safe, effective, and non-invasive to help you achieve a slimmer and more toned shape without the surgical downtime. truBody can help deliver a customized body sculpting solution with the guidance of a treatment provider to help you reach your personal body goals.

truBody offers cutting-edge body sculpting treatments developed to help reduce fat and tone muscle without invasive procedures or downtime. truBody combines two powerful technologies to target stubborn fat1 and tone and firm muscle.2 Designed to help reduce fat on your trouble spots with truSculpt, and to tone and strengthen your muscles with truFlex, each treatment boasts quick 15-minute sessions making it a convenient option.

“truSculpt damages fat cells using heat, the damaged fat cells are then eliminated from the body naturally1,3,4 while truFlex delivers the equivalent of 54,000 crunches to strengthen and tone multiple muscle groups2,” says Dr. Nina Patel, Founder of Renew Wellness Center in Sugarland, TX. “The unique muscle stimulation technology of truFlex features adjustable intensities to strengthen, tone, and to help achieve the personalized treatment my patients desire2.”

“One of the most appealing aspects of truBody is its convenience and efficiency. Each treatment session typically lasts around 30 minutes, making it easy to fit into even the busiest schedules. And because truBody is non-invasive, there’s little to no downtime — you can return to your daily activities immediately after your session,” adds Dr. Patel.

During a truBody session, the truSculpt treatment delivers controlled radiofrequency energy deep into the tissue. This energy gently heats the fat cells, causing them to break down and be naturally eliminated by the body over time.

Dr. Jennifer Lee, Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Pacific OBGYN & Aesthetics in Newport Beach, CA, is impressed with the truBody technology. “Many patients begin to see results after just one session, with optimal results typically achieved within a few months. As the treated fat cells are gradually flushed out of the body, my patients notice a slimmer, more sculpted silhouette emerging.”

“Whether my patients want to reduce love handles and belly fat or strengthen and tone their abs, thighs and glutes, truBody can help them achieve the body they want,” says Dr. Lee. “truBody is a favorite of my patients of various ages and fitness levels. Its visible results and high satisfaction rates in my practice perfectly align with our dedication to offering comprehensive care for men and women at all fitness stages.”

Unlike other treatments that only target specific areas, each truFlex and truSculpt treatment is customizable to an individual’s body. truFlex also has the ability to treat multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the abdomen, thighs, glutes, and obliques.3

Don’t let stubborn fat or the plateau effect hold you back from feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. With truBody by Cutera, you can finally say goodbye to stubborn fat cells, build muscle and say hello to a slimmer, more sculpted you.

To find a truBody provider near you, visit https://yourtrubody.com/en-us/find-a-provider/

Important safety and risk information about truSculpt and truFlex is available by contacting Cutera at www.cutera.com/us-en/global-offices. Patients should talk to their healthcare provider.

1. truSculpt Clinical Guidelines, Cutera, Inc.

2. truFlex Clinical Guidelines, Cutera, Inc.

3. Data on File. Cutera, Inc.

4. Napekoski KM, Ronan SJ, Pocock GM. Inflammatory and adipocyte cell death response following a single 15-minute monopolar radiofrequency treatment [white paper, Cutera Inc.]. 2018.

4 ways the latest tech can boost your spring home projects


(BPT) – Spring is all about renewal — whether that means cleaning and organizing your house, or making improvements that enhance your home’s efficiency and security. Thanks to the latest technological innovations, you can find a variety of ways to improve many of the processes you use daily in your home.

Here’s how technology can make revamping your household systems a breeze.

Not your parents’ vacuum

If you’ve dreamed of automating household chores to free up time for things you love to do, the Eufy Omni Robot Vacuum S1 Pro is the answer. This new robot vacuums, mops and self-cleans, and can be controlled through its app with features like multi-floor mapping, spot cleaning, customized cleaning modes, scheduling and setting no-go zones. The Omni Robot Vacuum S1 Pro combines efficiency with compact design to blend unobtrusively into your home as it cleans with an impressive 8,000 Pa suction power.

But it doesn’t stop there — it also comes with a TurboWash Roller Mop which rotates at a speed of 170 RPM, designed to mimic the action of human scrubbing to remove tough dirt and stains. This TurboWash Roller Mop also cleans the mop as it cleans the floor. This is achieved by harnessing water’s dynamic power by creating a water circulation system that uses air pressure for smart water absorption and drainage — allowing the robot vacuum to efficiently clean the mop with fresh water, while swiftly collecting wastewater in the sewage tank.

Best yet, the unit comes with 3D MatrixEye™ Obstacle Avoidance and Navigation, 3D MatrixEye Depth Perception System and TrueCourse™ Mapping, all helping it deftly maneuver around obstacles, pets and kids as it cleans. Thanks to its Uniclean Station charging base, the robot docks at the Omni Station to automatically empty the dustbin, which can go up to 68 days before needing a bag change. It disposes of wastewater and cleans mopping pads using a built-in Eco-Clean Ozone™ generator, drying them with hot air to inhibit bacterial growth and odors. It then refills with a cleaning solution to be ready for the next use.

This new product is available for pre-order at a discount on Kickstarter, to be available for purchase in May 2024 on eufy.com.

Level up your energy storage capability

If you already have solar panels or are planning to install them, it’s crucial to consider the best way to store the energy your panels generate. The Anker SOLIX X1 Home Energy Storage System is a modular battery wall system that can be expanded from 5 kilowatt-hours (kWh) up to 180 kWh. The average American home uses 899 kWh of energy per month, so 30 kWh is about the amount of energy needed to power a home for one day.

You can store solar energy during the day for nighttime or off-grid use. The system’s InfiniPower™ Thermal Performance allows for a continuous power supply at 1.1 times the rated output, and it’s built to function in extreme heat and cold. The X1 is designed to redefine backup power for homes, bringing you energy savings and freedom — so you’ll be ready for spring and summer storms.

Bedside charging with style

Simplify and streamline charging of multiple devices using a sleek, aesthetically pleasing “tree-like” charging station that allows seamless, and wireless, charging for your iPhone, Apple Watch and AirPods, all at once — and significantly faster at up to 15 watts for the latest Qi2 devices. The Anker MagGo Wireless Charging Station (3-in-1 Stand) comes with a 40W USB-C charger, 5 feet USB-C to USB-C cable, welcome guide and a 24-month warranty. Anker’s Proprietary ActiveShield technology monitors temperatures over 3,000,000 times per day to ensure the safest charging. Efficiency never looked so good on your bedside table.

Revamp your security system with cutting-edge cameras

For greater peace of mind, consider upgrading to dual-camera devices from eufy Security, including the world’s first home surveillance mesh powered by local AI. The devices in eufy’s lineup feature both wide-angle and telephoto lenses, enhancing its surveillance capabilities. Wide-angle view helps reduce blind spots and covers more area in a single view, while telephoto viewing lets you see details clearly, including hybrid zoom to see better at a distance. With Dual Viewing you get the best of both worlds, seeing the wide-angle and telephoto feeds together.

The series also introduces eufy Security’s proprietary AI cross-camera tracking, a groundbreaking feature that seamlessly tracks people and events across multiple devices, giving you a single auto-edited video notification. All these features add up to improved safety and security for your property.

Embracing technology can mean making upgrades you may not have known were possible — helping your household run more cleanly, safely and efficiently every day.

Transform Your Home and the Planet: Mercury Insurance Offers Eco-Friendly Home Solutions This Earth Month


(BPT) – In these economically and environmentally challenging times, the cost of running a home is rising just as swiftly as interest rates. The costs associated with maintaining our homes are growing, driven by increases in energy prices and the escalating expense of non-sustainable building materials. Yet, Earth Month presents an opportunity to examine how we live. Mercury Insurance is assisting homeowners by offering practical ways to reduce their bills and their environmental impact.

“We’re highlighting the crucial role individual choices play in global sustainability,” said Steven Ward, director, strategic planning and ERM at Mercury Insurance. “By adopting eco-friendly home improvements, homeowners can decrease their environmental footprint while enhancing their home’s efficiency and reducing operational costs.”

Mercury Insurance is supporting these initiatives with discounts like the Green Home Discount, rewarding those who achieve Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) or National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) green certifications. Not all discounts are available in all states; please check with your local Mercury agent.

“These certifications are not just plaques on the wall — they signify a home’s reduced greenhouse gas emissions and lower resource consumption, which can also lead to savings on insurance premiums,” Ward explained.

Moreover, the Digital Discount encourages customers to reduce paper waste by opting for digital account management, further lessening the ecological footprint and aligning with modern, sustainable practices.

Homeowners looking to make a substantial impact might consider the following Mercury-recommended improvements:

  • Energy-Efficient Appliances: Installing ENERGY STAR-rated appliances can cut energy consumption by up to 30%, lowering energy bills (Source: U.S. Department of Energy).
  • Solar Panel Installation: Reducing reliance on fossil fuels through solar energy can decrease electricity bills by 50%-90% (Source: U.S. Department of Energy).
  • Water Conservation Measures: Equipping homes with low-flow fixtures and intelligent irrigation systems can save up to 50% in outdoor water usage (Source: Environmental Protection Agency).
  • Sustainable Building Materials: Opting for recycled content or responsibly sourced timber can reduce emissions by up to 50% and operational costs by up to 30% (World Green Building Council).

For those interested in embracing these eco-friendly improvements, visit mercuryinsurance.com or speak with a Mercury Insurance agent to discover if these initiatives are accessible in your state and learn more about the potential reductions in your insurance expenses.

Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week Advances Education, Screening & Care


(BPT) – Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a persistent, involuntary movement disorder characterized by uncontrollable, abnormal and repetitive movements of the face, torso, limbs, and fingers or toes. TD is associated with prolonged use of antipsychotic medication that may be necessary to treat individuals living with mental illnesses.

May 5-11, 2024, marks the 7th annual TD Awareness Week which encourages mental health advocates, healthcare professionals and the broader community to learn about TD. Talk to your doctor about periodic screenings for TD, how to recognize symptoms and ways to manage including treatment options at TalkAboutTD.com. Sponsored and developed by Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.

Seven things everyone should know about retina specialists


(BPT) – Healthy sight allows you to see all of the world’s wonders, and healthy retinas make healthy sight possible. When retinal disease strikes and a clear view of the world is replaced by a curtain-like shadow, central blurriness or straight lines that appear wavy, it’s critical to seek out the expert care uniquely provided by a retina specialist.

“Many retinal diseases have no symptoms in the earliest stages. Therefore, it’s critical to see a specialist with advanced training in the treatment of retinal conditions for those who are at risk. Once symptoms appear, one should see a retina specialist as soon as possible,” American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS) Foundation President Judy E. Kim, M.D., FASRS, said. “With a mastery of the newest and most sophisticated tools and surgical techniques available, retina specialists can often preserve and improve a patient’s vision, allowing them to get back to activities like working, driving and reading that can be challenging or impossible with impaired vision.”

Millions of Americans have retina specialists to thank for saving their vision from conditions such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy so they can see for a lifetime, but others who haven’t needed the care of a retina specialist may be in the dark about the advanced early detection and state-of-the-art treatments they offer. During May’s Healthy Vision Month, learn more about America’s retina specialists and the importance of the sight-saving care they provide.

  1. Retina specialists are medical doctors. There are many types of eye health providers, but not all have attended medical school. Retina specialists are among the most extensively trained and highly skilled eye care providers, having completed up to 10 years of advanced medical training to specialize in ophthalmology and sub-specialize in diseases and surgery of the retina.
  2. Retina specialists are physicians and surgeons. Retina specialists can treat many retinal conditions by administering medications, but most are also trained surgeons who perform surgical procedures on tissue thinner than a butterfly’s wing in the retina to treat issues such as retinal detachment and macular hole.
  3. Retina specialists treat two of the leading causes of irreversible blindness in the U.S. AMD and diabetic retinopathy are retinal conditions that affect more than 20 million people in the U.S. Both conditions can result in blindness, but if caught and treated early, a retina specialist can often save or improve vision in people with these and other retinal conditions.
  4. Retina specialists are responsible for sight-saving breakthroughs. Less than 20 years ago, many people diagnosed with common retinal conditions like AMD were destined to become legally blind. Today advances in the diagnosis and treatment of AMD and other retinal diseases made possible by retina specialists allow many patients to preserve their vision through personalized medical and surgical treatment approaches.
  5. Retina specialists have access to advanced retinal imaging. People who are at risk or experience symptoms of a retinal condition should visit a retina specialist’s office, which is equipped with cutting-edge imaging technologies, allowing for earlier diagnosis, closer monitoring and breakthrough treatment approaches that can help save sight. These state-of-the-art imaging technologies include optical coherence tomography (OCT), fluorescein angiography and ophthalmic ultrasound, just to name a few.
  6. Retina specialists treat adults and children. Some of the conditions retina specialists treat are more common in adults and older people such as AMD, diabetic retinopathy and retinal detachments. Children can also experience retinal conditions such as retinopathy of prematurity, affecting premature babies, and Leber congenital amaurosis, an inherited retinal disorder that can cause visual impairment in infancy. Retina specialists also care for children who experience eye trauma, and those diagnosed with retinoblastoma, the most common form of eye tumor in infants and young children.
  7. Find your retina specialist in just a few clicks. Find a retina specialist from the comfort of your own home or on the go with ASRS’s Find a Retina Specialist locator. Search the ASRS database of member retina specialists using a physician’s name or enter your country, city, state or zip code. Results are listed and shown on a map of your area. Access the search tool at FindYourRetinaSpecialist.org.

For more information about retina specialists and the conditions they treat visit SeeforaLifetime.org. Also, download and share these printable retina health resources in English and Spanish:

About ASRS

The American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS) is the largest organization of retina specialists in the world, representing more than 3,000 members in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and 63 countries. Retina specialists are board-certified ophthalmologists who have completed fellowship training in the medical and surgical treatment of retinal diseases. The mission of the ASRS is to provide a collegial and open forum for education, to advance the understanding and treatment of vitreoretinal diseases, and to enhance the ability of its members to provide the highest quality of patient care. Learn more at ASRS.org. Like ASRS on Facebook, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Twitter for the latest retina health information.

Green goodness: 4 reasons to love homegrown produce


(BPT) – Are you one of the 185 million Americans who garden? If not, it’s time to consider joining the crowd. Gardening can be an incredibly rewarding hobby, especially if you grow your own produce.

When you grow your own fruits and vegetables, you can taste the difference between a store-bought tomato and one you pick fresh from the vine. Still not convinced? Discover four ways you can benefit from growing your own food.

1. Savor the taste and the savings

Growing your own produce guarantees you have the freshest possible fruits and vegetables at the best price. Inflation is top of mind for most Americans, and one especially spendy category is groceries. According to a recent U.S. Census Household Pulse Survey analysis, the average household spending on groceries is $1,080 a month. That increases to $1,260 per month for a four-person household.

You can quickly curb your grocery bill by growing your own food. The National Gardening Association found that a 600-square-foot garden, which costs about $70 per year, can yield 300 pounds of fresh produce a year, worth $600. The return on investment is well worth the time, expense and effort you put into cultivating your garden. It’s a win for your wallet and your taste buds.

2. Add variety to your diet

Depending on where you shop, your selection of produce can be limited. However, when you garden, you’re in control of what you grow, so take the opportunity to expand your palate. With just a few packets of seeds, you can grow a rainbow of flavor in your backyard!

For example, Ferry-Morse, one of the leading and oldest gardening seed brands in the U.S., has a new Colossal Collection of seeds that will take your gardening to new heights this season. The collection features six seed varieties that will grow vegetables double the average size — or double the yield — for extra flavor, value and bragging rights!

The collection includes The Big Dill Cucumber, Jack’s Magic Pole Beans, Super Nacho Jalapeño Peppers, Beefed Up Beefsteak Tomato, Sasquatch Butternut Squash and Cinderella’s Ride Pumpkins. Not only do they taste good, but they also provide the most bang for your buck — for example, one pack of The Big Dill Cucumber seeds can grow up to $250 worth of fresh cucumbers. To start your culinary adventure in your garden, visit FerryMorse.com/Collections/Colossal-Seed.

3. Get a natural workout

Skip the gym and get your hands dirty instead! Tending to your garden is a labor of love and an engaging workout. As you nurture your garden, you’ll have to dig, plant, weed, water and harvest. Before you know it, you’ll have gotten your exercise in for the day and be one step closer to enjoying the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor. Best of all, you get to do this all in the fresh air under sunny skies!

4. Be inspired to try new recipes

When you grow your own produce, especially if you’re growing items you don’t usually buy at the store, you’ll be inspired to get creative in the kitchen. Tini Younger, a Next Level Chef season 2 contestant, was inspired by Ferry-Morse’s Colossal Collection to create a beef stir fry using Jack’s Magic Pole Beans.

Start by trimming your Jack’s Magic Pole Beans and combine them with chopped broccoli, bell peppers, onions, and minced ginger and garlic. In a bowl, season thinly sliced flank steak with garlic powder, onion powder, chile powder, salt, and pepper. Add a splash of rice vinegar and a tablespoon of cornstarch, mixing to combine.

Add vegetable oil to a pan or wok and place over medium-to-high heat. Place your sliced steak into your pan and cook for two to three minutes on each side or until brown. Remove your steak from the pan and add your vegetable mixture, cooking for four to five minutes or until crisp. Once your vegetables are cooked, combine them with your cooked beef and keep to the side until your sauce is ready.

In a separate bowl, start making your sauce by combining a one-quarter cup of soy sauce, a tablespoon of hoisin sauce, half a teaspoon of sesame oil, a tablespoon of your minced garlic and ginger, one-quarter cup of beef stock, two tablespoons of dark brown sugar, and half a tablespoon of cornstarch, which will help thicken your sauce.

Add your sauce to a large saucepan over medium heat and let it simmer for one to two minutes, stirring consistently. Once your sauce has thickened, add your cooked vegetables and steak to your pan and combine. Plate your stir fry over a bowl of rice, garnish with chopped green onions, cilantro, and a squeeze of lime juice, and enjoy!

These are just four wonderful reasons to fall in love with homegrown produce. This season and beyond, embrace the green goodness of growing a produce aisle right in your backyard. Happy gardening!

30+ Summer Stock-Up Styles under $13


(BPT) – It’s a goooood week: Carter’s, the #1 baby and children’s apparel* brand, just announced the start of its Spring Doorbuster Week sale. Five days, hundreds of insane deals and markdowns on essentials like bodysuits, Sleep & Play, tees, shorts, sets and more. We’re breaking down the deals and sharing 35 Doorbuster Week must-haves, all under $13.

$5 Bodysuits

This customer-favorite is a must for babies and new parents. After all, there’s a reason over 22 million bodysuits were worn and loved in the past year. Let’s talk features: Strong, long-lasting snaps that hold up after endless wear, wash, repeat cycles; overlap shoulders that expand over baby’s body for easy changes; 100% cotton that’s gentle on baby’s skin (plus no itchy tags!); and of course, all the fun graphics and loveable prints.

It’s no secret that babies go through multiple outfits a day. Bodysuits are the perfect go-to for their first (or fifth) outfit change and work great as a base for any outfit. We love these graphic styles for summer, on sale for $5.

The Cutest Ever Bodysuit

Best Buds With Dad Bodysuit

Bananas For My Family Bodysuit

Mommy’s Sunshine Bodysuit

$8 Sleep & Play

With hundreds of five-star reviews, the Five Star Sleep & Play™ is the most practical outfit for new babies. It’s known as the day-to-night, tummy time, nap time, anytime staple and comes two ways: The super quick 2way zip, which zips up from the feet so you don’t have to undress baby. And the snap-up, available in preemie up to 9 months.

The best part? The do-it-all style is now on sale for just $8 — the lowest price of the season — so be sure to add to cart.

Vehicles 2-Way Zip Sleep & Play

Hot Air Balloon 2-Way Zip Sleep & Play

Polka Dot 2-Way Zip Sleep & Play

Animal Print 2-Way Zip Sleep & Play

Floral Snap-Up Sleep & Play

$8 Skorts

Skorts for summer? Yes, please. The practical style lets kids be kids and can be dressed up or down. Pair the handstand skort back to any active tee or tank for gymnastics class; or throw on a graphic tee (kids’ styles on sale for $6!) over a cotton jersey skort — we love the functional drawstring feature! — for an outfit that can take her from school to birthday parties to weekend playdates.

It’s all about comfort-cute this summer, and skorts are guaranteed to be a season MVP.

Floral Print Handstand Skort

Striped Cotton Jersey Skort

Tie-Dye Cotton Jersey Skort

Heart Print Cotton Jersey Skort

$5 Toddler Tees

Let their personality shine with graphic tees. From playful toddler boy options to sweet styles perfect for your toddler girl. Pair with jeans, leggings or a skort, and you’ve got the perfect summer ‘fit in an instant.

Fun fact: Carter’s sells around 25,000 graphic tees every single day, making it one of their top-sellers year after year. Here’s what we’re eyeing during Doorbuster Week:

Chill Vibes Graphic Tee

Butterfly Graphic Tee

Toddler Pocket Jersey

Spring Days Graphic Tee

Rhino Graphic Tee

$10+ Licensed Tees

Plus, don’t miss Carter’s licensed tees marked down from $12 to $10 (toddler) and $14 to $12 (kids). Shop favorite characters, from Barbie to Bluey to Marvel and more, and snag a style you know they’ll love.

Toddler Spider-Man Graphic Tee

Toddler Bluey Graphic Tee

Kid The Little Mermaid Disney Princess Tee

Kid Barbie Tee

$5+ Shorts

So many shorts on sale! We’re talking price drops on Carter’s most-loved styles, including pull-on knit, athletic mesh and bike shorts. Grab a pair (or 2 or 3) of $5 toddler bike shorts in a fun summer print, and stock up on classic solid colors for an easy bottom that can pair back to anything in their closet. Don’t forget to snag big kid bike shorts in matching prints and styles, too; plus, their favorite athletic shorts (functional drawstring: check!) are on sale for $6, just in time for summer league tryouts.

$5 Toddler Bike Shorts

Geo Print Bike Shorts

Floral Bike Short

Striped Bike Shorts

Toddler Bike Shorts

$6 Knit Shorts

Pull-On Cotton Shorts

$6 Kids Shorts

Athletic Mesh Shorts

Bike Shorts

Pull-On Cotton Shorts

$10 Sets

This all-time parent favorite takes the thinking out of getting a little one dressed. Style the sets as they come or mix and match for endless outfit combinations. Either way, you’ve got an outfit in an instant.

Shop the 2-piece sets we’re loving for summer:

2-Piece Fruit Bodysuit Pant Set

2-Piece Striped Henley Bodysuit Pant Set

2-Piece Tropical Bodysuit Pant Set

2-Piece Flutter Bodysuit & Floral Pant Set

2-Piece Apple Peplum Bodysuit Pant Set

Shop Carter’s Spring Doorbuster Week in stores and online now through April 29!

*Source: Circana / Consumer Tracking Services, U.S. dollar share, 12 months ending December 2023