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In celebration of National Hot Dog Month, Oscar Mayer is on a mission to get a better hot dog in every hand and recently introduced Super Hotdogger (video), the newest member of the iconic WienerFleet. Super Hotdogger is the world’s first-ever JetPack-powered, high-flying hot dog hero who stops at nothing to deliver better Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs to the hands of hot dog lovers.
Inspired by Super Hotdogger, Food Network Star and Sandwich King Jeff Mauro is giving hot dog lovers even more ways to enjoy a better dog by creating three delectable recipes. Scroll below for the recipes.

Last summer, Oscar Mayer furthered its commitment to better hot dogs by removing added nitrates and nitrites except for those naturally occurring in celery juice, by-products and artificial preservatives from its hot dogs. Now, with the help of Super Hotdogger, it’s literally elevating its mission to get a better hot dog in every hand.