Cutting expenses in the new year? Here are 6 painless ways to do it


(BPT) – The new year is dawning. Are your resolutions in line? It’s the same every year, right? You set lofty goals — get up an hour earlier to exercise, eat healthier, organize your life, save money, whatever it may be. And by the end of January, those high-minded goals have slipped away. Sound familiar? Time magazine reports that a mere 8% of people who set New Year’s resolutions actually follow through on them.

Why? Maybe we set the bar too high. It’s too big of a change. Getting up an hour earlier every morning? Consider shooting for one day each week instead. Eating better at every meal? Why not just breakfast? Those are easy goals that people can sustain without too much pain. And that’s the key. It’s got to be relatively painless and give a good reward.

According to Statista, saving money was the most common resolution for 2024. Is there a way to cut your monthly budget and save money that’s painless enough to stick to it? Here are six suggestions.

Look at your cell phone plan. Are you paying too much? Is it time for a switch? Make a resolution to save on your wireless bill in 2025. Now through January 16, Xfinity Mobile and Comcast Business Mobile customers can activate a new line and get up to $830 off a flagship Apple, Samsung, Google or Motorola phone with eligible trade-in. New customers considering switching providers can get up to $500 to pay off their device.

Your coverage may expand too, even as you’re paying less for it. Did you know that 90% of smartphone traffic travels over WiFi, not cellular? With access to 23 million WiFi hotspots crisscrossing the nation, Xfinity Mobile and Comcast Business Mobile customers stay connected wherever they are. Bundling internet and mobile plans can lead to significant savings so it’s worth evaluating all your plans as you enter into 2025.

Reduce your subscriptions. Designate an afternoon to sit down and go through your subscriptions, especially the ones that come out of your account automatically every month. Many people don’t even remember signing up for some of them. Do you really need all of those news sites? What about that expensive weather app? How about all of your streaming services? You can easily save money by cutting content you don’t actually use. Or, get started with Xfinity StreamSaver that combines Netflix, Peacock and Apple TV+ for just $15 a month.

Track your expenses. There are many apps out there designed to help you track your spending. Your bank may even have one on its mobile app. Throughout the month, pay attention to what you’re spending. By being mindful, you’ll identify areas to cut back. Some of what you’re spending might surprise you. $500 on restaurant meals last month? $200 on lattes? Just cutting out your daily coffee shop run can make a dent.

Evaluate transportation costs. After housing, transportation makes up the largest share of an average person’s monthly expenses. That’s taking into consideration a car payment, gas, car maintenance and everything else associated with getting from point A to point B. You can’t do anything about fixed costs like your payment, and you can’t do anything about gas prices. But you might consider cutting down on how much you drive. Can you work at home a few days each week? Is it possible to use public transportation more?

Vow to reduce impulse buying. Do you scroll in the middle of the night and come upon something you simply must have? Vow to sleep on it. Ditto for impulse buys at the grocery store or retailer. If you walk into the grocery store for half-and-half (for the coffee you’re making at home instead of buying at the coffee shop) and come out with a cart filled with gourmet cheeses, a pomegranate and seven avocados, it’s time to reduce those impulses.

Create a budget. With your savings and new habits in place, it’s time to think about a monthly budget. Start with your fixed expenses like housing and transportation, utilities, cell phone and internet and credit card payments. Now move on to your extras, like entertainment, groceries and clothes. How much are you saving each month with your new habits?

To find out more about saving by switching to Comcast’s Xfinity Mobile or Comcast Business Mobile, visit to learn more.

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